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console updates rethink - sign petition

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i am a survival focused youtube channel that has covered the drama of tell tales demise and the long wait for funpimps to get console rights back, with recent comments again focusing on next gen i decided to come up with some other suggestions i think funpimps could pursue in getting console updates on current gen rather then next, i also think they need to adjust the psn and xbox microsoft descriptions as they do not reflect the actual game nor does the price of 7 days on console match up - we have over 1000 signatures already, i want to see funpimps actually engage in a full discussion instead of sound bites or two minutes during streams promoting alpha 19, i am not ragging on them but i do think the way they have handled console community has been poor, things need to change - sign here for starting a conversation about 7 days future on console 

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Just curious, where do you think the millions of dollars it will cost to do a patch with some a16 content for the outdated consoles will come from?


You can petition all you want, but that's not going to change the fact that doing anything for the current console version will cost enormous buckets of money with no return investment. By the time it would even be ready, they'd already be planning to work on a new version for the new consoles, which will cost several more million dollars.

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9 hours ago, jade plays games said:

i am a survival focused youtube channel that has covered the drama of tell tales demise and the long wait for funpimps to get console rights back, with recent comments again focusing on next gen i decided to come up with some other suggestions i think funpimps could pursue in getting console updates on current gen rather then next, i also think they need to adjust the psn and xbox microsoft descriptions as they do not reflect the actual game nor does the price of 7 days on console match up - we have over 1000 signatures already, i want to see funpimps actually engage in a full discussion instead of sound bites or two minutes during streams promoting alpha 19, i am not ragging on them but i do think the way they have handled console community has been poor, things need to change - sign here for starting a conversation about 7 days future on console 

i have to agree with the mods. the Game is in alpha and for them to update console would take even more money just to update something that is going to be changed.


i am sad that console has has no update. believe me!

i swear if im in you're video 

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Hey, a noble cause. I've already signed a different petition on this matter & I just signed this one as well. 

I'm currently able to finally play PC version & I'm absolutely loving it however I was 1st introduced to this awesome game on PS4. 

I would be beyond stoked if the pimps could find a way to at least get us the last update that was supposedly nearly finished. 

I would gladly put in money towards this for support. 

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bit of a pessimistic view from a moderator? where or why do you think it costs millions of dollars? i have worked in and around small devs and theior games for years and could rattle off a dozen that managed to forge partnerships or port the games themselves to console, it does not cost millions, did you even bother reading the petition or flippantly just dismiss because it had the word console? it is not just about updating the game as is now, its about conversing and coming up with different solutions and properly informing console community of plans? the only content spoken about has been 3 minutes total in middle of live streams promotion of alpha 19, no official posts on forums or twitter in 10 months, the 15-20k players on a daily basis deserve a bit better in terms of thoughts and ideas, a dedicated video, post or message, as suggested in the petition there are a number of avenues funpimps could take to generate revenue, but what must not be done is expect console players to have to buy a game twice over, as for updates i would expect either simple bugfix pass for the atrocious md5 bug still floating at the very least, again read the petition before snapping off pc master race reply, the potential for growth and revenue is there it just needs some dedicated thinking!

On 7/5/2020 at 11:38 AM, SylenThunder said:

Just curious, where do you think the millions of dollars it will cost to do a patch with some a16 content for the outdated consoles will come from?


You can petition all you want, but that's not going to change the fact that doing anything for the current console version will cost enormous buckets of money with no return investment. By the time it would even be ready, they'd already be planning to work on a new version for the new consoles, which will cost several more million dollars.


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2 hours ago, jade plays games said:

bit of a pessimistic view from a moderator? where or why do you think it costs millions of dollars? i have worked in and around small devs and theior games for years and could rattle off a dozen that managed to forge partnerships or port the games themselves to console, it does not cost millions, did you even bother reading the petition or flippantly just dismiss because it had the word console? it is not just about updating the game as is now, its about conversing and coming up with different solutions and properly informing console community of plans? the only content spoken about has been 3 minutes total in middle of live streams promotion of alpha 19, no official posts on forums or twitter in 10 months, the 15-20k players on a daily basis deserve a bit better in terms of thoughts and ideas, a dedicated video, post or message, as suggested in the petition there are a number of avenues funpimps could take to generate revenue, but what must not be done is expect console players to have to buy a game twice over, as for updates i would expect either simple bugfix pass for the atrocious md5 bug still floating at the very least, again read the petition before snapping off pc master race reply, the potential for growth and revenue is there it just needs some dedicated thinking!


The cost varies greatly depending on the game, the engine and the availability of staff with experience of the game. Retroactively porting a game is much more difficult than making the port concurrently due to the likelihood that platform specific code will not have been properly compartmentalized. On average for a game of this nature, and given known facts about the studio they are most likely to work with, you're looking at a starting cost of around 4 million. That's lawyer fees, time spent discussing the contract, more lawyer fees dealing with Sony/MS, studio fees, and fees with Sony/MS. After all is said and done, you're looking at close to a year worth of work if they're able to get IronGalaxy to work on the port again. Longer if they have to go to another studio. By the time everything is said and done, and you have your final bugfix patch with the last of possible new content from a16 added, the cost will be closer to 6-10 million in total.


This is reality. These numbers are based on already-known costs from the previous port, and for a game as complex as this one.


Also note, the md5 bug is a Microsoft issue. If they had actually used a modern NTFS file system on their own console, it wouldn't be so bad. Instead they're using a @%$*#!ized version of it from the very early Windows 2000 days where it was still partially FAT32. One can hope they will fix this mistake in the next generation console, but given their history I'm not holding my breath.


I will note that I am a console player as well, and thoroughly enjoy playing split-screen with it. Something I'm not able to do on the PC.

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On 7/4/2020 at 11:02 PM, jade plays games said:

i also think they need to adjust the psn and xbox microsoft descriptions as they do not reflect the actual game nor does the price of 7 days on console match up

Could you provide a quote of the descriptions that you find objectionable? I would be happy to give that to Rick. We certainly don't want the store description to be a misrepresentation of the game. As for the price, that is largely set by Microsoft and Sony for their respective stores. If the price is still $30 then it simply means it is still selling well at that price point and so that is the price that they wish to sell it at. I'm sure that eventually it will fall in price as most video games do.


2 hours ago, jade plays games said:

it is not just about updating the game as is now, its about conversing and coming up with different solutions and properly informing console community of plans? the only content spoken about has been 3 minutes total in middle of live streams promotion of alpha 19, no official posts on forums or twitter in 10 months

Companies rarely converse with the public about how to conduct their business. They give press releases to inform the public about what they have decided. The comments in the video were to simply re-affirm the press release that was given 10 months ago which has not changed. They could put out another press release and say, "ditto" but there is no point. You can simply re-read the still-in-force press release that was given. There is nothing really to converse about. They have stated clearly that they will not do anything other than get the PC version finished. After the PC version is done which is approximately going to be the end of 2021 they will explore the possibility of bringing the full game to console. The big question is what consoles will be the current consoles in the year 2022.....?

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Read the petition and what is being asked is mostly unfeasible.  After what happened with Telltale, the smart thing to do is not do the same thing again and expect different results.  Console gamers would be better off with a port of the finished game instead of yet another port of a previous alpha version.  Lets be honest, if the pimps did port over another PC build to current gen, those players will just want more PC features continued to be added...


I think the best compromise and more likely to be successful is wait until the PC version is finished to do another port and then offer existing owners of 7d2d on console some type of limited time discount to purchase the new game on the new generation consoles.

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Sly is right are you all gonna donate 100$ for the cause along with your signature that may get things moving but other wise is all about finalizing your vision whilst keeping your employees paid . 2nd Telltale made one huge mistake that could have saved them loads of money release 7 Days as a BETA instead of a gold console release of A14. this BETA status would have allowed telltale to regularly update & days with minimal cost . 3rd As a Featured Map designer on Farcry 5 (Dragons genesis and Vietnam tactical among other all 4 star maps ) i Can understand how one can feel as if there are close to defining their vision and then after more testing and designing you see so many more possibilities and before you know you've maxed all your  budgets and dropping frames cause of occlusion errors . developing a game is like this but on Crack and with many more facets of operations from sound scape to ui's yeahs its a lot and when we play it we take it all for granted no one cared i took 4 hours dipping my terrain along all my dirt paths , and hand placed 10,000 of plants and grass to fill the lush environment they just sprint past it and kill the 1st guy they see . BTW its good to be back former PS4 now on PC and i can testify buying the PC just 7 days Worth it ! i have been playing fro alpha 15 to 18 for the last few days reminiscing and watching it evolve .

 Finally , Joel's Brother Said not only was the future of console still in the works but there was a comment made about Cross play trust me what we have on PS4 is still amazing and fun but its about all the ps4 can handle (the fact it works on ps4 is impressive on it own it take a PC with twice as much hard ware to to get 30 fps) anything added to it would just be a waste for Sony since they want you on the PS5 so Sony would be a hurdle to retro update the current Console version . the best fiscal decision on both side is to release the Final Gold version on console so that the PC version could be unified with the console and we could see cross platform servers though i'd suspect there's be some PC only servers cause there will always be someone running a supper PC so there can max setting everything with max Z spawns and such. any how i should really refrain from posting after loading a bowl i turn it into  a microphone ima go smoke this and see if it helps make my posts shorter LOL

before you say im poor i can't afford a PC . every town has an old lady that needs her lawn mowed get it done (lol it worked)

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On 7/6/2020 at 9:11 PM, SylenThunder said:

The cost varies greatly depending on the game, the engine and the availability of staff with experience of the game. Retroactively porting a game is much more difficult than making the port concurrently due to the likelihood that platform specific code will not have been properly compartmentalized. On average for a game of this nature, and given known facts about the studio they are most likely to work with, you're looking at a starting cost of around 4 million. That's lawyer fees, time spent discussing the contract, more lawyer fees dealing with Sony/MS, studio fees, and fees with Sony/MS. After all is said and done, you're looking at close to a year worth of work if they're able to get IronGalaxy to work on the port again. Longer if they have to go to another studio. By the time everything is said and done, and you have your final bugfix patch with the last of possible new content from a16 added, the cost will be closer to 6-10 million in total.


This is reality. These numbers are based on already-known costs from the previous port, and for a game as complex as this one.


Also note, the md5 bug is a Microsoft issue. If they had actually used a modern NTFS file system on their own console, it wouldn't be so bad. Instead they're using a @%$*#!ized version of it from the very early Windows 2000 days where it was still partially FAT32. One can hope they will fix this mistake in the next generation console, but given their history I'm not holding my breath.


I will note that I am a console player as well, and thoroughly enjoy playing split-screen with it. Something I'm not able to do on the PC.

6 to 10 million? where are you pulling these wild figours from? the whole 7 days life cycle on pc has not burned through that much money ( if it has its been spending way to much) given teh lifetime sales of the game are 10 million across all platforms, i dont understand why you think psn and microsoft charge so much its free to submit bug fixes, free to get pegi ratings and more, lool no indie games ever would get ported over judging by that maths? ark survival evolved cost 1 million to start up and get them launched in early access on pc, again no-one is asking iron galaxy, they were or are a big studio making their own games so yes they are expensive, reportedly stranded deep ports made by fun labs out of romania was done for as little as £300.000 for xbox and psn,

again no-one is after a update straight a way to alpha 19 nor even a16 but some sort of pass on fixes would be good, it is all about thinking ahead.

Md5 bug is not microsofts issue since many other games dont have that problem, it falls on developers of said games to fix not platforms and or thus work with devs to resolve.

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On 7/6/2020 at 10:21 PM, Roland said:

Could you provide a quote of the descriptions that you find objectionable? I would be happy to give that to Rick. We certainly don't want the store description to be a misrepresentation of the game. As for the price, that is largely set by Microsoft and Sony for their respective stores. If the price is still $30 then it simply means it is still selling well at that price point and so that is the price that they wish to sell it at. I'm sure that eventually it will fall in price as most video games do.


Companies rarely converse with the public about how to conduct their business. They give press releases to inform the public about what they have decided. The comments in the video were to simply re-affirm the press release that was given 10 months ago which has not changed. They could put out another press release and say, "ditto" but there is no point. You can simply re-read the still-in-force press release that was given. There is nothing really to converse about. They have stated clearly that they will not do anything other than get the PC version finished. After the PC version is done which is approximately going to be the end of 2021 they will explore the possibility of bringing the full game to console. The big question is what consoles will be the current consoles in the year 2022.....?

Developers set their price point for their games not platforms, i talk dailey to game devs i know for a fact that is true. 30 dollars is set or should be set by the publishers, the sites still list tell tale as publishers when we know its obvs now funpimps, you should know as well as i do that half teh people watching content on YouTube and twitch are console players of course they see a great pc game and then think amazing, its on console too! so they buy it and what do they find! that the game hasn't had an update in 3 years? that it doesn't have half the content that's elsewhere? at very least i think something should be added that the console versions contain content up to 2017 only. i get so many comments form fans wondering feeling tricked that there is no mention on teh xbox or psn store fronts that the game is not teh same as pc.

I can agree that it may be better to indeed work towards a new version of the game on next gen, however my main point stands that console players shouldn't have to pay twice (more expensive versions too) just to receive the same game? at the very least if no future updates are forthcoming there should be some intent by funpimps to agree to free upgrades or heavy discount for all owners of 7 days now, as indicated by rick the console versions are still selling well, its misleading by proxy. 

Its clear that the funpimps are happy raking in sales from console on a game (they have made money off the last year no?) that is not advertised as it could or should be. and very clear funpimps are happy to fleece another console generation asking them to pay what? another 40 dollars by then, on the full version of the game they should have received. at very least funpimps should be doing their best to looking into smart delivery on xbox or as said hefty discount for all owners of current gen consoles versions, it borders on triple a douche that they simply are gonna make everyone pay again.

We all know telltale screwed it all up, but end of day 7 days is now soley fun pimps responsibility, and any future sales i am sure will be harmed by not trying to do their best for console players, you spent a lot of money supposedly getting ya rights back, not to update the game with content as had been expected but to sit on and charge players again for old rope, its such a shame, as said there is potential to cut deals with new publishers, talk to microsoft or psn get the ball rolling now on ports to next gen so you could potentially go gold and sell full game (discounted or free for current gen owners) with crossplay as rick said, but at same time instead of waiting even longer.

anyhoo thanks for replying, i appreciate you all care about 7 days, but honestly what the community needs is more understanding from devs themselves, i dont think one statement last year is good enough, especially after the stupid statement months back saying form joel on stream "to buy a pc if you want to play" after so many players were hoping for better news. stranded deep managed to get there game out, so there is indeed presidence on making things right despite all that has gone on.  

On 7/7/2020 at 4:55 PM, Laz Man said:

Read the petition and what is being asked is mostly unfeasible.  After what happened with Telltale, the smart thing to do is not do the same thing again and expect different results.  Console gamers would be better off with a port of the finished game instead of yet another port of a previous alpha version.  Lets be honest, if the pimps did port over another PC build to current gen, those players will just want more PC features continued to be added...


I think the best compromise and more likely to be successful is wait until the PC version is finished to do another port and then offer existing owners of 7d2d on console some type of limited time discount to purchase the new game on the new generation consoles.

well yes console players do want teh same content when they have payed more? surprizing that? ark, conan, dayz, stranded deep, citadel, memories of mars, long dark and many many more manage to keep console versions updated, 7 days is not some master mind game that is so complex it cant happen? you can get ark ona switch for crying out loud lool

but yeah a discount or free upgrade is a move i think console players could get behind

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Console games are almost always more expensive then their PC counterparts...


...also none of those other games you mentioned are open world voxel games.


..to your point though, if there are a great deal of console players buying the console expecting the PC version, perhaps advertising can be improved somewhere on the ps/ms side of the store.

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32 minutes ago, meganoth said:

Yes, updating the store descriptions is a very sensible suggestion (and IMHO should have been done long ago).





Agreed. I probably would not have bought the game if I knew what was up, but if I had I wouldn't feel so cheated. I saw a YouTuber playing thought it looked like fun. The two videos in the play station store don't reflect the current situation at all.

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10 hours ago, jade plays games said:

the sites still list tell tale as publishers when we know its obvs now funpimps

No. The site is correct and you are not. This is actually an issue that TFP will hopefully be able to resolve. The reason that TellTale is listed as the publishers is because they are the publisher of that version in the stores. No subsequent version was ever published and TFP are not console publishers. Getting the rights to their game does not make them publishers. It does allow them to license their IP out to a new publisher in the future if they want to bring the full PC version to the next gen consoles.


In the future, they will not be publishing the next console game. They will partner with a console publisher as they did with Telltale in order to make it all happen. TFP is a PC game studio period. They have not been, are not now, and will not be the publishers of the console version of 7 Days to Die. Since it was always Telltale that dealt with Microsoft and Sony stores, TFP will have to make contact and work through making the changes.


10 hours ago, jade plays games said:

Developers set their price point for their games not platforms

This can't be entirely true at least based on the Steam store. Perhaps the base price point is set by publishers but online stores can run sales and discount the game and inform the developer or publisher that they are doing so. At any rate that was all handled by Telltale. TFP has never dictated the price nor had direct dealings with the Microsoft store or Sony Store. They are indeed looking into that now. I've worked in retail myself and can tell you that stores often run discounts and price reductions at their own discretion. 

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On 7/5/2020 at 5:38 AM, SylenThunder said:

Just curious, where do you think the millions of dollars it will cost to do a patch with some a16 content for the outdated consoles will come from?


You can petition all you want, but that's not going to change the fact that doing anything for the current console version will cost enormous buckets of money with no return investment. By the time it would even be ready, they'd already be planning to work on a new version for the new consoles, which will cost several more million dollars.

To get the money, all 2,000 people of the petition would have to donate about 2,000 USD each to get the money to make a new console update, lol.

On 7/7/2020 at 10:55 AM, Laz Man said:

Read the petition and what is being asked is mostly unfeasible.  After what happened with Telltale, the smart thing to do is not do the same thing again and expect different results.  Console gamers would be better off with a port of the finished game instead of yet another port of a previous alpha version.  Lets be honest, if the pimps did port over another PC build to current gen, those players will just want more PC features continued to be added...


I think the best compromise and more likely to be successful is wait until the PC version is finished to do another port and then offer existing owners of 7d2d on console some type of limited time discount to purchase the new game on the new generation consoles.

"Announce that any future game on next gen, all existing 7 days owners of the game on console will get a free upgrade"

This is the closest thing I can recommend that wouldn't be an absolutely terrible idea. TFP can't just give the game away for free after spending 10 mil to get the game out on a new system. They'd need all the money they could get just to break even. Even if one hundred thousand people paid 60 dollars for the game, they would still only make 6 million, and still be quite in the red. They really do need to charge for the gold version of the game. I'm even apprehensive about the idea of a discount for previous owners, considering how much this will cost to actually do.

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"console players shouldn't have to pay twice (more expensive versions too) just to receive the same game?"

Tell that to Rockstar who have charged 60 dollars for the Xbox 360, Xbox One, and will charge 60 for the Xbox Series X versions of GTA 5, all separately. I got no discounts for owning previous gens, despite the game existing in the same state on PC throughout the years. 


"Its clear that the funpimps are happy raking in sales from console on a game (they have made money off the last year no?) that is not advertised as it could or should be. and very clear funpimps are happy to fleece another console generation asking them to pay what? another 40 dollars by then, on the full version of the game they should have received."

Any money they receive after Sony and Microsoft is going towards a possible future release on next-gen consoles. They're not greedily rubbing their hands together and cackling about how they got away with "stealing" money from masses of people. 

On the latter half, console players already got their full version. The game always was, and still is, advertised as a full product. It was not sold as an alpha. It was packaged and shipped as a full game. Any updates after that were purely out of good will. You can argue you all you want, but that's been run into the ground already. 7 Days: Console Edition was, and is, a full, finished game. 

I'd just like to add that I was a console player, and only last year finally got a PC to play 7 Days. I'm not a rabid PC master race person. I put in probably 700 hours with my dad on Xbox.

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4 minutes ago, Nef said:


"console players shouldn't have to pay twice (more expensive versions too) just to receive the same game?"

Tell that to Rockstar who have charged 60 dollars for the Xbox 360, Xbox One, and will charge 60 for the Xbox Series X versions of GTA 5, all separately. I got no discounts for owning previous gens, despite the game existing in the same state on PC throughout the years. 


Rockstar?  How about EA and the entire Call of Duty Francise lol.....

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1 minute ago, SylenThunder said:

That's the one I use as a reference all the time.  Sell DLC as a full-price new game every year and people still fall for it.

And then that somehow becomes an argument for detractors of products, lol. "Why is 7 Days so bad, and why is it taking years?! EA make a new Call of Duty every year!" Yeah.... cause they have a massive team do an iterative release building on an existing engine with little to no polish or updating. Same reason we got Battlefield 3, 4, 5, etc, in such quick succession, lol. It's easy to Make CoD 12 when you're using CoD 11's assets, engine, rigging, models, and well everything, lol. Easy to pump out a "new" game every year. 

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On 7/10/2020 at 3:46 PM, jade plays games said:

"ark, conan, dayz, stranded deep, citadel, memories of mars, long dark and many many more manage to keep console versions updated, 7 days is not some master mind game that is so complex it cant happen?"

Last I checked, none of those games went through what TFP did. I don't recall hearing about Wildcard having to spend millions at an auction to get the rights back to their own game because of an irresponsible publisher going under and refusing to give the rights back and trying to sell them at auction for their own debts. 

But, as someone else pointed out, none of those are open world voxel games. Closest we have is Space Engineers, and guess what? Xbox One and PS4 barely barely manages to run it at 30FPS. Player limits of two players, with extremely low PCU counts. (limit a player can build) Meanwhile on PC servers are often 16-64 players, with grids into the millions count with a stable 1.0 sim speed. Xbox tanks sim speed from a single small grid ship of one player. Xbox One and PS4 just aren't equipped for these sorts of games. It only sorta worked for 7 Days as the tech was, while demanding, still just low enough for the game to function in some capacity to Microsoft and Sony's expectations. While the graphics may be muddy, and the load times long, it *did* just barely manage 25-30FPS, and that was good enough. 7 Days was the one game to get my Xbox hotter than the sun after a few hours of playing, lol.

I can feel my Xbox bursting into flames from Alpha 19's overhauls, lol. I really don't miss playing the game on the lowest settings with no distant buildings and fog three feet in front of me and STILL getting 25 FPS with one small base, lol. Playing Alpha 19 atm, solid 60FPS, everything set to ultra. Even then... My 2070 Super and overclocked i7-8700k still sometimes get overwhelmed by the game, and my PC's far far stronger than an Xbox could ever hope to be, and it's still not top of the line by any means. Though I did finally get 32GB of RAM. DDR4 at 3200MHz. 

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Oh, I also forgot to add one BIG point. Microsoft and Sony stated that updates CANNOT break save games. Which... as you know... Just about every alpha does. 18 saves are 100% incompatible with 19, for example. 

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On 7/12/2020 at 3:41 AM, Nef said:

Last I checked, none of those games went through what TFP did. I don't recall hearing about Wildcard having to spend millions at an auction to get the rights back to their own game because of an irresponsible publisher going under and refusing to give the rights back and trying to sell them at auction for their own debts. 

But, as someone else pointed out, none of those are open world voxel games. Closest we have is Space Engineers, and guess what? Xbox One and PS4 barely barely manages to run it at 30FPS. Player limits of two players, with extremely low PCU counts. (limit a player can build) Meanwhile on PC servers are often 16-64 players, with grids into the millions count with a stable 1.0 sim speed. Xbox tanks sim speed from a single small grid ship of one player. Xbox One and PS4 just aren't equipped for these sorts of games. It only sorta worked for 7 Days as the tech was, while demanding, still just low enough for the game to function in some capacity to Microsoft and Sony's expectations. While the graphics may be muddy, and the load times long, it *did* just barely manage 25-30FPS, and that was good enough. 7 Days was the one game to get my Xbox hotter than the sun after a few hours of playing, lol.

I can feel my Xbox bursting into flames from Alpha 19's overhauls, lol. I really don't miss playing the game on the lowest settings with no distant buildings and fog three feet in front of me and STILL getting 25 FPS with one small base, lol. Playing Alpha 19 atm, solid 60FPS, everything set to ultra. Even then... My 2070 Super and overclocked i7-8700k still sometimes get overwhelmed by the game, and my PC's far far stronger than an Xbox could ever hope to be, and it's still not top of the line by any means. Though I did finally get 32GB of RAM. DDR4 at 3200MHz. 

Stranded deep went through exactly the same thing. Same publisher and all

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21 hours ago, Ralco said:

Stranded deep went through exactly the same thing. Same publisher and all

But the game wasn't on Xbox until like last month. They made an Xbox port after the fact.

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