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a17 on release, that weekend you guys mention will we be able to play too?


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I've never understood why there are so many people upset about the streamers, it's 3 days. If you're so impatient that you can't wait 3 days extra then how do you even manage to play the game? Some things in this game do require a lot of patience. Now if they gave it to the streamers even a month ahead (which even that wouldn't be that bad unless your life literally revolves around 7d2d) I can see people being a little more justified in saying things about it, but as it is what's the big deal? We all wanna try A17 and see the new changes for ourselves but there are things to do other than 7D2D, guys. Calm down. BTW this wasn't necessarily aimed at the person who started this thread, it was aimed at the several people I've seen that say TFP is a bad company because they are giving to streamers 3 days early,I don't necessarily think they are a bad company but if I was to say they were it wouldn't be because of giving to streamers a few days early, stop it and go play something else until it's out or just drop the game and never come back.

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Gotta watch for 3 days. The streamers are basically a marketing event.


(I know, for those of us that already have the game, it's kinda pointless, but for those who don't have it, or gave up on it...)




Someone please explain me why a marketing event, that is obviously not targeted at people who already own the game, is the reason that people who already own the game can´t play it as soon as the streamers play it?


I rather play more A16 or another game than watching others play something i can´t have....


This doesn´t motivate me a tiny bit to suggest the game to people that don´t have it. Tbh it is a bit of a slap in the face of the people who already paid for this game that streamers that propably didn´t even pay for it, get it earlier and use it to make money.

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Someone please explain me why a marketing event, that is obviously not targeted at people who already own the game, is the reason that people who already own the game can´t play it as soon as the streamers play it?


Remember, you asked.


We have 116 streamers from all over the globe who have signed up to do this event for an estimated potential audience of over 2 million people. Two of our streamers have over 1 million subscribers each. Now, of course, not every subscriber is going to watch 7 Days to Die on that weekend but it can't be denied that we will have quite the marketing reach during that weekend and all for free.


Why for free? How did we get 116 streamers? Because the event is exclusive. We allow everyone to play and it isn't as exciting to them. Now maybe the truth is that it wouldn't matter and everyone who owns the game playing and any streamer that exists in the world who knows about it could stream and it wouldn't make any difference to the number of viewers for those streamers on that weekend.


A) It is all about perception and the excitement and desire for exclusive access to be able to show the game pre-release is why we will get top coverage that weekend. The streamers will be choosing to show our game and while some few gamers in the world don't enjoy spectating there are many who do and the streamers expect that having a deal like this will be beneficial to them.


B) It actually turns out based on data collected at the last event that an exclusive weekend deal really does make followers and subscriptions increase for the streamers and really did increase morale and community togetherness for those who participated.


So....since letting you and everyone else play at the same time would deflate the value of an exclusive event we aren't going to do that.



I rather play more A16 or another game than watching others play something i can´t have....


Your wish is granted. You may play more A16 or another game instead of watching the streamers. Let me just press this access code right here......There. All done. I hope you enjoy your playtime of whatever else you want to play during the stream event.


This doesn´t motivate me a tiny bit to suggest the game to people that don´t have it. Tbh it is a bit of a slap in the face of the people who already paid for this game that streamers that propably didn´t even pay for it, get it earlier and use it to make money.


I would hope your motivation to suggest the game to people that don't have it would be to play it with them rather than because a marketing event having to do with a segment of the gaming industry you don't care for, have no experience with, and want no part of-- doesn't include your participation.

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Well, i found that some people do unsubscribe from people who particpate in such events, especially from those who get cocky about the fact they get it earlier, and yes those streamers exist (dunno if 7d2d has such streamers tough). I do hope this trend is going on.


Not giving anyone advantages is imo a better way to show your affection towards your whole playerbase.


I never understood the "oooh it´s exclusive, so i gotta watch" motivation. Or the motivation to buy or use something only because it is exclusive. And tbh i find it quite stupid. Something beeing exclusive doesn´t make it better. Has a slight touch of masochism.


Now if only i also could get an answer on how the gamestage that can not be influenced by the player can replace a system where the player can choose freely.

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streamers that propably didn´t even pay for it, get it earlier and use it to make money.


Afaik every one of the streamers purchased the game. I suppose there may be a few that somehow got a free copy but it didn't have anything at all to do with the stream event. Mind sharing where you got that idea or is it pure smoke from your nether regions?

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Afaik every one of the streamers purchased the game. I suppose there may be a few that somehow got a free copy but it didn't have anything at all to do with the stream event. Mind sharing where you got that idea or is it pure smoke from your nether regions?


Giving streamers games for free so they promote them in exactly those events we are talking about here is business as usual. They didn´t get it somehow free, they got it from the devs. What did you smoke that you don´t know this?

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Giving streamers games for free so they promote them in exactly those events we are talking about here is business as usual. They didn´t get it somehow free, they got it from the devs. What did you smoke that you don´t know this?


Well, then you know that giving copies to gaming websites and magazines is also business as usual. Did you also write to ubisoft, EA, blizzard, paradox, cd project red, <your favorite developer>, ... that gaming magazines should not get free and early access to write about the games? Is that practice also a slap into the face of the customers or is it just a necessary practice to make a game known to as many people as possible?


The problem is you classify streamers as just fellow players. They are not. For a large part of the player base THEY are what gaming magazines were before the internet and gaming websites were the last 10 years. They are a marketing industry, a distributed industry that largly has replaced the centralized industry of a few magazine publishers.


I never understood the "oooh it´s exclusive, so i gotta watch" motivation. Or the motivation to buy or use something only because it is exclusive. And tbh i find it quite stupid.


True words, I'm absolutely in your camp on this. The last example is very much based in greed, the greed to have stuff others don't have. Still I differentiate between exclusive and time-exclusive. And also I think the time of exclusiveness is important. As a linux-user I have to contend with a lot of games beeing exclusive to windows. Getting a linux version half a year later may not be ideal but it is still a lot better than a game that never gets a linux version. And if that exclusivity were just 3 days I would not even notice that delay.


Marketing is a necessary evil for any company, but it is evil in any form: It includes lying, greed, bribery. A saint can't advertise :cocksure:

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Giving streamers games for free so they promote them in exactly those events we are talking about here is business as usual. They didn´t get it somehow free, they got it from the devs. What did you smoke that you don´t know this?


Every single member of our team owned the game before they signed up. We did not give a single streamer the game so they could join. That wasn’t a requirement but it just worked out that way.


We are giving each streamer three free copies of the game to give away to viewers during the event and some of them have matched or exceeded what we gave by purchasing more copies so they have more to give away as prizes.


Of course I, myself, got this very game using a steam gift card that was given to me Christmas 2013 so you probably don’t view me as a #truefan either due to leveraging my popularity with my dear Mother during a commercialized religious holiday to get this game without paying for it....

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Sorry, pApA^LeGBa 3 days more without the A17 is no big deal.


I've been playing since A14 and yes I love the game and I would like access as soon as I could get it, but no worries because I know these events DO bring in new players and with new players you get more stability within the community, more people on forums and more people modding and contributing to this great game.


When the game eventually is done I can see a lot of Modders taking the game to the next level.

Capturing some of the players who are like me (I generally don't play the horror games) and have some techinical ability to mod will greatly enhance the community and give life to this great game well after it has been completed.


And it doesnt matter to me if the pimps choose to market it the way they want, seems like they are doing fine.

It has been ongoing since 2013 and they are still hooking people like you with enough obsessive desire for the game that we can come on here and gripe about NOT getting it earlier... ;)

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Every single member of our team owned the game before they signed up. We did not give a single streamer the game so they could join. That wasn’t a requirement but it just worked out that way.


We are giving each streamer three free copies of the game to give away to viewers during the event and some of them have matched or exceeded what we gave by purchasing more copies so they have more to give away as prizes.


Of course I, myself, got this very game using a steam gift card that was given to me Christmas 2013 so you probably don’t view me as a #truefan either due to leveraging my popularity with my dear Mother during a commercialized religious holiday to get this game without paying for it....


you might notice that i said business as usual and not that TFP did this. And i said that they probably got it for free. probably. maybe google that word?


again, i wish questions about actual gameplay would be answered as fast as critical posts get bashed.

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Every single member of our team owned the game before they signed up. We did not give a single streamer the game so they could join. That wasn’t a requirement but it just worked out that way.


Unfortunately, I don't think this will sink in with the vocal few any more than the 3,765,291 other times you guys have had to say this. Actually, I've lost count. Has the team had to say this more often, or is it reiterating that the game was never intended or designed for more than 8-ish players?


Here's my $0.02 on the streamers:


Am I upset that the streamers get the game on a Friday and we don't until the following week? Not really. Sure I want to play it, but I figure after busting their asses to get it out, the Pimps deserve a weekend off before they dive back into the inevitable bug reports.


Will I watch the streamers? Nah. More power to them on figuring out how to monetize their gaming habits, but they do nothing for me... pretty much for the same reason I don't watch sports or ah, other entertainments. I'm a doer, not a watcher.




Since I apparently have to establish my bonafides for some to comment on this :rolleyes2: ... I bought two copies of the game 10/9/14, and have over 1400 hrs into it, making it the second longest-played game in my library according to Steam stats. So there you have it. I own the game, played it a long time, and I'm fine with streamers even though I won't watch them.

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Well, i found that some people do unsubscribe from people who particpate in such events, especially from those who get cocky about the fact they get it earlier, and yes those streamers exist (dunno if 7d2d has such streamers tough). I do hope this trend is going on.


Not giving anyone advantages is imo a better way to show your affection towards your whole playerbase.


I never understood the "oooh it´s exclusive, so i gotta watch" motivation. Or the motivation to buy or use something only because it is exclusive. And tbh i find it quite stupid. Something beeing exclusive doesn´t make it better. Has a slight touch of masochism.


Now if only i also could get an answer on how the gamestage that can not be influenced by the player can replace a system where the player can choose freely.


I know at least one streamer who does that I guess. It maybe only me tho and that's why I won't write that name. I just don't like that particular streamer and won't watch him/she/it. There are a lot to chose from.

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It comes down to valuing new customers over existing ones. Which makes a certain logical sense, people who own the game aren't spending any new money on it. But it's easy to see how we'd feel a bit annoyed over it.


Instead of feeling annoyed, I feel optimistic that new customers means more money that should translate to more development or another great game.


Perspective makes all the difference in the world.

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Giving streamers games for free so they promote them in exactly those events we are talking about here is business as usual. They didn´t get it somehow free, they got it from the devs. What did you smoke that you don´t know this?


So, now that you know the fact that NONE of the streamers were given the game lemme ask you. What are you smoking?


Btw, yes I know a lot of youtubers and streamers get free copies of games. But that is not the subject at hand. The subject at hand is THIS event and that is simply not the case here. This is NOT "business as usual". Time to make some wine with those sour grapes you're holding onto imo.

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Instead of feeling annoyed, I feel optimistic that new customers means more money that should translate to more development or another great game.


Perspective makes all the difference in the world.


we're basically a year out from release regardless of how much new money comes in.

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wowowowo guys am sorry i didnt mean this question to be a ♥♥♥♥storm of hate, i am not impatitent, i was simply asking becus i am surviving week 5 atm and i had a good run, so wondering if i should stop playing or continue :) so i continue i cant wait to sit and watch streamers play i love that ♥♥♥♥, duno whom think otherwise.. all i ever want is act 17 nothing else nothing more.. i rather want it now then in 2 weeks :/ i cant sleep.

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i really like the event, hopefully gonna bring more viewers to low viewers and prob few sales too. i understand why they would do this. and i cant wait for the big event! am sorry for starting an not so useful tread, didnt think there is people had to comment about the event in my tread instead of reading the announcement. mb ya'all. i jjust cait godamnit wait! i had a great idea 3 days ago but i kinda lost it now for now, but another idea


"idea" can we have some kind of end game beside the 7 days to die event? the hordes get huge and stuff, but people seem to outsmart it and surely doesnt feel like its an challenge, i never done it but ive seen few tactics on youtube and it seem to given up on the game and revisit when new acts comes out.. maby act 18 we can have behemoth or something for week 100+ like building concrete = ggwp so we need something to do either more dmg to structures or something i have no clue what you guys bringing in act 17 so.

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