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A18: Anyone farming yet?


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So it seems the only way to farm is to build a Plot? Which takes 10 Rotting Flesh. Day 9 and I have 9 Rotting Flesh total. Not going to have many plots, am I?


So many plants can a Plot hold? If it's one, then isn't farming going to be a nightmare? I usually have a 40x40 hoe'd field.

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So it seems the only way to farm is to build a Plot? Which takes 10 Rotting Flesh. Day 9 and I have 9 Rotting Flesh total. Not going to have many plots, am I?


So many plants can a Plot hold? If it's one, then isn't farming going to be a nightmare? I usually have a 40x40 hoe'd field.


Not sure but I think you get rotting flesh from the skeletons that are everywhere(?)


Mass production of farming plots is probably not that easy anymore and that is a good change IMHO

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I think I found more than 9 rotting flesh in the first half hour of play. It's in trash, you get it from roadkill/corpses, slain vultures, zombie bears, etc. No idea whether the plots are worth it, but I think 9 rotting flesh on day 9 is hard to pull off unless you're throwing it out most of the time.

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Nope, not been throwing it out. Though I started in a massive Pine Forest (so no Vultures or Dogs) and haven't left it yet.


Right, I don't think there are many carcasses to be found there. But I've seen lots of wildlife in forest and many POI roofs have vultures.

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Yeah, that might be it. I spawned next to a town in a burnt forest, so I had tons of trash to pick through and fought a zombie bear and multiple vultures on day 1.

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So many plants can a Plot hold? If it's one, then isn't farming going to be a nightmare? I usually have a 40x40 hoe'd field.


If you have a reliable source of rotten meat then it should not be a problem to create a large enough garden.

40x40 is quite large. In A16 I had a similar sized garden but since the seeds remain in the soil my gardens are smaller.


In Alpha 17 I visited several Doggos and Bear Den once a week to harvest bones. I also collected a lot of rotten meat.

Since the zombies and the zombie dogs and bears respawn after 5 days, you have a virtually infinite source.


I also read that there supposed to be POIs from which you can harvest the plant pots. But I couldn't check it myself yet.

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While it is a pain to get farming plots, I ALWAYS felt pretty over powered once I had 12 corn/potatoes/coffee/blueberries in my back yard growing at a rate even mad scientists would agree is unreasonably fast!


Considering how hard it is now, I feel it is a small way to push you to explore more. I tend to SP only and build a base with a small courtyard for my farm. This makes me rethink my whole strategy and is much closer to how difficult it would be to survive on a farm alone for your food intake.

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There is a new military base with a multi-story brick building that has quite a few farming plots around it that you can scavenge. At the moment they're WAY overpriced at like 200 dukes each, so you might be better off selling them to a trader...

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While it is a pain to get farming plots, I ALWAYS felt pretty over powered once I had 12 corn/potatoes/coffee/blueberries in my back yard growing at a rate even mad scientists would agree is unreasonably fast!


You can't simulate plant growth in a game at realistic speed unless you want to bore the player to death.


- - - Updated - - -


Ahh I didnt know that. Thanks.


Can I dig a trench and put a row of farming plot in the ground?


Yes, you can. However, there is a gap between the pots and the surrounding ground. You can cover this gap with plates, for example.

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Regardless of how I feel about the method of farming now I do have to say that I like the limiting factor of it. Being able to have 40 plot gardens was OP and resulted in an unnatural glut of food. I'm glad super large farming fields are no longer feasible especially since food spoilage is probably never going to be added to the game.

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Regardless of how I feel about the method of farming now I do have to say that I like the limiting factor of it. Being able to have 40 plot gardens was OP and resulted in an unnatural glut of food. I'm glad super large farming fields are no longer feasible especially since food spoilage is probably never going to be added to the game.


Day 9, don't got any farm going, have 0 issues with food or water so far. In fact I have more than I ever need for a long time. I've not used any of the meat I got from animals either and I have 300+ meat sitting in storage. I been living off of canned food mostly that I find as I loot. Haven't felt the need to cook at all yet. Either something needs to change with the drop rates on canned food/food in general when looting, or food needs to be given some good buffs that last 30+ minutes each to make it worth actually cooking. I eat more food honestly to heal my health than I ever needed to fill the food meter. I feel food/water drains way to slowly even without iron gut.

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Day 9, don't got any farm going, have 0 issues with food or water so far. In fact I have more than I ever need for a long time. I've not used any of the meat I got from animals either and I have 300+ meat sitting in storage. I been living off of canned food mostly that I find as I loot. Haven't felt the need to cook at all yet. Either something needs to change with the drop rates on canned food/food in general when looting, or food needs to be given some good buffs that last 30+ minutes each to make it worth actually cooking. I eat more food honestly to heal my health than I ever needed to fill the food meter. I feel food/water drains way to slowly even without iron gut.


Sounds like playing a completely different game from what I have been. Canned food is pretty plentiful but not enough to cover my characters needs thus far. I've only killed one deer and a wolf so far for meat, and have had to use much of that to supplement. I've only found 7 eggs in as many days. I hadn't really thought about farming at all because I didn't want to spec into it far enough to make seeds. But knowing now that you don't need fresh seeds with every harvest I guess I'll start some plots, but I haven't found many seeds to use either.


Food drains absurdly fast. I can leave my base in the morning with a full bar and be down by 40% by noon. And I'm not even traveling much, I don't think I've gone further than 600m for a quest yet.

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Farm plots are ok, the living off the land perk tree is not. Iirc requires 1/3/5/6/7 points of strength (?) to get 2 crops on hit/ seeds from teas/seeds from veggies (you know,the ones you make food from)/more seeds/mutated seeds

I don't understand why the farming perk is not tied to intelligence and I don't understand why it requires so many perks to be able to grow food from it. It should be more like this:

Intelligence required 1/2/3/4/5: get 2 crops on hit/make all seeds/farm 3 crops/farm 4 crops/farm mutated crops/ farm plots require half ingredients


It's seriously frustrating to see a major improvement on farming technique and at the same time to be incapable of making crops early game.

Also needing 5 crops to make 1 seed is unrealistic. Just pick a potato and place it on the ground with water and it will grow. I don't see how I need to waste 5 potatoes to make 1 when I can literally grow infinite amount from a single well watered potato .

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