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(1.0/A21) bdubyah's modlets


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Hi bdubyah, I'm sorry to bother you again, but I was browsing files in your vehicles AIO pack, and in the directory for icons, I found two icons that seem to be two different versions of MRAP. Regular one and rusty one. However when I look in entityclasses.xml, I can see only vehicleMRAP and that one uses the icon for rusty version which kinda makes me wonder. Is there also that regular MRAP version somewhere in the Resources and it's just not used or was it somehow lost in the process? Because I can't see the icon for the regular MRAP used anywhere.

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I planned on having both versions but decided to only add the rusty version. I think I still have it in Unity but I don't believe it's in the MRAPs unity3d file. If I remember to do it, I'll get it exported and include it in the next update. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Alrighty, pushed an update to Git for the Nuka Colas and Wasteland Weapons mod. WW now *requires* the Nukas mod to not throw errors on load. Was gonna combine them but it'll be easier for me to update them separately.


Will be on Nexus at some point if no bugs or issues come up.


Nuka Colas:

-Added Sunset Sarsaparilla drinks and vending machines, drinks can be in loot same as Nukas, vending machines can be in any POI that uses the vending helper blocks. Will require a new world for them to show up.

-Can get Star Bottlecaps from some drinks that can be sold or saved for crafting a SS flier(quest).


Wasteland Weapons:

-Added Laser Pistol, Laser Rifle.

-Added mods for Laser guns.

-Energy Cells for the pistols, Microfusion Cells for the rifles. Each have a small chance to instantly kill the target(disintegration).

-Unique variant of both the Laser Pistol and Laser Rifle.

-Regular versions can be crafted after finding the schematics.

-Tweaked the Incincerator's ammo projectile. Looks better now.

-Reworked some loot.

-Added a recipe for the Triple Shotty.






Edited by bdubyah (see edit history)
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  • 3 weeks later...


Been using your vehicles for a long while now, I'm curious if you are eventually going to add custom audio for them, as TFP's 4x4 sound reversing, really grinds my gears (pun fully intended). I don't understand why it gets up to what sounds like 5th, when reversing, and only accomplishing a slight and slow roll backwards.

Or...is it just me?


Oh also, is it possible to somehow make the fully enclosed vehicles kind of, well, impervious to most standard nasties? Of course, an even better idea would be to somehow add an auto turret to certain vehicles...we can only dream lol.

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It's on my list of things to look at. Some day maybe. Lol.


Reverse probably uses the same gears, just with reduced speed and such. At least it seems that way. Not much I can do there I think.


Vehicle mods will hopefully be a thing one day. Not sure if turrets will ever be a thing without custom code though. Fingers crossed. Lol.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I don't believe there should be any issues for most of the mods. Only the Nuka Colas mod, which includes a prefab, would be a problem. And that would only be the prefab not spawning, everything else should be fine. :)

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1 hour ago, bdubyah said:

I don't believe there should be any issues for most of the mods. Only the Nuka Colas mod, which includes a prefab, would be a problem. And that would only be the prefab not spawning, everything else should be fine. :)

Awesome!  Thank you for the quick response as well. :) 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Alright, just pushed an update to Wasteland Weapons:


-Added in a Plasma Pistol and Rifle. They use Plasma version of the Energy and Microfusion Cells.

-Added a Flare Gun. The gun is loot only but you can craft flares yourself. Good lighting at night and can set zombies on fire hit by a flare.


Also updated Wasteland Weapons and Nuka Colas on Nexus so they are now current with Git again.


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  • 1 month later...

They work fine. Only the new proximity icons do not work. They *will* be a bit bright looking, especially at night. This is due to the linear lighting change.


I have them updated and ready to go, just waiting on stable. Have a few new vehicles added in as well. :)

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7 hours ago, bdubyah said:

They work fine. Only the new proximity icons do not work. They *will* be a bit bright looking, especially at night. This is due to the linear lighting change.


I have them updated and ready to go, just waiting on stable. Have a few new vehicles added in as well. :)

your vehicle pack is something i shall look forward to useing! but, ive onyl just noticed this wasteland weapons pack... consider me interested! i shall need to give it a whirl! 


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  • 2 weeks later...

so is there an ETA on a a19 WW release? only asking because for the past 2 days my inept attempts to make a custom patch for nuka (i have no intent to distribute i just want to use the content as it is unusable to me) has gone literally nowhere.

and im hoping to get that fixed before i wait 5 hours for a random gen :) hope im not too annoying but this is information i require before i can host.


oh im an idiot "waiting on stable" not sure what i was hoping to read here... love your work cant wait to try a more complete version


Edited by Roadkill115
re read above posts (see edit history)
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From what I've heard, stable should be out within about a week or so. I've got most of the new content I want added, just finishing up the small details and trying to test everything. 


Nuka Colas and Wasteland Weapons will be combining into one mod whenever they are updated for a19. Will just be easier for me to maintain without deciding which mod is right for certain things. 

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9 hours ago, bdubyah said:


. :)









Hi bdubyah´s


Just wonderful weapons, I can't wait to try some of them.
The cars are well detailed and look fantastic, although I like more to destroy them and get their parts, cough cough diogenes syndrome.

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