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Alpha 18 Dev Diary!!


Alpha 18 Dev Diary!!  

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  1. 1. Alpha 18 Dev Diary!!

    • A18 Stable is Out!
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See my previous post. We want to unify every class of items. Lead can be used right out of the mine to make batteries. Coal is usable for GP or burning, crafting pure water. Iron was this weird one off raw iron item, why have a sharp stick iron? It had a weird stack size too of 1200 vs 6000. Inventory management.


Seems like another reaction in the wrong direction. Just adding Lead Ore, Coal Ore and Niter would have done the same thing without further dumbing the game down. The fact you can instantly use raw iron to do stuff with is just plain weird in my opinion. I remember a few post where you said something about players using debris and scrap iron to build with, but now they also build with iron ore...

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I been loving A18 alot (i love the new weapons mostly)


but theres a few things that i have some problem with it (its few)


1: lack of clay in deserts


2: Brain dead mountain lions :aka they like to freak out when attacking you.


3: bag's like to disappear. even when you dont die on a slop. i died in house and when i came back. poof gone!


4: lag in snow and desert biome !


thats it! every thing else is a ok. i think!


the desert should not have clay soil as it is made of sand at least that is what the intent is. you can't have every resource in every biome. if the did that there would be ZERO incentive to travel to different biomes.


I personally wish one day that they add more raw ore types to the game and strategically place them in separate biomes here is what I was thinking what TFP "could" do now to spread out the raw materials.


Forest Biome: Iron, Nitrate

Snow Biome: Iron, Lead

Desert Biome: Iron, Oil Shale

Burnt Biome: Iron, Coal

Wasteland Biome: Iron, Coal, Oil Shale, lead, Nitrate (but very random and more spread out)


This is for the surface indicators. I'd keep in the fact that if you just dig under ground that you can still encounter random ore chunks. but at least this forces people to go to the different Biomes to gather the ore they need.


this is a long shot but I do hope that they add more depth to the mining and crafting system. like add in things like copper, cobalt, tin, zinc, over time. if not i am happy with what we got. I am all for additions to the game. I love Conan Exiles crafting system as there is just soooooooo much dept to it. I am not asking for 7D2D to go that route but I feel like they have a way more robust crafting system in place. I am confident Joel will take a look at the crafting systems and flush it all out in due time and if not that is what the moding community is for.


over all @MM just an incredible Alpha. Can't wait for what is coming!!


- - - Updated - - -


Is something else being added to replace the rare diamonds for the diamond tool mod, or will its recipe be removed and it only becomes a lootable/trader sold mod?


the art of mining book is the replacement for getting rare gems (silver, gold, diamonds)

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Is a restart required for this new update?


Quote from Hated's post "Please do start a new game to not risk a problem when going back to A18 b155."


From what i understand you might experience problems when going back to Stable b155 from b6 so if you play exp all the way you should not have any problems

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Sorry to bring back the terrain problem, but if it's really impossible to bring back snow/sand/whatever blocks, could it at least be changed so that placed topsoil blocks actually become the block they're supposed to be? Like, HP-wise and such? Maybe it's just my OCD talking but it's weird and gross patching roads with these pathetic imitator blocks, or making quintuple-strength snow.


We're getting asphalt back in.

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A shotgun does not have the DPS of a machine gun.


The ammo is super cheap and even if you only hit a feral soldier in the chest, a single shot knocks it on it's arse.

Basic shells are not good against armor but you can even fix that with the Penetrator perk.


Shotguns do AOE crowd control like no other weapon. This can be improved with the sawed off or duckbill mod.

(the scale of the effects could still be improved)


Even if shotguns are your "main weapon", nothing stops you from picking up a rifle or MG and use up all that 7.62mm ammo that is piling up.


penetrator affects shotguns? Because the wording of the perk made it sound like it only works with AP rounds and Buckshot is definitely not an AP round. so I HAd no idea that honestly could make a huge difference, may look into that.


That said I will say, that's not my experience, I've put 3-4 shells into a group of ferals before and had most of them still biting my arse, not knocked down. irradiateds are even less likely to hit the floor and this is worse with the sawed off or duckbill because not enough pellets hit them to do any real damage. and even with a sawed off I can still crowd control better with the AK47 because of the magazine perk that increases ragdoll chance. the issue I am having is that in my experience everything the shotgun is supposed to be good at I have an easier time doing with the AK47 let alone the M60.


That said I also haven't played in the most recent patch I feel like the increased attack speed on the perk will likely make a big difference for shotguns.

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Again, I have thousands of scrap iron just from regular activities. I do not need to use iron ore to make scrap iron, and, in fact, I never have pumped out scrap iron from my forge.



Oh, Lord, another round of whining incoming. See what you did, MM?!


Nobody even knew it existed. I haven't found a patch in the last 400 hours and when I did it was game breaking, I had 30k worth of ores in 4 game hours with a stone axe.

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A shotgun does not have the DPS of a machine gun.


The ammo is super cheap and even if you only hit a feral soldier in the chest, a single shot knocks it on it's arse.

Basic shells are not good against armor but you can even fix that with the Penetrator perk.


Shotguns do AOE crowd control like no other weapon. This can be improved with the sawed off or duckbill mod.

(the scale of the effects could still be improved)


Even if shotguns are your "main weapon", nothing stops you from picking up a rifle or MG and use up all that 7.62mm ammo that is piling up.


Yeah shotguns have been strong for as long as I can remember for these reasons, I always take one when I can, just because it can destroy or deter any zombie at close range when you need it most. Use it solely, not really, also need a rifle and pistol to complement the set for range and just panic shooting.

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Is this just the rare ore block (i.e. the visually distinct block) in the ground that is nuked?


I assume here that you could still mine or loot diamonds etc, but while mining it would just be a small chance for every block instead of finding a special block. Or am I wrong and diamonds as an item is removed completely from the game?


Diamonds will still be in the game.

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The perk tree shows that almost immediately. IMO renaming the attributes into classes would be much better in conveying the "style" of each specialization.


Agi -> Inflitrator

Int -> Tinkerer

Strength -> Miner

Per -> Scavenger or Sniper

Fort -> Tank or Brute or Heavy


Love it! Going to share the above the with my steam group, so they can get an idea of what role they want to play should they join me.

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Seems like another reaction in the wrong direction. Just adding Lead Ore, Coal Ore and Niter would have done the same thing without further dumbing the game down. The fact you can instantly use raw iron to do stuff with is just plain weird in my opinion. I remember a few post where you said something about players using debris and scrap iron to build with, but now they also build with iron ore...


No you are just knee jerking. You could always do whatever you wanted with raw iron, scrap it on the spot and build whatever metal stuff you wanted to. It was two items with a different icon and an inconsistency. Get over it.

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