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Prefab Editor (Alpha)


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Update should be ready soon. I've been improving the Nitrogen integration.


* The new version will have a feature helping to identify prefabs that are not spawned.





* There will be a way to automatically generate and update the prefablist.txt for nitrogen (not done yet). The editor should process the prefablist.txt from nitrogen. It should update all numbers but keep the placement parameters. Prefabs not contained in the prefablist.txt will be added using the generic paramters (none, alone).



Edited by Pille (see edit history)
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Hi Abrondino,


please do a downgrade to A17 and open the file blocksA16PrefabConversion.xml located in ~\7 Days To Die\Data\Config . This file contains an explanation on how to convert A16 POIs to A17. It's the official converter made by The Fun Pimps. The result will not be perfect but decent. I don't know if there is a way to convert from A15 to A16. Maybe I can do some research if I have time...

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It's only for me that crashes when loading a vanilla prefab "bombshelter_lg_01" ?



Ok, I managed to fix the bug in my dev. version. It was caused by incomplete XML data.


Just another preview:




I think we can have randomized POIs soon where several prefab variants will be automatically generated from one base prefab. Those prefabs could be automatically added to nitrogen and checked for completeness.

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Ok, I managed to fix the bug in my dev. version. It was caused by incomplete XML data.


Just another preview:




I think we can have randomized POIs soon where several prefab variants will be automatically generated from one base prefab. Those prefabs could be automatically added to nitrogen and checked for completeness.


oh prefab variants sound awesome. so that be 1 prefab and the interior could be different to the last time you went in the same looking one previous or....

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oh prefab variants sound awesome. so that be 1 prefab and the interior could be different to the last time you went in the same looking one previous or....


Yeah, I'll start with easy things tho. So random sleepers, loot and mines. ;)

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Changelog 0.85



* added POI generator (needs more options)

* added new option to sleeper generator

* added support for custom sleeperblocks

* improved volume and sleeper placement:

* renamed sleeper generator to sleeper randomizer

* improved nitrogen support:

* added tool to compare Nitrogen's prefablist.txt with the prefabs.xml of a map to check if all POIs were placed on the map

* added tool to generate/update a prefablist.txt for Nitrogen

* added console command 'nitrogen all'. It's kind of redunant though. Better use the tool.

* fixed xml bug (crash, thx n2n1)

* fixed gui bug of sleeper generator

* fixed console scrolls down

* fixed bug in insert row/column (thx TopMinder)

* lots of other small bug fixes

Edited by Pille (see edit history)
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Could you help me to get this to work again I recently updated to 18.4 and now all the blocks that this converted from 18.3 got turned to missing again. I don't understand why I followed the steps exactly like before and they worked fine before. Now when i try to convert them it freezes on 25% and just closes I am extremely frustrated now. I don't know if it has something to do with the 18.4 update or if its the editor or what. I had everything saved in a backup and even when I put them in to copy over the prefabs with the missing blocks the blocks still end up missing when I look in editor. Not sure what to do.



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Could you help me to get this to work again I recently updated to 18.4 and now all the blocks that this converted from 18.3 got turned to missing again. I don't understand why I followed the steps exactly like before and they worked fine before. Now when i try to convert them it freezes on 25% and just closes I am extremely frustrated now. I don't know if it has something to do with the 18.4 update or if its the editor or what. I had everything saved in a backup and even when I put them in to copy over the prefabs with the missing blocks the blocks still end up missing when I look in editor. Not sure what to do.







I've released the next update for you ahead of schedule. Please update the editor to version 0.86. The crash is probably related to the XML files. The new version of the program contains a couple of important fixes that may address the issue. If it's keep crashing, please activate the logfiles check box in the options and send me the log file generated during the conversion. If we can figure out what POI is responsible for the crash, then I can fix the bug. There's also an option 'advanced replacing tool loads prefab xmls' that you could turn off...



Uhh wait you converted from 18.3 to 18.4? AFAIK that's not necessary and the process was designed for conversions from A17 to A18.



I am going to release the changelog later.

Edited by Pille (see edit history)
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No No I updated the 7D2D to 18.4 and all the stuff I had converted in 18.3 with the editor was reverted back to question marks. It messed up all the prefabs I had already converted. I had both the prefabs and the blocks in a back up file but even when I pasted over the converted ones in didn't work. I think the pimps changed something with their blocks. I noticed that this line that I had in 18.3 <property name="Model" value="#@modfolder:Resources/PlantedCocoa.unity3d?plantCocoaGrowing1" /> had changed. Everything is put in a bundle folder now I am thinking it might have something to do with that. Been trying to figure it out all morning and am in the process of doing fresh installs. Thats why I stated I wasn't sure if it was your editor or something they did in 18.4 everything worked find til I updated.

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No No I updated the 7D2D to 18.4 and all the stuff I had converted in 18.3 with the editor was reverted back to question marks. It messed up all the prefabs I had already converted. I had both the prefabs and the blocks in a back up file but even when I pasted over the converted ones in didn't work. I think the pimps changed something with their blocks. I noticed that this line that I had in 18.3 <property name="Model" value="#@modfolder:Resources/PlantedCocoa.unity3d?plantCocoaGrowing1" /> had changed. Everything is put in a bundle folder now I am thinking it might have something to do with that. Been trying to figure it out all morning and am in the process of doing fresh installs. Thats why I stated I wasn't sure if it was your editor or something they did in 18.4 everything worked find til I updated.


I am very sure that there were no substantial changes (regarding the way the editors process the block data), neither in my program nor in the game. So I have no clue what's going on. If you would send me one of the faulty POIs, I could check whether the problem is connected to your configuration or is caused by something else.

Edited by Pille (see edit history)
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  • 1 month later...

I've found a way to change POIs on quest activation. Multiply prefabs can occupy the same spot and they can share a questmarker (the latter doesn't seem to be important but might be use). If you activate the questmarker the current prefab will be overwritten with that of the current quest.


The order of entries in the prefabs.xml defines which POI is visible at the start of the game (bottommost position in the XML file means that the overlapping area to other buildings is overwritten by the blocks of the last POI).


If you use the same position for two or more prefabs in the XML, the game will always restore the first entry in prefabs.xml on quest activation, no matter what the quest points to. Solution is to add some irrelevant layers at the sides or bottom of your POIs and then change their positions accordingly (see pic below).





Also static entity spawns are possible now thanks to Hal9000. He gave me the correct hash function that can be used to translate the names of the entities to IDs which can be stored in the tts file. Those tts files use an old file format that can't include the more recent features (i.e. paintable textures, light settings, sleeper settings etc.). However, static entities can be added to small 1x1x1 prefabs and we can place those inside regular buildings by editing the prefabs.xml. So all I need to do is to create small POIs for each entity in the entityclasses.xml and to write a tool to enter them in the prefabs.xml. Fortunately that's fairly easy.

Edited by Pille (see edit history)
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