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Everything posted by BFT2020

  1. Oh I didn’t think of that. Well, if you decided to become a vegetarian instead of a vegan, then eggs and fish would be okay. 😉
  2. I was wrong, insects are considered animals….but they don’t fall under the same reason for mot eating as meat, dairy, or eggs. Eating insects is really not the commercial exploitation that happens to cows, pigs, chicken, etc. But if he wants, he can change the name from honey to maple syrup. 😁
  3. I think you would be okay with the canned pasta. When you make spaghetti dish in the game, you have to add Canned Beef so I always assume that the canned pasta was in a spaghetti sauce and not a meat sauce. The can of stock is definitely borderline, though you could just assume it is a vegetable stock or clear stock, and not chicken / beef stock. Since you are already giving up so much of the other dishes since they contain either meat or eggs, I don't think including this one as allowable for would be ground shattering. Unless you record your playing and post it onto YouTube, then your subscribers might give you hell
  4. There are some mods out there that do that. Just a simple change really. Third post down, this mod author created one.
  5. But there will be a lot less complaints about when it will be finished or why they removed "X" if they did it behind closed doors 😁
  6. So you posted in a mods sub-forum about something you demand that TFP do? I think you are in the wrong section. 😉 What were you doing in the desert that caused an excessive spawn rate of screamers? You can build successfully in the desert. If you are seeing a lot of screamers, it has to be tied to what actions you are doing. If you are making a lot of noise in that area, you are constantly going to be pushing the game to spawn them in. I learned the best way to address the screamers is to account for them, either by the use of turrets (if I am mining, I will leave them above as they will take out the screamers when they investigate) or designing my base in a way to get them in areas where dart traps to take care of them. I recall many nights working in my base, just to hear screamers turn up and get killed by my dart traps 🙂 TFP has made the game easy to modify. If you need assistance, a lot of people here in the forums will assist you. In fact, someone recently requested some changes to make them easier and a member created a modlet just for them (and anyone else that would like it). If I can find the original post, I may edit this one with a link to it.
  7. I recently started using this mod myself, and I have seen animals a lot. I currently got the settings for both the zombies and animals maxed out, and in my recent playthrough (at Day 5 I believe), I have seen at least 2 deer,1 pig, and several coyotes (the town I am in is half inside a desert biome and forest biome). There may have been more, but sometimes when out and about, I end up having to take care of a large wandering horde and looking for deer is my least concern at this point 😉
  8. Yeah those items are still an issue. Really my first post was more of letting fear get in the way than anything. After thinking about it over the past few days, I realized that TFP are not going to change the mechanics behind the game since they only want a few more Alphas before making the game final. So even if they were to start to implement some of these ideas, it would just be as easy to remove them once the game goes Gold (and now that I am starting to mod the game the way I want it to be). Back to the OPs suggestion / request, even if TFP don't do this, this could easily be done via XML. Maybe the best way would be to create a new item , like a red pill (i.e. the truth being you are in a game and anything is possible 😉 ). Then just have it as a reward item and the survivor can select it. It would be coded to replace all health and remove all de-buffs like a broken bones, infections, abrasions, and such. I agree with your comments about those items. I did do a No trader run, but I like to keep them as I feel they are a good element in the game, just not where I think they should be at. I been making changes to Khaine's Romero mod as I like how he approached the game play, but like any game or mod, there are things we all wish were different and we can never all agree on what they should be. Right now, I adjusted the traders so they only stock specific items per trader. For example, Jen has food, medical items, items used for medical crafting, and specific perk / recipes; while Hugh only stocks weapons and weapon mods, along with all Firearm perks / schematics. I am still working on those changes, and will probably restrict them even more; but I haven't been willing to make big changes yet. To address the medical items, I changed the HP for both the First Aid bandages and Painkillers to 1 HP recover. So now they are only really good for addressing abrasions and concussions. I haven't decided yet what I want to do with First Aid kits, but I might change both the crafting recipe and reduce the HP gain. I have other ideas that I want to implement (like minimizing Dukes and changing what you can get via looting), but I know the route I want to go probably would only appeal to myself and like thinking people, but not to hardcore survivalists or those that like the game as it is today (and definitely not to those that want to find excellent loot early on in the game).
  9. Not if you nerf the quest rewards through xml editing 😉 If it was to happen, that's fine. It would just feel like the game is constantly being changed from a survival game to an arcade game to make it easier to play. Kind of takes the challenge out of it if we start introducing instant heals and instant injuries fixes just because you dug up a box alongside the road.
  10. I am sure some people would like that, but as part of the vanilla game? Maybe more in a mod. If it were to become part of the vanilla game, hopefully it is easy to mod out.
  11. Not sure if I understand you correctly, but this is how crops work in vanilla (Alpha 19) When you plant a crop seed, you can get 1-3 at harvest depending on Living off the Land perk level (1 at no perk, 2 at perk level 1, and 3 at perk level 3). When you harvest it, the plant goes back to seedling at no cost to player. Yes it takes 5 plants to craft into one seed so this is how it goes (if you simply harvest and turn into seeds) at Perk level 0 Plant 1 seed - 1 plant Harvest 5 times, convert into seed, plant this new seed - Now you got 2 plants Harvest 5 times, get 10 crops, convert into 2 seeds, plant both seeds - Now you got 4 plants Harvest 5 times, get 20 crops, conver into 4 seeds, plant all those seeds - Now you got 8 plants So yes you can get to sustainability
  12. Thanks, nice to have confirmation before I went too far. Another quick question: I understand the symbols needed for comments. If I want to organize my groups by item types (inside the group), but don't want to comment those, does a space in-between cause any issues or will it run fine? I am assuming no issues as long as I don't insert any hidden characters into that line <item name="meleeWpnKnucklesT3SteelKnucklesSchematic"/> <item name="thrownAmmoPipeBombSchematic"/> <item name="thrownGrenadeSchematic"/> <item name="thrownAmmoPipeBombSchematic"/> <item name="thrownDynamiteSchematic"/> <item name="thrownGrenadeContactSchematic"/> <item name="resourceMilitaryFiberSchematic"/> <item name="armorMilitarySetSchematic"/> <item name="armorSteelSetSchematic"/> </trader_item_group>
  13. First, my apologies if this was already asked and I missed the topic. I search in this sub-forum for trader and secret; none of the posts popped up to answer my question. I am making some small modifications to the trader.xml file, which is basically limiting what the traders offer based on their specialty. For example, in Jen's section, the only items in the first part are this <trader_info id="2" full_reset="true" min_inventory="30" max_inventory="70" min_items_swapped="20" max_items_swapped="20" reset_interval="7" open_time="4:05" close_time="23:50"> <trader_items count="all"> <item group="rareMedicine" count="2" prob="1"/> <item group="medicine" count="2,5" prob="1"/> <item group="traderAlways"/> <item group="traderGeneral" count="4,8"/> <item group="generalResources" count="9,14"/> <item group="modAllT1SecretStash" count="1,2"/> </trader_items> I am still going through all the groups so I want to see what traderAlways, traderGeneral, and traderResouces have in those groups. My goal is to make it medical supplies for her and basic resources (for the others, I will doing the same thing but based on their specialties). What I don't 100% understand are the next groups: <tier_items level="1,499" count="all"> <!-- requires Perk 0 --> <tier_items level="3000,3999" count="all"> <!-- requires Perk 3 --> My assumption is those are the ones tied to the secret stash? My end goal is that if I want specialty items like solar cells and banks, I would have to travel to Bob and see if he has them in stock, no-one else would. Thanks, Amateur modder
  14. OP said he crashes any computer they join, not just hers I am not an expert, but this seemed weird to me -force-feature-level–10–0 Should this be -10-0 instead? Seems like it was encoded incorrectly (search seems to indicate this is Windows-1252. Using an online decoder to UTF-8 gave me -10-0 2021-08-28T18:20:51 7.039 INF Command line arguments: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\7 Days To Die\7daystodie.exe -force-feature-level–10–0 -force-d3d11 -logfile C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\7 Days To Die\7DaysToDie_Data\output_log__2021-08-28__18-20-26.txt -eac_executablename 7daystodie.exe
  15. Play Romero mod if you want more zombies. Nothing like going to a trader and having to take down a 40+ wandering horde just so you can turn in your quest and get your sweet sweet rewards. I like having more zombies, but I understand TFP's position. They are optimizing the game around the normal default setting and lower spec computers so more people can enjoy this game, not around those of us that can spend the extra money on a new machine.
  16. Like every other thread asking this question, it will be announced in the announcement sub forum when they are ready to do so.
  17. If it is too easy, adjust the settings or use a mod to make it more difficult Also A20 will probably increase the difficulty, especially if you got feral sense on
  18. It’s a survival game, you don’t automatically heal injuries just because you completed a quest. I don’t see TFP doing this.
  19. Boiled meat and grilled meat match the benefits of vanilla. However, it is not simply A vs B. Sure you get 10 water from boiled meat, but grilled meat with a tea gives you more water and a stamina boost. So you can choose between boiled meat (prepackaged water, one less slot, less water recovery, no stamina recovery boost) vs grilled meat/tea (2 slots vs 1, more water, stamina recovery boost). Yes, it is worth it to get the advanced recipes - you are going to have to gather a lot more food with his changes if you don't advance further on the food chart - plus some of the more advanced recipes will give you a temporary stat boost.
  20. Not sure how people miss the pinned threads
  21. Nuclear explosions don’t stop the planet from creating rain clouds…..
  22. Of course, this also ties into another question that was asked. That 4X4 in your backpack is why you can't crawl through 1 meter holes in walls 😉
  23. Not a developer but.... Based on the feedback from TFP over the last year or so, you won't be seeing an update for the console game for the following reasons: Alpha 16 and below used the LBD method. Alpha 17 and higher now uses a perk system. Additional changes were made to the game also. These changes would break the saves on the game which Sony and Microsoft are not allowing for console games. The hardware for XBox and PS4 cannot run the game as it is today. The current version of the game would require the next generation hardware. Updating the old version would require hiring a console developer to do the work. Since the console game was released back 2016, there is not a lot of interest to tackle that project as the profits are not there. There might be interest after the game has gone gold and launched for the next gen consoles.
  24. Can you post your output logs into pastebin and link them here? That will be helpful
  25. Is that correct or a typo? If not, it is looking for something called 7DaysaToDie. There is an extra a in there. Hope your Covid is the minor type.
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