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Ravenhearst 4.3 Has Released



Welcome to Ravenhearst 4! A scary new world of mutations and freaks unleashed upon the world of the undead. This time around we have peppered our world with new changes and ideas. We hope to gain feedback on these ideas as we plan our future going forward into Alpha 17! Below are some of the horrific and mind bending changes you can expect in this new world. There are many more to be discovered but this should be enough information to set you out on your course of destruction!




We are proud to announce our final version of Ravenhearst for A16 Patch 4.3. There are a lot of changes and additions so read up below and head to our Discord for install instructions, guides and much more. We thank everyone for their amazing support and look forward to what 17 has to bring to Ravenhearst.



Patch 4.3.1 Notes Release 9/16/2018 Wipe Required

Edited by gpcstargate (see edit history)
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Patch has been released!

**Patch ** 4.3.1 **Release Date ** Week of 9/16/2018 No Wipes Needed <--- then jaxeller tell the truth at the first page , but not 2 post above :/


I play(ed) singleplayer casual version. Tried to mod the quests for only 1 kill needed, but somehow it doesnt work. And my mainclass (rifle) i even cant get anymore., was at last part quest.


Was on day 69, only 1 dead , lots of ammo and food, best minibike.......dont wanna start again....any help/ suggestions?

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Patch has been released!

**Patch ** 4.3.1 **Release Date ** Week of 9/16/2018 No Wipes Needed <--- then jaxeller tell the truth at the first page , but not 2 post above :/


I play(ed) singleplayer casual version. Tried to mod the quests for only 1 kill needed, but somehow it doesnt work. And my mainclass (rifle) i even cant get anymore., was at last part quest.


Was on day 69, only 1 dead , lots of ammo and food, best minibike.......dont wanna start again....any help/ suggestions?


It's all part of Playing Modded Games .. So - Just Have Fun and Enjoy

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The most recent patch has some issues with lost quest state. It is being looked into. Don't download the patch (or run the launcher with update enabled) unless you back up your save game (and ideally the mod directory). I believe Jax is investigating these issues and should provide a fix shortly. Just a heads up... In the meantime, if you haven't applied the patch, you can always run your existing modded games directly from mod directory via running 7DaysToDie.exe (the one without the _eac suffix). Save often!

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4.3.1 Error Warning



After the latest update 4.3.1 there is a major bug that will wipe your quest log. If you have completed or are on the Tailor Station quest in the armor line, this update will completely wipe your quest log, including treasure maps. You will not lose rewards but your log will be reset.


If you have NOT completed the tailor station quest then you will not see this bug. This is due to a change in glue requirements for one step of the armor quest.


if you have not gone past the place tailor station step then you can update with no issues. if have already placed the station in that questline the log will reset.

its the next quest that has the issue in armor


you can give yourself quests by using "givequest quest_BasicSurvival2" in the console by pressing f1. you can find the quest names by going into quests.xml and using the quest id in the command console


For custom quests you may have to use all lowercase letters, i think there is a bug. so instead of quest_WeaponBows09 you would try quest_weaponbows09


Obviously this is not what I intended with this patch. No words can explain how disappointed I am that this has happened. My team is pretty beat up over this, but this is 100 percent on me. I should have known better. When updating please take into account this huge bug. Fixing it at this point could result in more damage done. If you are on the armor quest consider this patch a wipe. It was never the intention.


I have ceased any work on the mod until 17. I will not change any more or update any more files. Again I apologize for this ridiculous error on my part.

Edited by JaxTeller718 (see edit history)
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ugh well at least im no longer losing my mind over it....seems kinda stupid to remove them all together and waste so many mats to upgrade fully


There is a method to this madness. Each block upgrade uses the same amount of mats as before, except for concrete and reinforced concrete doesnt need rebar frames just concrete.

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So, loving this mod. But is there a way that I could change something to fix a zombie sliding down a hill, landing on another dead zombie, exploding, and because of that losing all loot after a ranged kill? I couldn't make it to the zombie in time after I killed it with my bow... thing is, it happened to "The Crazed"... so yeah... lost any good stuff he had on him

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can i please ask to fix cities,,since you narrowed streets and most cities become small and almost 2 streets,, i thought cities become smaller but they become villages as you also removed much of its bulk. example seed KandQuinn 9 big cities now they are 9 small villages

and if some one has nice seed with at least 4 big cities of 9 shown ,,i will be grateful .

edit ; i also tested seeds posted in alpha 16 forum and those seeds have huge cities and all became small as most houses removed

Edited by mhwaso (see edit history)
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So, loving this mod. But is there a way that I could change something to fix a zombie sliding down a hill, landing on another dead zombie, exploding, and because of that losing all loot after a ranged kill? I couldn't make it to the zombie in time after I killed it with my bow... thing is, it happened to "The Crazed"... so yeah... lost any good stuff he had on him


zombies rolling down hills is called ragdoll or ragdolling. afaik, that ragdoll is hardcoded into the game. usually the corpse of the zombie shows up at the point of death.


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If i make a change to the recipes and items xml files, do i have to share them with players who join me, or will the world simply use my local versions as we play? I would like to surprise someone by adding a recipe or two for some chuckles :)


if you play on a paid server than yes, not totally sure if its the same if you host the game.


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can i please ask to fix cities,,since you narrowed streets and most cities become small and almost 2 streets,, i thought cities become smaller but they become villages as you also removed much of its bulk. example seed KandQuinn 9 big cities now they are 9 small villages

and if some one has nice seed with at least 4 big cities of 9 shown ,,i will be grateful .

edit ; i also tested seeds posted in alpha 16 forum and those seeds have huge cities and all became small as most houses removed


working as intended, the amount of "big cities" has been reduced and replace by the megacities.

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zombies rolling down hills is called ragdoll or ragdolling. afaik, that ragdoll is hardcoded into the game. usually the corpse of the zombie shows up at the point of death.


Yeah, just happens the gore blocks with loot don't stack, and if one is already there, it just permanently disappears which is what happened to me. But I've also noticed with this mod and only with this mod (I've tried about 6 others), that sometimes even after a ragdoll down a hill, the gore block of loot appears where it got killed, not where it ended up. So I checked back there, and nothing.

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iam sad about these small cities but iam frustrated about traders number <most seeds with 1 trader in 9 cities and max 3 in 9> i was lucky to find one of these cities.

i also found bug with shortly meat stew and meat stew if you put them in your belt ,,you can use them when you thirsty with 100% food full.

Edited by mhwaso (see edit history)
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Ok so, my friends and I just started a random gen server with only Ravenhearst installed, I pick my class, add my friend see him on the compass, run towards him, die within 3 seconds. Oh ♥♥♥♥ what's that, that killed me? Huh the map between us is red, that's weird. Confirmed it's radiation that basically just instantly kills you (Well sorry you have about 5 seconds) and it's...between us? Isn't it supposed to be near the edge of the map? Not smack dab in the damn middle? There is 0 warning that it's a radiation biome, there is no way of knowing if you just started, and you basically instantly die if you accidentally wander into a rad zone.... is there a way to disable the rad zones? Like just completely? I don't even care about the missed out on loot. I don't want one of our newer players (To 7dtd period let alone the mod) to walk in and not be staring at their map every 5 seconds to just bite it, that doesn't seem fun at all. =/


Edit: Just to show that I'm not like, making ♥♥♥♥ up. https://gyazo.com/67c333ad90049e9798ceee4aaf9c5cb9

Edited by RegalKain (see edit history)
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there is no way of knowing if you just started, and you basically instantly die if you accidentally wander into a rad zone....


you're kidding. To warn you that the world is dangerous at every turn? It's survival. be a man


Jax wrote


The Fallout Zone has spread! Beware where you step! Medics will now be the sole learner of the Trioxin, and its requirements have been lowered. Antibiotics and other medical items now require compounds and mixtures. Hazmat suits can be found or rewarded one piece for each weapon class you complete in full.

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you're kidding. To warn you that the world is dangerous at every turn? It's survival. be a man


Jax wrote


Mate I don't need to be warned that the world is dangerous at every turn, I need to be warned when a biome looks almost identical to the wasteland biome and has a 100% chance to INSTANTLY KILL YOU if you step into it at the START OF THE GAME literally I spawned, took 4 steps, got radiation and died. There's a difference between challenging survival and "no save death" I don't mind the game being hard, we changed seeds and went at it again without a massive rad biome between us and we're loving it so far. Playing on Difficulty 5 on the server was probably a bad idea since zombies are arrow sponges right now, but we'll survive (hopefully) we're also in desperate need of a water source and can't seem to find any lakes. But that aside we're having tons of fun. I only posted because while I don't mind resetting my server and changing the seed, other players newer players or people who don't have a lot of experience trouble shooting, might just write the mod off and get pissed about it. The vanilla rad zones have a giant ass wall of green you can see when you approach, I'm not asking for that, I'm just asking for some warning for the rad zone, or better yet? If it's a new player and the server recognizes it, it doesn't spawn a rad zone in any adjacent zone. Sort of like when you first log in for the first time there aren't zombies on top of you.

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Yeah, just happens the gore blocks with loot don't stack, and if one is already there, it just permanently disappears which is what happened to me. But I've also noticed with this mod and only with this mod (I've tried about 6 others), that sometimes even after a ragdoll down a hill, the gore block of loot appears where it got killed, not where it ended up. So I checked back there, and nothing.


gore blocks not stacking is normal. gore blocks after a ragdoll down a hill, not sure but it sounds like lag.

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Mate I don't need to be warned that the world is dangerous at every turn, I need to be warned when a biome looks almost identical to the wasteland biome and has a 100% chance to INSTANTLY KILL YOU if you step into it at the START OF THE GAME literally I spawned, took 4 steps, got radiation and died. There's a difference between challenging survival and "no save death" I don't mind the game being hard, we changed seeds and went at it again without a massive rad biome between us and we're loving it so far. Playing on Difficulty 5 on the server was probably a bad idea since zombies are arrow sponges right now, but we'll survive (hopefully) we're also in desperate need of a water source and can't seem to find any lakes. But that aside we're having tons of fun. I only posted because while I don't mind resetting my server and changing the seed, other players newer players or people who don't have a lot of experience trouble shooting, might just write the mod off and get pissed about it. The vanilla rad zones have a giant ass wall of green you can see when you approach, I'm not asking for that, I'm just asking for some warning for the rad zone, or better yet? If it's a new player and the server recognizes it, it doesn't spawn a rad zone in any adjacent zone. Sort of like when you first log in for the first time there aren't zombies on top of you.


hehe yep now you know that there are Radiated Biomes are no longer restricted to the edges of the map. afiak, every new map has a chance you will spawn in a radiated biome, pray to the RWGmixer gods that you dont.


To keep the spirit of the mod, there will be little or no warnings other than ground appearance. Maybe in A17 there will be more freedom to give them.


Water is not scarce but lakes are, there are a few POI lakes but can be rare, but mostly you will need to find POIs with pools.

Edited by Death2gnomes (see edit history)
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@RegalKain: Hopefully you don't have to deal with too many newer players who are stumbling into your Ravenhearst server. If they're TRULY your friends, they'll take your advice and read up on the changes Ravenhearst makes so they don't cause you too many headaches!


If you can possibly help it, steer the newer players away from Ravenhearst until they're really comfortable with vanilla mechanics.


Watch out for biome dithering, too. If you're anywhere near the red zones, you may accidentally walk over one or two-square patches of radiation biome. Sinder made a great post about it somewhere, I just can't remember where.


Imagine when you and the squad get full Hazmat suits and trioxin with Master lock picks/kits. It'll all be worth it!

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Hi Jax!


I just saw a new game on Steam that features some of the night zombies that you have in Ravenhearst. I was curious about if that's suppose to be?

The game is called "Them & Us" and it looks pretty decent.


Wow, scraping the barrel there lol. If anything, the wait for a17 has helped the sales of other ea survival games on steam. Ive already purchased a couple games like the black death and mist survival i never would have played if a17 was out.

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