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Hal's Prefab Editor


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[QUOTE=HAL9000;651601]Yeah even with my limited prefabbing skills the painting system has been a lot of fun to play with! Hmm... that error is being thrown in the distant terrain part of the code. Maybe that adds something to TopMinder's thoughts on it. Though he said restarting from scratch sorted it for him. When the bbb codes are out it should help shine some light on it. I'll see if I can get it out over the next couple of days[/QUOTE] I'm gonna start the process again, purged everything and will convert just a few prefabs rather than my full folder (rocking over 2000 prefabs) just to double check, but after seeing that one section loaded up in nav Im sure the prefab is probably ok and something else is amiss. I'll see how Magoli and others get on with using the mixer to spawn in their prefabs, there might just be a new trick to it we need to learn. Cheers for taking a look Hal, I'm itching to just sit back and get the build on but if the issue is not really the prefab then hopefully it's something that can be fixed/corrected before the end of the experimental build.
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[QUOTE=stallionsden;652047]HAL hi long time no see or talk. I just want to say thanks for all the hard work you have dedicated to this game and to devoting your spare time into the editor you created and built. As mentioned elsewhere it is hard not to miss your editor in the future. Just wanted to say thanks for adding so many hrs of fun and giving Us the chance to showcase our prefabs/bases to the world thru your genius editor :-). Stallionsden[/QUOTE] Hey Stallionsden, Thanks, it's been fun doing the editor and seeing the communities work getting shared. Now the painting is in I can't wait to see what you guys come up with! [QUOTE=Slaan;652173]I'm gonna start the process again, purged everything and will convert just a few prefabs rather than my full folder (rocking over 2000 prefabs) just to double check, but after seeing that one section loaded up in nav Im sure the prefab is probably ok and something else is amiss. I'll see how Magoli and others get on with using the mixer to spawn in their prefabs, there might just be a new trick to it we need to learn. Cheers for taking a look Hal, I'm itching to just sit back and get the build on but if the issue is not really the prefab then hopefully it's something that can be fixed/corrected before the end of the experimental build.[/QUOTE] Yep, just remember not to run anything through the editor if you want it in A16. Mag and I were chatting last night and he's found some more block updates that could be done. Once I've got the list I'll add them in and do another release. Good luck with the upgrade ^^
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Aye the prefab is ok, added it most generously throughout the mixer and tracked it down in game. Seems the issue must be using the custom hub code to spawn it in. [URL="http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=945419531"]screenshot[/URL]
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[QUOTE=Slaan;652535]Aye the prefab is ok, added it most generously throughout the mixer and tracked it down in game. Seems the issue must be using the custom hub code to spawn it in. [URL="http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=945419531"]screenshot[/URL][/QUOTE] Can't help with that Slaan - I know nowt about the mixer but if I come across anything in the code that might cause it I'll let you know. @all - now the hotfix is out I'll look to get the bbb codes released. Should be by this weekend.
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Is possible to create "admin" claim zone? Hello, Hal! Sorry for errors, english is not my native language. So.. Is this possible - create a claim zone without claim block? I want to build small city on my RP server and want to protect it from destroing by players. With your tool is possible to create a claim/trader zones (or any another ways) to prevent blocks destroing in specific area? And players won't be kicked from this zone at night. p.s. I'm a programmer too, but I almost doesn't know C# (a little bit, more Java). Theoretically I can write my own server plugin, but I totally dont know how and where from to start. Is there api, documentation or something like that? Guides? Reading source code did not bring results. Thank you.
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[QUOTE=Pille;658087]Hi Hal, I just tried to spawn an entity in an A15 prefab using your editor but it didn't work for certain entities (e.g. traders). Any idea what I do wrong?[/QUOTE] I think traders are a special case and linked to blocks in the XML. Not sure you can spawn them in the normal way [QUOTE=Zaklinatel;658595]Hello, Hal! Sorry for errors, english is not my native language. So.. Is this possible - create a claim zone without claim block? I want to build small city on my RP server and want to protect it from destroing by players. With your tool is possible to create a claim/trader zones (or any another ways) to prevent blocks destroing in specific area? And players won't be kicked from this zone at night. p.s. I'm a programmer too, but I almost doesn't know C# (a little bit, more Java). Theoretically I can write my own server plugin, but I totally dont know how and where from to start. Is there api, documentation or something like that? Guides? Reading source code did not bring results. Thank you.[/QUOTE] Hello Zaklinatel, I don't think it's possible with vanilla or a the built-in mod API. The claim protection is pretty much hard-coded to go against a player profile. It would take something like SDX to add that functionality
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[QUOTE=HAL9000;657009]Got a map Gazz?[/QUOTE] No, but the blocks.xml from experimental b112 has all the "MergeInto" tags. I don't have more than that. =) Cobblestone frames don't need a replacements. I cant imagine anyone uses those in prefabs... [QUOTE=Guppycur;657953]Anticipate any more major block changes?[/QUOTE] No. Adobe jsut came up recently as a result of all the other changes.
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Update Time! REMOVED: Prefab Editor REMOVED: World Editor ADDED: A16 support (ish) ADDED: Prefab Mesh Gen ADDED: [SLEEPERS] flag to bbb ip This is an SP update only. No Dedicated DLL at the moment. We'll see if there's any bugs in SP before I update the MP one. You can see a [URL="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bcVdxilSpco&feature=youtu.be"]video on how to generate meshes[/URL] over on YouTube bbb ip now has a flag of [sleepers] to turn the sleepers into actual zombies. Not including this flag will spawn the sleepers in as blocks so you can work on the prefab. e.g. bbb ip !test 0 0 0 [sleepers] will spawn the prefab in with the sleeper volumes filled bbb ip !test 0 0 0 will load in the placeholder blocks so you can add/edit where sleepers could spawn Have fun, let me know if you find bugs. [QUOTE=Gazz;659239]No, but the blocks.xml from experimental b112 has all the "MergeInto" tags. I don't have more than that. =) Cobblestone frames don't need a replacements. I cant imagine anyone uses those in prefabs... No. Adobe jsut came up recently as a result of all the other changes.[/QUOTE] Thanks Gazz, that mergeinto did the trick nicely. The converter is updated in the OP with these changes
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Is it possible to 'unlock' some kind of 'prefab save' function for that empty world? I know you couldnt really build from scratch in there, but it would be an ideal environment to edit existing prefabs (or even starting a fresh build on a ready made air filled prefab with a ground layer) and as the meshes seem editable after the simplify (need to double check) before you export them I thought I'd enquire. I'm gonna have a mess around a bit more, see if it will save any edits before the simplify/combine/export, will be cool if it does work.
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[QUOTE=HAL9000;660109]Update Time! Have fun, let me know if you find bugs. [/QUOTE] Love how the editor buttons run away from the cursor! Am I safe to start building prefabs in game and exporting them to edit later once the prefab editor is running again?
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[QUOTE=Slaan;662773]Is it possible to 'unlock' some kind of 'prefab save' function for that empty world? I know you couldnt really build from scratch in there, but it would be an ideal environment to edit existing prefabs (or even starting a fresh build on a ready made air filled prefab with a ground layer) and as the meshes seem editable after the simplify (need to double check) before you export them I thought I'd enquire. I'm gonna have a mess around a bit more, see if it will save any edits before the simplify/combine/export, will be cool if it does work.[/QUOTE] Hey Slaan, Not sure, I haven't really messed around with it much. But with the Edit mode enabled it may add some extra options to the built in functions for adding/editing prefabs [QUOTE=N3oL3C;662843]Hey Hal, Dave here. It is posible to download a version with Prefabeditor and Worldeditor for the A 15.2 Version ? The availeble downloads stopping at A14 Cya, Dave[/QUOTE] I'm sorry Dave, I'm afraid I can't do that... oh wait, yes I can. Link is in the OP [QUOTE=Batman!;662935]Love how the editor buttons run away from the cursor! Am I safe to start building prefabs in game and exporting them to edit later once the prefab editor is running again?[/QUOTE] I figured it was a little more entertaining than just disabling them ^^ You're fine to start exporting prefabs but there's no A16 version of this editor planned. Pille has a [URL="https://7daystodie.com/forums/showthread.php?62501-Prefab-Editor-(Alpha)"]working A16 editor though[/URL]
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[QUOTE=HAL9000;660109]Update Time![/QUOTE] Excellent work. I am planning to replace the complete landscape in Navezgane using prefabs (I known that's not the best approach. It's just for testing purposes). Do you think the prefab mesh generator is suitable for this task? Will I get a proper distant view?
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"prefab save" does indeed save the prefab, I managed to get it loaded back up too with the edits but im now getting some error spam in game, i think I still have some dodgy blocks, the converted sandbags and possibly destroyed concrete blocks I think are causing me some issues, some are invisible and saving them with the prefab command is possibly whats wrong. They show in pilles editor and even the invisible ones have new new sandbag01 id but I need to do a few more loads without them to make sure it was them.
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[QUOTE=Pille;664795]Excellent work. I am planning to replace the complete landscape in Navezgane using prefabs (I known that not the best approach. It's just for testing purposes). Do you think the prefab mesh generator is suitable for this task? Will I get a proper distant view?[/QUOTE] the nav terrain is overwriting the meshes but as long as they are suitably placed that shouldn't be a huge issue, otherwise they look pretty good so far. Replacing the hills and such with prefabs could work but the low poly mesh looks terrible compared to the voxel terrain and water looks pretty bad too, for small areas where it can't be helped it'll be fine, but for massive landscaping... that's gonna look bad in the distance.
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[QUOTE=Pille;664795]Excellent work. I am planning to replace the complete landscape in Navezgane using prefabs (I known that's not the best approach. It's just for testing purposes). Do you think the prefab mesh generator is suitable for this task? Will I get a proper distant view?[/QUOTE] You'd get a distant view but it doesn't render terrain textures so it'd look kind of off I think. All distant meshes are also limited to the Unity mesh limit of 65k verts. Sounds a lot but when you start getting complicated shapes it adds up quickly [QUOTE=Slaan;664806]"prefab save" does indeed save the prefab, I managed to get it loaded back up too with the edits but im now getting some error spam in game, i think I still have some dodgy blocks, the converted sandbags and possibly destroyed concrete blocks I think are causing me some issues, some are invisible and saving them with the prefab command is possibly whats wrong. They show in pilles editor and even the invisible ones have new new sandbag01 id but I need to do a few more loads without them to make sure it was them.[/QUOTE] Ahh nice, another handy tip! Does the world save when you exit? Just thinking doing a bbb fa stone would give a flat world to use as a starting point. Yeah Mag told me about the broken concrete stuff last night. He's having a dig into it. If he finds some alternatives I'll stick them in the converter and release an update
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[QUOTE=HAL9000;664829]You'd get a distant view but it doesn't render terrain textures so it'd look kind of off I think. All distant meshes are also limited to the Unity mesh limit of 65k verts. Sounds a lot but when you start getting complicated shapes it adds up quickly[/QUOTE] Ok. :( Do you (theoretically) know how generate a proper distant view? So what does the game do to create it?
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That editor mode is quite powerful when coupled with pilles editor, I can modify things in one or the other and save/reload on demand. The ability to ingame edit and instantly save, switch to your editor do something save, re-load ingame blah blah.. without having to shut the client down or even leave the empty world. "prefab load" while in dm brings up another option panel, allows you to add a bedrock base to build on and I've a funny feeling some of the controls from Herphols editor might be in there as i had the random blue select block showing at one point. bbb claim brings up an error, my games have a region folde but no files so im guessing thats not an option, which is a shame as extracting is gonna be a pain, tho a custom made prefab base from the editor could be loaded up and worked on I reckon.
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[QUOTE=Slaan;664904]That editor mode is quite powerful when coupled with pilles editor, I can modify things in one or the other and save/reload on demand. The ability to ingame edit and instantly save, switch to your editor do something save, re-load ingame blah blah.. without having to shut the client down or even leave the empty world.[/QUOTE] So an option for an automatic reload (if another program e.g. Hal's modifies the prefab file) could be a good idea. What do you think?
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I'll post in your thread soon pille, your editor is a fine bit of work it's just taking some getting used to and I've still not done a huge amount of things that have required a lot of time with it. It's very little hassle atm to switch and use both atm, wait until I've had a chance to extract some big things and have a need to add/remove layers and tidy stuff up then I'll pick your brains to death for sure.
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