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Everything posted by zztong

  1. Those are the commands I have in my notes. Things I can think of: You're doing this at the game's main menu, right? You're using A20 to bring an A19 POI up to A20, right? You haven't gotten rid of the game's Data/Config/BlockUpdates.csv file, right? You haven't modified the game's Data/Config/BlockUpdates.csv file, right? Of if you did, you don't have any errors in the format, right? Your custom POI is in %AppData%/Roaming/7DaysToDie/LocalPrefabs or in your modlet, right? You might also be able to put it with the game's files, but I've not worked that way.
  2. Hurray for Parts improvements! Kudos to whichever Dev did that.
  3. Ah cool. So the intended use is with Traders. I was thinking general POIs and wasn't sure an indestructible wall was a good idea. What's this mean? What comes to mind is when you say a sleeper volume can have 4-5 zombies, but saying 4.3-5.5 zombies doesn't make sense. Grace now fires laser beams out of her eyes at people who attempt to kill her from the ledge above her encounter area.
  4. What is a Wall Volume? I mean, is it something you create in the Prefab Editor, like a Zombie Volume, is it a block, or what? Does this display some kind of message upon entry? "The corpse you see here has been eaten by a lurking Grue..." Is this a way to manage all of these volumes, including the zombie volumes, without having to arrange an elaborate way to click on one that is inside a wall? (Please? Please? Please?) I assume it doesn't relate to sound volume... or did we get the ability to place sounds?
  5. Heh, yeh. Kaboom LPG -- "Don't miss (a lot)" was part of the design of that POI. If I draw that POI as a quest, I like to set it off before resetting it. It tends to summon a couple of screamers. Trivia: There's a weak point in the tall propane tank that lets the explosion get through to all the barrels within.
  6. Suddenly, I have the inspiration to mix some of the landmine XML into a shopping cart object.
  7. I wouldn't say farming is any more exciting early on. The greatest investment of time is scavenging the materials to make Farm Plots. Farming is basically two clicks -- plant a seed and harvest the crops. I don't usually have a Farm Plot for a while, which is likely a choice I'm making not to carry that loot in the early game given my limited carrying capacity. Spitballing here -- maybe if I could grow food in dirt -- but it comes with more risk of a poor harvest -- I might plant a seed early in the game. Sorry for the quibble -- An economist. I suggest picking one that is into game theory. I'd love to read the resulting paper. Of course, I'm still running on A20, and food isn't rare so I can afford to save farm produce -- and the means of production for farm produce -- until later when I'm higher level. At higher level not only do I need the better food, but I'll be able to make many more farm plots and I'm more likely to be able to cook the harvest. In my mind, I get a greater reward from saving it. I certainly didn't suffer from not using it earlier. Early on (again A20) canned food and meat are plentiful and able to cover any stamina/health issues I have. Spitballing here -- it would be possible for animals to drop "diseased meat" instead of "raw meat" some times. That is, maybe about half of the animals don't drop usable meat. I see what you're saying, but I don't find that element of chance to be noteworthy. It a chance with no real consequence, or at least that's my view of it. I run into that too. I typically invest in the first level of cooking at the start, but then focus on perks that help me assault POIs. The loot from POIs seems to be the planned source of food and water, so I'm usually in good shape. Spitballing here -- I think food/drink would be more interesting if POIs didn't offer it up as loot. To me, humans would have long since consumed the canned food and potable water. Any remaining water would have evaporated or gone bad. Thus, the place to find food and water would be the wilderness. The end effect is you need POIs for technology but you need to be outside to live. I think that's an interesting dynamic, but I understand that's not where TFP is going, and that's cool too.
  8. I don't know that I'd say stealth is broken, but I readily admit I come to that conclusion in a round-about way. I do acknowledge stealth would become much more difficult if the sounds destroying something wasn't also muffled by stealth. As it stands right now, I can quietly destroy a metal door with a pick. That's kind of ludicrous. Instead, a stealthy person might defeat a door using a variety of methods: an under-door tool, a traveler's hook, a J-tool, a hinge spring tool, magnets, and lock picks. Alas, only the lock picks are included in the game and they don't work on normal doors for reasons of POI design. Lockpicks collectively stand in for a great many of those tools as there are locks in the game which could never be defeated by lockpicks, yet are. But the game isn't trying to be completely realistic. To be more realistic they could implement all of those tools, given the time and inclination. That would chew up a dozen inventory slots carrying the tools of the trade. They could get around that by having a "thieves' kit" item that you add the tools too, kind of like a portable workbench, but that feature doesn't exist, so more time and inclination required. In the end, you kind of get the in-game equivalent of quietly knocking down the door with a pick. The only difference is with the thieves' tools you might still have a working door. Ludicrous or not, it kind of ends up with the same game play.
  9. You use the same skills. Tiles don't use some features, like quests. You don't have to fill a Tile with zombie volumes. You have to worry about making the roads line up at the edges. If your Tiles are to be part of a TFP District, then you'll have some other conventions that you'll want to consider matching. You'll likely have to come up with a lot of filler content to fit in the spaces left over after you carve out places for the POIs to land. Noted. We saw a TFP overpass demonstrated on a Gateway Tile IIRC.
  10. Yes, I made 17 of them for A20 and plan to make more in A21. I know @stallionsden, @Deverezieaux, and @MichaelL. have all made Tiles -- probably others too. What kind of Tiles would you like to see?
  11. I concur that an airburst makes the most sense when dealing with zombies. It does the most damage to the target and scatters the least radiation. Folks want a radioactive wasteland and envision a crater as part of the genre. A ground detonation makes a crater and scatters much more radiation. But I'm talking ICBM-sized munitions and payloads, and I'm not sure it is fair to assume you are. The way I rationalize 7D2D is (1) a reasoned military response, (2) small craters, and (3) the end effect being a radioactive wasteland is by having the military use more tactically scaled munitions and somehow affecting a Navezgane equivalent to the Palo Verde Generating Station creating a Chernobyl-like environment.
  12. I even recorded it for no good reason.
  13. I have Tile in my modlet that includes the end of a railroad line that is being removed. There are a few possible railroad cars that can appear on that track, though they are not loaded with ore and there's no train station. I didn't try to give the impression there was an active railroad line because I can't arrange to have tracks run around the world at large. I don't expect we'll see railroads, but If TFP were to add railroads to RWG, I'd further hope they add railway specific blocks that could support a player driven railroad hand car.
  14. LOL, naa. I've got to use 10-15 days of vacation before the end of June, or lose them. The latest A21-Experimental can be released is 12 June. That, or I'm headed to Laz Man's house (wherever that is) to work on converting my POIs.
  15. The 22nd seems too close. I think we'd be hearing some PR about the streamer weekend if it were May 22. May 29 is Memorial Day in the USA, making a 3-day weekend. If that were the weekend, the streamers would get an extra day. I don't think it is May 29th either. June 5 and June 12 look to be still viable. June 19 is "Juneteenth", so another 3-day weekend in the USA. June 26 would be viable. As for the dip in playing time, I know I'm sitting on my hands, chomping on the bit, ready to convert POIs, but otherwise off playing some other games trying to keep my mind off of 7d2d. I can't speak for others, but I have (very rarely) put in weak points. One I can think of is there to allow an explosion to turn into a chain reaction. Another is a ladder in an out of the way location likely to be overlooked. Using POIs as impromptu bases is a lot of fun. I love doing that.
  16. That's Tier 4. Players of Rebirth like that POI because it has some rare things that Rebirth lets you recover. Trivia: That POI is inspired by the A19 "Community Center" (shared base) found on the "Not-a-Gamer Gaming" server at the time.
  17. I did it again recently. This time I took about 70 points of damage and the motorcycle lost I think around 30-40%. I think the difference was in the first attempt I landed on a table out front of the POI across the street. The second time I landed on the street.
  18. Or be configurable with other game events. For instance, I think it would be cool if the amount of Feral Sense scaled with the amount of fog. Combine that with a feature that lets you pick certain zombies to have Feral Sense. Maybe only using 4x4s, Motorcycles, and Mini Bikes attract the attention of Feral Sense. I'm sure there are more interesting variations beyond on/off.
  19. Just curious, in A21, if you ramp a 100% healthy motorcycle off of skyscraper_01, what state is the motorcycle and rider after they land? In A20, the bike loses ~3% and the rider loses ~14 health. Launch: In Flight: Landing:
  20. I'm cool with seeing how the vehicles play, but I do hope: (1) Running into a shopping cart does not continue to be like running into a block of granite, and (2) That if the vehicle has spikes and a ram plate that running into a fleshy zombie doesn't hurt [the vehicle] too much. Otherwise, could I please take off the spikes and ram plate so that getting around in the wilderness was easier?
  21. Looks neat. I hope it works on my older Vive. I see VR sickness in my future. The direct/continuous movement has a way of turning me green and limiting my time in VR. When playing "The Forest" in VR I could maybe take it for 10 minutes. I couldn't last a minute on a VR downhill skiing game. Do you think there will be a teleportation movement option?
  22. Thanks for the information. I was aware of that technique. What I'm suggesting is that if you use an external tool to make a heightmap and/or a biome map, that the Game's "Vanilla" RWG have options to use those instead of generate it's own. That is, the Game's "Vanilla" RWG would skip its step(s) where it generates those and uses the ones you give it, placing roads, POIs, etc.
  23. My guess is POIs and Tiles updated to A21 will allow Teragon to generate A21 maps because I suspect none of the game's file formats are likely to have changed, either as input (POI and Tile) files or as output (World) files. I think new blocks are just names and numbers at that level and should work fine. There are probably going to be issues related to POI and Tile design conventions, such as what new Tags influence the placement of things, support for the new Gateway Tiles, and who knows what else that Teragon can't possibly know until Pille, Riamus, etc. get a chance to kick A21's tires.
  24. And operating/repairing the electric grid.
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