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Everything posted by BFT2020

  1. For me, it was: You only need 3 things in your tool box; A hammer, a roll of duct tape, and a welding torch. If those don't work, you need a bigger hammer.
  2. TFP are a PC gaming company, not a console gaming company. Sorry
  3. Right now I am approaching Day 56 with my current horde base (Survivor difficulty, 64 zombies). Current setup is electric wire fences (5), dart traps (8), and shotgun turrets (2) defending my base while I am standing behind posts popping heads with a sniper rifle. Thrown in are barbed wire traps and a sledge turret to slow down / knock down any that get past the shotgun turrets, dart traps, and electric wire fences. I also got 4 auto turrets on the roof to handle any vultures. I used molotovs on Day 7 but nothing since then as my base design is preventing the zombies from reaching me. Usually the only ones that get past my defense are spiders and the occasional dog that I take out with my auto shottie / smg. And yes, the zombies have a direct path to me, I am not using any designs to make them think they can reach me only to fall off. I haven't figured out how to incorporate blade traps into my base design yet. I do go through about 300 rounds of shotgun shells a BM night, but I haven't had any issues keeping up stock wise. I got two forges to replace the iron darts between horde nights. Right now I am seeing radiated zombies (along with all the other variants) but expect to see demolishers soon. I am also sitting on a munitions crate full of 7.62 ammo.
  4. It's already a known bug (it's in the bug report)
  5. I found specializing in knives and the machete with the right mods works fine. You just can’t fight the same way you would with the club and sledge.
  6. And everything that pops up during a normal day, you find yourself doing things you never planned on doing. On one hand it is great having your mind going over mutliple things all the time. On the other hand, concentrating on one task to completion is a pain in the rear. I got the T shirt also so I can sympathize with you; though based on your comments, you got it worse than me.
  7. You got the information second hand. How do you even know that the post was “deleted”? MM has always been supportive of crafting and building. Based on MM’s stance over the various alphas, I wouldn’t trust your source. You don’t need an “once and for all” post, you just have to be following MM’s posts as he makes them.
  8. It also obvious that the poster that Josh is referring to found a post that somewhat supports his position but didn't put in context or even look further in the thread. If he is basing his argument on that one post about what MadMole wants the game to be, proving any other evidence the poster will just fall back to "Oh MM changed his mind after an outcry from players". He also claims that his evidence is a "deleted post" but doesn't have anything to show for it. You can't disprove a negative so spending any time to do it is a waste of time with those people. If you read the original posts and follow the actual thread where MM spoke on this, you see that MM was talking about the issues they were having with performance by going with a total destructible environment (down to bedrock). I actually clicked the link and read the diary from where the poster got his "evidence" and after reading through it I found this from MadMole Copied and Pasted post of MadMole - Alpha 18 Diary, Posted on 9/19/2019 in response to Laz Man: "Tower defense, crafting, looting and questing are the bread and butter to this game. Digging is not a core pillar and mining could easily be done without it as well. You could still use foundation blocks to level out a nice place to live or even flatten vertices of static terrain some and have 95% of the game, without 95% of the trouble. Anyhow we might add it as an option at some point, and use telemetry to see how many people run that version and base our decisions on facts not emotional responses. IMO a year after its release, 80% would be playing static terrain version because of better visuals, better FPS and they don't give a crap about mining. We could still plop down "earth blocks" to fill in spots etc and make trenches your just building it up instead of digging down its the same net base, just elevated higher. There could be craters from nukes you fill in and have a "basement" or "bunker". Again we might not even bother we've solved everything except water already. A18 uses UNity's static terrain in the distance, with just voxels where you are in loaded chunks. So there aren't as much gains to make now as there would have been some years ago."
  9. I would be fine with the 4x4 being slower if it handled the off-roading better than the motorcycle. To me, that would be a good balance. Motorcycle - Fastest on roads, doesn't handle rough terrain very well, medium size storage (compared to Minibike). 4x4 - Slower than the motorcycle on roads but better off-roading capabilities, larger storage space
  10. 4 is default if you chose 90 minute days. It is higher if you choose shorter days or lower if you chose longer days. I hate to admit this but I have gone in DM mode in my early nights of playthroughs just so I don't have to sit there doing nothing the entire night. So a 4 becomes an 8 (or however close I can get it with the slider) so I don't get bored watching my character hide in the shadows on the roof of a building. Eventually once I get to mid-game, I got a whole list of chores to do at night that I can't get done, even with the setting still at 4. I don't mind that as I am actually doing work (sorting, organizing, crafting, etc) rather than hiding in a corner.
  11. I think (and I am no expert) if they were to implement a cloud save feature for the game, they would have to code it in to only do when the game is closed and shutdown. Since the game world is constantly updating and requiring saving it every few seconds, I don't think you want to do a cloud save for each "update" of the world. I have also been seeing issues with Steam's cloud saving services lately and a lot of times I been getting communication errors / fault outs to the Steam cloud even though I have no other issues online. With the hard drive always being available, the only issue you might have if you let your free available space get too low and it can't save the file anymore. Again, I am no expert and I could just simply be talking out of my butt.
  12. I bet Fataal would love to answer questions all day. Unfortunately he also has a ton of work on A20 right now so most of us are okay with him answering our questions when he has the free time to do so.
  13. I haven’t been posting in this community for very long, but something I learned very quickly is to stay away from SnowDog’s “stick”
  14. It would be interesting to see web activity...but this is what I see The official A20 dev discussion is now at 20 pages after it was created at the end of October and this thread is at 41 pages. Seems a healthy amount of chatter is going on. Add in the fact that the devs are currently working on A20 which I rather that be their focus than filling up a post count but we are getting feedback, especially from fataal. Throw in the many dev streams they have held which has been a lot of information shared with us (more than they could honestly put in posts). For me I have posted a lot more since then. 😉 But if I have a choice between spending time playing the game or posting about the game....the choice is easy
  15. Yes but how are you going to get your E Z Pass though?
  16. I have yet to do an endurance build with punching being the main melee attack. I think after I get done playing with my current agility / knife playthrough, I will try that next just to see how it is.
  17. TFP talked about changes to the critical wound system, but they were more in line to tweaks on the current system and not a new system or going back to the old one. Unless somethig drastic happens that would cause the current system to go away, we will be seeing a variant of the current system at gold. I honestly love the new system as it forces you to decide if you want to take counters for all the possible critical injuries and give up inventory space or save the space for loot and risk it. I might be in the minority but I love the new vultures. Before they were just an annoyance that you dealt with as an afterthought. Now they have to factor into your base defenses and how you go out in the world. Nothing like have 4 of them circling overhead as you are digging up a buried quest and always thinking that you better not take a hit when the zombies spawn in after you find the buried supplies; otherwise you will have 4 angry birds attacking you while you are taking out some zombies with melee....They have a special affinity for Capp00, but they will go after others. 😉
  18. It is called a roadmap. Sometimes you run into detours, sometimes your GPS tries to make you drive into a lake 😉
  19. I use a hatch based design for melee style bases but eventually I have to fall back to traps and guns (even on the first bm night) when the zombies overwhelm me - playing on 2nd highest difficulty and max zombies. The thing I love about this game is there are so many options on how you approach the bm horde. Since you have to spend resources and constantly repair, eventually resort to bullets, explosives to fight off the bm horde implies that using hatches for a melee base is not an exploit. This is not a case where we build a base and just sit there all night doing nothing during the horde night, we have to get in there and actually fight the bm zombies (i.e. the whole point of being a melee themed base). Typcially by the 5th to 7th bm, my melee themed base has electric fences, blade traps, turrets (both junk and electrical), shooting areas, ways I can utilize explosives and molotovs without catching myself in the blast radius/setting myself on fire. So I am using all aspects of base design to fight off the hordes.
  20. Wouldn't be much of a threat if it is humping everything though
  21. nah that is easy I just assume the person I am playing is their identical clone....What I am talking about is trying to jump and realize you haven’t leveled up parkour yet, why you don’t have those food receipes unlocked......or my personal favorite, realizing too late that you haven’t found that urban combat book about mines on your current playthrough. 😵
  22. This is what I am doing with my playthroughs, always changing it up. Strength build vs agility builds. Base Day 1 vs POIs. Horde base either my base or a separate base altogether. Use items that I find in loot vs crafting only items. The options I can put on myself keeps me having to change my approach. There are so many other things I have yet to do - fortitude build, perception build, different base strategies etc that starting up a new game doesn’t feel old or stale.... Now if only I could figure out how to reset my mind when I start a new game after getting use to my level 40+ character from my previous playthrough would be great....
  23. Are they still trying to get the kinks out of the drone in hopes of an A21 release?
  24. Can you get a copy of his logs and paste them? If he crashes on 2 different servers but everyone else is not, it is pointing to an issue on his end. This is just my opinion, I am far from an expert like others are in this forum.
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