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Developer Discussions: Alpha 17


Developer Discussions: Alpha 17  

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  1. 1. Developer Discussions: Alpha 17

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Is there approximately release date for alpha 17? My friend & I were thinking about starting a new game, but we would wait if new update comes in next few weeks.


Sorry Kaktus Car, didn't mean to offend. I just find a very certain humor in the question even though you're new to the forum. In hind sight I guess it was a pretty jack-assy comment. Sorry. A16 was just recently released and the time that it took A16 to release was something like 10 months I believe. So, I suppose TFPs could surprise us all, but A17 being released in the next couple weeks is HIGHLY unlikely.

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XP indicator on the HUD is a great idea !


You should add Food and Drink indicators, too


Food and drink was on screen one time long ago. But they didn't with many others didn't like the clutter on the screen so they took it off. The food and drink to me are fine I have never known it to not to pop up when I do get to hungry or thirsty. Not sure why you wanna know 24/7 what % you are. For me you can always pull up your character and see what it is at. But just my opinion.

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I can see a lot of youtubers using a custom HUD with Food and Drink indicators. Me too, I use a custom HUD. It's too bad, but if it the dev's choice then ok, I will continue with my custom HUD.


I would like to suggest an other idea. I don't like the popping icon saying you are hungry or thirsty, even with the sounds sometime you miss the information because you are absorbed by your exploration or construction... That why I use a custom HUD because I don't want to lose wellness points stupidly in some situations.


The developers should improove that system of warnings, with by example using the same popping icon for hunger and thirsty as a flashing winkering bigger icon when you have less than 2 or 3 % ... Please the visibility of this warning should be improove when it becomes critical. It's not cool to lose wellness points because of that...


(I'm sorry if my english is not perfect)

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20 years ago when my oldest daughter was four, we had a VCR where the tape slot would pop out and you could insert the tape and then press it down into the box. She put a peanut butter and jelly sandwich into it, closed it up, and pressed play.



This is an extremely apt analogy for me coding anything into this game.


i had a similar situation with my little brother, those VCR's were called top loaders, he pressed eject, tipped his packet of crisps (chips) into it, closed it and press play, killed the vcr which cost my dad at the time about £300

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I can see a lot of youtubers using a custom HUD with Food and Drink indicators. Me too, I use a custom HUD. It's too bad, but if it the dev's choice then ok, I will continue with my custom HUD.


I would like to suggest an other idea. I don't like the popping icon saying you are hungry or thirsty, even with the sounds sometime you miss the information because you are absorbed by your exploration or construction... That why I use a custom HUD because I don't want to lose wellness points stupidly in some situations.


The developers should improove that system of warnings, with by example using the same popping icon for hunger and thirsty as a flashing winkering bigger icon when you have less than 2 or 3 % ... Please the visibility of this warning should be improove when it becomes critical. It's not cool to lose wellness points because of that...


(I'm sorry if my english is not perfect)


English is fine lol.


It probably could use some more work. Guess that would be on who you ask. I think now though if you get to low it doesn't pop up and go away it stays on the screen. I think starting at 30% or less it stays. You don't start losing any points until it hits 0 and then you still have some time to get to some food or water. Plus the noise your character makes on top of that.


I'm not knocking your ides or disagreeing just trying to find more reasons I guess to have it brought back on screen without mods. Guess it might be something I keep an I on knowing I have to eat and drink in this game. Guess I have also got used to knowing how long I can go before getting hungry or thirsty again. Guess I'm just used to it all to the point that I just can't see why to have something on screen 24/7 telling me where I'm at. So just want to try and understand I guess more reasons to justify in bringing it back.


another thing because this has been brought up before several times. Is an option screen kinda like classic setting or advanced setting or something along those lines that way it has a option and not do the mods.

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I can see a lot of youtubers using a custom HUD with Food and Drink indicators. Me too, I use a custom HUD. It's too bad, but if it the dev's choice then ok, I will continue with my custom HUD.


I would like to suggest an other idea. I don't like the popping icon saying you are hungry or thirsty, even with the sounds sometime you miss the information because you are absorbed by your exploration or construction... That why I use a custom HUD because I don't want to lose wellness points stupidly in some situations.


The developers should improove that system of warnings, with by example using the same popping icon for hunger and thirsty as a flashing winkering bigger icon when you have less than 2 or 3 % ... Please the visibility of this warning should be improove when it becomes critical. It's not cool to lose wellness points because of that...


(I'm sorry if my english is not perfect)


Some people want it and some don't. It has been suggested that it could be a menu option. I wouldn't even mind if it was something that was craftable. Say you make a build a compass and then after you have the compass on your screen. Maybe you could build a leather pouch similar to a wine skin and then you would have a water icon on screen when done. Something similar for food. That way they wouldn't be on screen, but if anyone wants it they could add it. Those who don't, just don't build them.

Short version, have no icons like Roland likes it but for those that do like them, they could all be craftable. It would be like you could customize your screen.

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I get banned for talking about addressing bugs in a bug report forum, for speculating when thats all that can be done, and yet Roland gets to post crap like 'juarez's whores horse' and now people are talking nonsense about unicycles and pics of Duke Nukem and that is fine?


What disgusting double standards there are here.


I would like to point out something someone else said on here which was a legitimate question, why aren't vehicles listed (4 wheel)?


MadMole did NOT say vines were in, but *maybe* in the future, but he DID say the 4 wheel vehicles were in. So why the hell are vines and trellises listed as A17 features?


Even getting rid of the vehicles from the discussion isn't it yet more going back on their (Dev/Rolands) words not to post things that aren't definitely in the game? Yet that's exactly what's happened - including things for the A17 build that thusfar are nothing but a *maybe* - just wtf is that?


Also, I would like to point out the sly wording used in the new exp bar. That is a useless addition, experience bar? Why? Doesn't that clutter up the screen with additional useless information? Ah, well thats why the described it as an 'ultra thin' bar.


Why? Becuase they dont want to seem like hypocrites (which they are) arguing hunger and thirst or maps on screen is clutter, yet they add an exp bar which is completely useless.


It may show you how close you are to levelling, but whyhave it at all when reducing clutter is already something theyve done by having the level up as a pop up (which is actually a good thing by the way.)


Having an experience bar doesnt tell you how many points you have, its only a general experience meter and doesnt tell you how much youve advanced in individual skills (mining tools, construction etc). Useless.


I'll wait for the usual complaints. And by the way Roland, instead of banning me to avoid conversation, try talking with me as a person and lets have some positive dialogue.

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I get banned for talking about addressing bugs in a bug report forum, for speculating when thats all that can be done, and yet Roland gets to post crap like 'juarez's whores horse' and now people are talking nonsense about unicycles and pics of Duke Nukem and that is fine?


What disgusting double standards there are here.


I would like to point out something someone else said on here which was a legitimate question, why aren't vehicles listed (4 wheel)?


MadMole did NOT say vines were in, but *maybe* in the future, but he DID say the 4 wheel vehicles were in. So why the hell are vines and trellises listed as A17 features?


Even getting rid of the vehicles from the discussion isn't it yet more going back on their (Dev/Rolands) words not to post things that aren't definitely in the game? Yet that's exactly what's happened - including things for the A17 build that thusfar are nothing but a *maybe* - just wtf is that?


Also, I would like to point out the sly wording used in the new exp bar. That is a useless addition, experience bar? Why? Doesn't that clutter up the screen with additional useless information? Ah, well thats why the described it as an 'ultra thin' bar.


Why? Becuase they dont want to seem like hypocrites (which they are) arguing hunger and thirst or maps on screen is clutter, yet they add an exp bar which is completely useless.


It may show you how close you are to levelling, but whyhave it at all when reducing clutter is already something theyve done by having the level up as a pop up (which is actually a good thing by the way.)


Having an experience bar doesnt tell you how many points you have, its only a general experience meter and doesnt tell you how much youve advanced in individual skills (mining tools, construction etc). Useless.


I'll wait for the usual complaints. And by the way Roland, instead of banning me to avoid conversation, try talking with me as a person and lets have some positive dialogue.


R.I.P to the box of tissues you just went thru whining and writing that useless post.....

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You mean the

"Bug reports only" Forum with a template every post should follow ?


Absolutely right my friend - 100% correct.


So then why is it in other bug reports other users are doing EXACTLY the same thing, and yet they aren't banned, neither have the posts been removed. See for yourself.


Anyway my post for this thread is regarding the last video. MadMole said 4 wheelers are IN, but MAYBE we can get to climb vines in the future. Yet vines are listed but vehicles aren't.


And the experience bar which actually adds clutter, when their popup notification that they currently have now is pretty good. They said adding stuff clutters it but now are going back on their word by replacing a perfectly nice system which fulfils their achievement with the clutter they didn't want.


I hate people like that. Especially after throwing it in our faces that the clutter thing is the reason why they no longer have the stats in the hud.


I hope they address this dichotomal situation too, and instead of yes or no have the option to display them without using any mods, or the choice not to see them.


- - - Updated - - -


R.I.P to the box of tissues you just went thru whining and writing that useless post.....


Thanks for proving my point. And your post is an unproductive abusive one of disrespect, yet I would wager nothing happens to it.


Long live the hypocrites.

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I get banned for talking about addressing bugs in a bug report forum, for speculating when thats all that can be done, and yet Roland gets to post crap like 'juarez's whores horse' and now people are talking nonsense about unicycles and pics of Duke Nukem and that is fine?


What disgusting double standards there are here.




I'll wait for the usual complaints. And by the way Roland, instead of banning me to avoid conversation, try talking with me as a person and lets have some positive dialogue.


ZT: I don't think you got banned for asking questions. I think it might have to do with negativity and personal attacks. And maybe enough people felt that way and did some things to raise Roland's awareness and he was doing what he thought was best for those individuals and the forum. (and you also seem to have a lot of very long posts...)


Even in this post you couldn't just participate in the discussion, you had to add negativity and attack Roland. Btw - one of the reasons I actually monitor these forums is because I have been very impressed as to how careful, thoughtful, and patient Roland has responded to various posters. Hope I can learn to do better myself.

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Zt. Did you not see MM in the video climb up the lattice work........ I did.


Did mm state that in the future vines may be in as well. He said the latrice was in.


Maybe instead of whining bout everything maybe actually watch the video and really listen and concentrate on what is being said.


I doubt you got banned for no reason...

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Absolutely right my friend - 100% correct.


So then why is it in other bug reports other users are doing EXACTLY the same thing, and yet they aren't banned, neither have the posts been removed. See for yourself.


Anyway my post for this thread is regarding the last video. MadMole said 4 wheelers are IN, but MAYBE we can get to climb vines in the future. Yet vines are listed but vehicles aren't.


And the experience bar which actually adds clutter, when their popup notification that they currently have now is pretty good. They said adding stuff clutters it but now are going back on their word by replacing a perfectly nice system which fulfils their achievement with the clutter they didn't want.


I hate people like that. Especially after throwing it in our faces that the clutter thing is the reason why they no longer have the stats in the hud.


I hope they address this dichotomal situation too, and instead of yes or no have the option to display them without using any mods, or the choice not to see them.


- - - Updated - - -




Thanks for proving my point. And your post is an unproductive abusive one of disrespect, yet I would wager nothing happens to it.


Long live the hypocrites.



I think 90% of the time a lot of things happen in here because of miscommunication. When I first joined there were some replies to some posts I made that made me pissed off and some that sort of hurt. Eventually it was found to be posts being taken the wrong way or my own lack of communication skills that were the problem. And I am a nice guy, the rumors I started about it probe it :). Anyway, the thing is you have to take a look at what you have written and see if there is a possibility that it could possible in some small way be taken the wrong way. With so many members it is likely that someone will. The other thing is to try not to turn it into flame war so the mods have to get involved. Most people here probably meet at some time or another on a server and it would be nice if there wasn't bad blood between them from the very beginning. Remember that guy that you are shooting in the back (or him doing it to you) could have been a good ally on the server if things had gone a little smoother.


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