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Ravenhearst Mod


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Hi, nice i see the new links, very grateful Jax for setting this up for people, much appreciated.


I have a question however, my host (logic servers) seems to be denying the .dll files from the Server_data folder. My question is are these .dlls mandatory to run? (until i can ask them to get them uploaded <i understand the security issue with dll but im sure they will allow it once asked>)


Thanks again :)

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-Fishing has been removed completely because at best it was janky and no one seemed to really use it anyway.


Shocked at this, it was a bit janky but I genuinely enjoyed it. I made a fishing spot in our taken-over highrise, with mood lighting and everything, it was very xen :( honestly thought fishing was going to be improved on and made more prevalent, as in an actual alternative to raw meat hunting. If you feel like revisiting this in the future please do, some of us liked it :) I feel like it may have been underused as it didn't pose enough of an advantage over the other cooking options. Maybe if fish gave a new bonus or better wellness? I've also been wanting to suggest dropping wellness gains from lower tiered food such as sugar, as I'm not finding wellness gain to be a challenge.


Thanks for the update anyway, I unfortunately won't be able to comment on it for a while as we've played too much 1.09 and my players dont want a reset xD


I will definitely revisit it but I wanted to release the mod and not delay it any further. Will look into the Farmer Class issue and the Dirty issue as well, both of which wont require any restarts


- - - Updated - - -


Hi, nice i see the new links, very grateful Jax for setting this up for people, much appreciated.


I have a question however, my host (logic servers) seems to be denying the .dll files from the Server_data folder. My question is are these .dlls mandatory to run? (until i can ask them to get them uploaded <i understand the security issue with dll but im sure they will allow it once asked>)


Thanks again :)


Yes the dll files are required for sdx and backpack to run. You may want to consider Bluefang, which allows full access to all files including dlls with an FTP program like Filezilla or they have their own file manager. There is a link in the first post if you are interested.


But logic should allow the install if you explain it is needed much like Starvation.

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Hey Jax - I get these errors when loading the streamer edition non-21 day blood moons[ATTACH=CONFIG]23356[/ATTACH]


can't read that at all, should upload to something like imgur (free, no account needed) and use the insert image button and use the url it gives you.

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can't read that at all, should upload to something like imgur (free, no account needed) and use the insert image button and use the url it gives you.


Here is the text

2017-11-18T21:27:48 160.982 ERR Laoding and parsing 'Blocks.xml' (Object reference not set to an instance of an object)

2017-11-18T21:27:48 160.982 ERR Loading of blocks aborted due to errors!

2017-11-18T21:27:48 160.982 ERR at SDX.Payload.ResourceWrapper.Load (System.String names.System Type) [0x00000] in <filename unknown> :0

at BlockShapeModel Entity.TW () [0x00000] in <filename unknown. :0

at BlockShapeModel Entity.Init (.Block _block) [0x00000] in <filename unknown. :0

at BlocksFromXml.CreateBlocks (.XmlFile_xmlFile, Boolean_fillLookupTable) [0x00000] in <filename unknown> :0

2017-11-18%21:27:38 161.531 ERR Loading and parsing items xml file (Unknown block name 'cucumber1' in use_action/ at ItemActionPlaceAsBlock.ReadFrom (.DynamicProperites_props) [0x00000] in <filename unknown> :0

at ItemClassesFromXml.CreateItems (.XmlFile_xmlFile) [0x00000] in <filename unknown> :0

2017-11-18%21:27:38 161.532 ERR Loading of items aborted due to errors!

2017-11-18%21:27:38 161.532 ERR at ItemActionPlaceAsBlock.ReadFrom (.DynamicProperties_props) [0x00000] in <filename unknown> :0

at ItemClassesFromXml.CreateItems (.XmlFile_xmlFile) [0x00000] in <filename unknown> :0

Exception: Block with name 'plantedAppleTree3Harvest" not Found!


**Note: A full uninstall of the game and delete the folder cleared it

Edited by Railstin (see edit history)
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**Note: A full uninstall of the game and delete the folder cleared it


Yep a complete wipe is recommended as since fishing was removed itemclasses are gone that the dlls depended on. So errors will occur, some may be game breaking some not. Glad you got it sorted though. I was afraid it would be another long night :)

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Found one bug: Started as survivor class so got traps unlocked. While crafting 10 wood spikes trap skill got upgraded to 5 on it's own.

Might want to check cooking skill as well. I have it part way between 1 and 2. Which should not be happening as far as I understand.


One question:

It seems compound bow and iron bow can not use stone arrows. Is this intentional?

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Found one bug: Started as survivor class so got traps unlocked. While crafting 10 wood spikes trap skill got upgraded to 5 on it's own.

Might want to check cooking skill as well. I have it part way between 1 and 2. Which should not be happening as far as I understand.


One question:

It seems compound bow and iron bow can not use stone arrows. Is this intentional?


Thank you, I need to remove the xp from the Cooking Items. Yes it is intentional, as you progress through bows you also need the better arrows and bolts for them. Basic bolts and arrows are for the starter bows and crossbow.

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Farming Class Question


So just started this mod with my dad - We both took different classes, I went with farmer and he went with survivor, He got given a quest chain for his class and I didn't is this right?


If this is correct from what I understand of the farming (from the brief 2ish hours I've spent in the this mod so far) is that I basically can't start farming till Level 5 as I currently can't craft any seeds, I need science Level 2 and Green Thumb Level 1 to even start this.


Sorry if this is a really dumb question I'm just trying to get my head around this and make sure I understand this correctly!

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So just started this mod with my dad - We both took different classes, I went with farmer and he went with survivor, He got given a quest chain for his class and I didn't is this right?


If this is correct from what I understand of the farming (from the brief 2ish hours I've spent in the this mod so far) is that I basically can't start farming till Level 5 as I currently can't craft any seeds, I need science Level 2 and Green Thumb Level 1 to even start this.


Sorry if this is a really dumb question I'm just trying to get my head around this and make sure I understand this correctly!


yes, some classes have more quests than others, and the ABILITY to make the seeds is locked behind the farming class. nice combo for coop!

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yes, some classes have more quests than others, and the ABILITY to make the seeds is locked behind the farming class. nice combo for coop!


Thanks! I have the 10 packs of seeds that I received when I took the class but I currently can't do anything with them as all the recipes are locked behind Green Thumb. I had 1 actual seed on me so that's all I've planted so far!


Are night terrors supposed to de-spawn when night is over as well? We still had one roaming around day 2 mid-day that we had to kill. Those things are terrifying!!


I also don't know if I've installed it right with the MOD launcher. I quit the game then decided to try some SP so re-launched and just got stuck on the loading main menu screen before my game crashed - It does it every time I exit the game and try to re-load the only thing I've found that fixes it is deleting and re-Installing the MOD before I relaunch the game and I have t do this every time. I don't use EAC so i leave that unchecked but i leave refresh mods and update registry ticked as they where when i first installed it.


EDIT: It seems it's just me being impatient - If I tab out of the game or click on the screen while it's loading it crashes. If I leave it alone it takes a couple of minutes but it does load every time. Must remember this in future!


Sorry for all the questions!


- - - Updated - - -


I haven't played as the farmer class myself but weren't you meant to get some free seeds in the start kit? Also you can find seeds in the world, try killing some farmer zombies :)


You get packs of seeds but when you go to recipes to pick what seeds you want all the seeds are locked behind the Green Thumb skill which I can't get until Level 5 as I need Level 2 science to unlock it. Thanks for the reminder about the Farmer Zombies though!

Edited by Lisasmno (see edit history)
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I would've suggested maybe the farmer class should get green thumb 1 unlocked from the start? (but not the science prerequisite) Compared to the awesome starting items you get with the gun classes it does seem support classes have a much harder time with early game, but then I guess that's realism. You should only really be picking those classes if you're playing with someone else who has a combat role. That's how I see it anyway, personally I like the challenge of a single player game starting as a farmer xD

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I agree with what was said here. I will add the Green Thumb unlock of level 1 so at the very least you can make the first set of seeds. Not every class has a starting quest line. We may add more in future updates though.


Amazing thank you! Have to say I love this Mod so far it's been a while since this game has made me jump!


Also love the name - Sons of Anarchy was a fantastic TV show!

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Version: 2.01


-Lowered chance of Diamond Minibike Tires


-Fixed Error in Farmer Starting Class


-Added Debuff Text to Dirty Buff


-Added Sticks and Stone Arrow Heads to Basics Group


-Fixed Storage Chest Description


-Removed Xp from Cooking Items


-Fixed Junk Quest


-Decreased Turn Speed on Zombies so they make wider turns fo less spinning


-Increased Sight Range so Zombies will sense you while Stealthed at Longer Distances


-Added more types of Road Debris


-Added Green Thumb 1 to Farmer Class

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When leveling up blunt weapons I saw that I unlocked “Burning Club” when I search for it it doesn’t come up.


My apologies that is lack of explanation on my part. To get the Burning Club you focus on a campfire and right click on it. It will"ignite" the club and make it a burning one. But it will have level 1 quality due to it being a focused block change. It is pretty good as a weapon though.

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Has anyone had issues with animals and zombies not spawning? Im on day 3 and I originally thought I did something with the server config. However, going into night three, no zombies, no sleepers, no animals.


I have also fallen through the world 3-4 times using the mod.


So I brought the safe zones down significantly and I am still got spawns on 21 day streamer version running on my bluefang server. Jax - Any thoughts?


Also I am not able to scrap items (Brass, clothes, etc.)

Edited by Railstin (see edit history)
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Mod bug help


So I play this mod with an Xbox controller and everything works great but I can not scroll my pointer down to the hot bar to switch items out. It's like there is a barrier keeping me from touching anything at the bottom of the screen. It only occurs with this mod and does not do it with vanilla or any other mod. Please advise!

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