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Gyrocopter needs an update or some love..or a Helicopter ?!


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Gyrocopter needs an update or some love..it is shaky, bad landing, cant take off or land let's say on your roof's helipad.

needs to be IMO vertical take off and vertical landing rather than a runway.

also it is very unstable , can be nicer, better, maybe faster?


would be nice to be able to land on a buildings roof or park it on your rooftop or helipad.


i really think it needs an adjustment OR just be able to build a helicopter.


i mean there is a nice bike, a nice 4x4 jeep, why not a nice helicopter also where your friend can sit next to you with a M60 shooting from it?

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I've actually been kind of surprised at how reasonably accurate the gyro handles. They create lift by moving forward, with limited auto-gyro capabilities. I can land the gyro on a 15x15 rooftop, but it takes careful adjustment of the angle of attack and forward speed. If you come in kind of low, then pitch up near the landing spot, the gyro will slow down very quickly and by tapping the throttle you can almost get a vertical landing. But you have to land fairly quickly, or the momentum of the main rotors will be lost and you won't have any lift. Then you plummet. Even so, they're pretty tough so a hard landing won't cause it to asplode.


It's quirky and I personally like it.


Not to say an attack helicopter wouldn't also be pretty cool. 😄

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With practice, you can actually land on the top of a high-rise building, no runway needed. A large helipad like on top of Diersville hospital is even enough for a minimal push and once you fall off, you can recover velocity and airflow for a climb.


If that still doesnt make you happier, there's vehicle mods and surely a proper chopper exists somewhere.

Edited by Kyonshi (see edit history)
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Honestly, I have no bloody idea how to properly steer the gyrocopter. I believe that placing some limits on the climbing angle (lifting the front of the gyro while going up) could improve the experience. If I go up too aggressively then the gyrocopter keeps spinning or falls back with my flight skill level.  Also, it would be nice to reverse on the ground a little bit faster wouldn`t be a bad idea.

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12 minutes ago, TWORDY said:

Honestly, I have no bloody idea how to properly steer the gyrocopter. I believe that placing some limits on the climbing angle (lifting the front of the gyro while going up) could improve the experience. If I go up too aggressively then the gyrocopter keeps spinning or falls back with my flight skill level.  Also, it would be nice to reverse on the ground a little bit faster wouldn`t be a bad idea.


If it rises fast while spinning just press "c" a few times (while still holding "W" so you don't lose speed) until you are horizontal. No need to act fast, no need to steer or do anything else. Just get to a horizontal position. Then turn to the direction you want to fly.


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It is a little weird how it will bank if you look around (RMB still works for a free look), but not actually turn. Took me a bit to get smooth with the mouselook + turn keys. But this also, IMO, shows decent nuance in the physics of the gyro. If you turn (yaw) too quickly, you lose the forward momentum that keeps the main rotor spinning, and you will lose altitude. You gotta take the turns somewhat gently, or be ready to go max throttle and pitch up a bit to recover lost altitude.


My biggest beef - and it's hardly a morsel - is that it doesn't seem possible to completely neutralize vertical speed. It's always either climbing just a bit or descending just a bit.

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12 hours ago, Boidster said:

It is a little weird how it will bank if you look around (RMB still works for a free look), but not actually turn. Took me a bit to get smooth with the mouselook + turn keys. But this also, IMO, shows decent nuance in the physics of the gyro. If you turn (yaw) too quickly, you lose the forward momentum that keeps the main rotor spinning, and you will lose altitude. You gotta take the turns somewhat gently, or be ready to go max throttle and pitch up a bit to recover lost altitude.


Yes. Once you are in level flight all you should do are small corrections until you are satisfied with the direction and height. If you want to go down, just press "c" once say 500 meters before the target and slowly descend. The more you handle the gyro like a Boing 747 instead of a stunt flying machine the easier it gets.


The gyro is actually my favorite vehicle as landing and take-off is something of a skill you can learn and be really good at.


And if you are not or get into trouble, you can always land safely if you just press E while low over the ground, no matter how fast you approach it.




My biggest beef - and it's hardly a morsel - is that it doesn't seem possible to completely neutralize vertical speed. It's always either climbing just a bit or descending just a bit.


If your gyro looks completely level you will go down slowly, but if you then press space just once you have level flight. Pretty sure about that, but I could test it objectively using the height display in the map if you are convinced such a setting does not exist.


Edited by meganoth (see edit history)
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I also love the Gyrocopter, people keeps thinking it's a helicopter, it is not, it's a Short Take-Off & Landing aircraft. Learning how to fly slow and pretty soon you're landing on top of the silos in the Large Shotgun Messiah for the main loot. 


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1 hour ago, seagas said:

I also love the Gyrocopter, people keeps thinking it's a helicopter, it is not, it's a Short Take-Off & Landing aircraft. Learning how to fly slow and pretty soon you're landing on top of the silos in the Large Shotgun Messiah for the main loot. 


Seems like gyros main purpose. Get untouched to the main loot and come back safely. It would be much better to hold E for 2 sec while having some graphical representation of the action so accidental misclicks could have been avoided...

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I like the quirkiness of it (makes it hard to fly) and it *is* a flying machine you built from spare parts….but maybe some of the major “movement” complaints could be alleviated (faster backward speeds, better handling, etc) could be handled with unique vehicle mods for the gyrocopter (like in game mods you attach to the vehicle like you have for guns and armor.  Say “propellor stabilizer” or “auto leveler”). 

The gyro is OP in my mind (though it’s an end game item) along with all the other vehicles. I kinda wish they had more wear and tear possible so you could more easily lose/destroy your vehicle. For gyro it’s obviously “take a hard landing” or just “needs maintenance” as it would wear down in time…. Because you repurposed an old car engine. ;)

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I may survive and embrace the total quirkiness of the flight model. It`s not like I`m completely dissing the presence of gyrocopter but it has the worst controls out of all vehicles in my view. Players predominantly use it to get the loot from the top of any building. Gyrocopter means also fewer encounters on the ground. Someone's buzzing above my head alleviates the sensation of the fight for survival in a survival game. I believe that the game itself would be stronger exclusively on the ground - this is my biased opinion so idk 🤷‍♂️

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I never used it to get the loot off of tall buildings.  It was mostly for cities way out there when I wanted to loot a specific POI or going on a trader shopping spree.  The ability to take a direct route from one location to another made it easier to travel and quicker overall, rather than trying to go off-roading and avoiding pits and such that would cause me to get stuck, or taking the roads but never in a direct route to my location.

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1 hour ago, TWORDY said:

Gyrocopter means also fewer encounters on the ground. Someone's buzzing above my head alleviates the sensation of the fight for survival in a survival game. I believe that the game itself would be stronger exclusively on the ground

I do agree with this.  Usually when I get the gyrocopter I fly around the map to see everything (and loot a few high end buildings on “full berserk mode”) then “I’m done” as there’s not much to do when you can loot that easily.


this is kinda one reason I wish the gyrocopter wasn’t so OP and degraded or was fragile, as you would then fly far away and then “crap, it broke”. Of course, people would just keep a spare in their pocket so maybe it’s a moot point.. maybe if the gyro could only get “a little bit off the ground” easily (say, 1/2 a story) and as you pushed the motor, it got harder to control and also used up gas a lot (or maybe had “oil” as a secondary resource being used up fast?) so most flying would be low and going “up” for loot would be a very dangerous thing…. That way spitters (and future bandits), and vultures  could still get to you easily….


so maybe another layer would be to hobble the gyro like this then “mods” to it would make it be less of a pain, but still not like it is today. Or make a lot of “underground” places where the gyro is useless in.  But I feel underground caves/stuff at this magnitude isn’t going to get any love unless someone hand builds a map. 

So yeah, “more ground based” would feel a lot better, I was just thinking of ways to keep the (very few) unique vehicles we already have, how it could work, etc. 

Edited by doughphunghus (see edit history)
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As if there was any serious danger being on a motorbike or in a 4x4! So should we remove them too? If you are OP it may mean you played the game to the end, making the gyro unfun won't help you there.


The gyro is a means for travelling, if you see all people around you use it for landing on POIs, better change the people you surround yourself with 😁


Bandits will have guns and probably shoot the gyro from the air faster than a herd of vultures can do it.

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1 hour ago, meganoth said:

As if there was any serious danger being on a motorbike or in a 4x4!

Agreed! There really isn’t.  I wish there was though:). I’m also one who likes the change where vultures will hunt you down if you try to drive away. 

I think the gyrocopter and maybe the mini bike has a lot more “allowance” for being fragile (because the mini bike looks like the gyrocopter: cobbled together from a thin collection of found parts). The motorcycle and especially the 4x4 are hard to envision not being like tanks (and escape vehicles) as in the real world “feel” they are OP (against zeds) vs a bicycle/minibike and look like well crafted heavy machines. 

yeah, I know it’s “realism vs fun”, and there’s all sorts of limitations and balance making the vehicles the way they are (speed, storage, etc).  I don’t have any good ideas for the cycle or 4x4 other than needing them to be easily damaged and needing repairs, but the “keep a ton of extra vehicles in your pocket” takes away from the danger of needing unplanned roadside maintenance.


I do like peoples suggestions about being able to use the 4x4 to pull a cart or something. It would give it a “niche” use over the cycle which today is “some more storage” (in a single player game).


as for bandits shooting you in the gyro: I really hope so! One “plus” of all vehicles is that they are “open” and not enclosed, so getting shot (or vulture Attacked) is plausible and feels right.

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57 minutes ago, meganoth said:

What do you mean with [break]?

The break. Slows down the vehicle. Gyro's have it and pitch up tied to the same key and the breaks in 7d2d are either off or head to dash with nothing in between. Makes the taking off from the ground process get up speed, tap break and hope it doesn't completely kill your momentum or slew you into a wall. Moving pitch up to another key would help with that.

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The space bar is brake? I haven't experienced any slowdown when adjusting my pitch.  The problem I've seen with family I've tried to teach is that the tendency is to press and hold the space bar and the C button instead of simply tapping them for incremental adjustments. Keep W pressed as well as Shift and then just tap the space bar and the C button as necessary to adjust your pitch.

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1 minute ago, Roland said:

The space bar is brake? I haven't experienced any slowdown when adjusting my pitch.  The problem I've seen with family I've tried to teach is that the tendency is to press and hold the space bar and the C button instead of simply tapping them for incremental adjustments. Keep W pressed as well as Shift and then just tap the space bar and the C button as necessary to adjust your pitch.

It is when you're on the ground.

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10 minutes ago, hiemfire said:

It is when you're on the ground.


Really? Have to try that, I never noticed any slowing down with the space bar when starting. I don't use the space bar without "W", i.e,after landing, so I may have missed it completely.



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It is, but only sort of. It will keep you in place while you're revving up your thrust, but the moment you start moving it basically won't slow you down anymore. Not sure if that's intended, or if the game just considers you "flying" from low speeds.


The gyro is all kinds of clunky, but that isn't really an issue that bothers me. And it seems to behave like a decent real life gyro, so it's not bad.

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Like someone allready said, a Gyrocopter isn't a helicoper or any other similar VTOL.

Basicly a gyrocopter is a plane with rotating wing instead of fixed one like a regular plane like an ultralight.

IMO they should move it from lvl 5 to lvl 1, it is a very simple design. Only the the both propeller are the bottlenecks.


If you want some VTOL, you should look into a copterpack.


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On 6/30/2021 at 8:45 AM, meganoth said:

If your gyro looks completely level you will go down slowly, but if you then press space just once you have level flight. Pretty sure about that, but I could test it objectively using the height display in the map if you are convinced such a setting does not exist.


Well I haven't done exhaustive tests, but I'm pretty familiar with flying the gyro and I think pretty skilled with it. I understand how to tap space and c to alter pitch. My experience is that the gyro does not seem to ever have 0 vertical speed. If it is descending at its minimum rate and, as you suggest, I tap the space bar, it will transition to a very slight positive vertical speed. Eventually it hits the top of the world and stops ascending.


I did just do short test where I climbed to 120m and trimmed pitch until it appeared to be flying mostly level (not its on-screen appearance, but the apparent motion of ground objects - getting closer or farther). I then checked the map very quickly: 120m...124m...129m, a very shallow climb. So I tapped 'c' once. The gyro pitched down a bit and I checked the map again: 129m...125m...120m.


I have never been able to find a true zero vertical speed at full throttle. It is a very minor annoyance.


On 7/1/2021 at 9:44 AM, theFlu said:

It is, but only sort of. It will keep you in place while you're revving up your thrust, but the moment you start moving it basically won't slow you down anymore. Not sure if that's intended, or if the game just considers you "flying" from low speeds.


Definitely it gets very light on its wheels with any sort of speed much above walking speed. If I land a bit short of my destination and want to "drive" there, I gotta go slow or it becomes too floaty and a pavement bump will send it careening into a house.

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