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Everything posted by BFT2020

  1. I don't think insulting the developers because they won't implement the game mechanics you want is going to get you anywhere. Usually it has the complete opposite effect. I don't see any form of LBD coming back to 7 Days to die, because that has been their constant message (it's not coming back) since A17 - that's been a full 5 development cycles now and they are planning on 2 more before final release. My suggestion would be make your peace with the vision of the developers of 7D2D and start looking into alternate means of getting what you want - like seeing if there is a mod out there or maybe even collaborating with a mod creator to bring your vision to fulfillment.
  2. Look at the hungry buff in game, that limits the maximum stamina of the player. That's a good place to start if you want to add that type of debuff to your rabies virus.
  3. This was my thought process and something I am probably going to try to implement in A21 in my mod (and return repairing but making it expensive). Like you stated, have a basic level of the components (for lack of imagination on my part, range weapons components, melee weapons components, armor components, engine components). Then use those parts to either craft repair kits or individual components to start weapon crafting (so they are required to craft for example shotgun parts). You can limit the amounts of different repair kits by breaking them up into a few - say have a repair kit for weapons, tools, and armor and requires the components of each to craft up, then a different one for vehicles that requires vehicle elements like engine components, oil, plastics, etc. FYI, in my mod from A20 that I am slowly porting over to A21, I had already changed how engines worked in it. I change the engine drops to engine parts (and easy to do since I just use the parts master icon with the engine icon to give it the parts symbol in the corner) so then you had to craft it either into a small engine for certain recipes or a larger engine for other items.
  4. I use the majority of ammo in the game that you find in the loot, even go as far as modding in the HP and AP ammo into higher tier loot containers. I also changed the ammo types of a few starting weapons (and one rifle) so I modded in 44 cal to start dropping as loot on Day 1. I always use a bow weapon in game, regardless if I am perked into them or now. Though typically I go with bow / compound bow if I am focused on agility vs crossbow / compound crossbow for non agility builds. The ammo for the type of bow I am not using I generally scrap or melt down in the forge. Right now, my current playthrough is Agility build with no perks in other weapons. But my day to day loadout includes a desert vulture, a pump shotgun, and a lever action rifle. I am saving my 9mm for the SMG if I got enough to take it with me or using it in my auto turret for horde night. The only ammo I haven't use yet in A21 is breaching rounds in the shotgun. With the nerf of shotguns to blocks and the buff to breaching rounds against doors, I haven't come across any to purchase yet (or made any) to see if it would be worth it to "breach" a POI in that manner.
  5. That seems low. TFP should target a million minimum 😉
  6. You can modify the biomes file if it really bothers you. At the bottom, in the POI section, you have the roads. Each line for a texture would be one of the blocks that get generated <poi name="City Asphalt" poimapcolor="#1" blockname="terrAsphalt"> <decal texture="0" face="0" prob="0.001"/> <!-- 0 == 500 --> <decal texture="1" face="0" prob="0.001"/> <!-- 1 == 501 --> <decal texture="2" face="0" prob="0.001"/> <decal texture="3" face="0" prob="0.001"/> <decal texture="4" face="0" prob="0.001"/> <decal texture="5" face="0" prob="0.001"/> <decal texture="6" face="0" prob="0.001"/> <decal texture="7" face="0" prob="0.001"/> <decal texture="8" face="0" prob="0.001"/> <decal texture="9" face="0" prob="0"/> <decal texture="10" face="0" prob="0"/> <decal texture="11" face="0" prob="0.001"/> <decal texture="12" face="0" prob="0.001"/> <decal texture="13" face="0" prob="0.001"/> <decal texture="14" face="0" prob="0.001"/> <decal texture="15" face="0" prob="0.001"/> Setting the probabilities to 0 should keep them from spawning in, but I can't guarantee that right now. Note this would only apply to newly generated worlds, not one you already generated or one of the pre-generated worlds And in case you are wondering / going to ask, it would take one line of code <set xpath="//decal/@prob">0</set> The different road surfaces are the only items in the biomes file that has decal as a node, so if you want to remove all decals that is how you would do it. If you are targeting specific decals, then you would need to do the following: <set xpath="//poi[@name='City Asphalt']/decal[@texture='0']/@prob">0</set> Assuming I wrote up my code correctly
  7. It's a minor debuff. Not all debuffs have to have a major impact on the player.
  8. Yeah you do see the oddity here and there. On my current map, I have a trader on the other side of the city next to one of the main roads leading out of the city. However, his main entrance is on a side road that ends before it connects to the main road so you have to drive around the metal barrier to get onto the main road. But I just chalk it up to the people who were responsible for designing the roads in the world are the same people that led to the zombie outbreak 😄
  9. It happens. For things like this, I have a reference file open so I can copy and paste the names in my modification file. Cuts down on typos. Even do it when I make new items so I stay consistent. Even doing that, I still make mistakes. Took me about five minutes to realize one variable name was off because I was using tag instead of tags.
  10. So slightly off topic, but the first time I ran across a feral crawler, I literally said "Whose a big zombie now, yes you are!"
  11. Just want to reiterated the love of the new models and the work that the POI designers did in A21+. Especially the work that went into re-doing the existing POIs to get them up to the new standard prior to final release.
  12. Well, in the example above, that is not the correct bundle name for the regular 9mm bullets ammoBundle9mmBulletBall
  13. I haven’t touch these so I be zero help
  14. @%$#, I had to clean my iPad after spitting milk on it
  15. Fix what? OP never provided details to determine if it is a game related issue or maybe player related issue.
  16. You can mod in new repair kit items with those parts so that you have to use that specific kit for that item (say a Pistol Repair Kit for hand guns and the SMG), but it would just repair by a set amount. You would have to do a lot of c# coding to get it to scale based off of Quality level. Resource kits currently have a repair amount of 32000 which is why it only takes one kit to repair everything. You can adjust that value for kits to adjust how much it repairs (so increase the number of kits to fully repair vs light repairs). Never tried that before so don't know it works or not. Probably talking about me there. Personally I would like repairs requiring the workbench and taking time / resources to do (rather than a fairly instant repair in the field), but removing the ability to repair right now is the path of least resistance for my mod until I figure out / learn how to add that option (if I ever decide to try that is).
  17. Some feedback (some critical but not going to be insulting): You got some fundamental issues with your coding above, so you need to learn a bit more about the basics so you can get the coding correct Pathing when you do the pathing so the program knows where to apply the new code, it needs to be in this format xpath="/node/node/node/node" So using your example above, it should be xpath="/items/item[@name='meleeToolRepairT1ClawHammer']" Using the right command Based on what you stated, you want to add another resource to RepairTools. However, based on your command, you are adding another property line of RepairTools instead of replacing the existing one. In this case, you would be better to use set or setattritibute. <set xpath="/items/item[@name='meleeToolRepairT1ClawHammer']/property[@name='RepairTools']/@value">resourceRepairKit,resourceForgedIron</set> This is telling the program to go to this location and change the variable value to the values you have between the > and </ Will this work? I don't think so but you can try. I believe it was tried before, but never gotten to work (adding more items). This is why you have to have a repair kit which is composed of multiple items. This is also why on the items that only require basic resources (T0), they only use one resource to repair. Now blocks use more items to repair, but they are structured differently (example below is from auto turrets) <property class="RepairItems"> <property name="resourceForgedIron" value="12"/> <property name="resourceMechanicalParts" value="2"/> <property name="resourceElectricParts" value="2"/> </property> Notice that the repair property is a class. You could try to setup the item to use the class itself, but I don't think that works with items. Never tried it before myself. In addition, since it is tied to the class, you will need another repair tool to repair your repair tool (assuming that class would work with items in the first place). This is tied to the repair action from repair tools: <property class="Action1"> <!-- UseAction --> <property name="Class" value="Repair"/> <property name="Delay" value=".64"/> <!-- Repair actions still need the delay amount --> <property name="Repair_amount" value="400"/> <property name="Upgrade_hit_offset" value="-2"/> <property name="Sound_start" value="repair_block"/> <property name="Allowed_upgrade_items" value="resourceWood,resourceClayLump,resourceSnowBall,resourceScrapIron,resourceForgedIron,resourceForgedSteel,resourceConcreteMix,resourceCobblestones,ironDoorBlockVariantHelper,ironDoorDoubleBlockVariantHelper,vaultDoor01,vaultDoor01Double,ironHatchBlockVariantHelper,vaultHatch01,cellarDoorDoubleIron,cellarDoorDoubleSteel,shuttersIronBlockVariantHelper,shuttersSteelBlockVariantHelper,resourceYuccaFibers,resourceCloth,resourceScrapPolymers,resourceNail"/> <property name="UsePowerAttackAnimation" value="false"/> </property> There is a mod out there (not sure when it was last updated) where the mod creator make different types of repair kits for different equipment.
  18. Khaine made some changes to the backpack with his mod, you have an item at the start that unlocks the full backpack. If your save game was messed up, then it probably messed up the backpack portion which is why you are having issues with it. You might just have to restart a new game at this point.
  19. Do you think I was just bantering? 😏 Something about having to make choices and plan ahead, each day of survival, just appeals to me.
  20. Yeah I remembered A16, where you just had to move away from the damaged wall to get them to start attacking fresh walls. While not predictable, you could easily exploit the zombie AI / spawning if you built your base big enough.
  21. That's spooky. That's almost what I modded Gas is bad and has to be filtered (at a lost) for any you find while looting Drinks and food has been removed from loot tables (just murky water, seeds, and canned goods) Engines are replaced with engine parts in loot tables, and requires additional components to craft a new one Batteries are dead in loot (just a source of lead) The only things I didn't do was to remove all power lights from the game in the world unless crafted by player (not sure if I want to go that route yet) and still kept items in loot so you can still find armors, weapons, and tools (though you can't fix them so they only last so long). And yes, I been having a blast playing this way 😏 But this is definitely not wide spread fun for everyone 🤷‍♂️😄
  22. I added that to my game also, well grilled yucca is what it is called 😉
  23. Individual modlets mean you can add and remove parts of it that the player wants to Cons - Sometimes it can be difficult to do it in parts, especially if you adding new items. While it might be nice to separate them for flexibility, the logistics of doing that can be tedious
  24. Yeah, don't get me started on being able to use a battery from a vehicle that has been sitting that long unused, or even a working engine 😏
  25. I added an additional flavor one myself, less yucca and more blueberry 😉
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