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20.4 new mod folder location


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47 minutes ago, Matt115 said:

Considering the worst case scenario is the best option to avoid being disapointed. If you not expect that anything can change on good ,will just use to it

Yeah but there is a big difference between being prepared for the worst, and presenting the worst case scenario as if it were already a fact.

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9 minutes ago, SylenThunder said:

Yeah but there is a big difference between being prepared for the worst, and presenting the worst case scenario as if it were already a fact.

Not prepared. for example - if you had news that your favourite series will get new movie you will think from begining that will be trash because something will be terrible with that. So you are not prepared -  you just don't expect nothing good. Something change with 7dtd into worst? as expected. Just you don't know what we will be bad , but only fact that something bad will happen .

For example  Half life alyx


Well after annouced this game i knew that will f... story. And.. ending mean that whatever what can happen now it will no sense. why? random change of timeline. So now if gman can radomly change past why not for example send shepard in past to kill gordon?  so... there is not point to wait for HL3. ANY F. POINT. because not matter if gameplay will be good story is broken :)


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The solution to changing the UserDataFolder and the SaveGameFolder in the serverconfig.xml has been something I have been doing since Alpha 18 to save space on my C Drive. But this solution does not address the issue of the Mod folder being in %AppData% where these huge modes live. I am willing to be there are many people in the same position I am in that bought their computer years ago with only a small SSC drive for C and windows and other "system programs" have now left them in the single digits of space on C and so we put our games and everything else we can on another, larger, drive. Without the ability to change the location of the MOD folder we are left with only being able to play vanilla. Before this change I could use mod launcher and have three intirely different modded games on my D drive and with my edited serverconfig file never add 1 meg more to my poor C drive. With this change I won't be able to play even One modded version now.

SO the question is, since Funpimps have made this change is there anyway to force the game to get the mod files from another location that would NOT have to be on the C Drive?

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What @Matt115 said. Ofc we are going to think the worst. We don´t get details about what the exact plan is. If you don´t share what your exact goal is and how things should work in the final version you can´t expect people to be happy about changes that make it worse during the process. 


And i am not establishing things as reality. I stated what is going wrong right now. By now you should know that we can only assume as we are talking about a game in development and given the fact that we don´t know what the endgoal of these changes is.


But we have to face the consequences. Like having to use a search filter with the correct region so i can see the servers on my favorite list. Only the ones that are in that region though. Can´t see my whole favorite list at once if they are in different regions. And to top it off i have to either go back to a20.3, go trough my output logs or the txt files from my savegames just to be able to find the servers i used before the change. And with results as faulty as that example you really wonder when people are pessimistic?  Really? @Roland

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1 hour ago, Momo Amaicha said:

The solution to changing the UserDataFolder and the SaveGameFolder in the serverconfig.xml has been something I have been doing since Alpha 18 to save space on my C Drive. But this solution does not address the issue of the Mod folder being in %AppData% where these huge modes live. I am willing to be there are many people in the same position I am in that bought their computer years ago with only a small SSC drive for C and windows and other "system programs" have now left them in the single digits of space on C and so we put our games and everything else we can on another, larger, drive. Without the ability to change the location of the MOD folder we are left with only being able to play vanilla. Before this change I could use mod launcher and have three intirely different modded games on my D drive and with my edited serverconfig file never add 1 meg more to my poor C drive. With this change I won't be able to play even One modded version now.

SO the question is, since Funpimps have made this change is there anyway to force the game to get the mod files from another location that would NOT have to be on the C Drive?


That's exactly why I tested before I posted the workaround.  The Mods folder worked in that separate location. I loaded Darkness Falls from it without an issue.




And honestly, if you're that short on space for your C drive, you have some bigger issues to deal with before worrying about a game.

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21 minutes ago, pApA^LeGBa said:

What @Matt115 said. Ofc we are going to think the worst. We don´t get details about what the exact plan is. If you don´t share what your exact goal is and how things should work in the final version you can´t expect people to be happy about changes that make it worse during the process. 


And i am not establishing things as reality. I stated what is going wrong right now. By now you should know that we can only assume as we are talking about a game in development and given the fact that we don´t know what the endgoal of these changes is.


But we have to face the consequences. Like having to use a search filter with the correct region so i can see the servers on my favorite list. Only the ones that are in that region though. Can´t see my whole favorite list at once if they are in different regions. And to top it off i have to either go back to a20.3, go trough my output logs or the txt files from my savegames just to be able to find the servers i used before the change. And with results as faulty as that example you really wonder when people are pessimistic?  Really? @Roland

Honestly? after adding 7dtd to gamepass and this mod/server location i'm worring  that one day after 7dtd will get gold TFP will sold right to 7DTD. And i'm afraid about that so much. I would prefred that TFP just left 7dtd after gold that sell to M$. Why? Because.... M$ will play safe .

@pApA^LeGBa i know that you don't like zombie kids idea right ? I didn't liked stripper idea - i don't like nudity. Both of them are controversial we can agree about that. And when M$ would take over there would be one chance for both of this. Why? because they will  1. Just add random stuff  to 7dtd to keep alive 2. make  safe sequels spinoffs etc.

I think even now there will be no chance for similiar call of duty  ( activision now belong to m$) to Cod WaW. They will make safe cods for "everyone" - something betwen  setting of mw2019 and "diversity and lack of seriously" of vanguard. What we would happen with 7dtd with 7dtd after change of owner? Less gore in next game, lighter tone etc. 

I know i'm too edgy sometimes  but.... damn... i see what happend with cod and i'm so tired... because i'm tired to be disspoited. A plague tale is so good so now i'm worring that sequel will be "safer" , Dl2 is just.... mistake.  I like "colourfull " games too like avatar. But i'm worring that avatar frontline will be mess. I love star wars, I played a lot in lego star wars 1 and 2. Now i see that new lego star wars is less focused on story and more on free world. And story mode is pretty short. Yes Lego games are about "make everything 100%" but honestly i would rather see clone wars missions that escort wampa.


Well - you love 7dtd's mods. I don't like them because there is no mods not in my type ( i wish some will make more darker mod but i don't have hope about that) . But i think it's more important to create "modders friendly" system that put 7dtd into game pass xd

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5 minutes ago, SylenThunder said:


And honestly, if you're that short on space for your C drive, you have some bigger issues to deal with before worrying about a game.

Not rly - some mods are much bigger that game - kotf for example or Lotr mods for medieval. So let say someday someone will create 100 gb for 7dtd ( big map, a lot of new poi, enemy, weapons , very high quality textures) to 7dtd or there will be option to choose which mods can be launched. So you can get short with space and you will can't do nothing. And My C have 930 gb, My G 2 T.  Mods can be big - one time had at least 500+ gb of gmod addons.  I was forced to unsubcribe most of my addons. But what is my point? That someday mods to 7dtd can be big but forced to use C can reduce  big mod users

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2 hours ago, pApA^LeGBa said:

What @Matt115 said. Ofc we are going to think the worst. We don´t get details about what the exact plan is. If you don´t share what your exact goal is and how things should work in the final version you can´t expect people to be happy about changes that make it worse during the process. 


And i am not establishing things as reality. I stated what is going wrong right now. By now you should know that we can only assume as we are talking about a game in development and given the fact that we don´t know what the endgoal of these changes is.


But we have to face the consequences. Like having to use a search filter with the correct region so i can see the servers on my favorite list. Only the ones that are in that region though. Can´t see my whole favorite list at once if they are in different regions. And to top it off i have to either go back to a20.3, go trough my output logs or the txt files from my savegames just to be able to find the servers i used before the change. And with results as faulty as that example you really wonder when people are pessimistic?  Really? @Roland


The issues are always different in the particulars but the attitude and reaction is always the same from people who just don't know to expect change, reconfiguration, and evolution when playing a game in active development. People think they know and can laugh off changes when they affect others but are of no concern to them. But then that one update comes when they are the ones inconvenienced and all of a sudden they sound just like all the doom and gloomers of the past. I guess it was your turn this update pApA...

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1 hour ago, SylenThunder said:


That's exactly why I tested before I posted the workaround.  The Mods folder worked in that separate location. I loaded Darkness Falls from it without an issue.




And honestly, if you're that short on space for your C drive, you have some bigger issues to deal with before worrying about a game.


So I can still have my 5 or 6 separate single player games, edit the serverconfig.xml file in each folder to point to a different mods folder and just start the exe in each folder for each different modded game I want to play?

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There shouldn't be any reason to save large game files like MODs on Windows OS main drive, zero.  I have a 512 GB NVMe SSD JUSt for the OS (Only) and a 2 TB NVMe SSD for my Documents, PDFs and Game files (Mostly EPIC games and Steam games), I expect my MODS for any of my games be on the Game drive.  Now you may say 512 GB more than enough, but that's not the issue SSD cells decay over time and I perfer my OS SSD to be left alone for OS stuff esp restore points and recovery.


Even No Mans Sky keeps their MODS folder in it's steam directory ...


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@Roland Wrong. I did have servers i had to retrieve, but for me that wasn´t a challenge, it was annoying though. But it is literally impossible for a lot of people.


It´s the horrible way that this was implemented and the total lack of communication about it that made this so infuriating. If you do such changes and know that things are going to get really complicated for the average gamer, you need to at least communicate BEFORE you force it onto your customer if things get messed up that bad.


Alot of people have no clue what they need to do, can´t even fnd their own servers. A lot simply switch back to A20.3 because they are simply overwhelmed.


Another thing that just came to my mind: What about custom POI`s? Are those going to be in the appdata folder also? I assume so, because that would also be changes to the game folder and that´s what this part of the update is about. That´s another huge pile of data if you look at compopack and how many POI´s it has. 

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If I understand correctly the reason why we had this discussion is Microsoft (once again MS made things worse...). The MS Store or Game Pass don't accept changes made in the game directory? Is this correct? So Steam downloads don't need this limitation theoretically? And what about the Linux version of the game?


Before you go Bananas: No, I don't want TFP to make a second (Steam-only) version of the game. 😉


I'm just searching for possible hacks...  




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2 minutes ago, grendelwolf said:

If I understand correctly the reason why we had this discussion is Microsoft (one again MS made things worse...). The MS Store or Game Pass don't accept changes made in the game directory? Is this correct? So Steam downloads don't need this limitation theoretically? And what about the Linux version of the game?





Well about linux.... idk?

But rest yep- change was forced by MS

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Ok. I just don't understand why the game can't (or must not) create a second folder (for Mods) on its installation drive automatically.

-7 Days To Die is installed on drive D.

- It creates a folder 'Mods' on drive D.

- It reads that folder when starting.  

This wouldn't be a modification of the game directory itself.  🤔

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9 minutes ago, grendelwolf said:

If I understand correctly the reason why we had this discussion is Microsoft (one again MS made things worse...). The MS Store or Game Pass don't accept changes made in the game directory? Is this correct? So Steam downloads don't need this limitation theoretically? And what about the Linux version of the game?


Before you go Bananas: No, I don't want TFP to make a second (Steam-only) version of the game. 😉


I'm just searching for possible hacks...  




Yep, this is why.

Which is also why I don't see a good reason to yeet the CURRENT mods folder. That should work fine for Steam/Epic versions.

Unless it's an adjustment MS requires that we don't know about.

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2 minutes ago, KhaineGB said:

Yep, this is why.

Which is also why I don't see a good reason to yeet the CURRENT mods folder. That should work fine for Steam/Epic versions.

Unless it's an adjustment MS requires that we don't know about.

It would be probably forced by MS because... there is no more logical reasons to do this + in this same time they added 7dtd into game pass. So this only logical explanation

And honestly? i'm angry about that as hell xd

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1 hour ago, Matt115 said:

It would be probably forced by MS because... there is no more logical reasons to do this.


And it doesn't make sense for a game that is really made for big Mods. And large Mod-Packs. I reckon that Skyrim isn't available via game pass?   

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1 minute ago, grendelwolf said:

And it doesn't make sense for a game that is really made for big Mods. And large Mod-Packs. I reckon that Skyrim isn't available via game pass?   

Nope, there is not skyrim in game pass xd what i can say? everything change on worst xd

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The devs and modders need their own discord channel to discuss these things. Conversations like these out in the open are fueling the false narrative that "they moved the mods folder" when in fact for the user, nothing has changed. Simply DON't put any mods in %appdata% and you're fine. 

If the concern here is to help the less powerful users have easy access to mods, information overload is a thing. Most regular players just blast over this long thread and assume the mods folder has been moved, period. Now it's more complex in their minds already.

It would be better if the modders just worked this out with the devs directly.

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10 minutes ago, DEDloc said:

The devs and modders need their own discord channel to discuss these things. Conversations like these out in the open are fueling the false narrative that "they moved the mods folder" when in fact for the user, nothing has changed. Simply DON't put any mods in %appdata% and you're fine. 

If the concern here is to help the less powerful users have easy access to mods, information overload is a thing. Most regular players just blast over this long thread and assume the mods folder has been moved, period. Now it's more complex in their minds already.

It would be better if the modders just worked this out with the devs directly.

It change for users too if you have few copy of 7dtd for diffrent mods

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1 hour ago, Matt115 said:

It change for users too if you have few copy of 7dtd for diffrent mods

How? I don't use a launcher, so I assume that's what you must mean. Doing it manually this is very simple.


Regardless, the narrative that "the mods folder got moved" is inaccurate at best and people are getting the wrong idea. You can still launch mods from seperate locations and as long as you have no mods in %appdata% you should have no issues.

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38 minutes ago, DEDloc said:

Conversations like these out in the open are fueling the false narrative that "they moved the mods folder" when in fact for the user, nothing has changed.

Otherwise I might agree, but TFP informed about the upcoming change in the release notes; the part where it Will change in a future build.

Sure, no-one reads the notes, but no-one reads this thread either... :)

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1 hour ago, theFlu said:

Otherwise I might agree, but TFP informed about the upcoming change in the release notes; the part where it Will change in a future build.

Sure, no-one reads the notes, but no-one reads this thread either... :)

The Steam forums is choking with posts asking "TFP, why you move mods folder?, now my game broken" .


Again, do what you like. My entire point here is to help keep this simple for the user. The fact is that your average gamer would take one look at this thread and likely resolve to never use mods at all based on this confusion and chaos, when it's really not nearly as bad as it sounds.


Do what you like.

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I have 10 different modded game versions going back to Alpha 16.


I am not going to mess about to get them all to work via Appdata.


I will simply delete them and likely stop playing the game.

After 4.5k hours, the  game is not going in a general direction I like.

Recent Alphas have been 20-30 hrs or so Funpimps game and then wait for the modders to make the game more enjoyable.


Why all accommodation to MS? Are we going to reach the stage where we need a Microsoft account to play?

I have already deleted Minecraft because of this.

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