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About Shino

  • Birthday 05/15/1995

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  • Location
    Hell (South America)
  • Interests
    Programming, reading manga, listening to the cacophony of screams from the souls of the damned

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  1. A year later i began playing 7d2d again so... better late than never I guess. Although my modlet knowledge is a bit dusty I think the mod works by identifying the new rad zombies, which Mumpfy has named with "HDVRadiated" in some part of the name, and inserting the regen buff when hit that's inside the vanilla rad classes. It also modifies their health because they had 500hp i think. As for this one: What i can read from that is that it's failing to put ragdolls on the new textures ( i thnk ) As far as im reading this right, that isn't an xpath error that I know of, unless in the latest alpha something changed with how Z are being handled inside the xml files. That error could very well be an incompatibility with the latest 7d2d version afaik.
  2. Basically the title. I'm doing this. <insertAfter xpath="/items/item[starts-with(@name, 'meleeWpnSpear')]/property[@class='Action0']/property[@name='Class' and @value='DynamicMelee']"> <property name="Damage_type" value="Slashing"/> </insertAfter> <setattribute xpath="/items/item[starts-with(@name, 'meleeWpnSpear')]/property[@name='Tags']" name="value">knife,melee,grunting,medium,weapon,meleeWeapon,longShaft,attPerception,perkJavelinMaster,perkDeepCuts,perkTheHuntsman,canHaveCosmetic,thrownWeapon</setattribute> But the game says So, I can see the error comes from the second line when trying to change the tags. I'm using an xpath evaluator to see what nodes get selected and Xpath wise it selects the property with the Tags name So, here I am, wondering why the long sticks with a knife taped to its end don't count as knives.
  3. Yep, thanks! paul_j came up with a similar solution <insertAfter xpath="/items/item[ @name='foodMeatStew' or @name='foodHoboStew' or @name='foodVegetableStew' or @name='foodHoney' or @name='foodSpaghetti' or @name='foodEggBoiled'] /property[@class='Action0']/property[@name='Sound_start' and @value='player_drinking']"> <property name="Create_item" value="drinkJarEmpty"/> </insertAfter> <insertAfter xpath="/items/item[ @name='foodCornOnTheCob' or @name='foodCornBread' or @name='foodBoiledMeat' or @name='foodPumpkinPie' or @name='foodPumpkinCheesecake' or @name='foodPumpkinBread' or @name='foodGumboStew'] /property[@class='Action0']/property[@name='Sound_start' and @value='player_eating']" > <property name="Create_item" value="drinkJarEmpty"/> </insertAfter>
  4. Assuming you have a bought copy of 7d, all you should do is start a new game and in the world options put it as public. Your friend should be able to see you if you're both logged into steam.
  5. As long as there aren't a lot of values you could always segment your curve into "small chunks" and write them linearly. I never tried doing non linear values for loot but your idea seems interesting.
  6. What's more, It seems that already happens in vanilla. I never noticed the increase on max food and water per level I swear! Now, to remove the +1 on health and stamina and boom, back to a17
  7. If I remember correctly JaxTeller's Bigger Wandering Hordes and Increased Zombie Spawn are what you're looking for. They might need update tho.
  8. I am a moron and don't know how to do basic maths. Even if it's percentage, a sheer increase in Food/WaterMax is an increase in the threshold. Ignore this question tyvm
  9. I'm trying to modify a perk to basically reduce the hunger/thirst threshold by about 75% but instead of scaling with the perk rank it goes by level. Yes, By level, capping at 100. Basically rank 3 of that perk adds two lines at progression.xml in /progression/level that say <setattribute xpath="/buffs/triggered_effect[ @name='buffStatusThirsty01' or @name='buffStatusThirsty02' or @name='buffStatusThirsty03'] /requirement[@name='StatComparePercCurrentToMax']/@value" level="1,100" operation="perc_subtract">.01, .75</setattribute> <setattribute xpath="/buffs/triggered_effect[ @name='buffStatusHungry01' or @name='buffStatusHungry02' or @name='buffStatusHungry03'] /requirement[@name='StatComparePercCurrentToMax']/@value" level="1,100" operation="perc_subtract">.01, .75</setattribute> Is this the correct way to lower thresholds? Is there any other better way? I thought at first I could just raise FoodMax and WaterMax but since hunger works of percentages it would still trigger at 50%. More over doing that would reduce the efficiency of ALL food by 75% since now they have to fill 35 / [100 + level] instead of just 35 / 100.
  10. What if I pay you to pay me so I can pay you to pay me?
  11. Also, idk if this has already been pointed out but your Radiated zombies lack the annoying Radiated hp regen. Which is weird because I remember them having it on a19. Edit: I did a quick dirty fix you can put before the closing config tag on entityclasses.xml <!-- Sugar's dirty fix for health and regen --> <insertAfter xpath="/entity_classes /entity_class[contains(@name, 'HDVRadiated')] /property[@value='buffGuppyRadiationLeak']"> <effect_group name="RadRegen"> <passive_effect name="HealthMax" operation="perc_add" value="4"/> <triggered_effect trigger="onOtherDamagedSelf" action="ModifyCVar" target="self" cvar="RadiatedRegenAmount" operation="set" value="4"/> <triggered_effect trigger="onOtherDamagedSelf" action="AddBuff" target="self" buff="buffRadiatedRegen"/> </effect_group> </insertAfter> Originally there was a 5 instead of a 4 but 1700 health felt a little bit too much
  12. If I'm not mistaken, taking a very superficial look I think that the change was that property ReplaceMaterial0 -> Mesh So replacing those SHOULD fix it? maybe? who knows... Edit: Nope, it wasn't that
  13. Wasn't the ability to loot corpses removed because of the dupe glitch? Like the one where you would loot a corpse and either wait for it to despawn or ask for a friend to come and destroy the corpse with the inventory still opened and would dupe the contents.
  14. Damn you, you made me nostalgic, how dare you! This looks like an excellent mod! I will totally give it a try. Just to confirm a few things. is it sever-side only or needs to be on clients too? if you put it mid playthrough how many things you think this'll break? did you bring back the dumb zeds or did you keep they engineering diploma untouched? Also. *cough* Action skills *cough* Keep up the good work!
  15. Cool, you might want to wait for the stable release since the old version works out of the box. Who knows, maybe they'll change stuff. One thing I noticed is that since there are 5 variations per ZM introduced, when playing with this you'll see the newer models a lot less often and Boe, Yo, big Mama and the others a lot more often. Maybe someone'll find that "immersion Shattering" but not me 😅
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