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17.1 B8 So Far, Feels Pretty Good


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I've only played through one very long 120 minute day, but it was a nice one.

It was nice starting off with a full stomach. I didn't feel rushed to get through the starter quests.

Stamina wasn't a chore to maintain, but was still dropping low enough for it to be a good struggle for a day one character. A good number of zombies coming at me on the first day. I'm getting a reasonable amount of XP doing all sorts of stuff, not just killing the zeds.


I usually find about 20 to 30 cooking pots the first day, but this time I only found one which was perfect. I don't know if any changes were made in that regard or if it was just the luck of the draw for this game. Hydration won't be an issue at all since I already have about 60 jars. I collected about 120 meat and made about a dozen bacon and eggs, a dozen red tea, 2 goldenrod tea, and about 20 tallow at night. Still plenty of meat to spare because I couldn't find many eggs. Birds nests were abundant, but they weren't every 5 steps like they have been... which is a good thing. Was this even changed?


I also already found nerdy glasses and a pair of shades. I am pretty set with a pistol, shotgun, compound bow, reinforced club with a metal spikes mod, steel shovel, and a slightly damaged level 2 pickaxe. I'm fully dressed with decent clothing, crafted 9 bandages, found a couple acid and honey already.


Not sure if any changes were made to random gen. Biomes still have poor transition, but I did come across a small lake connected to a small river--not as big as the A16 bodies, but bigger than what I have seen in A17 so far. Again, this is probably just the luck of draw though. I quickly scouted a city. No skyscraper, but seemed to have a nicer variety of POIs. This city btw looks really nice. It's not like a big square, but like a long rectangle that sits in a valley between 2 impressive mountain ranges. Looks great.


Normally by now in the game I have a small hut built and I am digging my way down to bedrock, but I got slowed down in a couple of the newer cabin POIs. So, I am just staying in that 3-story cabin with the goods in the hidden attic.


So, I wasn't sweating bullets my first day in 17.1, but I wasn't aggravated at all. I guess the only thing that gave me some frustration so far was the occasional double swing problem. Can't wait for that to go away. I can feel at times where the frame rate might start to stutter, but overall seems to happen less often or happens with less impact than it did previously. Again, could be just luck... not sure if any changes were made to improve that issue either. Anyway, can't wait to move on to day 2, but unlike my character, I do need to sleep.

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I usually find about 20 to 30 cooking pots the first day, but this time I only found one which was perfect.


Is a somewhere a department store in 7 days to which I know nothing? Many players have problems finding a cooking pot in the first 3 or 4 days.

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Is a somewhere a department store in 7 days to which I know nothing? Many players have problems finding a cooking pot in the first 3 or 4 days.


Try harder ^^

There are some pois who have allways one, for example these small red bar with the vending machine

There are more but i have only 2 ss



Besides that loot ovens and kitchens, or get a forge and make one


I played 2.5 60 min days and yes it feels much better. (Even if "out of stamina" is still a loyal compagnion)

If they would add 2 more skillpoints at start and reduce the skillgates at "Well insulated" too, i would have nothing to encumber


But thats only my meaning after 2.5 hours. Tomorrow i have a more reasoned meaning

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Is a somewhere a department store in 7 days to which I know nothing? Many players have problems finding a cooking pot in the first 3 or 4 days.

In the last 3 or 4 games I had no such problem. Most of the time I got one before noon but always day 1. I do not work on prefabs so I don't have those memorised.


I mostly look for high concentrations of ovens and sinks to loot.


There are also POI with cooking pots sitting on counters. Some wasteland deco/POI or general campsites have cooking pots just sitting around in the open.

Disclaimer: The wasteland is not for the faint of heart. If you go at night, expect to get murdered. ;)

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Try harder ^^

There are some pois who have allways one, for example these small red bar with the vending machine


I assume you mean Buzz's Bar.


If you find such a building on the first day depends on your spawnpoint and the seed if you play in a random generated world. In my last playthrough I played with the Navezgane map spawned in the desert and had only a few buildings on my way to the green biome. I found a cooking pot while passing through the burned forest on day 2.

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Disclaimer: The wasteland is not for the faint of heart. If you go at night, expect to get murdered. ;)


The burned forest is not better either. I got kill two times by vultures while I was out of stamina. I hate these flying rats. :(


By the way. Is it actually intended that the vultures try to attack you when sitting on the bike or is this a bug ?

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Ohh, understand me right. Somehow there is allways something you cant find.


I know but the OP mentioned the he usually find 20 or 30 cooking pots on the first and this number seems a little bit high. I watch a lot of Youtube Videos and Twitch Streams and never seen anyone who get this high amount on cooking pots the first day.

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The burned forest is not better either. I got kill two times by vultures while I was out of stamina. I hate these flying rats. :(


By the way. Is it actually intended that the vultures try to attack you when sitting on the bike or is this a bug ?


I do not know if it is a bug but it is how I attract the circling ones down so I can kill them.

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I know but the OP mentioned the he usually find 20 or 30 cooking pots on the first and this number seems a little bit high. I watch a lot of Youtube Videos and Twitch Streams and never seen anyone who get this high amount on cooking pots the first day.


If you spend the whole day rummaging through sinks and ovens, or in a hotel/apts looting bathrooms, you get a lot. 20-30 is extreme for 60 minute days, but 2 hours looting would get you that number easy. I do this to get my cookpot and my dyes for initial gear out of cabinets so that I can eat and have a little buff on my tools/weapons day 1/2

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The burned forest is not better either. I got kill two times by vultures while I was out of stamina. I hate these flying rats. :(


By the way. Is it actually intended that the vultures try to attack you when sitting on the bike or is this a bug ?


If you arent injured they dont attack except for when you are in a vehicle. I suspect loud noise aggro them but it would have to be vehicle/auger/chainsaw to get them to I think. Idk if noise aggro is intended or not, I think it is tho.

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Sorry for offtop, does anyone know, how we can get A17E style biomes in A17.1?

I really did like, when there were only 3 big biomes in north/south direction, that looked more reasonable, then the crazy mosaic of everything.

Is there any option in rwgmixer, or it was hardcoded?

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By the way. Is it actually intended that the vultures try to attack you when sitting on the bike or is this a bug ?


No idea, but I've come to the conclusion vultures stay away up in the air when you look straight at them. As soon as you look away and do something else, they'll attack. Sneaky bastards.

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Know this isnt the place to ask this but thought best to ask here than a new thread for a simple noob question :p


Put a lot of work into my current save [the previous build] but am i right in saying that since my build is 17.0, people can't join it now? Im purely using it as a creative mode currently but just curious if people can still join it or not.

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Know this isnt the place to ask this but thought best to ask here than a new thread for a simple noob question :p


Put a lot of work into my current save [the previous build] but am i right in saying that since my build is 17.0, people can't join it now? Im purely using it as a creative mode currently but just curious if people can still join it or not.

I think you can play 17.1 with a 17.0 build, so people who play with 17.1 can join your game. But wait for other informations (for example people who DO currently play 17.1 on a 17 map ^^ and will be able to tell you if they encounter issues).

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Sorry for offtop, does anyone know, how we can get A17E style biomes in A17.1?

I really did like, when there were only 3 big biomes in north/south direction, that looked more reasonable, then the crazy mosaic of everything.

Is there any option in rwgmixer, or it was hardcoded?


While biomes previous to A17b240 was more reasonable in biome layout they brought with them two inherent problems. #1 Was lack of variation, and #2 Was unbalanced resource dependancy. I can just assume this is why they went back to something more similar to A16 biome balance, even though those are crappy patchwork style biomes.


Personally I was a big fan of the (was it alpha 12?) heightmap-related biomes. I also miss the plains. Yes, they were pointless and ugly, but they added variation to exploration and made transitions between for example desert and forest more sensible usually. Wished they'd redesigned plains instead of removing them.


- - - Updated - - -


Know this isnt the place to ask this but thought best to ask here than a new thread for a simple noob question :p


Put a lot of work into my current save [the previous build] but am i right in saying that since my build is 17.0, people can't join it now? Im purely using it as a creative mode currently but just curious if people can still join it or not.


Read the patchnotes. It seems it is quite possible, with only one issue:


Known Issues


Continued b240 savegames may have problems with food/water levels when a replenishing buff was active when game is continued in A17.1, character’s death restores functionality

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While biomes previous to A17b240 was more reasonable in biome layout they brought with them two inherent problems. #1 Was lack of variation, and #2 Was unbalanced resource dependancy. I can just assume this is why they went back to something more similar to A16 biome balance, even though those are crappy patchwork style biomes.


Have you seen the towns full of rubble and radio towers? Variation is by far worse currently than it was before.

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Sorry for offtop, does anyone know, how we can get A17E style biomes in A17.1?

I really did like, when there were only 3 big biomes in north/south direction, that looked more reasonable, then the crazy mosaic of everything.

Is there any option in rwgmixer, or it was hardcoded?


there is a mod that has gotten it to work, but they had to basically rewrite the entire mixer file. It is a little complicated since it is in multiple pieces that you can mix and match for different effects, but if you use their core files and then at least the latitudeBased biome file, i think you will be able to make it look more like the older biomes



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The "more reasonable biome layout" was awful and gave no variety at all. Patchwork isnt perfect but more preferable if its sorted properly. Biomes and towers are sadly lacking atm with too much rubble and too much wasteland. Hopefully the balance isnt too far off! Render times for rwg could really do with a look too lol

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