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  1. I use Dan's Zombies on Nexus on Medium and was going to ask did he ever fix Improved Hordes mod, I use to use that last year but the hordes were always imbalanced and the zombies would stop running?
  2. Cool, then I will try it out now and see how I like the changes. If I wanted to reduce the dmg of the NPC's gun what folder is that value in and where can I change it? PS. On the "DarkSoldiers" is that text supposed to show up even though they are enemies and we can't hire them?
  3. Just wondering, because I do want to use the bandits, is there a way to decrease the amount of DPS they do to you? I still feel like the majority of the time you almost get insta killed when they spot you. Unless I'm going about it the wrong way?
  4. I see that now, my apologies, I didn't see that in the files for her gun packs. No need to be rude brother.
  5. I figured it, it was this one. https://www.nexusmods.com/7daystodie/mods/5198?tab=posts&BH=0 Doesn't work with her mod pack.
  6. yeah, it could be cause I use a Weapon FOV changer since vanilla is too close lol. I'll remove it see if it fixes it. I took it out and it didn't work, I will keep testing stuff, and will figure out the cause.
  7. Just wondering, regular reflex sights are not supposed to be working correctly at this time?
  8. Looking forward to this being updated for the latest release
  9. https://imgur.com/a/xnLLXUR Just a funny post, I love mods for this game and find them very fun to try and play with, just wondering does anyone have a bigger list with a functional game? I'm sitting at 138 right now.
  10. My apologies, I didn't know you needed (1-) and (2-)
  11. I'm getting these errors with your mod. 2024-07-16T15:02:49 342.990 WRN XML patch for "biomes.xml" from mod "MPLogue_Fallen_Trees_7D2D_v1_0" did not apply: <append xpath="/worldgeneration/biomes/biome[@name='wasteland']/subbiome[5]/decorations"> <decoration type="block" blockname="MPL_DeadTree01" onslopes="true" prob=".0001" rotatemax="7" /> <decoration type="block" blockname="MPL_DeadTree01a" onslopes="true" prob=".0001" rotatemax="7" /> <decoration type="block" blockname="MPL_DeadTree01b" onslopes="true" prob=".0001" rotatemax="7" /> <decoration type="block" blockname="MPL_DeadTreeBurntMed01" onslopes="true" prob=".0008" rotatemax="7" /> <decoration type="block" blockname="MPL_DeadTreeBurntMed01a" onslopes="true" prob=".002" rotatemax="7" /> <decoration type="block" blockname="MPL_FirMedBurntFull01" onslopes="true" prob=".0002" rotatemax="7" /> <decoration type="block" blockname="MPL_FirMedBurntFull01a" onslopes="true" prob=".0002" rotatemax="7" /> <decoration type="block" blockname="MPL_DesertBrushSm01" onslopes="true" prob=".0003" rotatemax="7" /> <decoration type="block" blockname="MPL_DesertBrushSm01a" onslopes="true" prob=".0008" rotatemax="7" /> <decoration type="block" blockname="MPL_DesertBrushLrg01" onslopes="true" prob=".0003" rotatemax="7" /> <decoration type="block" blockname="MPL_DesertBrushLrg01a" onslopes="true" prob=".0008" rotatemax="7" /> <decoration type="block" blockname="MPL_DryShrub01" onslopes="true" prob=".0003" rotatemax="7" /> <decoration type="block" blockname="MPL_DryShrub01a" onslopes="true" prob=".0003" rotatemax="7" /> <decoration type="block" blockname="MPL_DryShrub01_dn" onslopes="true" prob=".002" rotatemax="7" /> <decoration type="block" blockname="MPL_DesertBrushLrg01_dn" onslopes="true" prob=".0008" rotatemax="7" /> <decoration type="block" blockname="MPL_SpookySmallSide_d" onslopes="true" prob=".0001" rotatemax="7" /> <decoration type="block" blockname="MPL_SpookyMedSide_a" onslopes="true" prob=".0001" rotatemax="7" /> <decoration type="block" blockname="MPL_SpookyLrgSide_b" onslopes="true" prob=".0001" rotatemax="7" /> <decoration type="block" blockname="MPL_DryShrub01_dn" onslopes="true" prob=".005" rotatemax="7" /> <decoration type="block" blockname="MPL_DryShrub01_dn2" onslopes="true" prob=".005" rotatemax="7" /> <decoration type="block" blockname="MPL_DryShrub01_dn3" onslopes="true" prob=".005" rotatemax="7" /> <decoration type="block" blockname="MPL_DryShrub01a_dn1" onslopes="true" prob=".002" rotatemax="7" /> <decoration type="block" blockname="MPL_DryShrub01a_dn2" onslopes="true" prob=".002" rotatemax="7" /> <decoration type="block" blockname="MPL_DryShrub01a_dn3" onslopes="true" prob=".002" rotatemax="7" /> </append> (line 626 at pos 3) 2024-07-16T15:02:49 343.220 INF Loaded (local): biomes in 0.09
  12. 2024-07-16T15:02:44 337.750 WRN XML patch for "entityclasses.xml" from mod "2_NPCXSpiderPack_ColonyExpansion" did not apply: <append xpath="/entity_classes/entity_class[@name='animalSpider01']"> <property name="LootDropProb" value=".02" /> <!-- Whether it drops a loot bag on death or not. --> <property name="LootDropEntityClass" value="EntityLootContainerRegular" /> <property name="CanClimbLadders" value="true" /> </append> (line 4 at pos 3) 2024-07-16T15:02:44 338.091 ERR XML loader: Loading and parsing 'entityclasses.xml' failed 2024-07-16T15:02:44 338.094 EXC Did not find 'extends' entity 'animalSpider01' at EntityClassesFromXml+<LoadEntityClasses>d__1.MoveNext () [0x00175] in <e36a8a99a59140168271d964e85a0efd>:0 at ThreadManager+<CoroutineWrapperWithExceptionCallback>d__51.MoveNext () [0x00044] in <e36a8a99a59140168271d964e85a0efd>:0 UnityEngine.StackTraceUtility:ExtractStringFromException(Object) Log:Exception(Exception) <>c__DisplayClass51_0:<loadSingleXml>b__4(Exception) <CoroutineWrapperWithExceptionCallback>d__51:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) Just to note as well, I was getting a few red errors with other zombies spawning when I had this installed. I will have to try later to see if they remain or go away next time.
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