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Alpha 18 Dev Diary!!


Alpha 18 Dev Diary!!  

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  1. 1. Alpha 18 Dev Diary!!

    • A18 Stable is Out!
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Well thats the easy part, you simply slam into the wall and boom, smooth landing all around! A lot of my landing is like that, but sometimes I actually land in the middle and feel like a king. Key is to completely stop accelerating some 20 block or so before the landing (depending on altitude). The gyrocopter keeps its momentum for a little bit and then suddenly starts falling. Than as soon as you are in the zone, quickly exit the vehicle. As I said, it does not work everytime, but when it does...damn it feels good.


Btw if you want to go bigger, I would probably make some "islands" around the central HUB, with bridges to connect. I actually intend to build this fort on a little island, with smaller buildings being on stillts in the water. Alternatively I was thinking of small tree forts all around. I just dont know what additions I would build, because the house already has everything I need - garage, helipad, workshop, toilets, kitchen, living room, bed room, basement (yep there is underground level), killing floor bunker, bedroom and garden with small pool.


Slamming into railing is my way of parking the gyro haha.


Well, i normally build huge storages. As in modern storage hall with sections and each section is split into parts that are all marked, what do they contain. Then another storage next to the kitchen for food and drink. Armory. Also i like to kepp my worshops specialized. So drug cooking place, worshop that is part of garage (i like those big fancy garages that you can find on gas pumps or in Firemen station - i actually once lived in Firemen station). Then another room for smelting. If i can make those into separate buildings, even better. A farm, a pool, some decorative trees, park, plaza. Make walls around. I usually don't do basements, for simple reason.


I start by evening the ground on where i want to build. Then i replace whole area with concrete. Build 3 blocks tall (4th block is celling) building with LOTS of pillars to keep it stable. More like pillar forest. Then i build high walls around it. Place dirt on the celling. This way, you can either shoot down from walls or make windows to shoot from this celling. Or you can put turrets there. Then i build small village on the celling, so it is evalated compared to ground outside walls.


The pillars are important, otherwise the whole thing just collapses :D

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Slamming into railing is my way of parking the gyro haha.


Well, i normally build huge storages. As in modern storage hall with sections and each section is split into parts that are all marked, what do they contain. Then another storage next to the kitchen for food and drink. Armory. Also i like to kepp my worshops specialized. So drug cooking place, worshop that is part of garage (i like those big fancy garages that you can find on gas pumps or in Firemen station - i actually once lived in Firemen station). Then another room for smelting. If i can make those into separate buildings, even better. A farm, a pool, some decorative trees, park, plaza. Make walls around. I usually don't do basements, for simple reason.


I start by evening the ground on where i want to build. Then i replace whole area with concrete. Build 3 blocks tall (4th block is celling) building with LOTS of pillars to keep it stable. More like pillar forest. Then i build high walls around it. Place dirt on the celling. This way, you can either shoot down from walls or make windows to shoot from this celling. Or you can put turrets there. Then i build small village on the celling, so it is evalated compared to ground outside walls.


The pillars are important, otherwise the whole thing just collapses :D


No idea why, but I read drug cookie place :D Got to make sure to add such room in my next build

I like the idea of seperate rooms for chems, armory etc. but I always go for efficiency first. Mostly because sorting is really pain in the a**, and having to run to seperate rooms to store items would probably get old real fast for me.

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No idea why, but I read drug cookie place :D Got to make sure to add such room in my next build

I like the idea of seperate rooms for chems, armory etc. but I always go for efficiency first. Mostly because sorting is really pain in the a**, and having to run to seperate rooms to store items would probably get old real fast for me.


I will make sure that "drug cookie" room exists, the second there will be shisha in the game! :D


It is a bit more work, but everything has its place so you never lose anything. Also, i mostly build only really tiny base to fend off hordes and hoard all the stuff while slowly working on another, enormous base.

What works is (in case of house), if you also use halls in your house (i do), use one smaller hall as entrance hall that connects to mainhall, where you can keep few storage crates to dump in all the stuff you bring. When it is full, just use the night to sort those to their respective rooms and crates!


In case of village, you can just build a small wooden house that has door, one window leading into the middle of base and crates. Works same way! Also, in this room / building i often have one separate crate with emergency food, medicaments and ammo. Same in garage. You don't need too much. Like 5 eggs and bacon, 5 medkids and 2 mags are often enough. Just for quick "come and grab".

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I will make sure that "drug cookie" room exists, the second there will be shisha in the game! :D


It is a bit more work, but everything has its place so you never lose anything. Also, i mostly build only really tiny base to fend off hordes and hoard all the stuff while slowly working on another, enormous base.

What works is (in case of house), if you also use halls in your house (i do), use one smaller hall as entrance hall that connects to mainhall, where you can keep few storage crates to dump in all the stuff you bring. When it is full, just use the night to sort those to their respective rooms and crates!


In case of village, you can just build a small wooden house that has door, one window leading into the middle of base and crates. Works same way! Also, in this room / building i often have one separate crate with emergency food, medicaments and ammo. Same in garage. You don't need too much. Like 5 eggs and bacon, 5 medkids and 2 mags are often enough. Just for quick "come and grab".


I got it a bit different. I usually get some concrete early from the building sites, and create a small 6x6 bunker ASAP. The roof of it is my crafting room for foreseeable future. Over time, as I find concrete in PoIs i expand walls, in X shape, around the bunker. They two ramps next to each other, and inside is little space to place electric fences. Once I have this in 24x24 i build few pillars and can create a basis for my house. Then I just slowly improve it over time.


By the way, which Slavic lands?

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Wow! Great news! I'm happy to know that.


Maybe you could showcase your new occlusion system for voxel worlds in a video, it would be super interesting.


There is nothing to see, if its working correctly. When it wasn't working right there were obvious problems that needed fixed I wouldn't want to show. If I film the editor it grabs half my desktop so that is bad.

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Crazy talk. you have the absolute best place to fall back on - UP. Iron bar ceilings are in zed nightmares :D


- - - Updated - - -



That would mean that mining deep no longer has to worry about diggers. How deep is deep enough?


If they can't get to me, I'm still alive. I can run. My base is solid r concrete with iron bars at 4 meters high so they would have to bring the whole building down. I can also jump and run if things get too bad. As time goes on I build other towers and kite them to where I have more spikes and barbed wire, and connect the towers with iron bar walkways. Then I'll build a taller, larger keep behind one of the towers for fun base.


No it doesn't mean you are safe, it means your client isn't rendering meshes. The zombies are still there tearing the dirt away in visually occluded space.

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I said it discouraged builders from diversifying. The distinction is really significant.




I agree that strength is the best place for the harvesting perks. My personal solution is not to move the STR harvesting perks, or remove them, but to give each attribute a perk(s) that also helps with the process of building somehow to balance out the harvesting perks. Something like better SI, less heat generation, stronger walls, new defenses with some special gimmick, faster construction.


Then you really would be screwed and some people would think they NEED every attribute maxed to be a great builder and it would be back to A17. Right now you can get 60% of the best mining and harvesting for a trivial investment and be very good.


I'm not even saying we have the best solution, but to me its a non issue. Perception has the harvest bonus from salvaging and I never buy that and do just fine, I feel that mining is the same, I bought 1000 concrete mix from a trader and saved myself all that labor. I carry a shovel now so I can harvest the concrete mix bags at POIs.

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Now if there was a number that represented all the zombies remaining on the map, 10,000... 100,000... any number. Then I would be there hacking and slashing with you.


Currently, gaining xp with no useable loot or resources is like sacrificing yourself to the GameStage gods.


But there is. The chance is higher. I got at least 4 big yellow bags in a 2-3 hour session the other day, and they had some great stuff in them. So by not killing everything you see, you are missing out on possible big yellow bags.

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Will we be able to sit in the chairs in A20? My feet are getting tired of standing all the time except for when I'm driving. I want to sit down on my back deck and drink a beer and watch the blood moon rise and maybe snipe a zombie or two at the same time. More stability from shooting from the sitting position, but a bit wobbly from the beer....hmmm


I would like to see that, so you could maybe heal faster and debuff stuff quicker by "resting". I could still craft some things while I heal up. IMO we'd build a framework that lets actors use objects. We have third person functional now (but won't enable it yet) so we can improve third person animations easily.

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are the farm plots unlocked with a perk or a book?


incase it is just unlocked with a perk..I rather it be a book instead of a perk that unlocks items that can be crafted. perks to me should just improve the character overall such as doing more damage, making better quality items or getting the character more stats.


which leads to another question will more advanced items be made book only to unlock? like some exceptions are ok I guess like the forge but that's about it.

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The farm plots and city sidewalks look great; finally we can have terrain smoothed up against blocks without those hideous floating diamond corners.



Yea, i'm happy this is fixed. Previously, you had to place down plates to cover those 'gaps'.

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Wut. Not even close to having 2K hours to be honest, but anyone with basic FPS skills can just walk into any big city on Day 1 with a wooden bow and be perfectly fine, especially with vanilla settings - and that seems off to me. But hey, I guess a mean no is as good an answer as any, i'll just take it for what it is, no biggie.


As a side note, you seem kinda edgy about the fact people here discuss the same stuff over and over again... but then again, absolutely nothing besides you posting stuff is paving the way for interesting discussions (pics, videos, art concepts...). Can't be complaining about pages and pages of the same stuff when there hasn't been any bone thrown at us for months.


No offense taken by the way, I understand some posters can get at you especially when they just won't give up with their ideas even once you explain how it's not doable or a bad design. But at the end of the day, even though you're working your ass off, some of us kill time by reading all the content this thread has to offer and... it falls short quickly.


Yes sorry if I come off as an ass sometimes, its just the straw that broke the camels back. We need to get performance up before adding anything is all. Adding a new gun doesn't have any issues, but certain content would just make things worse. I intend to get a video done ASAP.

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Wait, did you guys make a pool table? Oh, great. Right after I make one out of blocks to be the centerpiece of the man cave in the prefab I’m modding. :p




LOL is it not in A17? Yes we have a very nice pool table.

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I love it, but I had thought they were removing level gates for A18? Why would I wait until level 50 to put dirt in a wooden box?


Some people prioritize farming, I don't. There is so much to do now I'm rarely at my base tbh. The loot is intense so there for me at least, I have a very strong desire to get out there and loot, make money and buy more loot. With over 200 books/schematics to find your work is never done, and quality = damage and random quality, you often get a small upgrade every day or two. I upgraded my pistol about 7 times already and I'm nowhere near the ceiling and only have a blue one.

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I think he means he is level 50 in his game?


But damn, I love those farm plots. Finaly an even ground for my house garden :-)


Yes they have been a big hit with the testers. All of 18 is tbh, they are like wow this is awesome and its a long ways from release. Usually things are rubbish for 6 weeks, barely ok we release to experimental and then after stable and some patches its playing decent. This is already like hands down better than any version (me and some testers opinions of course).

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But there is. The chance is higher. I got at least 4 big yellow bags in a 2-3 hour session the other day, and they had some great stuff in them. So by not killing everything you see, you are missing out on possible big yellow bags.


I started a new game with begining focus on only smashing zombies - I got around 5 bags in the first day alone! Why do even bother looting, when zombies bring loot right to you :D

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Yes they have been a big hit with the testers. All of 18 is tbh, they are like wow this is awesome and its a long ways from release. Usually things are rubbish for 6 weeks, barely ok we release to experimental and then after stable and some patches its playing decent. This is already like hands down better than any version (me and some testers opinions of course).


I can't wait to see A18... No i'm serious, give me early access before I go crazy...or at least that video you're talking about.

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You guys are doing a great job and A18 seems to be a triumph. But there is one thing that I think should be taken into account. the problem is that escaping a horde of zeds at night is terrifying just until the moment you get a parkour perk. I can easily jump over some fences, sometimes even get onto roofs, while zombies are bonded to break blocks or find another way to reach me. I find this a bit unfair. what if feral zeds could jump 2 blocks high and wights could jump 3 blocks high?

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You guys are doing a great job and A18 seems to be a triumph. But there is one thing that I think should be taken into account. the problem is that escaping a horde of zeds at night is terrifying just until the moment you get a parkour perk. I can easily jump over some fences, sometimes even get onto roofs, while zombies are bonded to break blocks or find another way to reach me. I find this a bit unfair. what if feral zeds could jump 2 blocks high and wights could jump 3 blocks high?


Or a shorter spider jump tech could work.

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@Madmole I just wanted to say, thank you for interacting with the community as much as you do. No, I mean really thank you. I know you read a lot of ♥♥♥♥, bitching etc. from the players on a daily and yet you still choose to interact with us after all these years.

I wish all developers were like that. On behalf of the entire community, thank you Joel! Lots of us really do appreciate it. This is still partly the reason I dish out money for others that cannot afford this game.

Long live "The Fun Pimps". Lets hope no matter how large TFP gets, hopefully they will always keep in such close contact with there players! Thank you Joel and everyone else at TFP. Keep up the good work.

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