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railroads / subways(underground railroads)


New Items -


Tier 1 - placeable railway tracks - its own perk (Choo Choo!) or a combination of Advanced engineering and  Grease Monkey

Tier 2 - Build railway tracks(straight and corners only), handcarts - requires top level intellect + perk - wood/oil/steel?

Tier 3 - Build engine powered handcarts, switches, more sophisticated rail designs 

Tier 4 - Build an storage cart ? you can place a forge and some chests and maybe a crafting bench. kinda like a small portable base you can bring around with you. attaches to the handcart but you move slower.


-handcar - cartable push powered railcar to move around. Moves slower than feral zombies so you can’t break horde nights!



-Train stations

-derailed train

-railway yard - could have a chance of like grain cars or other resources to harvest

subway system with a couple stops - rare - in a couple large cities only - See Below*

-Subway station

-derailed train

-abandoned subway train


New Zombies 

-zombie conductor

-zombie train worker


*Underground rail(subway system) system:

Used to connect 2-3 places in the larger cites for random gen worlds. not something players could craft but maybe we could use railway tracks underground to achieve the same kind of thing. 


Other thoughts

I don’t want to see it go to actual moving trains or automation. Would prefer seeing manual driven railcarts and slow moving powered carts that you can drive. Not something to avoid zombies but move between cities and bring loot with you. 

*Just wanna state that I’m not the first to suggest this kind of idea for the game.*

Edited by CrushedByJasper
had an additional thought (see edit history)
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That is a really good question, wish I knew a little more about game development haha! I think the movement of a pushcart should feasible be as they have the 4x4 in the game. I'm not sure how they would deal with railroads - like would they generate them like they do roads or maybe have it completely player built? the kind of performance impact that might put on a server? maybe drop any idea of it being powered by a generator? the push style transportation would feel at home I think in the game.

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On 7/10/2020 at 6:35 PM, CrushedByJasper said:

That is a really good question, wish I knew a little more about game development haha! I think the movement of a pushcart should feasible be as they have the 4x4 in the game. I'm not sure how they would deal with railroads - like would they generate them like they do roads or maybe have it completely player built?

I don't think that will work with the engine. Roads are not really roads, that are just a bunch of blocks of asphalt. They don't really have a "context".

For a working railroad you'd imho need 1 dedicated block as a rail. That leeds to the next problem: Corners. With the voxelsystem you can only build 90° corners in one block (like in minecraft). Or you need some kind of prefabs that do long corners over several blocks, e.g. a 90° curve with 5x5 blocks. Still very unrealistic. So you will need a lot of those prefabs for just curves. And you can still build only 90° curves as you can't build straight lines diagonally, you'd need even prefabs for diagonal straights, so additional 4 prefabs for only being able to build in 45° steps. And and all of them could only be placed on absolutely even terrain. And placing prefabs is not even a part of the common gameplay.

Slopes would be the next thing. Only 30° allowed? And further then, only A-to-B-tracks possible or do you also want/need switches and crossings?


I think it's a nice idea. Maybe something that could be included in world generation (hardly) or been used in handmade maps like Navez. But building them in the actual game... imho will not work and also doesn't really fit to 7d2d.


Or see it the other way: The RWG can not even handle bridges over water/rivers to connect roads. Not even fully premade bridges, not even thinking about dynamic bridges with variable length. Railroads would be much more complicated.

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14 hours ago, Liesel Weppen said:

I don't think that will work with the engine. Roads are not really roads, that are just a bunch of blocks of asphalt. They don't really have a "context".

For a working railroad you'd imho need 1 dedicated block as a rail. That leeds to the next problem: Corners. With the voxelsystem you can only build 90° corners in one block (like in minecraft). Or you need some kind of prefabs that do long corners over several blocks, e.g. a 90° curve with 5x5 blocks. Still very unrealistic. So you will need a lot of those prefabs for just curves. And you can still build only 90° curves as you can't build straight lines diagonally, you'd need even prefabs for diagonal straights, so additional 4 prefabs for only being able to build in 45° steps. And and all of them could only be placed on absolutely even terrain. And placing prefabs is not even a part of the common gameplay.

Slopes would be the next thing. Only 30° allowed? And further then, only A-to-B-tracks possible or do you also want/need switches and crossings?


I think it's a nice idea. Maybe something that could be included in world generation (hardly) or been used in handmade maps like Navez. But building them in the actual game... imho will not work and also doesn't really fit to 7d2d.


Or see it the other way: The RWG can not even handle bridges over water/rivers to connect roads. Not even fully premade bridges, not even thinking about dynamic bridges with variable length. Railroads would be much more complicated.


Hmmmmm, so rail roads will be hard, but elevators on the other hand won't be, as they don't make turns. 

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 7/16/2020 at 8:58 AM, Liesel Weppen said:

I don't think that will work with the engine. Roads are not really roads, that are just a bunch of blocks of asphalt. They don't really have a "context".

For a working railroad you'd imho need 1 dedicated block as a rail. That leeds to the next problem: Corners. With the voxelsystem you can only build 90° corners in one block (like in minecraft). Or you need some kind of prefabs that do long corners over several blocks, e.g. a 90° curve with 5x5 blocks. Still very unrealistic. So you will need a lot of those prefabs for just curves. And you can still build only 90° curves as you can't build straight lines diagonally, you'd need even prefabs for diagonal straights, so additional 4 prefabs for only being able to build in 45° steps. And and all of them could only be placed on absolutely even terrain. And placing prefabs is not even a part of the common gameplay.

Slopes would be the next thing. Only 30° allowed? And further then, only A-to-B-tracks possible or do you also want/need switches and crossings?


I think it's a nice idea. Maybe something that could be included in world generation (hardly) or been used in handmade maps like Navez. But building them in the actual game... imho will not work and also doesn't really fit to 7d2d.


Or see it the other way: The RWG can not even handle bridges over water/rivers to connect roads. Not even fully premade bridges, not even thinking about dynamic bridges with variable length. Railroads would be much more complicated.

Wow that’s very informative, I never really thought in-depth about the voxelsystem but yes that introduces a lot of difficulty. To beat the uneven terrain there could be a wooden support that you can build or just the wood block to keep things even. I kinda just assumed to build them I would first flatten and build some kind of base block. Would definitely have to stick to just 90 degree turns. No switches or crossings but would allow the track to go a->b or b->a. That introduces collisions though. Inclines/declines would be it’s own challange for sure. If it’s simplified down to a few single track blocks with no big prefabs, the weight system should take over for things like bridges or floating tracks, makes sense any kind of bridge or variable prefab would be a lot of work.

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Maybe with railroads have a straight line of train tracks that splits the map in half? the tracks will have various states of damage, and can have rail car pois spawn on them? It would add realism, and while not being a usable block it would be a flavor block/good source of iron scrap. I also like the concept of opening up a cattle car and having a flood of zombies come out. 

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If railroad tracks could be loaded like the highway in Nitrogen I would be fine with that. It would be a flat level surface that would have one track running N/S and another running E/W. Could be fun then repairing any damage so you could have a functioning railway line to use for exploring more of map.

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  • 3 months later...

Believe it or not I had a similar concept some years ago with a narrow gauge system, at least as a kind of start/jumping off point. You see, I've had given it some thought and while I have recipes and even base infrastructure building ideas thought out and written down. I am just starting to tackle the coding aspect of it by learning how the code works, it might be tough to do, but I certainly think it's possible.

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  • 1 month later...

I'd love to be able to build a railway system in 7 Days. It'd be great if it would allow you to send uncrewed (or crewed if you'd like to ride along and protect it from being attacked by zombies) shipments of things that you place in a railcar to a station at the other end.

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Some thoughts...

so, I agree a train would be a neat mechanic. Maybe what could be done is a “train vehicle” that cannot be “steered” but can instead o let move forward/backward.  the train “model” (I’m talking out of my ass right at this moment) can be made so that it has a slot underneath, 1 block high). Then, when putting down “rail blocks” the train can then straddle the blocks. Since it cannot turn, it cannot “jump off” of the blocks. Of course, if you destroyed enough rail blocks , or put some slope/ramp blocks down instead of rail, or could jump/derail. Cheesy, but it might work.....


so, a train vehicle now exists. And maybe cars for it to pull (there has been discussions of having vehicles pull carts for more storage).  What does the train give us, other than “fun factor”?  Well, I imagine more passengers, and more storage to move bases/resources. I doubt the train could go fast because of the limits of the game of having very fast vehicles (chunk loading). And this hacked train design cannot turn, so it kills making interesting railways.... or does it? I believe guppycur made a “rotating bridge”.. so in theory this bridge could be used as a turnstile to turn the train at 90 degree angles.  So, if even possible... it might be fun at most and be a neat way for people to get around on a multiplayer map.


a better? (And also fun, but not the same) idea is a large airplane. We have flying things already.


I think these abilities would have to exist for any large non plane transport to be really worth doing, vs hacky theoretical solution like I present above

- ability to drive itself (triggered start/stop).

- passengers move around when moving (so you can shoot zeds/jump on/off while moving

- possibility to build blocks on the train. Mobile base :) or at least defense(turrets)


even then though, the tracks really hurt this in anything but PvE or single player, as they can be destroyed. So maybe additionally some sort of track protection would be needed.


personally, I think planes and trains would be awesome in game as a way to link cities together in multiplayer, and to maybe build mines to load up and push out stuff.  If nothing else it would add a lot to the “ambiance” of the game (sounds and visuals)  and maybe add some end game quality tiers if “things to do” for some people. 

I know this is all pie in the sky. Some mention of “push carts” or similar not train but things in tracks was mentioned and the only real use I can see is if this could be done underground to haul off mining stuff better than running, but the  huge resource stacks you can carry in backpacks is really large today so it kinda weakens it (other than just fun mechanic/ambiance)

anyway, if the train cannot pan out due to technical issues maybe try doing large airplanes/ airports and get 1/2 way there?

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Additionally: there is the ability to “teleport” as a way of fast travel. Personally I don’t like it “in game” as it’s weird, even if a “teleportation portal” was built. It doesn’t fit the game type. I do agree that the POIs and “realism” or trains would add something to the game  that is both real and unique. The more I think about it, it might work better if the train/railways were put down on the map for you (like roads) and POIs places to connect them (like roads) then you had to repair the existing train. Maybe 2 trains, so you could crash them if you were not careful.  You could not “craft” or take a train and move it around. If the rails get destroyed, you could craft/repair a section.  This way, the train “route” is all pre built and the player has to find the train, skill up to repair, then can drive/use. The POIs could literally be used as player trading depots, etc. anyway, enough imagining for me, it would be neat, especially if you could generate a map with very few real roads (maybe those roads make an “x” across the map and nothing else ... and a mostly long meandering train track going through in a loop. 

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I would have liked to have a sort of underground railway system. To use for mining. It would do away with the having to have the level ground on the surface as a lot of people have already done the thing of making a long tunnel they could drive a vehicle through to get from point A to point B. There have already been modded elevators added to game so the train could be a sort of sideways elevator. So you could have an elevator going down to your mining tunnel and a sideways elevator that takes you from point A to point B horizontally.  I guess for now the driveable underground tunnel system is what we have to go with.

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  • 3 months later...
On 7/11/2020 at 12:35 AM, CrushedByJasper said:


  I am glad to see that you are discussing the railway, and I have the same idea, because I think the seven-day killing is very creative, and it is completely possible to add some large-scale vehicle operation systems. So far, has anyone helped you or have you found someone else to make it?

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On 7/10/2020 at 4:44 PM, CrushedByJasper said:

railroads / subways(underground railroads)


New Items -


Tier 1 - placeable railway tracks - its own perk (Choo Choo!) or a combination of Advanced engineering and  Grease Monkey

Tier 2 - Build railway tracks(straight and corners only), handcarts - requires top level intellect + perk - wood/oil/steel?

Tier 3 - Build engine powered handcarts, switches, more sophisticated rail designs 

Tier 4 - Build an storage cart ? you can place a forge and some chests and maybe a crafting bench. kinda like a small portable base you can bring around with you. attaches to the handcart but you move slower.


-handcar - cartable push powered railcar to move around. Moves slower than feral zombies so you can’t break horde nights!



-Train stations

-derailed train

-railway yard - could have a chance of like grain cars or other resources to harvest

subway system with a couple stops - rare - in a couple large cities only - See Below*

-Subway station

-derailed train

-abandoned subway train


New Zombies 

-zombie conductor

-zombie train worker


*Underground rail(subway system) system:

Used to connect 2-3 places in the larger cites for random gen worlds. not something players could craft but maybe we could use railway tracks underground to achieve the same kind of thing. 


Other thoughts

I don’t want to see it go to actual moving trains or automation. Would prefer seeing manual driven railcarts and slow moving powered carts that you can drive. Not something to avoid zombies but move between cities and bring loot with you. 

*Just wanna state that I’m not the first to suggest this kind of idea for the game.*

Okay i will do this in parts

1 items - it won't work good with engine so i agree with @Liesel Weppen . 

2 . Good idea maybe bridge with  broken train something like some derailed trains but on bridge

3. Kinda okay?

4. It won't work good sorry

@SenpaiThatIngnoresYou Elevator in game like this will be dev hell . Elevators now are just blocks like dirt or steel- Elevators could be added only working similiar like bikes so it propobably be very buggy and there will be no chance to put crate without broke a game

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  • 2 weeks later...
35 minutes ago, bachgaman said:


why you need the railway? it's not realistic. better flying robot with artificial intelligence, built from feces and sticks

Well abadoned  railway  in mines can looks preety good  . Well we have ghost towns

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