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This is a Zombie Survival game correct?


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Oh, but, I would definitely make the argument that there aren't enough zombies outside, especially around towns and cities.


Fair enough, i dont personally have a problem with the outside spawns since they respawn more often now, but yea more zeds around towns and cities would be nice.

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Well as i said if you want mode zombies just change " spawning.xml " that is in your game location . Surerly you can change spawning in buildings and on plains but idk if you can made it just to increase their amount around city only

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Holy crap, everyone! just agree with the kid already! Every disagreement is simply deflection and a clear personal attack at him!


From my experience and multiple POIs explored (Oh, and the patch notes, you dotard), yes, there are many POIs incorporated into the game with few to no zombies to enable slightly simpler tier one quests. I have a larger sample size than Jack...maybe it's sample envy?


want more zombies? There's a setting for that.


noticed bugs? weird. I would never expect that from an unstable build in a pre-release game...


panties in a bunch because people don't validate you for your point of view? maybe there's some unresolved daddy issues.


Jackie boy, you complain with a significant amount of words and butthurt about something that is 1. controlable, and 2. probably on the list of fixes. If you expect day one of a new experimental release to be perfect, you must never have installed any brand new software ever.

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I don't know what is being complained about. I set up a server on difficulty 3 and only upped the default max zombie count by 10, and there's always at least 3 zombies on the screen at all times (unless you cleared them or are in front of a wall :p )

Hell, night 2 I died 3 or 4 times when in A17, I would have been fine. The new enraged zombie mode or what ever it is really kicks things up a notch

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I just want to state for the record that I never read one post by any customer that pleaded with TFP to lower the outdoor zombie counts and not one post by any customer who gave Joel a big high five when he announced it a few weeks back. I haven't read one post praising TFP for the lower outdoor counts of zombies.


I'm not sure who the OP thinks TFP was bending backwards to? The decision was a performance and stability decision period and nobody has been happy about it. We've been assured that an encounter system will be added later that will randomly put zombies in our faces in a way that will be better than just random outdoor zombies-- some of which we never even see or notice.


tldr: Dear OP, the current status is not the intended final design. It is a work in progress.

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I have no idea what y'all are talking about. Are we playing the same game?


There were like NO roaming zombies in A17 after they toned down the wandering hordes. We had to use a modlet to put a decent number of wilderness zombies back in.


Our first A18 game (Navazgene, since we're going to be restarting frequently for a while and I've heard iffy things about RWG) they are EVERYWHERE. I haven't seen this many out in the wild for a long time. I was worried when they said they were lowering the spawn, but we've found very much the opposite.


And they CONGREGATE when you go into a trader, and getting out usually involves either fighting your way out or jumping over a wall and booking it.


We had a feral spider zombie just sprint up to us on the morning of day 3 while we were chopping up trees and rocks, and that was after we cleared the field outside our house of about 10 that gathered up during the night.


Seriously, we're pretty pleased. One less modlet we'll have to add in, as long as TFP doesn't nerf this. They nerfed the A17 roamers into the ground, the number we have now is pretty perfect to me and my husband.

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Don't come in here raging after playing 2 minutes and expect a warm welcome. We added deserted remnants to the game. Everyone is saying the game is harder than ever you clearly need to just play some more. Go set up shop at shotgun messiah factory on day 1 and let me know how that went for you.

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Heehee. Oh, the forums.


I'm entertained highly. I started reading this while ducking behind a tree waiting for a passing horde, in the wilderness, during the daytime, of about 7-8 zombies.


Read a few posts. Considered going and popping some popcorn. But the horde had moved on, and so must I.

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The personal attacks in here that mock me for my opinions is why you will get such attitude now. I do not care if you agree with me. You want to be respected you better check your words. Otherwise you will be crying a whole lot more when I get done with you.


Been banned many times never stops me. World is going down in flames to the Entitled Carebear kiddies and I am among those putting an end to that. That is why if TFP plan to keeping bending over to you CB then I will let the public know as they have a right to know. Social Media will make or break a game/company in a heartbeat these days.


Before you decide to make your nasty rude remarks think about it. Do you really want to be banned again just trying to get under my skin? You will fail in your mission and then will not get to cry in the forums anymore. After all if you are reported more than 10 times for the same post by multiple people action will get taken I am sure. Try me find out if I am bluffing.




You have...







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Heya Jack


You've been banned here before and came back?


What am I suppose to admit to something. You do realize that you really can not keep people off your forum, most you can do is annoy them with having to change things.


Seems that ignorance runs straight through the forum though and no one reads for understanding. Also it is stated in the ChangeLogs that they listened to feedback and nerfed spawns. All in the same paragraph I believe. Till 18 TFP never tanked their game. Also said I was waiting to see if they fixed this issue in an update. You would know that if you bothered to read what I wrote instead of just listening to the trolls that come crying to you because I upset them.


Likely have more hours in this game then most of the trolls in this thread. Been running servers for it longer than most of you been allowed to play the game. Sorry if (no not really) my words hurt you. Stones actually hurt alot more. Should check into reality.


Wait now I will get banned again........have to make a new email on another IP.....ugh.....all so Roland can feel Super......


- - - Updated - - -


:highly_amused: :highly_amused: :highly_amused: :highly_amused: :highly_amused: :highly_amused:


You are right should have said there is More Intelligence there. What was I thinking.

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holy hell, go away, nobody wants you around here when all you do is act all high and mighty as if you can actually do something, go annoy some other forum.


also i very much doubt you have more hours than anyone here if you literally couldnt be asked to try a18 long enough to find more than ONE POI.

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The OP was too aggressive in his tone for this to have had any chance. Everyone who is unhappy needs to remember that this is day 2 of a voluntary opt-in experimental. There is no need for ranting and anger during this time.


Also, I do feel Super.

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