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Darkness Falls: They mostly come out at night...


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7 hours ago, meganoth said:

Wait: You started a new game with 60/40 and it immediately broke? While a new game with standard values for daytime is fine? That would be very surprising. 


Ah, I think I see the problem. You probably set the DayLightLength to 40. But that value is the number of in-game hours of the day with light. I.e. that value should never go above 23 or 24 because a day only has 24 hours


yep that is my issue thx. 


19 hours ago, KhaineGB said:

Honest answer? I have no idea

I fixed my issue by logging into a single player map and then the server. Idk why that stopped the null exceptions

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On 7/22/2021 at 9:41 AM, KhaineGB said:


1) Using farming as an example, that's fully documented in the journal. That no-one reads. There's a lot of info in the journal, in PERK DESCRIPTIONS (that no one reads) and also item descriptions (that people never seem to read)

Wait a minute....you took the time (and did the effort) to create a fully documented journal to describe and inform the player about the things you did in this mod; and yet, you still expect people to read it?  have you no decency sir?!?


Seriously, great work.  Doing these small details that don't affect the gameplay but helps the player (if they would actually read it of course) is the difference between a great mod and a so-so mod.

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I will 100% be honest. I'm SURE there's stuff i've missed in the journal. ;)

But no-one tells me. They just complain there's no wiki.

If I don't know what information needs to be made more obvious, then I can't add it to the journal (which is honestly what i'd prefer to do over a wiki as the info is then in-game).

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6 hours ago, KhaineGB said:

I will 100% be honest. I'm SURE there's stuff i've missed in the journal. ;)

But no-one tells me. They just complain there's no wiki.

Isn't it a survivial game ?

Learning by doing, i only start reading when something isn't working! 🙂


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On 7/25/2021 at 10:14 AM, Canute said:

Isn't it a survivial game ?

Learning by doing, i only start reading when something isn't working! 🙂


It doesn't matter at what time you are reading it, NOT reading at all is the problem. So KhaineGB should make a wiki with a FAQ where the answer to all of the questions is always "Check out the relevant section in the Journal". 😁

Edited by meganoth (see edit history)
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Quick question. About to play DF for the first time and as I’m looking though the df map selection, I noticed there’s a 1 and a 2 of them. Is there any notable difference between 1 and 2 I should take into consideration. Tried to find a answer to the else where but had no luck in finding one. 

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28 minutes ago, KhaineGB said:

1 maps use a custom RWG (which is included by default) and include compo pack POI's.

2 maps use a more vanilla-style RWG and no compo pack POI's. They tend to be lighter on RAM usage because of this.

Ahh I see now, that’s very important.  Thank you very much. 

I definitely want to play around with 1 maps :)


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Started up a game but haven’t got very far due to a slight inconvenience the toolbelt is causing me. Currently it’s 2 rows of ten slots, however the top right 5 are basically unusable as I can’t scroll onto them, but then the whole top row gets blocked of from use when I open my inventory. Preferably I’d rather just have one long row at the bottom like usual.  Any help on how to go about this? 

Also since jawoodle was brought up a bit ago. What’s the name of that ui/toolbelt he’s using in his current DF seires. Seen it before but could never find the name for it. Tho it’s not as nice looking as the sirillion but atleast the toolbelt is only one row

Edited by Yopo (see edit history)
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Ok folks. 19.6 went stable, so DF has been updated.


Darkness Falls V3.6


- Updated for A19.6b8
- Replaced the spiral library with a different version that should be less laggy on servers.
- Updated three08's elevator mod to fix some potential issues.
- Fixed Near Death Trauma tooltip annoyance.


Client (Gitlab/Launcher Primary Download): https://gitlab.com/KhaineGB/darknessfallsa19client/-/archive/master/darknessfallsa19client-master.zip
Server (Gitlab/Launcher Primary Download): https://gitlab.com/KhaineGB/darknessfallsa19server/-/archive/master/darknessfallsa19server-master.zip


Client (Gitlab/Launcher Alternate Download): https://dev.azure.com/KhaineUK/_git/DarknessFallsA19Client
Server (Gitlab/Launcher Alternate Download): https://dev.azure.com/KhaineUK/_git/DarknessFallsA19Server

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So, there seems to be some major issues with the updated client and server, but it's always possible it's just us. 


Client side, after updating with the latest DF A19.6b8 files, it just goes to the blank trees loading background (before loading to the initial menu screen), and sits there.


On the server side, my buddy is seeing TONS of "Err Loading prefabs xml" and other errors, and this is even after uninstalling the server, reinstalling, and recopying the the DF server zip contents into the appropriate location.


Is anyone else having issues like this? Here's a pastebin with at least most of the log file showing the errors. https://pastebin.com/4bvHpKJ9

Edited by Steve78 (see edit history)
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Just pushed a fix for it. Something was broken in sphereii-core.

Which is annoying because it worked FINE in b7.

I wish TFP wouldn't just push a build without putting it in experimental first so I can catch and fix stuff like this.

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7 hours ago, KhaineGB said:

Just pushed a fix for it. Something was broken in sphereii-core.

Which is annoying because it worked FINE in b7.

I wish TFP wouldn't just push a build without putting it in experimental first so I can catch and fix stuff like this.

Do we need to reinstall DF or does it update itself?

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A19.6 Darkness Falls NREs
I forgot to disable auto-updates and now, after A19.6 hit, I had to reinstall Darkness Falls again and copy again all the folders in the 7D2D folder.

I even started a new game, but I still got the errors sometimes.
Furthermore, I think it could depend on the fact I used a pregen map for DF.

Anyone else having trouble after the update?
Any hints on how to fix it?

Thanks :popular:
12 hours ago, KhaineGB said:

I downloaded from the main page of this same thread just an hour ago... is this the same link or do I have to re-download the mod again?


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3 hours ago, marshall7788 said:

Do we need to reinstall DF or does it update itself?


9 minutes ago, Jost Amman said:
A19.6 Darkness Falls NREs
I forgot to disable auto-updates and now, after A19.6 hit, I had to reinstall Darkness Falls again and copy again all the folders in the 7D2D folder.

I even started a new game, but I still got the errors sometimes.
Furthermore, I think it could depend on the fact I used a pregen map for DF.

Anyone else having trouble after the update?
Any hints on how to fix it?

Thanks :popular:

I downloaded from the main page of this same thread just an hour ago... is this the same link or do I have to re-download the mod again?


You're both likely going to need to redownload

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46 minutes ago, KhaineGB said:

You're both likely going to need to redownload


Now that I'm here... I didn't find anything in the notes on how to use a "Working Sink".

I crafted it, placed it and found out that it's actually a storage of some sort... now what? :confused2:

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