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Developer Discussions: Alpha 17


Developer Discussions: Alpha 17  

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  1. 1. Developer Discussions: Alpha 17

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The foundation idea is dependant on the understanding that it can only be a 1-block height slab and no other foundation block can be placed above or below another foundation block from bedrock to sky. It’s SI is calculated down to bedrock and if there are tunnels below that won’t matter because it is only 1 block high. Who has ever worried about SI when building a flat slab of cement on the ground? It’s usually once you get higher up in your construction that issues occur. Everything above the foundation would calculate down to the foundation. Anything that overhangs the foundation would calculate down to bedrock. If pieces of your foundation got destroyed then the blocks above those places would calculate back down to bedrock.


The foundation stones themselves wouldn’t be special or particularly extra durable or zombie proof. They would simply mask the regular SI calculation down to bedrock wherever they existed.


We could make it so they could only be placed within a friendly LCB zone to limit it for base building.


So someone could use foundation blocks as a ceiling (for a basement) but it wouldn’t grant any special protection as a ceiling. It would simply mean your basement wouldn’t affect the SI of your structure above it.


Someone could build three stories and then place a foundation to make it so their 4th and up stories get an SI reset but so what? Their first three stories are calculated to bedrock and could be subject to collapse and that would not make the top stories suddenly float (any more than they already do)because the foundation blocks themselves would also be subject to gravity and SI down to bedrock.


You had mentioned at one point that the foundation block itself was incredibly heavy. Is that still a part of the design?


I can see how this can benefit caves and caverns. I'm always worried about blocks that can be placed by players doing "magic". That's usually breeding grounds for exploiting a system.


But this doesn't IMO fix a changing underground landscape if zombies are digging.

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That sounds a bit more Factorio but it would also work for me. So long as the function is there. Or if they'd make it easier for modders to add such things. Either way.


Yeah factorio is WAY beyond what I was thinking lol. I was still thinking in line with Minecraft hopper/sorters. But a bit more realistic/steam punkish.

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Roland i just reread what i wrote and i have described the most complex systems of systems when i have no idea what i am talking about


I dont see the difference between top down or bottom up though regards systems.


I edited this becuase i misunderstood and what i thought was you being funny and you where not.


I apoligise for my rudeness it was a total misunderstanding.

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Unfortunately if they do I fear it won't last very long. Just reading all these comments proves one thing. If added I give it two days of a non stop avalanche of negative comments over it before it is changed back. I love the idea and have wanted it for so long but the resident cellar dwellers are already prepared to hate it so like some of the other tougher changes (initial wood and rock nerf, rare benches and traders, initial stamina change) I fear this change is already doomed before it is implemented.


Imo your point of view can be summarized using this formular:


logical arguments against an idea + negative evaluation of the idea = hatred for the idea


Seems legit. lol



I love the idea and have wanted it for so long [...]

I guess that's where your hatred comes from. Please get rid of your emotions. They're just obstructive in this discussion. :D

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Imo your point of view can be summarized using this formular:


logical arguments against an idea + negative evaluation of the idea = hatred for the idea


Seems legit. lol




I guess that's where your hatred comes from. Please get rid of your emotions. They're just obstructive in this discussion. :D


Sorry I've been playing the game for FUN not logic. My bad. I shall change my evil ways.


Hang on I have to go dump my 10,000 concrete into my small box..

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Sorry I've been playing the game for FUN not logic. My bad. I shall change my evil ways.


Hang on I have to go dump my 10,000 concrete into my small box..


You don't understand my comment. Actually I meant 'logical arguments that explain why the idea wouldn't be fun'.


My bad. I shall change my evil ways.

Yes, please. Be constructive.

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I have not seen any discussion about underground gravel and the effects this will have on underground zombies ?


It totally screws terrain blocks changing back to terrain because you cannot account for blocks that cave in.


Mhh maybe the zombies would pre-estimate the stability to avoid cave-ins. Could be possible.^^ Or they would bypass the gravel.

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You don't understand my comment. Actually I meant 'logical arguments that explain why the idea wouldn't be fun'.



Yes, please. Be constructive.


Fun is largely subjective, what you are saying is 'logical arguments that explain why the idea won't be fun for YOU'.

No issues with that whatsoever, but your fun does not equal my fun for example so your 'logical argument' is just opinion in the end.

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Fun is largely subjective, what you are saying is 'logical arguments that explain why the idea won't be fun for YOU'.

No issues with that whatsoever, but your fun does not equal my fun for example so your 'logical argument' is just opinion in the end.


You're right but making arguments against an idea shouldn't considered as hatred (for the idea).... That's unconstructive.

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You're right but making arguments against an idea shouldn't considered as hatred.... That's unconstructive.


Oh no argument from me on that but then again I did not really get that from Jax's post but your point stands regardless :)

It's early morning and I need coffee so I may not have read it too well tho lol.

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The foundation idea is dependant on the understanding that it can only be a 1-block height slab and no other foundation block can be placed above or below another foundation block from bedrock to sky. It’s SI is calculated down to bedrock and if there are tunnels below that won’t matter because it is only 1 block high. Who has ever worried about SI when building a flat slab of cement on the ground? It’s usually once you get higher up in your construction that issues occur. Everything above the foundation would calculate down to the foundation. Anything that overhangs the foundation would calculate down to bedrock. If pieces of your foundation got destroyed then the blocks above those places would calculate back down to bedrock.


The foundation stones themselves wouldn’t be special or particularly extra durable or zombie proof. They would simply mask the regular SI calculation down to bedrock wherever they existed.


We could make it so they could only be placed within a friendly LCB zone to limit it for base building.


So someone could use foundation blocks as a ceiling (for a basement) but it wouldn’t grant any special protection as a ceiling. It would simply mean your basement wouldn’t affect the SI of your structure above it.


Someone could build three stories and then place a foundation to make it so their 4th and up stories get an SI reset but so what? Their first three stories are calculated to bedrock and could be subject to collapse and that would not make the top stories suddenly float (any more than they already do)because the foundation blocks themselves would also be subject to gravity and SI down to bedrock.



Totally misunderstood...

Actually a great idea (if possible at all)


But! Would that not also allow you to build a skyscraper on top of 1 layer of dirt?

That would kinda remove the need for SI calculations on player placed blocks completely...


Or did I misunderstand?

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You don't understand my comment. Actually I meant 'logical arguments that explain why the idea wouldn't be fun'.



Yes, please. Be constructive.


Fun is largely subjective, what you are saying is 'logical arguments that explain why the idea won't be fun for YOU'.

No issues with that whatsoever, but your fun does not equal my fun for example so your 'logical argument' is just opinion in the end.


You're right but making arguments against an idea shouldn't considered as hatred (for the idea).... That's unconstructive.


Oh no argument from me on that but then again I did not really get that from Jax's post but your point stands regardless :)

It's early morning and I need coffee so I may not have read it too well tho lol.


From what I have read (all posts in all threads), everyone, myself included, is saying what we think would be fun for ourselves in every comment we make about what works and what doesn't in the game. Even just saying "You shouldn't tell others how to play" or "That doesn't fit the game style" is giving our personal opinion about what we think is fun. I wouldn't think anyone would say "I hate that plants don't get destroyed by zombies or animals, but others seem to like it so my opinion doesn't seem to be valid" We all want what we want. Human nature. Making a comment that 99% of others agree with doesn't make it right, just popular. I am wandering and have no idea where I am going with this so will stop here :). Just think we should all agree that we want this game to be fun....at least for ourselves :D

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From what I have read (all posts in all threads), everyone, myself included, is saying what we think would be fun for ourselves in every comment we make about what works and what doesn't in the game. Even just saying "You shouldn't tell others how to play" or "That doesn't fit the game style" is giving our personal opinion about what we think is fun. I wouldn't think anyone would say "I hate that plants don't get destroyed by zombies or animals, but others seem to like it so my opinion doesn't seem to be valid" We all want what we want. Human nature. Making a comment that 99% of others agree with doesn't make it right, just popular. I am wandering and have no idea where I am going with this so will stop here :). Just think we should all agree that we want this game to be fun....at least for ourselves :D


Haha Gam :) rambling on ;) never change, and yes I read that in your Canadian accent :

And all totally correct too (oops missed adding this bit lol coffee time!).

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Haha Gam :) rambling on ;) never change, and yes I read that in your Canadian accent :

And all totally correct too (oops missed adding this bit lol coffee time!).


Well, I think the Canadian accent was easier to understand than my Newfoundland one..(yes I know it's still Canadian just more east coast Canadian :) )

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Mhh maybe the zombies would pre-estimate the stability to avoid cave-ins. Could be possible.^^ Or they would bypass the gravel.


Avoiding gravel in spawning i can see viable and pathing round it is also possible but we would use that surely to funnel zombies and could be expensive resource wise for only the gain of preventing one type of cave in.

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Totally misunderstood...

Actually a great idea (if possible at all)


But! Would that not also allow you to build a skyscraper on top of 1 layer of dirt?

That would kinda remove the need for SI calculations on player placed blocks completely...


Or did I misunderstand?


You can't build a skyscraper on one layer of dirt right now? I'm not sure what you are implying....


The foundation would not remove SI. It merely is the stopping point for SI calculation. So players would still need to learn how to build within the current rules of SI. The only difference is that unknown air gaps deep below the structure wouldn't be messing with the calculations. You could create a Batcave beneath your mansion and not have it cause collapses in your mansion.


@Jacklemeyer: Forget heaviness and also the foundation being all of one piece. That was too complicated and unnecessary. All you need is a reinforced concrete block with all the same stats as regular reinforced concrete except it is also the endpoint of a SI check when you are placing a block above it. The game won't check past it for what lies below it. The only magic properties of the block are that you cannot have more than one such block in a vertical shaft from bedrock to sky so that you can't build with them and you can't have multiples of them above each other.



@Graphite: I never read your original post so....apology disregarded? ;)

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Was not anything bad i thought you where making fun of my extremely overcomplicated description of system of systems with a joke about skyhooks which i found funny.


Dont worry about me i am in my own little world most of the time.


Floor or ceiling where SI is calculated from i still believe it is floor.

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