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Dire wolf at 10am on Day 1 running through town to the trader? Srlsly?


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In snow biome, i see a mountain lion or two(record was 3) every 2 minutes, and unless i bring an AK, i can't deal with them, they take like 15-25 bullets for them to die, it's like a early feral that will shred you in seconds, not to mention lumberjacks everywhere. Trying to kill a mountain lion with anything but a SMG or AK is a death sentence! At least they are a good meat source... got like a full chest of meat from them.

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20 hours ago, Darthjake said:

Wouldn't it be the dogs first, and then the buzzards?


I wait to spend my first skill point until I've gotten a temp base going, just in case I need to buy that first point of the healing perk, and since we don't start in the desert anymore I hardly ever see vultures until day 4 or 5ish.

Then on the way back to get my backpack attacked by another buzzard that infected me.


Day two, noon, attacked and killed by zombie dog.


Are the developers trying to drive people away?   This game peaked at Alpha 16 and has been going down ever since.

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I think that's a problem with the particular version you play. In every beta version, there are some new and a lot of old bugs. In the current B177, for example, there is a bug in <entitygroup name="WildGameForest">, so that chickens and rabbits are the nearly only neutral game spawning in the normal landscape. Thus, if we discuss bugs or balancing, we have to be specific as to which version we refer.


If a direwolf spawns at daytime in normal forest or open landscape, we surely do not speak of the current version B177.

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38 minutes ago, ~Kevin~ said:

Then on the way back to get my backpack attacked by another buzzard that infected me.


Day two, noon, attacked and killed by zombie dog.


Are the developers trying to drive people away?   This game peaked at Alpha 16 and has been going down ever since.

You are playing A19 right?  Because I have not seen a Z dog until after day 7.


And buzzards will not attack you unless you are injured or on a vehicle.  If you are injured and going out when you know there are buzzards you are basically asking for trouble.  When you first wake up, take all items and put them in your backpack except for the bandage.  I never expect to keep that first bandage so I always harvest cotton to make the regular bandages for when I *have* to use the first aid bandage.  Except I haven't had to use it.  This last game I started I didn't have to use it until day 4, and by then I'd found 2 more to replace it.


Also, I have no clue what difficulty you are on, what map you are using or anything else so results may vary.  If you are getting dog and vulture spawns early, then be alert, make some frames to block or barbed wire to slow them down, (once you find some scrap iron), which the way TFP throws scrap armor at us should not be a problem, and play it safe.  Put a point in healing factor, then probably the clubs path, I love swatting the vultures with a baseball bat once I get one, and again the club does not suck now, so it's a good sub until you get one.



2 minutes ago, White-Gandalf said:

I think that's a problem with the particular version you play. In every beta version, there are some new and a lot of old bugs. In the current B177, for example, there is a bug in <entitygroup name="WildGameForest">, so that chickens and rabbits are the nearly only neutral game spawning in the normal landscape. Thus, if we discuss bugs or balancing, we have to be specific as to which version we refer.


If a direwolf spawns at daytime in normal forest or open landscape, we surely do not speak of the current version B177.

I thought the stag spawns were rather light, but my current map has a desert edge so I've been hunting Wiley's kin and the occasional wolf that spawns at night if they last until morning.

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10 minutes ago, White-Gandalf said:

I think that's a problem with the particular version you play. In every beta version, there are some new and a lot of old bugs. In the current B177, for example, there is a bug in <entitygroup name="WildGameForest">, so that chickens and rabbits are the nearly only neutral game spawning in the normal landscape. Thus, if we discuss bugs or balancing, we have to be specific as to which version we refer.


If a direwolf spawns at daytime in normal forest or open landscape, we surely do not speak of the current version B177.


Is there a reason for the player to be infected less than 15 minutes after spawning?  Or having to fight off dogs and buzzards within minutes of spawning?


7days to die has had balance issues for a long time.  Rather than making the game progress as the player progresses, it seems now to throw everything at him from the start.

1 minute ago, Darthjake said:

You are playing A19 right?  Because I have not seen a Z dog until after day 7.


And buzzards will not attack you unless you are injured or on a vehicle.


Was playing the latest beta version.  I was attacked by a dog, then three buzzards.


Is all of this necessary within the first ten minutes of a new game?

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The direwolf spawns seem to be very close to you. I listened to the advice on my other thread and now don't go out at night but get this.

Warrior level night 2. Decide to spend it in a crack a book. All going well, coming down through roof hole, stay high and use my trusty stick with a string to shoot arrows at the zeds. When only 2 are left I drop to the ground to use my club. As soon as I touch the ground a direwolf spawns INSIDE  the locked room.  Wtf. I run immediately to the meshed off area and then love tap them all to death with my stick with a rock on the end. 

Seriously though direwolf should not be spawning inside building let alone inside locked rooms

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On 8/7/2020 at 11:23 AM, smokingpaper said:

Besides, can't you use Animal Tracking to try avoid the wolf?

I've only bought AT level 1, so can't speak to higher lvls, but lvl 1 only shows you rabbits and chickens, no other animals.


And the way it works is you have to crouch(stealth) for 3 seconds, then it either shows a green 20 second countdown icon or says there are no animals around here. If you crouch again before the 20 seconds expire, the 20 secs resets. Or you can stay stealthed.

So if at later higher lvls where it would show wolves, I guess if you were stealthing around it could be a decent warning, but the animal icons that show in the compass part of your hud are only visible if you're facing in that direction (the degrees the compass shows on screen). So you'd have to keep looking around. Might still be worth it for some folks.

15 hours ago, Merandor said:

Seriously though direwolf should not be spawning inside building let alone inside locked rooms

Definately agree with that.

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When I first started there was no 'environmental protection' buff for your first five levels or whatever it is now. In my very first game I started in the snow biome in Navesgane. I kept trying to get out of it by following different roads but would freeze to death before I got out. I then found out I could stay warm by a fire. So I would forage for clothes from what I could find in that area and come back to sit by the fire. Eventually I was running out of food and there was simply nothing left in the area I could find. To make matters worse, the cold made me consume more food. So I was both starving and freezing to death with no hope of getting out.


But I played on. Started a new world in fact. The game is so, so much more friendly now. It has gained popularity despite things being so much harder for new players in the past. If one death from a dire wolf is enough to make a player rage quit a survival crafting game then quit frankly they are in the wrong genre in the first place.

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  • 1 month later...

Is it possible that ~Kevin~ and Merandor tried to play a map created by an earlier version with a current alpha?

Could it be possible that id's of entities got exchanged along the way, so that the thing in place of the dire wolf intrinsically should be one of the variants of simple zombies, but it's id got exchanged for the as well new dire wolf?


As there is no reference to dire wolfs in generic spawn rules for daytime, this whole thing strongly suggests such a type of mismatch.

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7 minutes ago, White-Gandalf said:

Is it possible that ~Kevin~ and Merandor tried to play a map created by an earlier version with a current alpha?

Could it be possible that id's of entities got exchanged along the way, so that the thing in place of the dire wolf intrinsically should be one of the variants of simple zombies, but it's id got exchanged for the as well new dire wolf?


As there is no reference to dire wolfs in generic spawn rules for daytime, this whole thing strongly suggests such a type of mismatch.

This is an old thread with multiple game updates since then. No need to necro this considering is has little bearing to the current stable version of the game.

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On 7/21/2020 at 8:55 PM, Feycat said:

Honestly, I've been enjoying the plethora of predators popping up. I don't know why dog packs tick me off but wolf packs don't, probably leftover trauma from "dog day" in other alphas lol

Wolf packs give meat which is food, zombie dogs do not.

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