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Developer Discussions: Alpha 17


Developer Discussions: Alpha 17  

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  1. 1. Developer Discussions: Alpha 17

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Great Video.....houses look soooo much better now. I like all the clutter too. New blocks look cool. Really add to the building options.

One major thing with the half and quarter blocks....Will we still have the floating bedroll on top of them or will it lie flat on them like the full meter blocks?


Hope we get some late game stuff in A17. Taking longer to go through a house is great but if you still hit that wall later in game...to me its just more of the same then.


I understand taking out the Behemoth ...but we need something that will take its place to make it more challenging later in the game. Zombie breachers...scentists with bio fuel, military with rockets, or miners with TNT...something






- - - Updated - - -


Release the kraken ^^


Its catchy isn't it........Christmas release.....What a nice present that would be!!

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Thanks for the video. Very nice can't wait to see those new rides. All those house remodeling and rides you said was ready to show maybe next week you guys been working hard.


With you guys adding all these new editors and stuff is this eventually going to lead to designing our own world from scratch including biomes?

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These are some very nice houses. I love the new textures and all of the detail put into them. They look to be well designed.


However, I'm wondering if they're all going to be so cluttered, or otherwise loaded up like warehouses. It would seem odd to me if the majority of houses looked like that with pallets and furnitures stacked everywhere.


I think there should be houses designed more as if they were abandoned. They could use the same design principles, but be built up like they were left behind and perhaps allowed to fall apart, rather than as if survivors lived there holed up with their supplies (which appears to be the case with the houses you've shown us).



Basically, it would be odd if every house were loaded with stuff. I'm hoping there's still houses with more of an abandoned feel, but incorporating the new design elements.

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Interesting how the houses are four meters tall now, conveniently Behemoth sized... Bring him back please, just make it so the behemoth can only dig tunnels then everyone will be happy :)



Edit: I like the Idea of all these dungeon crawler buildings, but I am not too sure I like the idea of a single loot room at the end of the house. why would anyone spend 20 minutes clearing a house(besides immersion) when they can nerdpole up to the attic and break open those three gun store crates? but I cannot wait to re-explore these houses. There is just enough of the old skeleton there to feel nostalgic. you guys did an awesome job revamping those old prefabs.

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Interesting how the houses are four meters tall now, conveniently Behemoth sized... Bring him back please, just make it so the behemoth can only dig tunnels then everyone will be happy :)


Not sure what story they are going to end up with so not sure if it fits in well with it. But I think if they could have it where it can spawn in rwg it be great for it. I was really looking forward to this beast as well.

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Not sure what story they are going to end up with so not sure if it fits in well with it. But I think if they could have it where it can spawn in rwg it be great for it. I was really looking forward to this beast as well.


Well inside some of the skyscrapers you were seeing zombies being tested on, so maybe the behemoth was a experiment that broke free.

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A bittersweet video for me. I'm ecstatic about the new art. The palettes, those window frames, the new wallpapers... All these new shapes and textures would be a blast to play with, and useful for so many PoIs. The sad part is it also reminds me how much I'd seriously hoped to be one of those level designers. Maybe some day...


A few suggestions after watching the video:

  • Add texture(s) for larger-sized paintings, like a 2x1 landscape scene for instance.
  • Since players can just chop straight through the walls given enough time, consider designing a time-based carrot or stick to pressure the player towards the intended path.
  • Remember that one linear path through a building will still get memorized and stale much faster than multiple routes that, through randomization, are easier or harder instance by instance. Imagine if which doors are locked & barricaded was randomized.

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A bittersweet video for me. I'm ecstatic about the new art. The palettes, those window frames, the new wallpapers... All these new shapes and textures would be a blast to play with, and useful for so many PoIs. The sad part is it also reminds me how much I'd seriously hoped to be one of those level designers. Maybe some day...


A few suggestions after watching the video:

  • Add texture(s) for larger-sized paintings, like a 2x1 landscape scene for instance.
  • Since players can just chop straight through the walls given enough time, consider designing a time-based carrot or stick to pressure the player towards the intended path.
  • Remember that one linear path through a building will still get memorized and stale much faster than multiple routes that, through randomization, are easier or harder instance by instance. Imagine if which doors are locked & barricaded was randomized.


I can agree with this.


But on the flip side unless they add loads more type of houses, in time no matter how random the locked doors and such are it still the same house and get stale in time. But I do like the idea though.

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My take away from this video is that the game really must now have....


1-Block Ingress!!!!!


Come on Joel!! Those holes in the walls would be way easier to traverse and that little 1 block opening behind the podium screams for it. Just think how much fun your level designers could have with ductwork requiring players to crouch and move through filled with sleeper crawlers and dogs....

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My take away from this video is that the game really must now have....


1-Block Ingress!!!!!


Come on Joel!! Those holes in the walls would be way easier to traverse and that little 1 block opening behind the podium screams for it. Just think how much fun your level designers could have with ductwork requiring players to crouch and move through filled with sleeper crawlers and dogs....


The ability to crawl yourself. Imagine trying to fight flat down. While in this position your swing isn't as powerful and such. Also some weapons such as bows can't be used while crawling.

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The ability to crawl yourself. Imagine trying to fight flat down. While in this position your swing isn't as powerful and such. Also some weapons such as bows can't be used while crawling.


It would be difficult enough to carry a bow though a hole smaller than it's length, it would always get stuck behind things and be really annoying, and then a zombie jumps you while trying to deal with it. An idea would be to stop you getting though small holes if you have a big gun/bow. Can of course still break through the walls. :-/

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The ability to crawl yourself. Imagine trying to fight flat down. While in this position your swing isn't as powerful and such. Also some weapons such as bows can't be used while crawling.


I bet you can shoot a bow while crouching. And a gun and an axe and a knife and a grenade..


That's how the soldiers does in the world wars etc. They thought they couldn't crouch to use them......

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My take away from this video is that the game really must now have....


1-Block Ingress!!!!!


Come on Joel!! Those holes in the walls would be way easier to traverse and that little 1 block opening behind the podium screams for it. Just think how much fun your level designers could have with ductwork requiring players to crouch and move through filled with sleeper crawlers and dogs....


Agree. Breaking a one block hole is no longer an op way to get away from zombies now that radiated spiders are so common late game... going through a one block hole could be a death trap if the zombie AI was improved a little. Levels with crawl spaces would be amazing.

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