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Everything posted by BFT2020

  1. Do you think I was just bantering? 😏 Something about having to make choices and plan ahead, each day of survival, just appeals to me.
  2. Yeah I remembered A16, where you just had to move away from the damaged wall to get them to start attacking fresh walls. While not predictable, you could easily exploit the zombie AI / spawning if you built your base big enough.
  3. That's spooky. That's almost what I modded Gas is bad and has to be filtered (at a lost) for any you find while looting Drinks and food has been removed from loot tables (just murky water, seeds, and canned goods) Engines are replaced with engine parts in loot tables, and requires additional components to craft a new one Batteries are dead in loot (just a source of lead) The only things I didn't do was to remove all power lights from the game in the world unless crafted by player (not sure if I want to go that route yet) and still kept items in loot so you can still find armors, weapons, and tools (though you can't fix them so they only last so long). And yes, I been having a blast playing this way 😏 But this is definitely not wide spread fun for everyone 🤷‍♂️😄
  4. I added that to my game also, well grilled yucca is what it is called 😉
  5. Individual modlets mean you can add and remove parts of it that the player wants to Cons - Sometimes it can be difficult to do it in parts, especially if you adding new items. While it might be nice to separate them for flexibility, the logistics of doing that can be tedious
  6. Yeah, don't get me started on being able to use a battery from a vehicle that has been sitting that long unused, or even a working engine 😏
  7. I added an additional flavor one myself, less yucca and more blueberry 😉
  8. In my 3000+ hours, I never once compared a Q4 with a Q4 item to see which one has the better stats. Once I got the Q4 item, I kept it until I got a higher Q item or the next tier (especially now with A21 having a clear distinction between tiers and quality)
  9. So an update since I last posted one. I got the minibike unlocked around Day 14 (second horde night). I am currently on Day 25 and have unlocked the following: Steel Tools (Q3) Nailgun (Q1) SMG (Q4) Machete (Q4) Compound Bow (Q3) Military Armor (Q1) Chemistry Station I am not very far on the other weapon groups (mostly just got into T1 for them) which is expected since I am leaning into the Agility build. Close to unlocking motorcycle crafting (though I didn't check recently how close I am since I got the minibike, not been too big of a concern). Way behind on electricity and traps, but I believe that is because I haven't hit areas that might have Mo Power crates as much as other spots. Started to do that now since I am advancing in the horde night difficulties and would like to start adding electric traps to the mix.
  10. No worries, this was just something I was able to do during a break at work and then verify that I didn't make any coding mistakes before I packaged it up for you. Enjoy.
  11. Note, turret ammo will start showing up at the beginning of the game. If you want to delay it, you will need to add the following: loot_prob_template="ProbT1Cap" If you add this, turret ammo won't start showing up until loot stage 42 (and will show up all game after that). You will want to add that to lines 27, 31, and 35 and 27 should look like this as an example <item group="groupTurretAmmoSmall" loot_prob_template="ProbT1Cap"/>
  12. This should work https://github.com/BFT2020/A21TurretAmmo.git
  13. Really need to see your entire game log to see what is happening at the beginning when it starts to load things into the game
  14. That should give you a different error message about being outside the range. Null means it doesn't have a value there or the value is corrupted and not recognizable. I will check later as I can't access the log files via my work laptop, but if it is tied to your spawning file, then the game is looking for a value for a variable and finding the correct one (or nothing at all)
  15. Experiences are going to be different. Right now, I am playing mostly vanilla (like 98%) and only doing one mission a day. Later on, I will start playing more with my mod and won't get rewards from the traders, just dukes. So those playthroughs will be different than this one.
  16. To put it nicely, we can tell that you don't use bows 😉 Stone arrows require rock, wood, and feathers Iron arrows require iron heads, wood, and feathers Steel arrows require steel heads and plastic Flaming arrows require steel heads, plastics, gunpowder, cloth, and animal fat Exploding arrows require steel heads, plastics, gunpowder, and duct tape So the water production is for glue to make into duct tape. And the reason they need so much is they are mass producing exploding arrows so they can spam them on horde night. And that is why they (TFP) can't please everyone. So the best they can do is set a goal or objective and make the game towards that objective. If that doesn't work for the others, then mods come into play.
  17. At one point, I modded A20 and changed the recipe for boiling water to include cloth and coal (as an additional step to filter the water while boiling it). Along with removing drinks from loot (including boiled water), I had to work harder to get drinkable water just from looting (traders stock was also adjusted not to refresh as often so you can't just keep buying drinks from them). I might bring it back to A21. It doesn't make water scarce, but it did force me to work harder and plan ahead more.
  18. So I recently started a new playthrough and really haven't seen a scarcity of drinks or water really. SP only, slightly mod just to give more magazines from the specialty brand crates in POIs I did use the free 2 waters from the start on Day 1 and ended up buying a red tea and yucca juice from the trader's vending machine since I hadn't found a cooking pot yet (he did have some for sale, but I could buy two drinks for less than a cooking pot and figured I would find one on Day 2 (did in fact find it). Since then, I got 2 dew collectors up and running (choose two filters as my T1 completion reward rather than the bike). From looting, I have gathered a lot of drinks and murky water so once I have a comfortable supply of drinks at the moment, I been using the murky water I find for either cooking certain recipes or glue production. I have also been crafting most of my gear so I have needed a lot of glue and duct tape (currently on Day 12). I got lucky and found the Mineral water book around Day 3 or 4, so I was able to make mineral water fairly quickly in this playthrough. Nothing I have seen so far is game breaking.
  19. So I got some data from a single play through so far: 60 minutes days, new map, spawn near big city, No loot respawn, no chunk reset, default loot abundance and XP gains 1 trader mission per day max so far just in Pines forest biome Currently on Day 12 Two traders found - Rekt and his twin brother Rekt No crafting magazine bundles chosen as rewards, but did purchase ones from the traders No double looting trader missions, no smash and grabs of POIs. Only looted T1/T2 POIs for days 1-7, then a few T3s days 7+ One Crack a book stored looted (T3) on day 9 Prioritized Working Stiff stores and Auto related POIs after food and water has been setup Agility build - so majority of perks spent there (did the beginning quests also) No perks in Int tree Other perks grabbed - First level of Iron Gut, Cardio, Master Chef, and Living off the Land Everything vanilla except for: For brand specialty crates that have crafting magazines loot groups as a count of 1, change to count of 3 For brand specialty crates that have crafting magazines loot groups as a probability, change to count of 3 Added vehicle crafting magazines to the Working Stiffs crate as a possibility (medHigh I think it was), but only 1 available Did not make any changes to Crack A Book crates (left as is) Expected results - In all crates, primary crafting magazines now have a chance of spawning 1-3 magazines Count of 3 means you can get unique ones or multiple copies of the same one - anywhere between 0 to 3 max total This loot group has crafting magazines set at high probability but also has other items in there as well that can be picked In my run so far, I had between 2-3 crafting magazines when I looted crates What I observed: On Day 2, I had enough to craft the bicycle (no bench though) One of my first missions was a Gas station POI and where I setup my base on Day 2 was another gas station POI Day 4, I got the bench crafted and crafted my bicycle Working on Day 12, but I am currently at the following: 18 crafting magazines for vehicles (so just 2 more for minibike) Can craft cement mixers now Can craft Q4 iron tools and Q4 wrenches Q4/Q5 wooden bow (not sure where exactly), Q4 9mm pistol, Q1 Double barrel Q1 Leather Armor Most of my gear has been crafted I did find a few padded pieces of armor that was higher than my level at the time Did get lucky and find a Q1 toilet pistol, but nothing higher Did see a Q3 double barrel shotgun for sale, but didn't have the dukes since I was using them for crafting magazines and supplies Some thoughts: Okay so far with vehicle progression. Even though I unlocked the bike quickly, the workbench held me up for a couple more days. Will see how it goes past mini-bike. Tools, workbench, and weapons progression might be a bit too fast (might change the count from 3 to 2,3 to get some variation). However, might not do anything at this time to see how those changes work when I incorporate it into my main mod. Loving the fact that crafting has become more of a focus on just these small changes. I could have pushed and spent dukes on that Q3 double barrel shotgun, but I knew I was close to start crafting my own so used those dukes for supplies / magazines until I could craft my own Ironically, not picked a single crafting bundle as a trader reward - it was only offered in the first mission (which I went with pipe bombs in case I needed them for the first horde night) and has never been offered since as a reward Just changes the bonus loot probability chance you will be getting. You will still see mostly crafting magazines (as they are set as high probability) but more of a balanced distribution among the choices you can get
  20. Items file, check for property lines like <property name="SellableToTrader" value="false"/>
  21. This would be a bug report and should be posted in the bug section.
  22. I should be able to post a link for a modlet this evening when I get home from work
  23. What difficultly level are you playing that you think knives are OP and need to be nerfed? One of the main game themes is looting. If you want to reduce the looting aspect of it, you are going to have to mod the game. And since you think 3rd party modders are crappy, you might want to start learning XPATH.
  24. I made changes to the ammo loot in A20 and working on porting it over to A21. Where exactly do you want to find the turret ammo? Crates and end chests? Treasure chests? Ammo piles? vehicles?
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