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Developer Discussions: Alpha 17


Developer Discussions: Alpha 17  

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  1. 1. Developer Discussions: Alpha 17

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I actually like having the not so big backpack. The choices that you have to make when you have a full bag and you just killed a zed that has some loot that you really want but you do not know what to drop, as another zed is approaching you. It is like playing hot potato and you have to think fast or get hit, or leave the loot behind. What would you do? If you have a big bag, it is like bringing a suitcase on a camping trip.


Agree, backpack size are just fine the way it is. I know some don't think so and will disagree and that is fine. The only issue I have is the stack items need more work. We increased a few things awhile back in wood, stone and such. Personally think 6000 was a big jump but ok whatever but look at water you can only carry 15 a stack but how many murky water? I just don't understand that. I think it all needs to be thought and redone but that is my opinion. But I think backpack slots has enough slots as is.

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New vehicle system is coming along!




Shawn has been working hard on a new vehicle system! All new real physics, no falling through the world, feels so natural now!


Yes the old stuff is gone, RIP. New physics are great, feels like GTA.


Hopefully [bikes can be painted] at some point. Its very easy to mod in other colors.


so to peddle this we have to spam alternate left and right arrow keys to make it move?

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Funny. Vehicles is something that I'm not looking towards. I mean, I'll take it gladly, but I was ok with the bike -- then again, mine never fell through the world.


I'd like something to do at higher levels, while I work on bigger bases. Looting isn't fun because the loot is useless, and there just isn't enough (or interesting enough) challenges.


But, most of all, I'd like improved zombie AI. The breadcrumb system looks interesting, but the fact is that I'll take anything that makes the zombies more challenging outside increasing their damage, their hp or their number.


from a gamer stand point, mindless zombies can only get a little better. these are after all Romero type with a few oddities added in. the difficult from this point will be the raiders and bandits.

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so to peddle this we have to spam alternate left and right arrow keys to make it move?


Or you can attach an engine to it and you have a Moped!


Ahh the times I had in Hawaii buzzing around on my moped, entertaining the tourist chicks in Waikiki! When I got my car, my two fellow Marines and I had a nice scam going. We would go out and look for two or three tourist girls in a bar. Eventually we would blurt out and proclaim one of us as a virgin! The "Virgin" would protest in an embarrassed way and then magic would happen! It was beautiful. :)


So I said all that to say bikes are fun!

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Hey MM, Gazz can we get a 7.62 ap or an exp round added to the game? something found, not made. Mostly to help out with those damned bullet sponges. I mean we have ways of loading alternate ammo and we have access to military bases. Just a thought.


edit: Not liking the way irradiated feral zeds have been handled. 32 head shots? seriously bad.

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from a gamer stand point, mindless zombies can only get a little better. these are after all Romero type with a few oddities added in. the difficult from this point will be the raiders and bandits.


Yes i suppose there is a limit to actual intelligence of the zombie but there is still room for refinement and also task and pathing scripting on different block types and also how the zombies pathing behavior behaves when in groups or different types of zombies could be explored.

You mention Romero type zombie , do you remember Bub from dawn of the dead ? there was a thread in dreams about factions and mentioned zombies being trained or regaining abilities i am not sure about the idea or really thought about it just thought i would mention it.

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New vehicle system is coming along!




Shawn has been working hard on a new vehicle system! All new real physics, no falling through the world, feels so natural now!


Yes the old stuff is gone, RIP. New physics are great, feels like GTA.


Hopefully [bikes can be painted] at some point. Its very easy to mod in other colors.




And you now its hard to make me excited

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Or you can attach an engine to it and you have a Moped!


Ahh the times I had in Hawaii buzzing around on my moped, entertaining the tourist chicks in Waikiki! When I got my car, my two fellow Marines and I had a nice scam going. We would go out and look for two or three tourist girls in a bar. Eventually we would blurt out and proclaim one of us as a virgin! The "Virgin" would protest in an embarrassed way and then magic would happen! It was beautiful. :)


So I said all that to say bikes are fun!


with 15 bars within 2 feet of any gate there and STDs even closer...

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It's barely in so the hud will be appropriate when its more polished. Cars? No. Cars would get stuck and be useless with the conditions of the roads. Big armored 4x4 off road vehicle? Yes.


So what your suggesting is that while your not planning cars. You are planning to put in 4x4's? Is that it?

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New vehicle system is coming along!




Shawn has been working hard on a new vehicle system! All new real physics, no falling through the world, feels so natural now!


Yes the old stuff is gone, RIP. New physics are great, feels like GTA.


Hopefully [bikes can be painted] at some point. Its very easy to mod in other colors.


Yes please, nice come back Madmole. This would be a very welcomed addition and provides for many possibilities , although I never really had any reliability issues with Minibike in single player. Okay it didn't exactly look cutting edge, but it was certainly functional for sure. Will be interesting to see how you cope going up hill, does it improve your stamina and give you legs over time like Schwarzenegger.


I,m very interested in the possibilities for the bandits/ai players, this would add endless fun!


Okay, would be cool to see any of the following also:


Pet taming

NPC to assist with base protection and maintenance.

Water enhancements, boats, physics, fishing, crop irrigation.



Zip lines


The hype train is on the go. Keep up the good work. Its much appreciated.

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So what your suggesting is that while your not planning cars. You are planning to put in 4x4's? Is that it?


Looks to me like that, but ... not just any 4x4 but a BIG ARMORED 4x4. So much can happen here. Strange everybody goes nuts over a bicycle and ignore this.

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Looks to me like that, but ... not just any 4x4 but a BIG ARMORED 4x4. So much can happen here. Strange everybody goes nuts over a bicycle and ignore this.


Because bicycle IS in, 4x4 will maybe in.

And the real part that cheer me is that they start to fix the whole vehicle system.


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Looks to me like that, but ... not just any 4x4 but a BIG ARMORED 4x4. So much can happen here. Strange everybody goes nuts over a bicycle and ignore this.


perhaps cause the bike is pictured in game, while we wait to get excited til they show progress on the 4x4. after all, it is just a different type of automobile from a car and cars are out?


Because bicycle IS in, 4x4 will maybe in.

And the real part that cheer me is that they start to fix the whole vehicle system.



physics rework. means some si changes, possibly water changes? possible corrections that might fix mem leaks?

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It's barely in so the hud will be appropriate when its more polished. Cars? No. Cars would get stuck and be useless with the conditions of the roads. Big armored 4x4 off road vehicle? Yes.


You had better just behave yourself with teases like that.


You will have half the community in a psych ward by the end of this thread.


...If theres any truth in your statement that would ♥♥♥♥ing amazing O.O"

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It's barely in so the hud will be appropriate when its more polished. Cars? No. Cars would get stuck and be useless with the conditions of the roads. Big armored 4x4 off road vehicle? Yes.


Uh... Wait wait wait hoooold the friggin phone. Did you just say "Yes" to a big 4x4 off road armored vehicle?! Is this possible in A17? Is Roland not appending this MM comment to the original post because it's a maybe? How is this not THE statement people are latching onto?!


EDIT: Oops. They are. Lol.

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perhaps cause the bike is pictured in game, while we wait to get excited til they show progress on the 4x4. after all, it is just a different type of automobile from a car and cars are out?




physics rework. means some si changes, possibly water changes? possible corrections that might fix mem leaks?


What the hell is the general accepted idea of a mem leak and where are there instances of them in 7d2D ?

I see the term thrown around and what i read in tech documents never matches the symptoms described.

Just want to try to understand this mysterious phenomena.

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You had better just behave yourself with teases like that.


You will have half the community in a psych ward by the end of this thread.


...If theres any truth in your statement that would ♥♥♥♥ing amazing O.O"


Am there already after reading this post. :excitement:

The minibike is not really something i use, but this would be fantastic.

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What the hell is the general accepted idea of a mem leak and where are there instances of them in 7d2D ?

I see the term thrown around and what i read in tech documents never matches the symptoms described.

Just want to try to understand this mysterious phenomena.


Not sure if it is the same as what they mean but try this. Look at the mem the game is using then go to prev a map. Do that to 6 or 7 map and then have a look at what your memory stand at. My game go from 6gig memory use to 12gig in just a few maps, then crash!!

If i play 10hrs or more the game, non stop, my game run out of memory. I have 16gig.

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Not sure if it is the same as what they mean but try this. Look at the mem the game is using then go to prev a map. Do that to 6 or 7 map and then have a look at what your memory stand at. My game go from 6gig memory use to 12gig in just a few maps, then crash!!

If i play 10hrs or more the game, non stop, my game run out of memory. I have 16gig.


I see what you mean about map previewer it doesnt free up the space even when closed and the garbage collector cannot be manually invoked because it simply not loaded.

I have not played any games of real length on Pc and nowhwere near 10 hours, i take it is a well known issue and reports have been made of possibilty of spent resources not being caught by GC even when manually invoked.

Makes me think how do servers cope if this happens generally.

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Looks to me like that, but ... not just any 4x4 but a BIG ARMORED 4x4. So much can happen here. Strange everybody goes nuts over a bicycle and ignore this.


Yes that is weird. lol


When I saw the bicycle. I was like. We waited weeks and all they have is this?


Glad that bikes are no longer going to fall through the earth anymore.

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