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Version 1.0 (Alpha 22) Dev Diary

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1 hour ago, Vaeliorin said:

My guess is since they got rid of clothes, there's no real way for the player to deal with hot/cold at the moment, so they've basically disabled it (by giving large resistance to the player) until the overhaul that's supposedly coming.



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1 hour ago, Riamus said:

Yeah, I never "upgrade" my axe.  The extra damage isn't enough to outweigh the slower speed and increased stamina when I use it only to break stuff or repair/upgrade stuff.  If I want to chop trees, I'll get a fire axe specifically for that use, with the mod.

Exactly, its perfect for breaking small stuff, quicknrepairs on poi doors, etc.

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6 minutes ago, dcsobral said:

Except there's no more dusters, ponchos, hoodies, t-shirts, etc.

I think they meant that the function hasn't changed but now you are given a resistance buff right now to compensate for not having clothing giving resistance so even though it's functioning the same, you have enough resistance that it doesn't affect you.  That would be a temporary situation until they do the weather update.

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40 minutes ago, Riamus said:

I think they meant that the function hasn't changed but now you are given a resistance buff right now to compensate for not having clothing giving resistance so even though it's functioning the same, you have enough resistance that it doesn't affect you.  That would be a temporary situation until they do the weather update.


That's exactly what I meant. I'm rather surprised that the new clothing doesn't have any baked-in heat or cold resistance, but I know that the armor mods that grant heat and cold resist are still in the game in 1.0.

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45 minutes ago, Old Crow said:


That's exactly what I meant. I'm rather surprised that the new clothing doesn't have any baked-in heat or cold resistance, but I know that the armor mods that grant heat and cold resist are still in the game in 1.0.

Wait they don't give weather protection

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Every piece of armor gives you 20 heat/cold protection for now. Idk why if they can still do the same thing like with pocket mods, so you can stack multiple cold/heat protection mods and leave some room for well insulated perk. Imo good solution to give player choise between encumbrance and weather protection.

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2 minutes ago, XYR0 said:

Every piece of armor gives you 20 heat/cold protection for now. Idk why if they can still do the same thing like with pocket mods, so you can stack multiple cold/heat protection mods and leave some room for well insulated perk. Imo good solution to give player choise between encumbrance and weather protection.

More than likely, the planned changes to weather will not use the same system and so they are just blocking it for now until they change it.  If all they wanted was to keep the same system in place instead of change and hopefully improve it, they could do what you suggest.

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Is there any info about radiation resistance? I tried searching this thread but there's no discussion about it.

It doesn't seem to be included in the new armor set system.

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does anyone know from the streamer weekend if wondering hordes have been made a bigger threat? for a long time now they've been capped out at around gamestage 52 so when you surpass this level, you will only find zombie cops, big mamas and fat hawaiians as your worst threat and no ferals/rads and i just hope they get some love at some point since they were made to have a higher chance of loot drops incentivising the player to fight them but you quickly lose the feeling too when you're more powerful due to them just all being basic zombies

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Can anyone tell me if it has been confirmed that the farming is going to stay as it is?

It used to be a fun part of the game but now it's just not worth the trouble and investment. Unless you're going Fortitude tree anyways.... The thing is, it's not like weapon choice because each tree has it's alternatives. Food is something all players need.


At the moment farming is DESIGNED to be discaded by MOST of the players. 1 tree out of 5. Even if you account for everyone leveling multiple skill trees, it's still a minority in all the combinations. And even if you can max out all trees (I usually don't play so long in one save), farming is actually most relevant in early-mid game and not so much late game.

It makes little sense to make a fun gameplay mechanic and make it useless for most - especially if it's FOOD in a SURVIVAL game.

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...I would actually like to see some data TFP have on this. Do most of the players still farm?

On a sepparate topic, do zombies detect you faster and further if you have a headlight on or a torch/buring shaft mod equipped?

Cause it totally needs to be a thing :). It should be impossible to sneak with active light source - we have night vision goggles for this.

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17 hours ago, faatal said:

It defaults to DX11. DX12 is not useful in our limited testing. The mention of DX12 should not even be in the notes.

How well does Vulkan work in 1.0? Does it make sense to use it instead of DirectX 11?

Do you plan to update Unity in the future? If so, will it be Unity 2023 or Unity 6?

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1 hour ago, toores said:

It used to be a fun part of the game but now it's just not worth the trouble and investment. Unless you're going Fortitude tree anyways....


You should be more specific why you think it is useless. Me, I use farming in every game, with only ever putting 1 point in LotL (except if I go Fortitude, then more). Sure, you need a bigger field, but it is a steady supply of food even with that bit of randomness.


1 hour ago, toores said:

...I would actually like to see some data TFP have on this. Do most of the players still farm?


Not sure they still have a way of knowing. Their telemetry provider went bankrupt.


1 hour ago, toores said:

On a sepparate topic, do zombies detect you faster and further if you have a headlight on or a torch/buring shaft mod equipped?


I have the distinct impression they do. Note the stealth meter, if I remember correctly it goes up if you turn on the headlights. But you can still sneak with them at higher risk. Remember that the nvg are end-game equipment in previous alphas so not a general solution to the stealth player


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