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Hal's Prefab Editor


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[QUOTE=Magoli;646717]Looks like a 1to1 copy to me - also didnt catch any wrong block or rotation. Great job Hal When A16 drops I immediatly begin to test if the converter converts 1:1 - even the strange blocks Iam gonna tell u the results then Hal @SnowDog1942: Yes - I try to let the CP life on[/QUOTE] Cheers Mag. Yeah just shout if you find anything that needs updating. I'll update the converter and put a new version out. [QUOTE=SnowDog1942;646832]I love you guys. I think I know the answer but these prefabs wont contain sleepers right? Amazing work by the way[/QUOTE] No, I think the sleepers will be controlled through the XML file that goes along with the TTS so it'll need updating to add sleepers
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[QUOTE=HAL9000;647381]I've just had a look the XML and it's definitely doable. It's a bit like adding the spawning XML from old alphas[/QUOTE] Nice !!! ofc I will add sleepers if its done so easily via prefabs-xml's. I read Zoning is back and working in A16. Controlled by the rwgmixer by setting areas for it. Is ZONING (Residential,Commercial,Industrial) working like in early times via prefab's-xml's ? Cheers
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[QUOTE=Magoli;647505]Nice !!! ofc I will add sleepers if its done so easily via prefabs-xml's. I read Zoning is back and working in A16. Controlled by the rwgmixer by setting areas for it. Is ZONING (Residential,Commercial,Industrial) working like in early times via prefab's-xml's ? Cheers[/QUOTE] Yeah it looks like it's the same with at least one new option of "downtown" [QUOTE=SnowDog1942;647570]This is great news. The reason why i asked about sleepers is that it seems like they nerfed street zombie counts in A16. A city full of non sleeper prefabs could be boring :( I really hope they increase the roaming zombie counts for stable[/QUOTE] It'll be changable in XML for the biomes I presume [QUOTE=Laz Man;647635]Can we still add static zombie spawns to prefabs? One complaint going around the forums are no zombies in streets. Im assuming TFPs removed all zombie spawns from POIs now that the sleeper system is in.[/QUOTE] You'll have to ask Pille about that ;) The code/option to save zombies in prefabs is still there though
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[QUOTE=mythan;650290]A converter for A15 to A16? Yes plz! HAL9000, is it available for public consumption yet? ;) The front page only lists the A14 converter.[/QUOTE] Indeed it is! Links in the OP are updated PREFAB CONVERTER (move between alphas) [URL="http://7d.l9000.co.uk/SDTDPrebabConverterA15A16.zip"]Prefab Converter[/URL] [URL="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XShVZZFHwb4&feature=youtu.be"]and a video on how to use it[/URL] Have fun guys, let me know if you spot and showstoppers. The bbb stuff will be a few more days but I think everyone will be playing rather than modding for a while If it works well for you don't forget to drop by and say thanks to the Pimps - and specifically Gazz - as his rotation conversion table is a large reason why the converter has been able to do what it does.
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[attachment=1137:name] Now I know some of my prefabs had some of the old static entity spawners but I'm struggling to actually find them within the prefabs themselves. The editor is showing the two additional entities it created for the ID's in the entity list but after scouring a few prefabs layer by layer and spawning those sections in only it's still causing the null ref. **edit Found the tool under global functions, gonna give that a whirl as it seems to have pulled up a massive list in it's test (strangly enough quite a few in the new prefabs), just need to shift my stuff to a custom folder so the vanilla is not affected.
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[QUOTE=Slaan;650677][ATTACH=CONFIG]20614[/ATTACH] Now I know some of my prefabs had some of the old static entity spawners but I'm struggling to actually find them within the prefabs themselves. The editor is showing the two additional entities it created for the ID's in the entity list but after scouring a few prefabs layer by layer and spawning those sections in only it's still causing the null ref. **edit Found the tool under global functions, gonna give that a whirl as it seems to have pulled up a massive list in it's test (strangly enough quite a few in the new prefabs), just need to shift my stuff to a custom folder so the vanilla is not affected.[/QUOTE] Hi Slaan, My editor won't work for A16 prefabs, you won't be able to save them as it doesn't know how to read and write the new painting system and some of the meta masks have changed. The nearest I'd be able to get is to remove any entities that are saved in the prefab during the conversion. Let me know if you need this and I'll add it in.
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[QUOTE=HAL9000;650986]Hi Slaan, My editor won't work for A16 prefabs, you won't be able to save them as it doesn't know how to read and write the new painting system and some of the meta masks have changed. The nearest I'd be able to get is to remove any entities that are saved in the prefab during the conversion. Let me know if you need this and I'll add it in.[/QUOTE] I think it would be a useful function, I know there's a few prefabs in the compo pack alone that use the static spawners but they can be removed via the editor all at once anyway (my edit was me finding that under the global functions). after conversion I've managed to load up a section in navesgane, and there are defo some blocks/rotations out, the bigger issue I have atm is trying to generate the hub in random gen, null ref's still within the hub area even tho it all generates in the previewer (minus sexy mesh model). The xml that was attatched to the new prefabs has a lot of new parameters, maybe they are the cause (or lack of them). I can make a list of id + rotation pre and post 16, but doing it via a single piece at a time of a 150 section prefab is pretty time consuming.
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[QUOTE=TopMinder;651005]I insert some converted buildings in the rwgmixer.xml of A16 experimental, but non of them are build in. Could it be that there are missing the .mesh files, or can´t we mod the experimental ? Sry for my english ^^[/QUOTE] Hello TopMinder, I'm not really that good with the mixer but I don't think missing a mesh would affect anything. A lot of the prefabs don't have meshes. Modding should be same as before but there may be new/changed options now [QUOTE=Slaan;651023]I think it would be a useful function, I know there's a few prefabs in the compo pack alone that use the static spawners but they can be removed via the editor all at once anyway (my edit was me finding that under the global functions). after conversion I've managed to load up a section in navesgane, and there are defo some blocks/rotations out, the bigger issue I have atm is trying to generate the hub in random gen, null ref's still within the hub area even tho it all generates in the previewer (minus sexy mesh model). The xml that was attatched to the new prefabs has a lot of new parameters, maybe they are the cause (or lack of them). I can make a list of id + rotation pre and post 16, but doing it via a single piece at a time of a 150 section prefab is pretty time consuming.[/QUOTE] Hey Slaan, yeah if you can give me the list I'll see if I can plug it into the converter. I think Mag is looking at this stuff too so you two may want to share the workload. I'll add an option to remove the entities as well. What's the null ref error? Can you paste it here? It should point to the area thats causing the issue. [QUOTE=Pille;651181]Thanks Hal. The converter works fine for me. :)[/QUOTE] Good to know, thanks Pille
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Just released a quick update for the converter to sort out the chair rotations (thanks Mag!) @Slaan - I had a look at the code and the entities aren't copied when converting. I think the problem is you're trying to load an A16 prefab into the editor - that won't work anymore. It may look like it does but it'll actually be screwing the data up in the backend as the editor is trying to read the paint data as entities [QUOTE=TopMinder;651399]Hi, in my second try i installed 7 Days new, all prefabs are correctly loaded. Don´t know what was the error. Very good converter, only small things to change like the poles and some roof edges. Thx for this fantastic program.[/QUOTE] Ok, thanks for the update TopMinder.
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[QUOTE=Gazz;651465]I can't claim all the credit. ;) Rick and Joel did all the model rotation changes. Bur yes, lots of data was moved, too...[/QUOTE] Then thanks to Rick and Joel too! I think it'll help a lot of prefabs make the move
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[QUOTE=HAL9000;651492]Then thanks to Rick and Joel too! I think it'll help a lot of prefabs make the move[/QUOTE] It's a blessing modders are considered at this stage, although building new prefabs is gonna kick off big time with all these textures and shapes and truely become it's own thing. With regards to my issue tho hal I can't help but think I've either went full potato somewhere or it's perhaps something related to the custom hub code/rwgmixer or the new style of xml the prefabs use. I have a mixer here that uses the default custom hub test code to spawn a single prefab with a simple road surround, I've tried this replacing the custom prefab with one of the new skyscrapers (the only difference is you get the mesh in the previewer, error is same), both cases the previewer shows the small hub with the prefab but as soon as it loads the game and you try go anywhere near the it hammers you with the null error. [URL="https://www.dropbox.com/s/1lms926ek113el8/output_log__2017-06-11__23-32-44.txt?dl=0"]Output[/URL] [URL="https://www.dropbox.com/s/y0k5jz08wcpa3mc/Prefab.7z?dl=0"]Converted prefab[/URL] [URL="https://www.dropbox.com/s/jjotoyn8741b3ci/rwgmixer.xml?dl=0"]rwgmixer[/URL] (needs the prefab adding) I can spawn the custom prefab in nav without issue, post conversion the tts file seems ok other than some rotation stuff etc
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[QUOTE=Slaan;651588]It's a blessing modders are considered at this stage, although building new prefabs is gonna kick off big time with all these textures and shapes and truely become it's own thing. With regards to my issue tho hal I can't help but think I've either went full potato somewhere or it's perhaps something related to the custom hub code/rwgmixer or the new style of xml the prefabs use. I have a mixer here that uses the default custom hub test code to spawn a single prefab with a simple road surround, I've tried this replacing the custom prefab with one of the new skyscrapers (the only difference is you get the mesh in the previewer, error is same), both cases the previewer shows the small hub with the prefab but as soon as it loads the game and you try go anywhere near the it hammers you with the null error. [URL="https://www.dropbox.com/s/1lms926ek113el8/output_log__2017-06-11__23-32-44.txt?dl=0"]Output[/URL] [URL="https://www.dropbox.com/s/y0k5jz08wcpa3mc/Prefab.7z?dl=0"]Converted prefab[/URL] [URL="https://www.dropbox.com/s/jjotoyn8741b3ci/rwgmixer.xml?dl=0"]rwgmixer[/URL] (needs the prefab adding) I can spawn the custom prefab in nav without issue, post conversion the tts file seems ok other than some rotation stuff etc[/QUOTE] Yeah even with my limited prefabbing skills the painting system has been a lot of fun to play with! Hmm... that error is being thrown in the distant terrain part of the code. Maybe that adds something to TopMinder's thoughts on it. Though he said restarting from scratch sorted it for him. When the bbb codes are out it should help shine some light on it. I'll see if I can get it out over the next couple of days
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HAL hi long time no see or talk. I just want to say thanks for all the hard work you have dedicated to this game and to devoting your spare time into the editor you created and built. As mentioned elsewhere it is hard not to miss your editor in the future. Just wanted to say thanks for adding so many hrs of fun and giving Us the chance to showcase our prefabs/bases to the world thru your genius editor :-). Stallionsden
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