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Developer Discussions: Alpha 17


Developer Discussions: Alpha 17  

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  1. 1. Developer Discussions: Alpha 17

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I don't mind his disagreements but he continually goes overboard to make them in the most condescending way possible. And if you dare to point out how rude he is being he accuses you of having blinders. It would have been very easy to make the exact same points without the tone he showed. Case in point was the snide comment about Beta yet again. That is not a valid point now, it was not a valid point when people went nuts after MM said it the first time. It had no other point than to be rude and condescending.


But, I've derailed the A17 thread enough. I'll be nice.


Agree to disagree mate. You view it as condencending, I view it as honesty. Being rude is in the eyes of the beholder.


From my point of view, I don't really know what to expect from A17/Beta. In a previous video MM stated that A17 equals Beta. I thought this meant that the Beta phase commences once A17 hits the streets. But in the latest video MM said that A17 is getting close to Beta. So that could mean that some more Alpha's will come out before the Beta phase starts. Hence the confusion. It would be very useful I reckon for some people if MM would come with a statement regarding this issue.

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We shouldn't be so selfish. Think of the poor Behemoth who has been floating in nothingness for months. Now he has a maple forest and plains to go ziplining through.


Just stop for a moment and think of the Behemoths.


I swear I saw one last horde night, I tried to get a screenshot but my Prtscrn button got stuck...

#SeektheTruth #BehemothLives

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I miss the old old plains. Is there a way to make this again? Modders? Best base I ever built :D


now you can paint a pile of wood into a refrigirator. so u gues you can do the opposite. mm talked a lot about shapes a few months ago too. but it seems they are dropped that too for the A17

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Guest Rassilon

Interesting to read the debate about DaVega.

I agree with SnowDog here. (constructive) criticism is important. Even if it is a rant, it can be the begin of a effective Debate.


White Knighting is as unpleasant to read as hateful rants in my opinion. There are always things that can and need to be discussed. What the Devs make out of it is another thing, but debates can be teaching and informative, give new ideas or perspectives.


Now lets all grab a cup of tea, griev about the loss of the Plains Biome but also be glad about the huge progress on Perishton :)

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We shouldn't be so selfish. Think of the poor Behemoth who has been floating in nothingness for months. Now he has a maple forest and plains to go ziplining through.


Just stop for a moment and think of the Behemoths.


That "Poor" Behemoth has got my brass! Does he send any back? Nooooo.


He could easily pack a few of the jars I send him with spent brass casings and send them back occasionally. :(

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I keep hearing some POIs were redesigned as dungeon style. Does the "70 new level designed POI's" in the first post include those, or are they 70 brand new ones.


Basically I want to know if we are gaining 70 POIs but maybe losing 30 others that were redesigned into dungeon style. The more the better...why cant we keep both versions...for variety


I got overlooked due to infighting... Roland??

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"Those look lumpy. Is that intended?"

"Madmole dropped a cookie once while eating. Don't you find it weird that since he didn't eat that cookie perfectly he is still making cookies?"

"Those look like they're still raw!!! Why are you going with raw instead of baked?

"I rate this picture a 3 out of 10 because I always assumed it was going to be Snickerdoodles"

"Eating raw cookie dough is bad for you. You could get salmonella."

"I don't see milk in the picture. Your lunch will fail since you aren't going to have milk"

"Girl Scouts are doing their cookie rush soon. These should have been baked a month ago. Now you won't want to eat these with your lunch if you have Thin Mints in the freezer."

"Why are you going with the metal pan format instead of using a stone?"


While the cookies do look good especially with the new A17 textures and mods, my primary concern is if a bandit can come and steal one.

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I miss the old old plains. Is there a way to make this again? Modders? Best base I ever built :D


I second this. These plains were the best biome design they ever had in Random gen so far. I used to have my base in one of these as well. Good memories.

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I keep hearing some POIs were redesigned as dungeon style. Does the "70 new level designed POI's" in the first post include those, or are they 70 brand new ones.


Basically I want to know if we are gaining 70 POIs but maybe losing 30 others that were redesigned into dungeon style. The more the better...why cant we keep both versions...for variety


Remember that everything being shown is essentially the designed Navezgane map. They very well may keep every POI ever made whether it be open and gutted or mazelike and cluttered as possible spawns for Random Gen. I doubt any POI's converted to dungeonstyle for the static Navezgane map will also remain in its original form somewhere else in Navezgane.


So my answer is that it is not yet known how all these 70 dungeon POI's (which are a mixture of brand new and repurposed) will be worked into Random Gen. Navezgane will be packed full of 'em for sure.



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Not everyone needs everything to be happy clouds and unicorns. Brutal honesty is good. If it makes you unhappy you can find a safe space.


It makes me unhappy because, in my opinion, that kind of condescending rant disguised at feedback is why we get less information from TFP now than past alphas. So, those kind of comments actually affect the rest of us. I don't need a safe space.


I enjoyed getting more information and I'm sure most of the forum did too.

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Remember that everything being shown is essentially the designed Navezgane map. They very well may keep every POI ever made whether it be open and gutted or mazelike and cluttered as possible spawns for Random Gen. I doubt any POI's converted to dungeonstyle for the static Navezgane map will also remain in its original form somewhere else in Navezgane.


So my answer is that it is not yet known how all these 70 dungeon POI's (which are a mixture of brand new and repurposed) will be worked into Random Gen. Navezgane will be packed full of 'em for sure.




Thanks man. So the new 70 dungeon styles will be in random gen, its just a matter if the original variations still show up. Correct?


I only plan to play on Navezgane once after gold, I left my heart in Random Gen.

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Interesting to read the debate about DaVega.

I agree with SnowDog here. (constructive) criticism is important. Even if it is a rant, it can be the begin of a effective Debate.


"9. Oh, now A17 is getting close to Beta? Make. Up. Your. Mind." Please explain how there is anything constructive in that comment.

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It would be very useful I reckon for some people if MM would come with a statement regarding this issue.


Useful in what way? If MM decided to call A17 Beta or even super duper GOLD 3.0, in what way will that be useful or not useful to anyone? The game will still be in exactly the same shape it is right now. A17 will still come out when it comes out. And, TFP will make any other updates after A17 that they intend to make. He could call it blueberry pie and it still wouldn't change the state of the game as it is right now.

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Thanks man. So the new 70 dungeon styles will be in random gen, its just a matter if the original variations still show up. Correct?


I only plan to play on Navezgane once after gold, I left my heart in Random Gen.


...you have a heart? :wink-new:

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From my point of view, I don't really know what to expect from A17/Beta. In a previous video MM stated that A17 equals Beta. I thought this meant that the Beta phase commences once A17 hits the streets. But in the latest video MM said that A17 is getting close to Beta. So that could mean that some more Alpha's will come out before the Beta phase starts. Hence the confusion. It would be very useful I reckon for some people if MM would come with a statement regarding this issue.


If A17 experimental (that is A17 after it went live) is called Beta instead (which is totally reasonable), then we are "getting close to Beta", which is exactly the same as "the Beta phase commences once A17 hits the streets", which is what you thought. I see no problem here.

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We shouldn't be so selfish. Think of the poor Behemoth who has been floating in nothingness for months. Now he has a maple forest and plains to go ziplining through.


Just stop for a moment and think of the Behemoths.


Behemoth ziplining from the maple forest biome to the plains biome confirmed for a17! The only thing that could be better would be if he crawls through a 1-block space and then enters your base with a lockpick.


Edit: I forgot to say that you build the zipline out of sticks and gun parts.

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Roland, why you don't added to first page info about three variant movement?


If I am not mistaken, Joel in video sed about default movement as run, and other movement as walking and sprint here


Roland, what about three version of movement: walk, run and sprint? I right or not???

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Sound effects about hunger and thirst?


There is no more hunger bar. Hunger can now be tracked by the shrinking of max stamina. This is great because now hunger means something the entire time it builds within your character. Up until A17 1-100 fullness had the exact same penalty--namely none. It was only until you hit zero that you started being penalized. Now you can easily see your hunger progress using the stamina bar itself and a separate hunger bar is completely redundant.


Thirst is less obvious but as you play you will notice the recovery speed difference between fully hydrated and completely thirsty. If your stamina is refilling slowly then you know to drink something.


The really great news about this is that max HP and stamina progression is handled through the attribute of Fortitude rather than as a direct result of eating or even worse playing the snow biome binge mini game... Instead eating and how you eat will manage your realtime wellness in terms of current max stamina and staying hydrated will effect your overall recovery rate for both stamina and health.


Roland, will we get sound effects about hunger and thirst as it is now in Alpha 16?

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