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Developer Discussions: Alpha 17


Developer Discussions: Alpha 17  

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  1. 1. Developer Discussions: Alpha 17

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Remember that MadMole lives out in the boonies, so his internet connection is kinda ♥♥♥♥ty.

Try uploading an hours worth to youtube with that connection.

I believe he mentioned it took 12 hours on a previous video...


madmoles Modem ?!



Ahh spaceships confirmed. Thank you Fun Pimps!

What size can we hope for ?



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Ahh spaceships confirmed. Thank you Fun Pimps!


Seriously, will we ever get more 'advanced' technologies since we are in year 2048+x?




Maybe it was a clue


Mass and stabilty glue of a vacuum block required spacecadets.


Also we should start off with the basic and use a full scale model made out of wood.

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Remember that MadMole lives out in the boonies, so his internet connection is kinda ♥♥♥♥ty.

Try uploading an hours worth to youtube with that connection.

I believe he mentioned it took 12 hours on a previous video...


Oh come on Madmole, you are really Mad to make us suffer Like this :'(

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@Royal Deluxe

Very nice chart!


Next 3 Hours everybody stop posting and look for his perfect Ship ^^

Btw i would take the Stargate

USS George Hammond/Phِnix (no idea if it is inside the chart(Edit: its not with only around 200 meters lenght))

Its the newest earth ship from SG Universe

Or the Voyager with the engine from the Phِnix

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Next 3 Hours everybody stop posting and look for his perfect Ship ^^

Btw i would take the Stargate

USS George Hammond/Phِnix (no idea if it is inside the chart)

Its the neweset earth ship from SG Universe

Or the Voyager with the engine from the Phِnix


Looks nice (beauty is only skin deep ;)) but I would take one of the borg ships since I like their ideology/philosophy (*no communist*).

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guess: SI is failing continuously, its in a constant state of falling?!?


That's it! Mad Mole said the forum would explode if they told us everything.


The plan is to have player made blocks have a .001 chance to decay each time SI is calculated. This way surface dwellers are too freaked out watching their castles disintigrate to worry about ground dwellers. :)

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The groups available for sleeper volumes in A16 don't have a group like I'm referring to. If you ran into a dog, it's because of city spawn mechanics, biome spawn mechanics, or a wandering dog horde.


first couple a16 experimentals, i found sleeping dogs in poi's. one in particular was lathan's hardware.

they could have removed it, but it was indeed a thing.

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Ahh Zombiediggers that aim to underdig pillars.


Now, thats a nice idea


When a player places a block on terrain it sets some surrounding terrains blocks tag (used for pathfinding for door currently) to "breakme".


Zombies attack terrain blocks with "breakme" and undermine placed blocks.


The zombie will still have the proximity target of the player so it should attack supporting blocks close to the player.

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first couple a16 experimentals, i found sleeping dogs in poi's. one in particular was lathan's hardware.

they could have removed it, but it was indeed a thing.


They were. I would find sleeping dogs in the Crack a Book tower and the old west drug store, but haven't seen any since the last update. I don't miss them.

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first couple a16 experimentals, i found sleeping dogs in poi's. one in particular was lathan's hardware.

they could have removed it, but it was indeed a thing.



I didn't start building Prefabs till A16.2.That's when I started to dive into Sleeper Volumes. I deliberately skipped the A16 initial release and waited a few. So yeah, maybe removed. I do recall people dieing left and right from dogs in the initial A16 release. lol

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I think zombies smart enough to undermine buildings, open doors, climb, etc, are just filling the gap meant for NPC bandits. If zombies can do everything bandits do, then why have bandits at all?


Zombies cant die and became zombies ^^


When a player places a block on terrain it sets some surrounding terrains blocks tag (used for pathfinding for door currently) to "breakme".

Zombies attack terrain blocks with "breakme" and undermine placed blocks.

The zombie will still have the proximity target of the player so it should attack supporting blocks close to the player.

The problem is that players would start to set senseless blocks. Like they do allready with Doors, Hatches and Ladders

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I like the foundation idea.


Personally (well my husband agrees with me), I think the only zed that should have digging capabilities is the zombie dog. Digging is not instinctual in humans, but it is in dogs and other canines.


If the reason torches and candles add to the heatmap of a map chunk is because the flickering light attracts the zeds, then if the torches/candles are underground or in a room that is not visible to the outside at all (no windows, hatches, etc) then those light sources should not add in to the heatmap.

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