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OMG! OMG! OMG! Zombie stripper :)


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1 hour ago, Fox said:

Well, that's disappointing coming from a House fan... since there is a stripper named Kandi in that show and kind of looks the same.

Well, it has been a minute since I watched House (although I've seen it some 5-6 times :)) and I'm currently rewatching Two and a half men... so :) (but i am ashamed a little now).


BTW, it's the one with strawberry body lotion that screws up Chase, right?

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3 hours ago, eXSe said:

Well, it has been a minute since I watched House (although I've seen it some 5-6 times :)) and I'm currently rewatching Two and a half men... so :) (but i am ashamed a little now).


BTW, it's the one with strawberry body lotion that screws up Chase, right?

Only 5 - 6 times?  :p


And yes.

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2 hours ago, Gazz said:

Gamers are people, too. Get used to it.

Not really sure what that has to do with the rampant sexism, but okay kiddo.

22 hours ago, Outlaw_187 said:

Am I missing any? Sorry if we like the female figure. We're guys after all. 

"We" aren't all guys.


Also the "nurse" is basically just a "sexy nurse halloween costume." Literally no nurses dress like that. 

Interesting how people assume that being offended is an "act."

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3 hours ago, Gazz said:

Gamers are people, too. Get used to it.

I agree. In my experience, gamers, while flawed as everyone, are an incredibly educated bunch. Even the plain Call of duty-soccer console players are more open minded, gentle and knowledgeable than a non-gamer. 


I find videogames to be the biggest red telephone anti-war tool of this generation. Boobs are important for ANY generation too if properly respected.

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16 hours ago, Feycat said:

It would be nice if just ONCE gamers could try to buck the stereotypes.

Would be cool if all the females in the game weren't 'eye candy' too. Gross.


"We" aren't all guys.

Also the "nurse" is basically just a "sexy nurse halloween costume." Literally no nurses dress like that. 

Just so you know, not all of us straight guys are thirsty boys. I made one or two snide remarks about this nonsense a few years back and they took away my moderator position because of it. I think my exact words were something like: "The only thing missing in the game is a large pink sex toy that you can use as a melee weapon".


The devs will do whatever they want and we just need to live with it. The game can easily do without the weirdly dressed and non-dressed zombies for both genders and can do without the swearing too and it would for sure not affect the sales for this game. If anything, sales might go up a tiny bit more for the parents who want to play this game with their kids without making things a bit awkward; but they don't seem to care about that. They mentioned in the past that they want to make the game their way, and that's exactly what they're doing. Whether that's a good thing or bad thing is debatable.


So don't waste your breath over something like this. It has been argued about to death countless times over the many years of development of this game with only 1 winning compromise that I know of so far (non nude main character). It is what it is, and we just need to deal with it.


Maybe in 5+ years from now when the game finally goes "gold" and mods become worth making, someone out there will make a mod that re-textures the zombies to be more normal looking.

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21 hours ago, xyth said:

Hehe, I woke up this morning and saw this thread and just had to throw this together.  It would need some animation editing as there is no easy way to force her to hold the pole.   Anyway, enjoy!




Shake it baby!   (now we have something to spend those old dollar bills on)   :D

(quote from Duke Nukem 3d)   


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5 hours ago, Feycat said:

Not really sure what that has to do with the rampant sexism, but okay kiddo.

"We" aren't all guys.


Also the "nurse" is basically just a "sexy nurse halloween costume." Literally no nurses dress like that. 

Interesting how people assume that being offended is an "act."

why are feminists always raging about sexism. Look at movie male actors with theyr perfectly shaped muscular Body. Thats sexism too cause no regular guy looks like that. And have you ever heared a man crying about it. No! so you shouldn't as well. I bet you're offended cause you want to look like that.

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6 hours ago, Feycat said:

Not really sure what that has to do with the rampant sexism, but okay kiddo.


"We" aren't all guys.


Also the "nurse" is basically just a "sexy nurse halloween costume." Literally no nurses dress like that. 

Interesting how people assume that being offended is an "act."

People get offended about stupid things and that is why some think it's an act. But, to get back on point...



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7 hours ago, Feycat said:

"We" aren't all guys.


Also the "nurse" is basically just a "sexy nurse halloween costume." Literally no nurses dress like that. 

Interesting how people assume that being offended is an "act."

I wasn't assuming you were a guy, on the contrary I figured in fact you were female. 

Maybe we do get a little too excited with stuff like this. That's what I meant by "we're guys after all". 


Agreed, the nurse does look "dated". I wouldn't call her sexy by any stretch but they for sure no longer look like that. I imagine the updated nurse will be in scrubs with a stethoscope around her neck. 

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7 hours ago, Feycat said:

Not really sure what that has to do with the rampant sexism, but okay kiddo.

"We" aren't all guys.


Also the "nurse" is basically just a "sexy nurse halloween costume." Literally no nurses dress like that. 

Interesting how people assume that being offended is an "act."

You know you can just quote me if you wanna debate my comments?


Yes, that's an act. Or the "sexism card" being pulled out for no real other goal than to instigate a useless conflict. When Lara Croft came out, we had a proeminent, badass female hero but nope, that wasnt still enough. Triggered people wanted to dictate Core/Eidos about the size of her damn tits while the whole community wanted to explore caves and forgotten temples, not trying to find a way to fit both boobs in their mouth at the same time. Its never enough for the SJWs, whatever you do. Its always an act of being offended.


Why do people who are offended think they're right? Plus, you may be pushing it a bit here. Rampant sexism? Come on. The nurse clothes are simply inspired from the oufit we saw during the WWII era and the fifties, with that particular headdress. Sure, nobody dresses like that anymore, they all have scrubs and i myself mentioned they should be dressed as such, in another topic about zombie skin models. The Pimps just designed a nurse that way like most people would picture a clown with typical colored wigs and round, red nose props. Its a stereotype, not a scandalous, depraved sex slave... Nothing dramatic here. Its far from being a sexy Halloween nurse with nylon socks, garter belt, mini-skirt, push-up bra and 3 inches of makeup.


Yeah, Trader Jen has a big rack. So what? Girls with large breasts exists. Big deal. Same has if one of the male traders would be muscular and wear a skin-tight shirt to let show his Magic Mike shape. Also, she's caring, sensitive and funny. All positive traits that could be well comforting during the apocalypse. Survivors are actually dependent of her in such a harsh setting. More power to her! But omg she has a big rack!!! IM OUTRAGED!! 😆 Personally, i liked her previous appearance better. But they wanted to change her and i chuckled when i saw that. Alright Pimps, whatever floats your boat lol. It wasnt necessary, but its nothing to keep you sleeping at night.


Like i said, if you really wanna be inclusive, all body types should be represented and not only flat-chested, ironing-board girls. The simple fact that you previously said that all female models should be like this makes you a discriminating person. A video game is an artistic creation and if Trader Jen designer likes big boobs, they will design her this way and that's it. The same way if a female designer likes perfect pecs and abs and a fat bulge in his pants, they will design their Trader is such way and there's no amount of whining that'll change that. And you can be sure that a vast majority of male players, straights and gays, wont @%$# about that, even if we're not shaped like Greek statues and dont have 10 inches dicks.


Because we understand that 7DtD is about killing zombies.



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5 hours ago, Fox said:

Just so you know, not all of us straight guys are thirsty boys. I made one or two snide remarks about this nonsense a few years back and they took away my moderator position because of it. I think my exact words were something like: "The only thing missing in the game is a large pink sex toy that you can use as a melee weapon".....



Im going to guess you lost your mod privileges based solely on your snide remarks. (I can see SylenThunder losing his at some point for this same reason).

So many responses I see from you is condescending or belittling in some way. I'm not trying to start an argument, just an observation. 

8 minutes ago, Kyonshi said:

You know you can just quote me if you wanna debate my comments?


Yes, that's an act. Or the "sexism card" being pulled out for no real other goal than to instigate a useless conflict. When Lara Croft came out, we had a proeminent, badass female hero but nope, that wasnt still enough. Triggered people wanted to dictate Eidos about the size of her damn tits while the whole community wanted to explore caves and forgotten temples, not trying to find a way to fit both boobs in their mouth at the same time. Its never enough for the SJWs, whatever you do. Its always an act of being offended.


Why do people who are offended think they're right? Plus, you may be pushing it a bit here. Rampant sexism? Come on. The nurse clothes are simply inspired from the oufit we saw during the WWII era and the fifties, with that particular headdress. Sure, nobody dresses like that anymore, they all have scrubs and i myself mentioned they should be dressed as such, in another topic about zombie skin models. The Pimps just designed a nurse that way like most people would picture a clown with typical colored wigs and round, red nose props. Its a stereotype, not a scandalous, depraved sex slave... Nothing dramatic here. Its far from being a sexy Halloween nurse with nylon socks, garter belt, mini-skirt, push-up bra and 3 inches of makeup.


Yeah, Trader Jen has a big rack. So what? Girls with large breasts exists. Big deal. Same has if one of the male traders would be muscular and wear a skin-tight shirt to let show his Magic Mike shape. Also, she's caring, sensitive and funny. All positive traits that could be well comforting during the apocalypse. Survivors are actually dependent of her in such a harsh setting. More power to her! But omg she has a big rack!!! IM OUTRAGED!! 😆 Personally, i liked her previous appearance better. But they wanted to change her and i chuckled when i saw that. Alright Pimps, whatever floats your boat lol. It wasnt necessary, but its nothing to keep you sleeping at night.


Like i said, if you really wanna be inclusive, all body types should be represented and not only flat-chested, ironing-board girls. The simple fact that you previously said that all female models should be like this makes you a discriminating person. A video game is an artistic creation and if Trader Jen designer likes big boobs, they will design her this way and that's it. The same way if a female designer likes perfect pecs and abs and a fat bulge in his pants, they will design their Trader is such way and there's no amount of whining that'll change that. And you can be sure that a vast majority of male players, straights and gays, wont @%$# about that, even if we're not shaped like Greek statues and dont have 10 inches dicks.


Because we understand that 7DtD is about killing zombies.



Damn, couldn't have said this better myself. 100% agree.

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On 9/16/2020 at 9:38 PM, Outlaw_187 said:

Other than the new stripper, what other "females in game" are eye candy?

The chick with her eye hanging out....no. the little shorty in a dress..no. the cheerleader...no. the screamer...no. The character models for players....no. big mama....no. 


Am I missing any? Sorry if we like the female figure. We're guys after all. 

Let’s not forget women can also love some female eyecandy, it’s not just a guy thing. :)

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2 hours ago, Outlaw_187 said:

Im going to guess you lost your mod privileges based solely on your snide remarks. (I can see SylenThunder losing his at some point for this same reason).

So many responses I see from you is condescending or belittling in some way. I'm not trying to start an argument, just an observation.

I say it like it is... I'm not here to make friends or enemies as this is just a website filled with random ppl I'll never see in person. So you take my comments however way you like, but I have no interest in making judgement or belittling anyone on the forums, I leave that for ppl who can't control their emotions.


Besides, you haven't been here that long to have read even a fraction of my posts let alone seen a fraction of my contributions to the community here, so who are you to make judgement on me?


Also, I get the impression that you have no idea what it's like to be a moderator on a forum this popular (especially back in the early years when it was 100x worse and more populated than it is now, it was a full time volunteer thankless job). And I think SylenThunder is doing a great job overall, although I haven't been following him around seeing everything he does, as that would be weird.

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46 minutes ago, Shumi said:

Let’s not forget women can also love some female eyecandy, it’s not just a guy thing. :)


Honestly I would have 0 problem with the game having a chip-N-dale (ahem) stripper zombie wandering around in a thong, looking like like a bronze chiseled undead beefcake and bumping his way through the zone going "huh?" at everything he comes across in a confused fashion.   Looking for his dead zombie infected stripper girlfriend so they can nom brains together.



I always thought of 7d2d as a B movie in video game form, a bit of PG-13 raunchiness included.  But this game is going in the other direction and TFP seems to be trying to make this game a bit more family friendly, which is depressing.  But its their baby to do what they want with.  Modders will have to pick  up the slack I suppose.


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1 minute ago, Orclover said:


Honestly I would have 0 problem with the game having a chip-N-dale (ahem) stripper zombie wandering around in a thong, looking like like a bronze chiseled undead beefcake and bumping his way through the zone going "huh?" at everything he comes across in a confused fashion.   Looking for his dead zombie infected stripper girlfriend so they can nom brains together.



I always thought of 7d2d as a B movie in video game form, a bit of PG-13 raunchiness included.  But this game is going in the other direction and TFP seems to be trying to make this game a bit more family friendly, which is depressing.  But its their baby to do what they want with.  Modders will have to pick  up the slack I suppose.


Off topic but I love your name.

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25 minutes ago, Fox said:

I say it like it is... I'm not here to make friends or enemies as this is just a website filled with random ppl I'll never see in person. So you take my comments however way you like, but I have no interest in making judgement or belittling anyone on the forums, I leave that for ppl who can't control their emotions.


Besides, you haven't been here that long to have read even a fraction of my posts let alone seen a fraction of my contributions to the community here, so who are you to make judgement on me?


Also, I get the impression that you have no idea what it's like to be a moderator on a forum this popular (especially back in the early years when it was 100x worse than it is now, it was a full time volunteer thankless job).

It was a tough road indeed. In my head, I imagine the afterstory being that Malthis went bald and developed Zd warts in the belly as a result of the stressful environment . And Roland is 17 years old. Think about it. You've seen the pictures.

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