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Feedback for The Fun Pimps on Alpha 17


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Have to agree with this. I double the xp needed to level and we zoom though the levels on our server. And to the post above mod it works quite easy even on a multi player server.


And I agree 17.0 was much better then 17.1 even from a bug standpoint. They put to much focus on the Trader and we don't even use them on our server.


Traders are beyond worthless, and very alarming seeing TFP spending time on this feature on a whim.

Committing so much time and resources to this, when the game still has:

- no main storyline

- no bandits/raiders to keep bored/unstealthy players on toes

- terrible UI

- plethora of bugs ranging from minor into critical in single and multiplayer

- poor optimization on video engine, resulting in lower fps indoors than outdoors and reflection quality killing any videocard below Titan

- terrible character progression system balancing and gating, which is a current topic


If feels like random whimsical features at a request of MM (minibikes, traders, whatever) are being pushed forward in spite of current game state, and there is no clear roadmap even.

This trash (vehicles/traders/whatever) should have been a post-release DLC content, when the main game is polished and released, and you have part of the team working on support and part of the team digging new content.

I get it, the guy made good sales on consoles and does not give a ♥♥♥♥ anymore, but come on...

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If nothing else. If NOTHING else. Remove the player level requirement.

That way players can chose which skills/perks to invest in and it will make multiplayer more fun because there will be a division of labor instead of everyone being required to commit to zombie-killing perks exclusively.


Its not going away, deal with it already, you're not supposed to have end game items and steel before 1st horde night, not even before 2nd.


Also the ONLY perks in game which are limited by level are int ones and you don't have to be int.

main anymore.

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RD, I don't think an auger is critical in the least. The guy from "J.C's Channel" digs everywhere using his steel pickaxe. His digs across the map, digs massive pits and is always building massive buildings. The one from bedrock to the top of the sky is several times bigger and better than I ever made. He doesn't have a lot of ammo, but has stopped dying for the last half of the game.


You've become lazy in your old age... or youth. :)

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I guess I am in the opposing camp on this subject. I think progression is too fast.


Personally, every minute I spend in this game having to use Stone tools is a minute too many.


I just started another new run on A17.1 B9 over the weekend because my usual co-op partner was ill in bed. I found that I could not stand to play more than the first night. FIRST TIME THAT HAS HAPPENED IN THOUSANDS OF HOURS AND MANY PREVIOUS ALPHAS. I was shocked. Then I quit and played something else.




My friends and I just started a new A17 game, this time playing in Navaz because RWG misses out on so many of the new POIs. We're on day 12, we're almost level 50 (motorcycles YAY!) The level gating is NOT a problem. Nor have we felt the need to "grind" in any way. Besides the fact that if you really want to grind up levels all you need to do is mine. You don't need to just "grind and kill zombies."


It's a doddle playing co-op. The problem is almost exclusively with solo play.




Traders are beyond worthless, and very alarming seeing TFP spending time on this feature on a whim.

Committing so much time and resources to this, when the game still has:

- no main storyline

- no bandits/raiders to keep bored/unstealthy players on toes

- terrible UI

- plethora of bugs ranging from minor into critical in single and multiplayer

- poor optimization on video engine, resulting in lower fps indoors than outdoors and reflection quality killing any videocard below Titan

- terrible character progression system balancing and gating, which is a current topic


If feels like random whimsical features at a request of MM (minibikes, traders, whatever) are being pushed forward in spite of current game state, and there is no clear roadmap even.


Amen. Electric doors and hatches, anyone?....jeezuz.

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Traders are beyond worthless, and very alarming seeing TFP spending time on this feature on a whim.

Committing so much time and resources to this, when the game still has:

- no main storyline

- no bandits/raiders to keep bored/unstealthy players on toes

- terrible UI

- plethora of bugs ranging from minor into critical in single and multiplayer

- poor optimization on video engine, resulting in lower fps indoors than outdoors and reflection quality killing any videocard below Titan

- terrible character progression system balancing and gating, which is a current topic


If feels like random whimsical features at a request of MM (minibikes, traders, whatever) are being pushed forward in spite of current game state, and there is no clear roadmap even.

This trash (vehicles/traders/whatever) should have been a post-release DLC content, when the main game is polished and released, and you have part of the team working on support and part of the team digging new content.

I get it, the guy made good sales on consoles and does not give a ♥♥♥♥ anymore, but come on...


Thank goodness that different people work on different things!

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RD, I don't think an auger is critical in the least. The guy from "J.C's Channel" digs everywhere using his steel pickaxe. His digs across the map, digs massive pits and is always building massive buildings. The one from bedrock to the top of the sky is several times bigger and better than I ever made. He doesn't have a lot of ammo, but has stopped dying for the last half of the game.


You've become lazy in your old age... or youth. :)


Since the pickaxe cant oneshot stone anymore i will never again touch it

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Since the pickaxe cant oneshot stone anymore i will never again touch it


Isn't it possible to not get the auger every game? I suspect "tampering". :)


If you do that, might as well mod the pickaxe damage until it does one-shot stone. Games should be fun, right?

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Augers are craftable. Like everything else in the game*


* except Beakers


And due to the mining bug, the LAST THING you'd want is a pickaxe that one-shots boulders. That would give you less resource than a pickaxe that did not one-shot boulders. Details of this (long-standing) mining bug are:


There is currently a bug with mining. On the blow you destroy the mined block, you get ONLY the destruction bonus resources and you do not get the normal mining resources!! Put another way, you LOSE resources on the blow where you destroy a boulder, block or tree. The amount you lose is directly proportional to the HP the block had when you destroyed it. If it was on 1 HP, the loss is 0; but if it was on several hundred the loss is substantial.


This is why you may have noticed that the overall resource you get from mining blocks varies both up and down as you adjust things that affect it (like points put into Miner69er, or mods added to your tools) when common sense suggests it should only go up. It's all to do with the HP the block has on the swing where you destroy it. You MUST minimize that HP value or less you are losing resource every time you mine something.

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Personally, every minute I spend in this game having to use Stone tools is a minute too many.


I just started another new run on A17.1 B9 over the weekend because my usual co-op partner was ill in bed. I found that I could not stand to play more than the first night. FIRST TIME THAT HAS HAPPENED IN THOUSANDS OF HOURS AND MANY PREVIOUS ALPHAS. I was shocked. Then I quit and played something else.





What I get from this is maybe it's time to move on. If you got bored on the first night that is not the games fault. The game plays the same on day 1 with every build I have played. Maybe ask yourself if it's time to move on I have done all I can do with this game and then some.

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Traders are beyond worthless, and very alarming seeing TFP spending time on this feature on a whim.

Committing so much time and resources to this, when the game still has:

- no main storyline

- no bandits/raiders to keep bored/unstealthy players on toes

- terrible UI

- plethora of bugs ranging from minor into critical in single and multiplayer

- poor optimization on video engine, resulting in lower fps indoors than outdoors and reflection quality killing any videocard below Titan

- terrible character progression system balancing and gating, which is a current topic


If feels like random whimsical features at a request of MM (minibikes, traders, whatever) are being pushed forward in spite of current game state, and there is no clear roadmap even.

This trash (vehicles/traders/whatever) should have been a post-release DLC content, when the main game is polished and released, and you have part of the team working on support and part of the team digging new content.

I get it, the guy made good sales on consoles and does not give a ♥♥♥♥ anymore, but come on...


What I feel and dislike is they seem to be going for the quest hub daily game play from MMO's that hide lack of content. I don't mind traders themselves for I can ignore them. What I don't like is I feel the game is getting balanced around them which is a bad thing IMO.

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What I get from this is maybe it's time to move on. If you got bored on the first night that is not the games fault. The game plays the same on day 1 with every build I have played. Maybe ask yourself if it's time to move on I have done all I can do with this game and then some.


Absolutely not. This problem is 100% specific to A17. I am the type of player that historically enjoys the first 2 weeks of a new run - when you have nothing and it is a genuine struggle - more than any other point in the game. Those 2 weeks living on roofs or inside flimsy box bases were always the highlight for me. It is A17 that has ruined them, with a perfect storm of fairly bad design choices by the devs that take all the joy out of the early game, and add a very unhealthy slice of tedium to it all.

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Absolutely not. This problem is 100% specific to A17. I am the type of player that historically enjoys the first 2 weeks of a new run - when you have nothing and it is a genuine struggle - more than any other point in the game. Those 2 weeks living on roofs or inside flimsy box bases were always the highlight for me. It is A17 that has ruined them, with a perfect storm of fairly bad design choices by the devs that take all the joy out of the early game, and add a very unhealthy slice of tedium to it all.


You can still do this not sure what your point is.

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Absolutely not. This problem is 100% specific to A17. I am the type of player that historically enjoys the first 2 weeks of a new run - when you have nothing and it is a genuine struggle - more than any other point in the game. Those 2 weeks living on roofs or inside flimsy box bases were always the highlight for me. It is A17 that has ruined them, with a perfect storm of fairly bad design choices by the devs that take all the joy out of the early game, and add a very unhealthy slice of tedium to it all.


For me its all the cool stuff you could accomplish early game before. Even though you are lvl1 day1, you could still run around the map (leveling stamina), looking for target POIs, get books (this system felt so good to find what you were looking for) Progress looting skill to a decent level and actually be rewarded for it. But there was immediate possibilities for good feels through getting lucky or using you knowledge to accomplish stuff.


Now its, find your cookpot, kill kill kill to unlock perks, then mine mine mine, kill, kill, kill. Do quests, blah blah blah. There is no cool stuff to give you that feeling of accomplishment now. Alot of required actions dont have the same reward as before (LBD, looting, exploring)


These things used to give multiple advantages. Now, these activities feel like more of a drag because the only thing you can hope to gain is poor quality loot, exp, mods. There is much less "Aha I did good and got rewarded!" moments.


I liked a17 at first, until I realized I stopped playing the game after a few playthroughs. I have been just waiting and hoping with each new a17 update something changes to make it as fun as it was before. But I am getting less hopeful by the day, I do hope they pull off a miracle and make playing feel fun like it was before.

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I really wish "Mod it" would stop being a staple answer...its like there is no other mentality anyone else here has.


Reason why I say that is you can't just mod out things for multiplayer, (This is why most of us that play MP mostly play with default or increased difficulty so we are able to play on almost any server) which is a feature many of us enjoy far more than single player, in its current form mod it can be a solution for single player, but not for those of us that play online with others unless you host your own server, which costs money and time to maintain which reduces the "fun factor"


Find servers that mod out the level gates or ask server owners to do so. Use your socials skills to get players playing on the server on your side.

Any solution to this has to apply to everyone on the servers anyway.


If no server owners do this then maybe the level gates are a necessary evil after all. Or people simply don't ask(?)


QUOTE=Asuzu;943109]Overall, the game zombies don't even feel like zombies anymore.


Already many write about it) Including I wrote about it. But for some reason there is no feedback.


Yes, there was feedback, you just didn't see it. Zombie AI is a work in progress. First the bugs in behaviour have to be fixed, then zombies can be dumbed down again. The AI is to be used for bandits too, so has to be flexible and include intelligent behaviour as an option. Dumbing down an intelligent AI is always possible, making a dumb AI behave intelligent is not.

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Yes, there was feedback, you just didn't see it. Zombie AI is a work in progress. First the bugs in behaviour have to be fixed, then zombies can be dumbed down again. The AI is to be used for bandits too, so has to be flexible and include intelligent behaviour as an option. Dumbing down an intelligent AI is always possible, making a dumb AI behave intelligent is not.


If someone didn't spend precious development time on Traders, this could have been already implemented properly, with AI sliced by difficulty levels. And we could have had Bandit encampments and roaming around.


Vending machines were more than enough of a shop feature to support low skill/newbie players on console, so they don't die of starvation in the first 2 days and rage for a refund.

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If someone didn't spend precious development time on Traders, this could have been already implemented properly, with AI sliced by difficulty levels. And we could have had Bandit encampments and roaming around.


Vending machines were more than enough of a shop feature to support low skill/newbie players on console, so they don't die of starvation in the first 2 days and rage for a refund.


Yes, because clearly the guy spending most of his time on Traders, Madmole (you know, the artist) would otherwise have been head down bum up working on the AI instead........

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Yes, because clearly the guy spending most of his time on Traders, Madmole (you know, the artist) would otherwise have been head down bum up working on the AI instead........


You know what I mean.

The guy calling the shots, you know, the artist, says "ah screw it, let's get minibike in".

Community is like "huh? fix the game dude". "too late folks, it's in!" "but it's falling under the ground all the time?" - "whatever"

Then again, the same guy, you know, the artist, says "ah screw it, let's get traders and 4x4 jeep in".

Community is like "huh? the game still has no main storyline? where are the raiders? wth are these MMO skill trees? btw minibike is still falling under the ground!" - "whatever"

Do I really have to go on.


All of these pointless, unpolished, hastily implemented features, starting from terrible, horrible Blunderbuss, which was completely not ♥♥♥♥ing needed in the game, is literally not having any function being worse than a bone shiv as a weapon, and is a waste of crafting materials, are taking time from both artist, and coders.

Meanwhile, we have completely unoptimized textures and the game rendering entire ♥♥♥♥ing world through the floor, not to mention the full bug report forum, as we are stuck in alpha for 2.5 years.

So yeah, there are more relevant things to do for both artist and the coders.


I've seen enough projects when CEO is calling the shots on what is going into next build on his whim, without any development roadmap and feature planning whatsoever, and know exactly what dumpster they end in.


That being said, the console release was a very smart move, despite the vocal whining from the community "huh guys, how about fixing the game first and getting out of endless alpha?" - "too late, coming out soon on consoles!"

So at the very least the devs couldn't care less now, since they have sold more than enough to console plebs.

I had my share of fun with the game, really, 2 years ago. And I pity the kickstarters who actually paid more than anyone for this development in hopes for a great game.

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You know what I mean.

The guy calling the shots, you know, the artist, says "ah screw it, let's get minibike in".

Community is like "huh? fix the game dude". "too late folks, it's in!" "but it's falling under the ground all the time?" - "whatever"

Then again, the same guy, you know, the artist, says "ah screw it, let's get traders and 4x4 jeep in".

Community is like "huh? the game still has no main storyline? where are the raiders? wth are these MMO skill trees? btw minibike is still falling under the ground!" - "whatever"

Do I really have to go on.


All of these pointless, unpolished, hastily implemented features, starting from terrible, horrible Blunderbuss, which was completely not ♥♥♥♥ing needed in the game, is literally not having any function being worse than a bone shiv as a weapon, and is a waste of crafting materials, are taking time from both artist, and coders.

Meanwhile, we have completely unoptimized textures and the game rendering entire ♥♥♥♥ing world through the floor, not to mention the full bug report forum, as we are stuck in alpha for 2.5 years.

So yeah, there are more relevant things to do for both artist and the coders.


I've seen enough projects when CEO is calling the shots on what is going into next build on his whim, without any development roadmap and feature planning whatsoever, and know exactly what dumpster they end in.


That being said, the console release was a very smart move, despite the vocal whining from the community "huh guys, how about fixing the game first and getting out of endless alpha?" - "too late, coming out soon on consoles!"

So at the very least the devs couldn't care less now, since they have sold more than enough to console plebs.

I had my share of fun with the game, really, 2 years ago. And I pity the kickstarters who actually paid more than anyone for this development in hopes for a great game.



gree with you. Well, I started to play my game with the 14th alpha. Starting with the version in which there were restrictions on the level of leveling skills (the version with the first eletrichestvo), frustrations about the game have already appeared.


Above correctly written, the game was fascinating. When you are happy that you find a book with some kind of instruction, such as metal armor, or a crossbow. Especially a book about minibikes.


Previously, it was interesting to pump, without thinking about the level. In the first place were research. Turned into MMORPG. The whole point is that the whole community is burning from this, but there is not even any news that they are thinking of changing the system.


When there was still news about the 17th version, I thought that the main problem that I really didn’t like was the new health and stamina system, as well as the promised zombie health bar. But as it turned out, it is generally flowers

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If someone didn't spend precious development time on Traders, this could have been already implemented properly, with AI sliced by difficulty levels. And we could have had Bandit encampments and roaming around.


Vending machines were more than enough of a shop feature to support low skill/newbie players on console, so they don't die of starvation in the first 2 days and rage for a refund.


If they had wanted to build the game you envision under your benevolent leadership, then yes, such pitfalls would have been avoided. With a different game in mind they chose to spend development time on traders. :cocksure:



You know what I mean.

The guy calling the shots, you know, the artist, says "ah screw it, let's get minibike in".

Community is like "huh? fix the game dude". "too late folks, it's in!" "but it's falling under the ground all the time?" - "whatever"


Ah sure, If you were of the opinion that say A13 is the game you wanted and just needs to enter the beta phase and bug fixing, then all the rest of the time is wasted time. Except that TFP wanted a different/bigger game and were still experimenting with features. If you don't like to witness experimenting and bugs in a game you should only buy EA games after they practically finished the game and are just polishing. This is not a "Games as a Service" model, full blown beta phase is still not here.


I actually like TFP's EA exactly for this, that the game changes wildy every new step. And I have to accept that because of this there is less time to polish the stuff


On one point I agree with you, selling the console version without a proper big "EA" label was not ok. The question is whether TFP knew or could have foreseen this would happen when they sold the console rights to Telltale.

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It's become apparent to me in my short time here that if this game is ever fun again, it'll be because a modder did it. Not only is the base game not fun now, I don't see any signs that the dev team will ever make the base game fun again.


I'm really glad I got to experience A15 and A16 and those were worth my money. RIP.

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