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Everything posted by ate0ate

  1. The loot changes are quite nice. For the first time I actually have 5.56 ammo lol.
  2. Congrats on the "official" release:) Very nice work.
  3. I agree with MikeyUK here. With Tristam being out for a bit and you taking things in a bit of a different direction I think your mod warrants a thread of its own for sure. Great to report any issues without getting the two mods confused too.
  4. I'd be interested in seeing something like that. I looked at the prefab editor today for the first time and found it a bit overwhelming lol. I think it would be useful to have a video like you proposed as a reference.
  5. If you're looking to ramp up the punishment for dying I recommend "Mostly Dead" by khzmusik. The forum thread with his mods and info is here or you can skip to the repo here.
  6. I'm not sure if anyone else has experienced this but twice now, out of probably ten worlds that I've come across this POI, I've encountered an issue where it seems that there is a three or four block gap/hole beneath this POI. I often encounter it in the outdoor blacktop area and parking area. As I run across the ground gives way beneath and I fall into a pocket of nothingness between the POI and terrain. I can always nerd pole out but it doesn't seem intentional so I figure I'd say something. Also, the steel stairs leading upwards all collapse upon walking on them which I could see maybe being intentional but I figured I'd ask. Love the POI. Very well made and detailed interiors too.
  7. Yeah, that drives me nuts over there. Sometimes you just wanna ask a question and it can take a day or two for the post to go through lol. I guess if literally anyone can post anything there would need to be some sort of moderation. EDIT: Oh, and welcome:) Glad to see you here man.
  8. Well now, talk about above and beyond! Thank you for that. Greatly appreciated.
  9. Were there any cut POIs? The vanilla POIs have ultimately gone up in quality and some of the more dated compo pack POIs seem like they may stick out some.
  10. Perfectly understand if you do not feel compelled to say yes to this question, but would you consider adding SMX support/compat for your increased storage capacity for chests/vehicles/etc?
  11. Sorry, I wasn't trying to stir up anything, I was just genuinely curious if anything done there could be helpful here is all. I just started using SMX myself so I saw the other version claim support and was interested. I have no issues running this with SMX at all even without renaming as SMX's compat patch seems to address that. I think I wrongly assumed that the other version of TA actually supported SMX, as in integrated the UI and whatnot. I am not sure that is the case after looking at the xml and I haven't personally tried it myself since I'm a bit attached to this version lol. I kind of look at this version as not a community version per se as it is clearly Tristam's work keeping it alive, but definitely open to community input, which is great. I actually did leave a comment on the other guy's version a day or two ago very gently nudging him in this direction (over to the forums) and asking what his plans were for keeping things parallel. As far as I know they never replied. I don't know but I kinda made the opposite assumptions and just assumed good intentions but I can see why there would be some concern in hindsight and I have no idea what the truth of the matter is. Sorry again guys.
  12. Oh man, did you learn Unity @Tristam?? Crazy. Thanks for the update. Also, if you could spare a moment, would you mind checking this out? Its a mod of your TA with SMX compat and other stuff. I'm just interested in the SMX compat and how easy it would be to implement. I took a look and it looks like its just a modified xui.xml to make things work with SMX but I don't have the knowledge to tell if that is it. Thanks!
  13. That is ridiculously useful:) Thanks!
  14. Hey there, @Kingston621 would you mind linking me a copy of your trader.xml and loot.xml? I'd love to play around with it if possible.
  15. Do you have occlusion turned off in your settings?
  16. Red Eagle made a mod that gives you more RWG world sizes here. Goes up to 14k I think. Here's his main forum thread. Its what I use alongside ImprovedRWG.
  17. Your readmes and notes are ridiculously detailed. I thank you for that:)
  18. Yeah, TFP doesn't seem to into fleshing out systems or mechanics. They just throw things at the wall and some of it sticks. Just look at the state of water. Even minecraft has more realistic water physics than TFP has managed. I wouldn't expect very much from their concept of electricity. What we got is actually surprisingly good going by their track record:)
  19. I'm pretty sure @khzmusik is working on an inventory locking mod that works with the drone. He may have made the mod already but I'm not sure.
  20. That is beautiful work. Or is it disgusting? Beautifully disgusting perhaps?
  21. I'm no expert in this matter but I believe the ZMXhudCP and ZMXuiCP mods included with SMX are compatibility patches made for exactly that purpose? If you are playing with anything other than straight vanilla and SMX, I'd recommend always using the compatibility patches @CrimsonKing I'm not using ReClass specifically, but I am using Tactical Action and a metric ton of other mods alongside SMX with no issues... yet.
  22. Absolutely gorgeous work! The links from your post I quoted above are both the same and lead only to the appliance repair store POI. It appears the actual link for the bank/urgent care office is missing. Sorry to be a bother and thank you so much for your work here.
  23. I've lamented the loss of those specific zombies as well. (audible sigh) Every time I pass a school POI I think how appropriate the footballer and cheerleader would be there. Same for the cowboy with all the nice new Farm POIs. Looks bizarre seeing undead business men and party girls roaming the cornfields.
  24. Just thinking about YOUR to-do list gives ME a headache:)
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