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Alpha 18 Dev Diary!!


Alpha 18 Dev Diary!!  

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  1. 1. Alpha 18 Dev Diary!!

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Why are people so obsessed with mining and caving in 7D2D? Could it be that they're revealing their true colors, as the milksop that they are? Only cowards choose to dwell in trenches or with Earth and rock over their heads. Just know there are honorable and dishonorable ways to live, and more importantly, honorable and dishonorable ways to die.

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While you "may" have a point with the Kickstarter backers you sure do not with "customers" and "streamers". "Streamers" are "customers". Period. End of story. They bought the game same as the rest of us. Difference is, they provide advertising. Frankly I laugh at people getting upset about a few days difference in access time.


I'd gladly take a few extra days of streamers weeding out extra, previously unseen bugs and any re-balances that are deem necessary. If A18 took forever to release (I know it won't), so be it; that fate would be much better than an update that would forever be remembered in a negative light.

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Why are people so obsessed with mining and caving in 7D2D? Could it be that they're revealing their true colors, as the milksop that they are? Only cowards choose to dwell in trenches or with Earth and rock over their heads. Just know there are honorable and dishonorable ways to live, and more importantly, honorable and dishonorable ways to die.


I don't think it's so much that as it's more about the unbridled creativity you get.

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Why are people so obsessed with mining and caving in 7D2D? Could it be that they're revealing their true colors, as the milksop that they are? Only cowards choose to dwell in trenches or with Earth and rock over their heads. Just know there are honorable and dishonorable ways to live, and more importantly, honorable and dishonorable ways to die.


Mining is now dishonorable? I'm with those people. If 7dtd wasn't voxel it would be on the same level as all the other shooters, a game I wouldn't waste a minute of my time on.

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My one question: Will there be a variety in zombie damage against various materials depending if it is a weak, medium or strong zombie?


For example, i could imagine zombie nurse hitting for less than a football player, cop or biker, so having less power to damage stronger blocks. This could be incorporated in a manner that "weaker" zombies will deal 60% damage to metals, 80% to bricks/cement and 100% to others. Stronger variants could deal 90% to metals, 100% to bricks/cement and 110% to others.


Values can be tweaked in any way, but i know the mechanics are there, as i tweaked it in a modlet in A17. This could make a fine addition in general, making early game a bit easier, but late game harder (stronger Zs more easily messing up the base).

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Yes that has been the fight to make for years now. Ferguson is an animal but he doesn't have a ton of power in his striking, and has a glass chin of his own. He's dangerous on the ground, but Khabib is an expert and controls everyone on the ground. McBragger will not get a rematch unless somehow Khabib loses, then they pair two losers together.


Bragger has zero good wins at 155, Alavarez was a joke. He only beat DosAnjos and won the title because it was when the USASA started enforcing steroids, and DosAnjos couldn't make the weight cut without steroids. He literally passed out in the locker room 2 minutes before the fight because he was so compromised from a drug free weight cut. Bragger needs to get a good win. He'll probably fight Porier because he beat him before and then he would be eligible for a title fight. They will put it on the same card too just to set up the grudge match.


I'd pick Khabib to beat Ferguson, but it will be his hardest test.


I think u might be on to something, Khabib vs Ferguson and McGregor vs Porier on same card. One more decent fight on there and it would be a good card.


Im looking forward to Masvidal vs Diaz. Masvidal is a beast but Diaz is just so scrappy.

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I think u might be on to something, Khabib vs Ferguson and McGregor vs Porier on same card. One more decent fight on there and it would be a good card.


Im looking forward to Masvidal vs Diaz. Masvidal is a beast but Diaz is just so scrappy.


It's unfortunate that there are no decent fighters in this world left. Pit some of the strongest, most resilient people today against warriors of old, and modern day humans - even the toughest of the tough - wouldn't stand a chance.

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Why are people so obsessed with mining and caving in 7D2D? Could it be that they're revealing their true colors, as the milksop that they are? Only cowards choose to dwell in trenches or with Earth and rock over their heads. Just know there are honorable and dishonorable ways to live, and more importantly, honorable and dishonorable ways to die.


War (this game against zombies) ain't about who is right, only those who are left.

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Mining is now dishonorable? I'm with those people. If 7dtd wasn't voxel it would be on the same level as all the other shooters, a game I wouldn't waste a minute of my time on.


Worst thing in No Man's Sky is the limit on digging into the ground. You meet ground you can't dig up and some resources/objects are below that level. Not only that, you can't really make an underground base. 7DTD allows you to make a huge complex underground, which i find is the biggest selling point here.

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Any chance for a rework of melee because all weapon is like poking with a spear instead of swing a club or sword u aim right next to the zombie head and u miss where the club or sword goes right through him


I belive they attempted to improve this issue in A18. If it's gotten better or worse remains to be seen,

but i think it's better. At least the aiming issue.

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Well what else do you call the buyers on kickstarter? They willingly gave a company money so the company could deliver a product and in exchange each buyer would get a copy of that product. Yeah you don't own stock or anything but you still laid the foundation so the dream of making 7DTD was possible in the first place. I am very doubtful we would have a 7DTD released on its own without the help of kickstarter. That's whole point of kickstarter, to gather investors.


Pre orders were doing fine before Kickstarter. We were reluctant to do a kickstarter because we were already extremely successful in pre orders. Kickstarter might have actually hurt sales because we had a key distribution problem and disabled sales for over a week when sales were booming, so we maybe have lost more revenue than gained. We greenlit on Steam, KS was just a tiny fraction of revenue and it had a bunch of ambitious features we were forced into, honestly we might have been done and by now and done better without it.

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Pre orders were doing fine before Kickstarter. We were reluctant to do a kickstarter because we were already extremely successful in pre orders. Kickstarter might have actually hurt sales because we had a key distribution problem and disabled sales for over a week when sales were booming, so we maybe have lost more revenue than gained. We greenlit on Steam, KS was just a tiny fraction of revenue and it had a bunch of ambitious features we were forced into, honestly we might have been done and by now and done better without it.


Well they say everything happens for a reason. I think it's been a good thing so far. I think this game will stand the test of time, like the Tetris of voxel games. So can we assume no crowdfunding for the next game?

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Why are people so obsessed with mining and caving in 7D2D? Could it be that they're revealing their true colors, as the milksop that they are? Only cowards choose to dwell in trenches or with Earth and rock over their heads. Just know there are honorable and dishonorable ways to live, and more importantly, honorable and dishonorable ways to die.


Trolls be trollin'



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Wait a second....As an early purchaser of 7 Days to Die while it is still in Alpha, I get to vote when the MF bugs are "good enough" and I can demand my updated version whenever I feel like it? Sweet! I'd like to have the A19 and now followed by Beta20 please. I invested at nearly full price...(close enough).

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I also understand and agree with you that without those early buyers it would've been tougher to get things up and running. TFP's true success and the reason for their continued existence has been excellent ongoing sales on Steam which has totally eclipsed the amount of startup funding they raised on Kickstarter. I'm glad you personally aren't upset about the streamer event but I know some people are. :)


Yeah for reference, one or two days on steam is > a whole month of kickstarter.

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Tower defense, crafting, looting and questing are the bread and butter to this game. Digging is not a core pillar and mining could easily be done without it as well. You could still use foundation blocks to level out a nice place to live or even flatten vertices of static terrain some and have 95% of the game, without 95% of the trouble.


Anyhow we might add it as an option at some point, and use telemetry to see how many people run that version and base our decisions on facts not emotional responses.


IMO a year after its release, 80% would be playing static terrain version because of better visuals, better FPS and they don't give a crap about mining. We could still plop down "earth blocks" to fill in spots etc and make trenches your just building it up instead of digging down its the same net base, just elevated higher. There could be craters from nukes you fill in and have a "basement" or "bunker".


I agree, telemetry is the best way to get a real estimate. But to get a real number, one have

to just do it and see what happens.

And who knows, perhaps it would be a good thing to attract new customers instead of relying on

oldtimers buying the game over and over again. After all, alpha means one can experiment a bit.

And for A18, i wish for a merry xmas.

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It's unfortunate that there are no decent fighters in this world left. Pit some of the strongest, most resilient people today against warriors of old, and modern day humans - even the toughest of the tough - wouldn't stand a chance.


Maybe, maybe not.


Roman gladiators werent quite what they portrayed in 300 and Sparticus ;)

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All I was stating was those who were drawn into 7D2D for mining and spelunking are probably in the 1-4%.


LOL - your second post and your first post aren't even remotely close in content. No - you were calling people who like to build underground bases "dishonorable players", "milksops" and "cowards". Re-read what you wrote.


Considering how many players on this forum like their mole activities and you are specifically targeting them with negative attributes, I can only come to the conclusion I did - you are trolling.



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Maybe, maybe not.


Roman gladiators werent quite what they portrayed in 300 and Sparticus ;)


True. Most warriors never wore armor in the first place in battle (depending on the region/culture); typically only cloth and linen outfits, mostly used for arrow deflection. But there were far more "brutes" (as society calls them today) back then than there are today.


- - - Updated - - -


LOL - your second post and your first post aren't even remotely close in content. No - you were calling people who like to build underground bases "dishonorable players", "milksops" and "cowards". Re-read what you wrote.


Considering how many players on this forum like their mole activities and you are specifically targeting them with negative attributes, I can only come to the conclusion I did - you are trolling.




You are entitled to your opinion, as I am to mine. Good day.

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