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Developer Discussions: Alpha 17


Developer Discussions: Alpha 17  

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  1. 1. Developer Discussions: Alpha 17

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On that topic though it would be interesting if we had a special zombie that mainly attacked crops, like even the farmer zombie being edited to go after crops instead of you unless there is no crops, would make them a priority since they are farming your land in the wrong way haha


I wish ai tasks could be set to attack a block list... Crop eating animals, cement melting cops, etc.

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A lot of folks have called block painting useless, too. *shrug*


Most of those probably never realised that the ability for players to paint blocks was more of a low hanging fruit feature. LOL


I love block painting, in single & multiplayer.

Armor painting would be awesome aswell.

For MP servers I love customizing you character.

More diversity = more unique world atmosfere.


Why walk around with a grey iron armor if you can paint it gold using nuggets!!!

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I love block painting, in single & multiplayer.

Armor painting would be awesome aswell.

For MP servers I love customizing you character.

More diversity = more unique world atmosfere.


Why walk around with a grey iron armor if you can paint it gold using nuggets!!!


White armor for hiding in snow biomes would be fun.

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I used to play a game called Heroes & Generals.

For those not familiar with it, it's a WW2 MMO FPS.


You can custom all the weapons, from barrel, to triggers, sights, internal, even bullets.

And my favorite, custom finishes.


Why not add something like this? I'd much rather have solid colors than tinted.


But yay for a step in the direction of customisable weapons :)

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Why do they need to make it significantly harder? How many hours of play do you have under your belt? Why should they balance the game around people with hundreds of hours?


If it’s a snooze fest for you then it’s time to move on and play a new game or download a mod for this one that increases the difficulty.


Congratulations. You won the default game.



Yes your right, but the game needs to adapt to everyone, i mean every kind of players, doesn't it ?


The problem is zombies, like turning around on themselves. Or just for exemple: if you are standing on iron bars on the edge of your base they won't touch your base at all. Sometimes they don't even hit block just running on the spot. To survive any horde you just need to take a prefab go to the seconde floor and wait. Or just need to dig a gap of one block and that's it you won.

We can not say that 's a hard game. They are not efficient enough.


I think you should in my point of view:


-Increase AI like be able to jump over gaps, more intelligent.

-Increase the price of rocket because 20 gp just too easy, like 200 gun powder.

-Not be able to repair for a while when zombies hitting the block.

-Make a bombe zombie or something like that to destroy bases.

-More special zombies, with their own abilities.

-And the most important make the BEHEMOTH because i am convinced that it could really increase zombies power, and make the game more challenging.


Don't take my comment as a lesson or something, i m just giving my opinion on the game i love, and give you ideas that i think make the game better.


By the way i love your game, congratulation for all you have done just go on.

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This guy gets it. Seriously though I posted that right before bed. I get a bit dad jokey when it's late.


You mean when your tired. Yeah me to. lol.

That was me last night. :)

I got the joke. I was just kidding with you.


Also did not realize that corn was considered a grain until he pointed it out.

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Pretty much as soon as I put in the ability to override parent properties from a mod it hit me that I could touch the color setting too. This fruit wasn't low hanging, it was laying on the ground with a sign pointing at it saying "free feature".


Are clothes included in the list of things that can have mods attached to them? Because they're the ideal candidate for the tinting system.

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Yeah, but I meant in-game tools. Which are probably a bit more user-friendly. Would be nice to be able to generate maps with a specified amount of biomes (I'm looking at you, waterworld!).


I figured you would only want a world made of stone and the various mineable resources... ;)

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