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5, 7 or 10? How far do you go in attributes?

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So I've noticed atleast from youtubers that a some or most don't go past 5 attributes and usually don't go past the 2nd or 3rd perk for damage and tend to use weapons they aren't even specced into then complain about the weapons being bad.


How do most of you folks play? I personally always go max attributes and max perk damage for the weapons I plan to use and after that I invest points to get crafting stations then on defense stuff.


Is this why folks are now struggling or having such a difficult time with the new changes to zombie hp and infestation quests?


Have the days of just going 5 points into an attribute and 2 points into a damage no longer viable at warrior or higher difficulties?


Personally I love it since now it will have us focus more on said playstyle instead of the jack of all trades which made focused Playstyles pointless.

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I only put enough points in for the perks I am leveling. Some will get to 10, others don't get past 4 or 5. 


One thing to keep in mind regarding streamers, is that a lot of them aren't playing long-term, and often aren't playing smart either. Intentionally limiting themselves or making other basic "mistakes" for the sake of telling a story or gaffing for views.  So don't focus on what they do, or don't do, too much. 


Where I put my points is largely grounded in either what build I am focusing on, or what the focus of my group members is. 

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Posted (edited)

I usually have a primary perk where I go to 10 and then a secondary perk where I go to 7. For the other perks, it depends on what I need.

The reason why some have such problems is probably that they venture into more difficult biomes too early because they are lured by the prospect of better loot.

Edited by RipClaw (see edit history)
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I put at least 7 in every attribute (8 for agility) but I don't spec into ranged weapons until I've gotten everything else I want.  I do spec in a melee weapon, but only because you basically have to for the stamina perks.  Back when Sexy T-Rex was a thing, I wouldn't perk in melee weapons until I had everything else I wanted.


My first points always go into maxing out the mining perks after getting 1 in lockpicking and 1 in Rule 1: Cardio, and 1 in whatever melee weapon I plan on using.  If I'm using clubs (rare) I'll level clubs along with the mining perks.  But I have very little interest in the game's combat outside of horde night, I see it as more of an annoyance than a feature.

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Since you can level everything to max if you play long enough, is the question more about what you level things to before spreading out? 


I'll usually work to get my weapon (spears) to level 3 quickly.  I think that is around 5-6 attribute points.  I'll also work to get parkour up to 2-3 quickly.  And with the reduced quest rewards, I'll push up daring adventurer to 4 right away just so I get slightly better rewards for my time.  After that, I'll probably do as point in mining and the push up my weapon to max and parkour to max before moving on to others.  If I don't need the attribute to be at 10 for the perk I want, I'll only increase it to 10 when I'm done getting everything else that I want 

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4 hours ago, Riamus said:

Since you can level everything to max if you play long enough, is the question more about what you level things to before spreading out?

True.  I max out all my gathering skills (well, not the one for meat), parkour, and the non-weapon intelligence stuff before I ever spend points into ranged weapons.  Because gathering and building (a base and traps) is my primary interest in the game, this makes the most sense to me.  Also, I hate running out of stamina, so being able to wrench without running out of stamina is important to me.

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My latest games were in A21, but I don't see much has changed (watching some JaWoodle and Kage848).. usually pushing my main weapon hard, other than some Agi for Parkour and Run & Gun. A build usually starts to feel complete for me at 10/10 for main tree and 5, or 7, in some secondary. With the "useful" skills maxed out ofc.

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I spread points out early to get magazines coming in for everything I'll want, and then focus on my primary tree to get it and the relevant skills maxed out. Then I go back to the spread areas and increase them to whatever I can afford or need.

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I tend to pick an attribute for each playthrough (Perception for this 1.0 release, focusing on rifles and spears). I'll level that to 10, and then spec into other attributes as needed for core perks like Daring Adventurer, Healing Factor, Living Off the Land, Advanced Engineering, etc.

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I set up my bow skill first, so this is my standard order


TOTAL 3 agility: archery 2:
TOTAL 4 fortitude: Huntsman 2: healing factor 1: iron gut 1:
TOTAL 4 perception: 3 in spear: tracker 1: looter 1
TOTAL 4 strength: 1 pack mule: 2 master chef:
TOTAL 1 intellect: 1 lockpick:


Once I get here the rest changes per playthrough.

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At start, I put 2 points in STR (so 3 STR) and 2 points in Clubs. After that, I spread out. I buy all the skills I want in all the attributes before raising an attribute to 3, usually AGL as I'm investing in stealth and bow early. Once I get all of my AGL skills up to what AGL 3 supports, I do that with STR, and END. Then I take them to 5 and work on their skills. I might divert a little into some INT and PER skills. I guess I'm saying I spread out pretty early.

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  • 2 weeks later...
26 minutes ago, Ray Garraty said:

Must have Advanced Engineering 5/5, which requires 10 Intellect (9+ Intellect mod) to gain max possible XP from electrical trap kills, which do a lot of work during blood moon hordes

Unfortunately, the traps have low durability. By the middle of the horde they fall apart.

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You can partially solve that issue by setting up different overlapping circuits of electric fences, and turning them on as others break down. Blade traps are kinda bad in my opinion because of the durability issues, I tried using one for just the vultures and it broke down pretty fast, though I suppose it could have been hit by spit as well. Dart traps hold up well though gobble up a lot of resources for ammo, as do the gun turrets.

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I put the first 7 points into the melee weapon of choice for that run through to get to perk 3. I will then put a point in Master Chef and either Lockpicking or Advanced Engineering. Depending on how the melee weapon feels I might take it to perk 4 or I might start spreading  some points into utility or gathering skills. If I spread points, i will go back and get the melee perk to 4 before spreading more points.

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