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HDHQ - Textures/Lighting/Environment


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it works on a dedicated server, i had the same issue.... but i realized it was a Id10T problem.


ONLY install the one circled in RED as show in this pic, https://i.imgur.com/ETMi3Q0.jpg , and the xml's inside the config folder to the dedicated server.





As for compatibility with the unofficial xml fixes, i blended them this morning.



here is the mods xml's combined with the 3.70 version of the unofficial xml fixes.... MINUS the guns from the mod.


https://www.dropbox.com/s/4inpuaxve72t8yu/Config.rar?dl=0 (MD5 Hash 513D38DF8CAECAC331E5DE0A3969B783 )



as it is now i have it running completely fine on my dedicated server with everything but the the guns themselves installed.


Thank you so much for posting this.

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it works on a dedicated server, i had the same issue.... but i realized it was a Id10T problem.


ONLY install the one circled in RED as show in this pic, https://i.imgur.com/ETMi3Q0.jpg , and the xml's inside the config folder to the dedicated server.





As for compatibility with the unofficial xml fixes, i blended them this morning.



here is the mods xml's combined with the 3.70 version of the unofficial xml fixes.... MINUS the guns from the mod.


https://www.dropbox.com/s/4inpuaxve72t8yu/Config.rar?dl=0 (MD5 Hash 513D38DF8CAECAC331E5DE0A3969B783 )



as it is now i have it running completely fine on my dedicated server with everything but the the guns themselves installed.


This is great. Thank you so much. I'll link it in the OP with credit.


Im also loving how people are taking to this and taking what they want to use and not. Its exactly what I wanted to happen. Whether its the whole thing, just the lighting or just the textures.


If you choose to use this in a mod you are making, please feel free to do so, but please abide by the Terms in the 3rd post on page 1.

A note to modders: Please keep performance in mind, its up to you to also not tank it :)


- - - Updated - - -




I understand the importance of balance. And if this is a baseline, it's a damn good one. I gained on average 25 to 30 fps in the wilderness around trees. In the desert, my fps was well over 120 with your mod. In vanilla, I was getting around 75 to 95 which is still very respectable.


Also, I completely understand about this been a test release; I acknowledge that above in that wall of text up there. ; )


I wish you the best with it and hope you get help to put the config changes in modlet form. I'll be watching this mod like a hawk.


Great gains!


Thank you for the support.

Guppy had a great idea about separate tree packs for different rigs (like the textures 2K/4K) which I think I will pursue. Will take some time though.


Options to mix and match will be best way forward of quality vs performance for people.

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i may have messed up on the .xmls, when i downloaded to test them, it didn't seem work correctly, but i was doing in over teamviewer for a friends, and the copy + paste might not have taken correctly.


i've been very sick in and out of the hospital, so i'm real tired and out of it. Ill have to try to look over it again.


Personally i don't put out any mods, i only "fix" things for me any my Friends.

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Hapy new year!


Fireworks prevented sleep, so:


I used Meld (Diff-Tool) to find your changes and recreated them with xPath.

I am pretty sure I made no mistake, but I am quite tired, so there is probably one small typo or something.

Short testing showed no breaking bugs.


I don't recommend installing this!!

Thats why I didn't make it a complete modlet.


Hope it helps you, DUST2DEATH.

HDHQ xPath.zip

Edited by Akzyra
typo (see edit history)
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This should be a blend of the HDHQ pack and version 3.70 of the unofficial XML fixes


The HDHQ Guns/ammo loot were NOT included.

The HDHQ torch and Spotlight should be in and working.





there may be errors or oversights, its very very hard to think clearly right now, if anyone wants to take a look at it or fix something i missed, please do so!


:encouragement: i know some of you can do this in 5 minutes with your eyes closed. :tickled_pink:




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Hapy new year!


Fireworks prevented sleep, so:


I used Meld (Diff-Tool) to find your changes and recreated them with xPath.

I am pretty sure I made no mistake, but I am quite tired, so there is probably one small typo or something.

Short testing showed no breaking bugs.


I don't recommend installing this!!

Thats why I didn't make it a complete modlet.


Hope it helps you, DUST2DEATH.



at a quick glance it looks pretty good, i didnt see anything missing. you're definitely taking it the direction i would go in if i could. thanks for the start, im sure the community will work something out that we will all benefit from.






this mod has me wanting to start a new world so badly, its amazing, ESPECIALLY!! the mining.... now i can actually clearly see what im mining!

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Awesome work DUST2DEATH.


A simple thing I noticed when I reworked this into a modlet for my own use and wanted to quality check my work.


I noticed there are two instances of treeDeadPineLeaf in the wasteland whereas you remove one of them. So the question rise, did you remove one because there are two or did you want to remove that tree from the biome all together?

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This should be a blend of the HDHQ pack and version 3.70 of the unofficial XML fixes


The HDHQ Guns/ammo loot were NOT included.

The HDHQ torch and Spotlight should be in and working.





there may be errors or oversights, its very very hard to think clearly right now, if anyone wants to take a look at it or fix something i missed, please do so!


:encouragement: i know some of you can do this in 5 minutes with your eyes closed. :tickled_pink:





Hi TopAce6,


I tried your initial merge you posted and ran into several errors. It's all cool though. No biggy. We'll get something sorted.


@DUST2DEATH I started a new game on a prieviously created 16k map. The way the Pimps have implimented this new map system is quite incredible and very versitile. Anyways, I can edit your biome file and keep testing various levels of vegetation to find a visual balance. I'm only using blocks and biome files and have left out the gun part for now.


I moved the chance for grass and small palms to spawn in the Hardwood Swamp, by one decimal point. Now the Swamp is less busy. It's growing on me greatly. The large palms in desert towns are a wonderful inclusion. They just work so well with the environment.


When I dig for snow or dirt, the texture definition and blending, are... so beautiful. And the blending of desert into Wastland, Swamp and Alpine is so subtle, almost feathered. All in all, the more I run around testing this, the more I fall in love with it. I have still to explore the Alpine region.


This evening, on the outskirts of a small desert town, perched on top of my tiny flagstone fort, I watched the sun go down for the first time in years; marveled, at how the light dappled a warm spectrum across the landscape.


That's when I got it. I understand now. Thank you again DUST2DEATH.


I hope this year is kind to you all.

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Here you have the three xml's that are changed in the unofficial xml fixes and are a part of this mod, INCL weapons and all, merged together. (items, item_modifiers and recipes) Only did the same fixes as in Clockworks xml fixes, nothing else is touched. Just in case anyone wants those with the nice weaponskins still in the files, or Dust2Death want to include that in the mod instead of the vanilla ones :) If anyone wants the skinned weapons to include the stats increase based on quality lvl, just let me know and I can make a version with that included :)




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Here you have the three xml's that are changed in the unofficial xml fixes and are a part of this mod, INCL weapons and all, merged together. (items, item_modifiers and recipes) Only did the same fixes as in Clockworks xml fixes, nothing else is touched. Just in case anyone wants those with the nice weaponskins still in the files, or Dust2Death want to include that in the mod instead of the vanilla ones :) If anyone wants the skinned weapons to include the stats increase based on quality lvl, just let me know and I can make a version with that included :)




Thank you for doing this Quasimiyao. I would be very greatful if you could make the version based on quality lvl when you find the time.


Thanks again.

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Here's a version of Elucidus's Quality Effectiveness Bonuses modlet thats compatible with HDHQ :) Drop the folder into your mod folder as with any other modlet. I kept it as a modlet so it wouldnt mess with anyones game not using that modlet. I included all the original code aswell so, if running that modlet already, just swap the original with this one. I might post this in a new thread a bit later, gotta go walk the dog now :)


It will load after HDHQ since thats not a modlet as of now, so no need to worry about load order. If running a modlet version of HDHQ just remember its loading modlets alphabetically, and this have to load after HDHQ ;)



Quality Effectiveness Bonuses_HDHQ compatible.zip

Edited by Quasimiyao (see edit history)
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D2D, I can't seem to find your spotlight. The a17 ones are still so dim they are of limited use.


Ideally, I'd like the spotlights to have full rotation (not the limited) and to be the same light amount as the streetlights. In a16, I restored the ability to craft the streetlights and used those instead.


I was thinking I might be able to see what your replacement spotlights did, and use that as a base for ones that used electricity, like the vanilla ones.

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Here's a version of Elucidus's Quality Effectiveness Bonuses modlet thats compatible with HDHQ :) Drop the folder into your mod folder as with any other modlet. I kept it as a modlet so it wouldnt mess with anyones game not using that modlet. I included all the original code aswell so, if running that modlet already, just swap the original with this one. I might post this in a new thread a bit later, gotta go walk the dog now :)


It will load after HDHQ since thats not a modlet as of now, so no need to worry about load order. If running a modlet version of HDHQ just remember its loading modlets alphabetically, and this have to load after HDHQ ;)




You are awesome. :02.47-tranquillity:

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Here you have the three xml's that are changed in the unofficial xml fixes and are a part of this mod, INCL weapons and all, merged together. (items, item_modifiers and recipes) Only did the same fixes as in Clockworks xml fixes, nothing else is touched. Just in case anyone wants those with the nice weaponskins still in the files, or Dust2Death want to include that in the mod instead of the vanilla ones :) If anyone wants the skinned weapons to include the stats increase based on quality lvl, just let me know and I can make a version with that included :)




Theres a bug somewhere involving 1hp trees all over the place. Some trees that were 300hp are now 1200hp.


Not sure from which files. We installed the above and the default one coming with the HDHQ pack.

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I ran into teh same issue when i didn't start a new world, and added the xml files containing the HDHQ trees.

If you don't want to start a new save, then don't use the xmls with the blocks/trees. you'll just get the improved textures and lighting.... which is super amazing even without the new foliage.


I think its related to the "colliders" for the trees being generated at the initial/first generation/loadup on a new world/save.

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Awesome work DUST2DEATH.


A simple thing I noticed when I reworked this into a modlet for my own use and wanted to quality check my work.


I noticed there are two instances of treeDeadPineLeaf in the wasteland whereas you remove one of them. So the question rise, did you remove one because there are two or did you want to remove that tree from the biome all together?


Thanks Sir.

I removed it purely cause it was a double entry.


D2D, I can't seem to find your spotlight. The a17 ones are still so dim they are of limited use.


Ideally, I'd like the spotlights to have full rotation (not the limited) and to be the same light amount as the streetlights. In a16, I restored the ability to craft the streetlights and used those instead.


I was thinking I might be able to see what your replacement spotlights did, and use that as a base for ones that used electricity, like the vanilla ones.


HDHQspotlight is its name. For the items/seeds if you type HDHQ you will get all the items. The guns are all named gun[Model][Material] so gunPistolAnoBlue. gunAK47Gold etc.

How to make it powered, good question. I believe thats dll things at the moment.

How to make the existing on stealth proper, something Im still trying to work out.


If I install this one my computer and my wife joins does she need to install it also? I'm assuming so, but just checking


She will only need an install if you have the trees and xml files. If you just use the resources.assets/blocktexture/terraintexture bundles, she wont as that is all purely client side.


Theres a bug somewhere involving 1hp trees all over the place. Some trees that were 300hp are now 1200hp.


Not sure from which files. We installed the above and the default one coming with the HDHQ pack.


This is because world information is baked on new game. You will also still have junipers, dead shrubs and other items that will not clear until you start a new game.


The trees range from MtreeWoodSmall to MTreeWoodFull (1200HP).

Edited by DUST2DEATH (see edit history)
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Sorry for maybe a stupid question..

The mod is beautiful, but unfortunately it's too heavy for my pc for some reason. So I was wondering if there is any way to only get the other features such as the weapon tints and foods?


May I ask what specs you have and what settings you tried to play with?

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NVidia GeForce GTX 1060 6GB


Intel® Core i7-4790 CPU @ 3.60GHz


I've tried a bunch of different settings, but the main ones I need to have high without going mad are the textures and the trees. So I tried making everything low while keeping those all high and I do manage to get a stable fps, but then suddenly when I fight zombies or go into POI's, boom my fps drops down to 15-30.


I don't know what causes it :/

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