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Darkness Falls: They mostly come out at night...


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So, when I first made it to my trader I came to find that two guard captains had spawned, one standing right behind the other that was kinda glitched on top of a railing in back of the one that seemed like he was the appropriate one, figured was worth mentioning to look into in order to fix if possible.


Also, is the guard captain intended to have an inventory for sell? He has one also just like the trader that you can look through and buy stuff for me, however he will not buy anything from me though only sell.

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Been playing this abit, its a blast. Great mod.

Few issues ive encountered:


Clicking Robotic AP Ammo when its locked in the workbench caused an object ref error

Airdrops dont seem to work, i hear the plane for a second then nothing

Using certain recipes found such as the Chemistry station didn't seem to unlock it.


Other than that, it runs well considering the amount of content added.

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12 hours ago, KhaineGB said:

Hmmmm. It's odd cos it's working fine for me on here (just grabbed a fresh vanilla download, grabbed the git zip and patched)

Where are you downloading from? Maybe it's a download derp.



It would not shock me at all if the culprit is a download hiccup. I am not on the best connection in the world. Its going to take another 15-25 minutes to download and If one last try tonight doesn't get it I'll let Steam give me a fresh vanilla overnight tonight.


Issues aside, I'm spoiled. After so many hours playing DF I've started playing a vanilla navazgane A19 game and... well I sure do walk around alot (as opposed to DF: fighting zoms, exploring places or shrieking at the number of demonically possesed critters there are trying to eat me). :) It looks nice but the lack of laser weaponry has me pining for DF. pew pew!


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Fresh download, appears to be the same issue. Time to let steam do its thing and get some sleep. Night folks.


Done With Patching preferredItemSlots()
Patching preferredItemSlots()
Done With Patching preferredItemSlots()
 Loading Patch: Mythix_NovehicleBM+Mythix_NovehicleBM_Init
TypeLoadException: Could not resolve type with token 0100000e (from typeref, class/assembly Harmony.HarmonyInstance, 0Harmony, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null)
  at DMTChanges.HookHarmony () [0x00196] in <80884e85b8bc41dd9f30ce4ffc047727>:0
  at GameManager.Awake () [0x00000] in <d7c95f421d354b5e851d6f3126817769>:0
(Filename: <80884e85b8bc41dd9f30ce4ffc047727> Line: 0)

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6 hours ago, Yakov said:

Airdrops dont seem to work, i hear the plane for a second then nothing


If you play with airdrop markers, you can still head over to the drop. You won't find the box on the ground there, however as soon as you enter the area the airdrop will start coming down from the sky in its parachute. So you just have to wait a minute for it to land. Not sure if this system is intended, but it's at least still possible to get the drops. :)

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On 8/22/2020 at 7:10 AM, Glaston said:

Saw it mentioned on Steam forums .


Just tried it myself and had similar thing.


Using frames underground, if you pick them up you cannot place anything in that spot.


Bug or intended?


Not only frames but anything what can be placed and taken back to inventory - e.g sleeping bag, craft stations in claim block area,etc. ... once placed and taken in the underground, nothing can be build over that place anymore ever, restarts wont help but didnt see any error either...  if you place and destroy it you can build there without any issues, if anyone finds out how to fix this please let me know :)

Edited by Doodle
wording (see edit history)
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Good day KhaineGB


Just loaded the game (newest version v 3.0 with current 7d2d A19_b180 Stable) .. When I loaded into game screen at beginning I got a bunch of errors (red ones) made a copy here:




There were more, but figured you might want see these .. also when I got to trader in my game I could not interact with workbenches or any of the other equipment to speak of .. talking to trader No issue _ that was fine and I decided to exit game and give you a heads up.


Take Care and I will check back later. Be Safe ... the Old Gamer .. 😌

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16 hours ago, KinaUndead said:

So, when I first made it to my trader I came to find that two guard captains had spawned, one standing right behind the other that was kinda glitched on top of a railing in back of the one that seemed like he was the appropriate one, figured was worth mentioning to look into in order to fix if possible.


Also, is the guard captain intended to have an inventory for sell? He has one also just like the trader that you can look through and buy stuff for me, however he will not buy anything from me though only sell.

Intended you can buy stuff from him but not sell to him. Works like a vending machine, basically.

16 hours ago, Yakov said:

Been playing this abit, its a blast. Great mod.

Few issues ive encountered:


Clicking Robotic AP Ammo when its locked in the workbench caused an object ref error

Airdrops dont seem to work, i hear the plane for a second then nothing

Using certain recipes found such as the Chemistry station didn't seem to unlock it.


Other than that, it runs well considering the amount of content added.

Ammo known and fixed.

Air drops work fine for me.

11 hours ago, darkknight9 said:

Fresh download, appears to be the same issue. Time to let steam do its thing and get some sleep. Night folks.


Done With Patching preferredItemSlots()
Patching preferredItemSlots()
Done With Patching preferredItemSlots()
 Loading Patch: Mythix_NovehicleBM+Mythix_NovehicleBM_Init
TypeLoadException: Could not resolve type with token 0100000e (from typeref, class/assembly Harmony.HarmonyInstance, 0Harmony, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null)
  at DMTChanges.HookHarmony () [0x00196] in <80884e85b8bc41dd9f30ce4ffc047727>:0
  at GameManager.Awake () [0x00000] in <d7c95f421d354b5e851d6f3126817769>:0
(Filename: <80884e85b8bc41dd9f30ce4ffc047727> Line: 0)

Yeah, you definitely have a bad download. Might be worth trying either the google drive link or the nexus link.

6 hours ago, Doodle said:


Not only frames but anything what can be placed and taken back to inventory - e.g sleeping bag, craft stations in claim block area,etc. ... once placed and taken in the underground, nothing can be build over that place anymore ever, restarts wont help but didnt see any error either...  if you place and destroy it you can build there without any issues, if anyone finds out how to fix this please let me know :)

POTENTIALLY fixed. I am pretty sure it's to do with sphereii's caves replacing blocks with "fake air." Just worked on a patch for that a few mins ago and compiled. Need to test it.

1 hour ago, gpcstargate said:

Good day KhaineGB


Just loaded the game (newest version v 3.0 with current 7d2d A19_b180 Stable) .. When I loaded into game screen at beginning I got a bunch of errors (red ones) made a copy here:




There were more, but figured you might want see these .. also when I got to trader in my game I could not interact with workbenches or any of the other equipment to speak of .. talking to trader No issue _ that was fine and I decided to exit game and give you a heads up.


Take Care and I will check back later. Be Safe ... the Old Gamer .. 😌

That's DEFINITELY not installed right. I'm pretty sure you've got either block or items issue somewhere so the loot just fails.

48 minutes ago, braniel said:

hello, why when i read a recipe locked they don't unlock, is a bug??


And thanks for the mod i got a sorprise when i saw 3 cops in the first horde xD

No it's not.

Reading a recipe unlocks a PERK in most cases. What likely happened is you unlocked a perk without actually meeting the perks requirements, so you won't be able to make what you unlocked until you meet those requriements.

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9 minutes ago, KhaineGB said:


No it's not.

Reading a recipe unlocks a PERK in most cases. What likely happened is you unlocked a perk without actually meeting the perks requirements, so you won't be able to make what you unlocked until you meet those requriements.

Oh i see, i have red checks that says req not meet... thanks for answer

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4 hours ago, KhaineGB said:

Yeah, you definitely have a bad download. Might be worth trying either the google drive link or the nexus link.


After redownloading the mod, and getting a fresh install from steam, Mission Successful!!! Thank you very much for all the help! :):):)

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How do you deal the the mechanics of demons? Their fire seems kinda crazy. They don't have a cooldown on it, it seems to have really large aoe and drinking water doesn't put it out. Am I missing something? 


Playing on a server with some friends. Our gamestages are 160, 181, 178, 168, 151 and our day 21 horde spawned a lot of them and we were all constantly on fire from them spamming it and it having such a large aoe.

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Hello, I stood up a CentOS 7 VM on ESXi 6.5 with 4vCPUs and 16GB RAM. I installed A19 stable and unmodified it runs perfectly fine. I created a secondary folder, did a fresh install of A19 stable there, then dumped the contents of https://gitlab.com/KhaineGB/darknessfallsa19server/-/archive/master/darknessfallsa19server-master.tar.gz overwriting everything. Running the server with the DF mod I can login and maybe get 30sec in to a few minutes before the server crashes, or my player falls through the earth. The logs don't always capture anything when there's a crash but here are a few examples that did:


2020-08-23T02:40:06 568.402 INF Time: 6.55m FPS: 21.86 Heap: 2612.4MB Max: 2616.8MB Chunks: 230 CGO: 32 Ply: 1 Zom: 0 Ent: 9 (13) Items: 7 CO: 1 RSS: 6198.9MB
Obtained 6 stack frames.
#0  0x0000004099446f in (Unknown)
#1  0x0000004110522d in ChunkCluster:notifyBlockOfNeighborChange (int,Vector3i,BlockValue,BlockValue,Vector3i)
#2  0x000000411050dc in ChunkCluster:notifyBlocksOfNeighborChange (int,Vector3i,BlockValue,BlockValue)
#3  0x00000040ff63d4 in ChunkCluster:SetBlock (Vector3i,bool,BlockValue,bool,sbyte,bool,bool,bool)
#4  0x00000040ff4194 in GameManager:ChangeBlocks (string,System.Collections.Generic.List`1<BlockChangeInfo>)
#5  0x00000041104ef0 in NetPackageSetBlock:ProcessPackage (World,INetConnectionCallbacks)


2020-08-23T14:07:37 379.325 INF Entity zombieMoeWeak 186 killed by Nightwolfe 171
Obtained 8 stack frames.
#0  0x0000004205946c in (Unknown)
#1  0x000000427fe16d in ChunkCluster:notifyBlockOfNeighborChange (int,Vector3i,BlockValue,BlockValue,Vector3i)
#2  0x000000427fe01c in ChunkCluster:notifyBlocksOfNeighborChange (int,Vector3i,BlockValue,BlockValue)
#3  0x000000427fd384 in ChunkCluster:SetBlock (Vector3i,bool,BlockValue,bool,sbyte,bool,bool,bool)
#4  0x000000427fb8a4 in GameManager:ChangeBlocks (string,System.Collections.Generic.List`1<BlockChangeInfo>)
#5  0x000000427fa510 in GameManager:SetBlocksRPC (System.Collections.Generic.List`1<BlockChangeInfo>)
#6  0x000000427f3364 in EntityZombie:dropCorpseBlock ()
#7  0x0000004272fd35 in EntityAlive:OnUpdateEntity ()


What is the preferred linux distro to run with this mod? Are there other libraries/modules that should be installed for this mod? This is my 5th attempt to get this mod running and the 2nd VM config I have tried yet. If anyone has any ideas or even a direction I should take for troubleshooting it would be welcome. Thanks.

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44 minutes ago, KhaineGB said:

Drinking water is supposed to put it out. I'll double check that.

But yes, they're supposed to be absolutely hellish to deal with.

Are they supposed to spawn this early? We're on difficulty 2/5 for gportal setting and on day 21 there's loads of them. Testing in singleplayer it seems the only way to deal with them reasonably is with laser weapons but it seems that's super late game stuff. We set up rain catchers all around our base to jump into the water to put out the fire but we can barely leave the water or else we die lol.

8 hours ago, KhaineGB said:

POTENTIALLY fixed. I am pretty sure it's to do with sphereii's caves replacing blocks with "fake air." Just worked on a patch for that a few mins ago and compiled. Need to test it.

Also is there any update on this issue? Is there an update to download or still in testing? 



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doesnt seem like all the guards are shooting around the traders maybe just the guys or did you just lower the distance they see zombies?

and has the animals husbandry been fixed ?

is there a files for nitrogen for Darkfalls thought there used to be looks like the TFP RWG for the Darkfalls maps still cant make maps that the roads dont fall off cliffs lol? ok in the notrogen if i check that box for Darkfalls zones will that make the poi's show up to?

Great job Kane and everyone love the feel of A19 and what yall have done i dont know if it is tfp or not but they need to make a way that the zombies appear farther away running into a building and then having them spawn around you sucks lol and some of the buildings i can walk up to and they wont spawn till you are standing almost on them i even tried backing up and they will despawn like 4 blocks away might need to check my settings. Keep up the great work

Edited by Bluman
found some info (see edit history)
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6 hours ago, siliconmatrix said:

Hello, I stood up a CentOS 7 VM on ESXi 6.5 with 4vCPUs and 16GB RAM. I installed A19 stable and unmodified it runs perfectly fine. I created a secondary folder, did a fresh install of A19 stable there, then dumped the contents of https://gitlab.com/KhaineGB/darknessfallsa19server/-/archive/master/darknessfallsa19server-master.tar.gz overwriting everything. Running the server with the DF mod I can login and maybe get 30sec in to a few minutes before the server crashes, or my player falls through the earth. The logs don't always capture anything when there's a crash but here are a few examples that did:


2020-08-23T02:40:06 568.402 INF Time: 6.55m FPS: 21.86 Heap: 2612.4MB Max: 2616.8MB Chunks: 230 CGO: 32 Ply: 1 Zom: 0 Ent: 9 (13) Items: 7 CO: 1 RSS: 6198.9MB
Obtained 6 stack frames.
#0  0x0000004099446f in (Unknown)
#1  0x0000004110522d in ChunkCluster:notifyBlockOfNeighborChange (int,Vector3i,BlockValue,BlockValue,Vector3i)
#2  0x000000411050dc in ChunkCluster:notifyBlocksOfNeighborChange (int,Vector3i,BlockValue,BlockValue)
#3  0x00000040ff63d4 in ChunkCluster:SetBlock (Vector3i,bool,BlockValue,bool,sbyte,bool,bool,bool)
#4  0x00000040ff4194 in GameManager:ChangeBlocks (string,System.Collections.Generic.List`1<BlockChangeInfo>)
#5  0x00000041104ef0 in NetPackageSetBlock:ProcessPackage (World,INetConnectionCallbacks)


2020-08-23T14:07:37 379.325 INF Entity zombieMoeWeak 186 killed by Nightwolfe 171
Obtained 8 stack frames.
#0  0x0000004205946c in (Unknown)
#1  0x000000427fe16d in ChunkCluster:notifyBlockOfNeighborChange (int,Vector3i,BlockValue,BlockValue,Vector3i)
#2  0x000000427fe01c in ChunkCluster:notifyBlocksOfNeighborChange (int,Vector3i,BlockValue,BlockValue)
#3  0x000000427fd384 in ChunkCluster:SetBlock (Vector3i,bool,BlockValue,bool,sbyte,bool,bool,bool)
#4  0x000000427fb8a4 in GameManager:ChangeBlocks (string,System.Collections.Generic.List`1<BlockChangeInfo>)
#5  0x000000427fa510 in GameManager:SetBlocksRPC (System.Collections.Generic.List`1<BlockChangeInfo>)
#6  0x000000427f3364 in EntityZombie:dropCorpseBlock ()
#7  0x0000004272fd35 in EntityAlive:OnUpdateEntity ()


What is the preferred linux distro to run with this mod? Are there other libraries/modules that should be installed for this mod? This is my 5th attempt to get this mod running and the 2nd VM config I have tried yet. If anyone has any ideas or even a direction I should take for troubleshooting it would be welcome. Thanks.

The preferred linux distro is currently "Windows".

Yes, there's a Linux-only bug. I was working on it last night. I've got it half fixed. That specific crahs you have is partially related to the cave system, and i've got THAT fixed but now there's another one.

5 hours ago, brando2594 said:

Are they supposed to spawn this early? We're on difficulty 2/5 for gportal setting and on day 21 there's loads of them. Testing in singleplayer it seems the only way to deal with them reasonably is with laser weapons but it seems that's super late game stuff. We set up rain catchers all around our base to jump into the water to put out the fire but we can barely leave the water or else we die lol.

Also is there any update on this issue? Is there an update to download or still in testing? 



Day 21 horde seems a bit early tbh.

And no, there's no download yet.

4 minutes ago, Bluman said:

doesnt seem like all the guards are shooting around the traders maybe just the guys or did you just lower the distance they see zombies?

and has the animals husbandry been fixed ?

is there a files for nitrogen for Darkfalls thought there used to be looks like the TFP RWG for the Darkfalls maps still cant make maps that the roads dont fall off cliffs lol?

Great job Kane and everyone love the feel of A19 and what yall have done i dont know if it is tfp or not but they need to make a way that the zombies appear farther away running into a building and then having them spawn around you sucks lol and some of the buildings i can walk up to and they wont spawn till you are standing almost on them i even tried backing up and they will despawn like 4 blocks away might need to check my settings. Keep up the great work

I haven't touched the guard ranged AI. I'm pretty sure TFP did. They don't shoot when a zombie gets to about 3 blocks away, even if they're on the ground (already tested).

No there is no nitrogen file, and probably never will be since nitrogen DOES NOT obey biome restrictions for POI's.

Animal husbandry MIGHT be fixed (Worked for me, was iffy for one of the testers).

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Playing A19 with version 3 DF and enjoying it thank you very much. Food seems to be much more of a problem then in previous versions. Is this intended?

I am playing solo at insane difficulty and no loot respawns. If I eat a food with 20 value my food level only goes up by 10. The same seems to be true for water.


It really does make the survival aspect of the game very tough. I am constantly looking for food and drinking a lot of water. My food level hasn't been at 100 since game start. I am even searching for and eating honey for the food value. Most of my coins are spent with the trader and machines for food. It is Day 16 but I see no end in sight unless I get seriously into farming.

Edited by Akrux (see edit history)
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Hello KhaineGB,

Thanks for releasing DF for A19,I have one question,Did you changed something on insane difficulty settings, because horde nights are just brutal right now,I just did day 21 horde night and there were already behemoths.They destroyed my steel base like it was nothing,I think I have to lower the difficulty.

Also is there any DF map with only vanilla POI,I don't like those custom POI.

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7 hours ago, KhaineGB said:

The preferred linux distro is currently "Windows".

Yes, there's a Linux-only bug. I was working on it last night. I've got it half fixed. That specific crahs you have is partially related to the cave system, and i've got THAT fixed but now there's another one.

Day 21 horde seems a bit early tbh.

And no, there's no download yet.

I haven't touched the guard ranged AI. I'm pretty sure TFP did. They don't shoot when a zombie gets to about 3 blocks away, even if they're on the ground (already tested).

No there is no nitrogen file, and probably never will be since nitrogen DOES NOT obey biome restrictions for POI's.

Animal husbandry MIGHT be fixed (Worked for me, was iffy for one of the testers).

Ok, so what linux distro are you using to test specifically? I really don't like running windows VMs for servers, it's bloated and you need more compute resources to do the same thing in linux. If we know what particular distro/version you are testing against then we can setup a known good configuration.

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3 hours ago, Akrux said:

Playing A19 with version 3 DF and enjoying it thank you very much. Food seems to be much more of a problem then in previous versions. Is this intended?

I am playing solo at insane difficulty and no loot respawns. If I eat a food with 20 value my food level only goes up by 10. The same seems to be true for water.


It really does make the survival aspect of the game very tough. I am constantly looking for food and drinking a lot of water. My food level hasn't been at 100 since game start. I am even searching for and eating honey for the food value. Most of my coins are spent with the trader and machines for food. It is Day 16 but I see no end in sight unless I get seriously into farming.

Looking into the food thing. I think the buff TFP use to add food to the player isn't working right.

2 hours ago, Nauman Marwat said:

Hello KhaineGB,

Thanks for releasing DF for A19,I have one question,Did you changed something on insane difficulty settings, because horde nights are just brutal right now,I just did day 21 horde night and there were already behemoths.They destroyed my steel base like it was nothing,I think I have to lower the difficulty.

Also is there any DF map with only vanilla POI,I don't like those custom POI.

Yep. Insane is insane. ;)

Any map that has 2 in the name is vanilla + DF POI's (except XLarge. That's vanilla POI's + DF as well)

45 minutes ago, siliconmatrix said:

Ok, so what linux distro are you using to test specifically? I really don't like running windows VMs for servers, it's bloated and you need more compute resources to do the same thing in linux. If we know what particular distro/version you are testing against then we can setup a known good configuration.

I'm currently using Ubuntu 20.04 in a VM. Not sure what sphereii is testing with but we're both working on it.

Also, most of the server hosts i've spoken to have said it's actually the other way around. 7DTD uses less resources on windows than it does on Linux, but I cannot confirm. 

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1 hour ago, KhaineGB said:

Any map that has 2 in the name is vanilla + DF POI's (except XLarge. That's vanilla POI's + DF as well)

I'm currently using Ubuntu 20.04 in a VM. Not sure what sphereii is testing with but we're both working on it.

sorry if you answered this, I have been reading your replies.  I just wanted to confirm the maps without a 2 are just vanilla POIs?

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