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Alpha 18 Dev Diary!!


Alpha 18 Dev Diary!!  

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  1. 1. Alpha 18 Dev Diary!!

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You can label certain playstyles as a class, but in 7 Days its really build the character you want that fits your play style. The tricky part is surviving and not getting too weak because you over spec'd into something and under spec'd elsewhere. But to me that is an interesting puzzle to solve as a gamer.


As long as you can balance that correctly so its not distilled down into "the one way" to build a character, all is good. With enough variety things should be good though. Or otherwise ways to respec, etc.


I know that you're not a LBD kinda guy, but one of the things I always liked about that system was when you had a limited amount of points to use across everything, the things you used the most, would naturally rise up, and the others would go down. Eliminating the need for a respec, but as you said, could be grindy to change (depends on the design really).

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That is awesome. My inner smart 4ss has to say though with that much C4 you are not opening doors you are removing walls. :)


Either way a big fan of the new graphics and idea of these charges! Well done!


I've been saying this and I'll say it again. A17 might have been a bit poorly received but it is the framework that lets us do a TON of content with a few people. Like the level team did from A16 to A17 (after we made good level tools and introduced paintable blocks for our guys) your going to see the art team and game play xml guys move some mountains in a short amount of time. Over 100 new perk books, more new weapons in a small alpha than in the last 4 years. Pretty cool stuff. Not to mention dozens of new models to make the levels look cooler, lots of new HD pbr textures too.


In short aside from optimization and water, we have a mostly finished engine now that is getting pretty powerful.

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Awesome, I hope they are throw-able stickies that can adhere to zombies too.


That would be a waste of a good c4. The original design was they wouldn't do a lot of damage to entities and would be a concentrated blast to take out 1 voxel, and we would consider making one that didn't do much block damage but was nasty to living creatures.


We want to make a meat bomb that is like your go to smart bomb when oh ♥♥♥♥ moments happen. Very hard to craft and expensive to buy, but when your walls are failing and a big horde is going to bust in, toss it on the ground and all the zeds will run to it and try to eat it and it goes boom. That will pretty much fall out of the c4 tech once its done. Another variant idea was a shootable meat bomb (INT guy) who shoots it into a zombie and the zombies tear at the one who was hit with it trying to kill him and then it explodes. These would have a smaller area of influence than the c4 style meat bomb.

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Looks nice, will it be a one in all craft or do we craft it in pieces and then put it together? Like C4 is one, the primer is one and the timer is one kinda thing?


I was surprised to see it as a block though, as it is to be used on doors and safes I was picturing something more in line with a breach charge like you see in the movies. A long and thin strip that you attach on the hinge side.


Will we see a change to the safe graphics when this has been used? Like a door torn open?


No it will be like it always was, you break in with a pickaxe and it is the openable version. At least that is the plan. We could throw the loot all over the room and be realistic but I don't think people would like that.

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As long as you can balance that correctly so its not distilled down into "the one way" to build a character, all is good. With enough variety things should be good though. Or otherwise ways to respec, etc.


I know that you're not a LBD kinda guy, but one of the things I always liked about that system was when you had a limited amount of points to use across everything, the things you used the most, would naturally rise up, and the others would go down. Eliminating the need for a respec, but as you said, could be grindy to change (depends on the design really).


To be clear, I like LBD in some games but for a game with as many skills as 7 Days there is no way around ending up with some artificial behaviors coming from players to min max, and when I find myself doing that crap I suddenly stop enjoying the game I'm playing.


It also has the problem Skyrim had, where you gain skill from doing in say one handed weapons. When it reaches 100 you cannot gain any more skill so your leveling speed slows without input from your favorite skill. The result was you would either level really slow or stop leveling all together at some point when your skills were reaching 100. You would turn to conjuration or some thing out of character for that play through just to level up some more, and just stop playing and start a new character.


They tried to address this in a patch, allowing legendary skills. You could reset any skill to the start level of 15 from 100 and be refunded all the perks and then grind it back up again. But the problem with this was, if your level 60 and go into combat with no sword perks against enemies geared towards a level 60 character, your not doing crap for damage so it causes some issues.


At the end of the day we've talked about it a lot and there always ends up being a punch grass spam craft way of leveling that isn't fun or fair.

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If any dev is inclined I'm curious about Unity limits/issues with things that 'move'.


Not a coder here & not implying anything, just wondering if maybe newer versions of the engine may allow things like elevators or retractable ladders to be added without tons of bugs or custom coding?


Like the Drawbridge. If that took/takes 50 hours to custom design & code then it makes sense that the one we have may be it. Just kinda hoping/wondering if maybe down the line the engine might make adding other moving elements much easier...?


Newer Unity versions should not change how we would add such features.


A drawbridge is really the same as a door. It would not take very long to add more doors apart from making the art for it.


Dealing with something that changes size and you attach/interact with it is something very different.

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Adding at least 8 million more dungeons. Even a tent will be dungeon and spawn a behemoth if your game stage 1. But seriously no we're adding a lot more dungeons but are adding some more abandoned ruins types of POIS as well.


Any plans to give your prefab builders more traps to play with? I am mean collapsing floors and zeds jumping out of closets get old pretty quickly no matter how appealing the prefabs look.

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Any plans to give your prefab builders more traps to play with? I am mean collapsing floors and zeds jumping out of closets get old pretty quickly no matter how appealing the prefabs look.


Auto turrets in some bandit locations or high tier heist / stealth quests.

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We want to make a meat bomb that is like your go to smart bomb when oh ♥♥♥♥ moments happen. Very hard to craft and expensive to buy, but when your walls are failing and a big horde is going to bust in, toss it on the ground and all the zeds will run to it and try to eat it and it goes boom. That will pretty much fall out of the c4 tech once its done. Another variant idea was a shootable meat bomb (INT guy) who shoots it into a zombie and the zombies tear at the one who was hit with it trying to kill him and then it explodes. These would have a smaller area of influence than the c4 style meat bomb.


Nice. I've gone ahead and came up with a concept design to help you guys out.



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The meat bomb that attracts zombies sounds dope af, especially if its a last ditch effort like mentioned, high tier crafting with big blast.


On the topic of poi traps, how about trip wires that set off alarms and wake all zeds? Or some kind of trip mine that covers you in blood and turns zeds in proximity feral?

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Not if you are low carbing it, then lettuce is the new bread.


Yep , doing Keto...IF we stop at a fast food place its Inn N Out and get a 4x4 mustard only protein style...which is in lettuce instead of a bun


So if any of those zombies are doing Keto and you toss that burger bomb out with a bun , you are SCREWED

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Was it Burger King that had the breadless burger?


No, McDonald's had a breadless burger... Crap I'm old.


I don't remember. Best throwing the whole thing in the trash lol. I do miss their sausage egg and cheese mcmuffins. Food allergies suck. I mean I can eat one, the worst thing that happens is I get my nose and ear plugged up for half a day, but its not really worth it.

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