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Unwanted Symbolism


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Good time everyone. The game 7 days to die gives us a lot of positive emotions and creates a great adventure atmosphere. But due to the aggressive actions of Russia and the fact that the letter Z was chosen for the symbol of the crimes they committed, I would like to contact the development team with a request to remove this symbol from the backpacks that fall out of the zombies.

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Unwanted symbolism
Good time everyone. The game 7 days to die gives us a lot of positive emotions and creates a great adventure atmosphere. But due to the aggressive actions of Russia and the fact that the letter Z was chosen for the symbol of the crimes they committed, I would like to contact the development team with a request to remove this symbol from the backpacks that fall out of the zombies.


Translating from Russian before this gets moderated away. Never mind! Good on you, Roland.

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  • Roland changed the title to Unwanted Symbolism

I don't see the need. Whatever Russian is doing with the letter Z doesn't mean we need to abandon or change anything else that uses it. You're injecting real world events into everyone's game by doing so and I for one don't approve. It's a letter, one you can't spell zombie without. It's not a useful change, since it would not stop a single Russian from doing anything.

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Thanks for writing in with this information. If it was a unique symbol that both the Russian aggressors and we happened to both be using I have no doubt the developers would be willing to  make changes. 

However, the letter “Z” is a common symbol from the alphabet with many possible uses and meanings and cutting out letters of the alphabet that various terrorist groups around the globe may decide to use at one time or another is probably too much to expect. 

The z stands for “zombie” and this is a zombie game. I will make sure the developers learn of your request but I just want to temper your expectations a bit. 

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Y'know several years/Alphas ago, when I played coop with a group, I constructed a big, late game horde base.  The foundation was a large square of concrete, on which I put towers in the NE and SW corners.  I made a bridge connecting these towers along the diagonal, and additional platforms extending to the W and E, respectively.  I planned to paint all the raised blocks red.


The result was a base I nicknamed "Zed square."  I even set up a sign for it.  It was just wordplay.  Zed as slang for zombie, but it also worked out that it rhymed with Red Square, a famous location.  Again, I stress this was years ago.


We mustn't discuss politics on this forum (friendly reminder).  So suffice it to say I was saddened this year when Z took on an association it didn't have before.  Now my "Zed square" base design would inevitably look like a political statement if anyone saw it.

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By actually removing the letter Z from anywhere because they use it, you give them power.


What if the next letter they use is A? And the next one D? What do we do if we run out of letters to use as abbreviations? You get the point, i guess. 







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