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Make blood moons worth it, please


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Currently Blood Moons serve no purpose other than ammo sinks. Sure, you gain a bunch of exp doing them, but this is more than offset by the fact that you spend a ton of ammo doing them, and end up having to repair your base afterwards as well. This is especially true once you start getting Demolishers.


One idea would be to make blood moon zombies drop "blood tokens" or some such BM-exclusive item, which you could then use as currency at traders for various benefits (temporary or permanent). For example, a trader might provide a temporary stacking general discount for each blood token, or give you a special quest ("looks like you killed a ton of zombies during the last blood moon, you clearly have what it takes for this advanced quest i have in mind..."), or sell you certain rare and powerful items (Tier 7, anyone?) that can only be purchased using tokens.


Essentially, there needs to be something that strongly encourages players to want to focus on killing as many zombies as possible during blood moons, as opposed to cheesing them (e.g. riding a vehicle around in circles) or skipping them altogether (sitting on a rooftop, or logging out in MP games).

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Make the blood moon harder? Yes.

Dramatically increase the loot bag chance and the loot bag's item rarity during the blood moon? Yes.

Add a literal blood effect during the bloodmoon that increases infectivity by 100%? Maybe.

Add a Behemoth during the blood moon? Maybe.

Get skill points for staying alive for a period of time during the blood moon? Maybe.


But make zombies drop blood coins ? I'm positively sure this will ruin the game.

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Could it be that it is fun to try out a base design and see if you survive?


I mean, this stops being a challenge once you figure out how zombie pathfinding algorithm works. And it appears to be a super simple algorithm - not like it requires rocket science to figure it out.


There are some interesting and fun things you can do with traps and turrets and electricity, but that path is only available if you spec in Intelligence, or if you get lucky with schematic drops.


Demolishers are an interesting curve ball as well, but they appear way, way later. I'm currently level 60, game stage 170, and have yet to see them. Again though, based on videos I've watched, it looks like they will make the aftermath of a BM way more tedious than it already is (where you need to go into your gauntlet/obstacle course and painstakingly "scan" every block with a hammer/nailgun and repair any damage).


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For sure along with a ton of other reasons I can think of. The OP honestly had me shocked with his statement that BM serves no purpose lol.


It doesn't. I'm an experienced player (500+ hours played since A16) and BM stopped being fun once I figured out that zombies basically beeline to you based on the path of least resistance, and you can just lay your traps and whatnot along that path and shoot down at them from above. Shooting fish in a barrel. Not fun or challenging in any shape or form.


I mean, maybe the issue is that POI dungeons are way more interesting now, especially with the loot pinatas at the end. It's far more efficient to spend your ammo in those dungeons, than at BMs.

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The purpose of the BM it's to challenge the player, you loot, mine, craft, and build stuff to survive the BM. Is not there to reward you with more stuff, the reward is survive it. If you don't enjoy it you can turn it off, is better than running all night.

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It sounds like you are creating your own problem. Why take advantage of the pathing if it dulls down blood moon? That makes no sense.

I know exactly how to make a base so that the zombies never go near my base and I can shoot them from my base...do I do it? no because that would kill blood moon. :)


The entire purpose of good base design is: the zombies will cause the least amount of damage, and you will dispose of them in the most efficient way possible.


I don't understand what you're trying to argue. Would it be more "fun" and "exciting" to engage the zombies down at street level while running around and kiting? Sure, maybe?

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I mean, this stops being a challenge once you figure out how zombie pathfinding algorithm works. And it appears to be a super simple algorithm - not like it requires rocket science to figure it out.

The pathing update has ruined blood moon for me too.

I like your blood token idea, but I think making the making the zombies act like zombies again is enough to fix the issue.


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The purpose of the BM it's to challenge the player


Like I said, the problem is that it stops being a challenge, and starts becoming tedious once you gain even a shred of understanding about how BMs work.


What I'm saying is, to offset that tedium, add some sort of reward to them, to make them stay relevant for the player.


Nobody on my server (~20 players) deals with blood moons anymore, I'll be honest. Most people just log out (except one person who volunteers to stay logged on so time passes).

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The entire purpose of good base design is: the zombies will cause the least amount of damage, and you will dispose of them in the most efficient way possible.


I don't understand what you're trying to argue. Would it be more "fun" and "exciting" to engage the zombies down at street level while running around and kiting? Sure, maybe?


I make it as easy as possible for the zombies to get to my base for a challenge thus the reason I do not take advantage of the pathing. I do see your point though. Bloodmoon does need work. I pitched an idea to the devs about it, but due to the lack of tech and hardware my idea is not possible for another 5-10 years. If you have some good ideas pitch it to Madmole and maybe it'll make it in to the game. :)


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I assume you are playing with 64 zombie blood moon count ncreased zombie block damage during BM and max running speed?....

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It’s sad that a lot of players don’t like challenges to overcome anymore. I play dead is dead and my reward for surviving blood moon is not having to start over.


It’s always about loot anymore, constant carrot on a stick, Positive reinforcement, u know stuff for crybabies.


exactly!!! I like the way u think ;)

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It’s sad that a lot of players don’t like challenges to overcome anymore. I play dead is dead and my reward for surviving blood moon is not having to start over.


It’s always about loot anymore, constant carrot on a stick, Positive reinforcement, u know stuff for crybabies.


Yeah, you should make a mod where players only have wooden clubs and nothing else. You know, a REAL challenge!


What? You wear armor? Why do you not like challenges? Are you some kind of crybaby?

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I think the worth of blood moons are solely based on why you play the game. Some people play solely for the blood moons. They want to build different base types and spend the entire week preparing for the next blood moon. Other people prefer to explore, loot, craft, and do the other things in the game. That's why I'm so glad that TFP gave us the opportunity to turn off blood moon nights or to increase the number of blood moon nights in a week. That way we can focus on doing stuff that makes us happy. Personally I have the blood moon turned on still but every 7th night I contemplate turning it off because I don't actively engage with the zombies anymore. I just don't see a point in it either. After playing so long, sitting at over 1000 hours now, it has lost a lot of the appeal. I would love to see them make it better in some way but I can't think of anything that would really help.

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You know what would make blood moons "worth it"? Is if they didnt just zero in on the player, they also zero'd in on everwhere the player has been, driven, ridden. Get a few zeds out there attacking your base every bloodmoon and make you pay for leaving it undefended and you hid out on some POI. Come back to a few holes in your base, your workbench wrecked maybe. Find your minibike in a tree somewhere a mile or two away. Maybe your Jeep takes a pounding since you didnt lock it up somewhere safe.


Don't reward these players for "surviving" the night. Pfft you lived, no exp hit, congrats there's your reward. FunPimps should PUNISH the players for not defending their base. Not securing their rides. Reward nothing. Punish us for being cowards. Make it hurt to blow off a bloodmoon.

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It’s sad that a lot of players don’t like challenges to overcome anymore. I play dead is dead and my reward for surviving blood moon is not having to start over.


It’s always about loot anymore, constant carrot on a stick, Positive reinforcement, u know stuff for crybabies.


Thank you. Can't the gratification come from surviving the BM and keeping your base intact and not collapsed be worth it? I swear some of you will only enjoy the bloodmoons if either A. zombies are as dumb and non-threat to the base as they were in A16 when AI was broken or B. every zombie kill drops a loot crate filled with cosmetics, 500 steel ignots and 1000 rounds of ammo

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Thank you. Can't the gratification come from surviving the BM and keeping your base intact and not collapsed be worth it? I swear some of you will only enjoy the bloodmoons if either A. zombies are as dumb and non-threat to the base as they were in A16 when AI was broken or B. every zombie kill drops a loot crate filled with cosmetics, 500 steel ignots and 1000 rounds of ammo


Yep, reward culture has taken over gaming.


I played the ♥♥♥♥ out of Battlefield 1942 and there was not one gun or skin to unlock. It was FUN to PLAY. With the newer battlefields all anyone cares about is unlocking various crap.

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Yep, reward culture has taken over gaming.


I played the $hit out of Battlefield 1942 and there was not one gun or skin to unlock. It was FUN to PLAY. With the newer battlefields all anyone cares about is unlocking various crap.


I know, right? One of the main reasons my go-to shooter is Counter Strike still. Your character doesn't get better, you get better. heh, in the old-days you could make or download your own skins that only displayed for you if you really wanted something different lol. Now, gotta pay for that 199.99 super-duper-delux-ultimate-pass and then pay for the crate, then pay to unlock the crate, then pay for the better guns, blah. It's getting so trashy. Just glad we got games like 7 Days and CS still. Other than that, old game city for me lol.

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Don't reward these players for "surviving" the night. Pfft you lived, no exp hit, congrats there's your reward. FunPimps should PUNISH the players for not defending their base. Not securing their rides. Reward nothing. Punish us for being cowards. Make it hurt to blow off a bloodmoon.
But what about the people who blow up their gyros while trying to defend their base...? That wouldn't solve much, now would it? ... :D
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