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Everything posted by zztong

  1. Hay bales have been in for a while.
  2. I realize your conversation is likely moving elsewhere, but I wanted to try to answer one of your questions here where I happened to see it for fear of not seeing where it picked up. I recall asking about this in the "Discussion and Requests" part of these forums and got an answer. There's a flag that has to be set. As I'm not very conversant in Unity, I don't recall what that flag is, but you're welcome to review that conversation... Feel free to necro that thread if it would help.
  3. I don't really understand beyond the notion that there might be a conflict. In my mind, there's always the potential for conflict between my modlet and the CompoPack, as everything in my modlet is also contributed to the CompoPack but the CP renames files to its standard making them look like different POIs. Or, in this case, the Decorations. What really has me interested though is the crashes. Crashes would hopefully involve an exception, and exception would involve a log file entry, and the details of the stack trace in the log file could give us a clue as to what the game was trying to do when everything came crashing down around it. Or, do you mean Teragon crashes? If so, I doubt it is a Decoration as Teragon should have nothing to do with those. Decorations are the only thing I modify in biomes.xml. At least that I remember.
  4. LOL, well that saved me some experimentation time whenever the work week ends. LOL Err, I mean PERFECT, fight them Zeds now, I dare you!
  5. Does this mean there's a way to have permanent fog or make fog more common? I love fog, specially really thick fog on horde night. Err, nevermind. I can Google. I was just being lazy. It looks like: weather DefaultFog weather Fog 1
  6. I read that as "mimes" on the first pass.
  7. Using an alphanumeric word, like a name field, seems simple but I can see complications. Desired Airport: +-----+ | GTE | +-----+-----+-----+ | RW3 | RW2 | RW1 | +-----+-----+-----+ (1) You would have to be able to leave the name blank without restricting RWG's ability to place something beside it. In this way, RWG could decide to place any other type of district beside the Tile. Example: A Tile that is the center of a 3-Tile Runway that also connects to a small regional airport tile. North: Gates South: <blank> East: Runway West: Runway Where RWG could put Residential, Downtown, Industrial, Rural, Commercial, CountryTown, CountryResidential, OldWest or whatever player defined districts there might be. You'd only list a name when you had to specify something for continuity. (2) The second complication I see is a name by itself doesn't specify a rotation. Though maybe you mean for the names to be unique which I guess would make the rotation obvious. Example: North: Gates South: <blank> East: Runway1 West: Runway3 North: <blank> South: <blank> East: Runway2 West: <blank> North: <blank> South: <blank> East: <blank> West: Runway2
  8. So if I understand this, you're making Tiles but instead of having RWG place them, you're placing them manually. Did I get that right? Randomness is appealing to me, so it probably isn't a direction I'll go, but I see the logic behind the idea of making an airport for people to manually place and it meets the goal with features available today. Agreed. I'm aware the CP folks having trouble with larger POIs too. I stick to 150 since it seems safe TFP will support the Tile size.
  9. I can support the idea as it embodies features that I think would be handy even if I have my doubts about addressing the problem you describe. I'd certainly love to be able to randomize the locations of loot items on a block-by-block basis. That said, this is suggestion is easier said than done and unlikely to provide the relief desired. So long as designers look to make a single large loot-pile, players going directly to the loot will remain a problem unless you design a POI to support it in advance and the POI is significant in size. This isn't viable for a great many existing POIs. I think even if you got the support needed added to the game code, you'd still have a massive effort needed to adjust the POIs and in the end the players would still memorize the locations. For instance, players already remember all of the zombie spawn points in a POI, which are more numerous. Something I don't think anyone has mentioned would be perhaps making the last zombie killed in the last zombie volume to be cleared drop some of the end loot. Then you'd have to clear the POI to get some of the end loot.
  10. I just noticed this part of your message. I don't suggest messing with the game's Prefab folder, at least not with my modlet. My modlet includes XML changes to make new Tiles available, add biome decorations, and add custom blocks. If you only copy POI files into the prefab folder you won't get all of the content. For my modlet, your choices are: Install the modlet in your Mods folder. Get to know the modlet really, really well and break it apart for integration into your own project. I recognize that many other POI designers just give you raw POI files and that the path of least resistance seems like putting them in your game's Prefabs folder. The best place for those is actually your "LocalPrefabs" folder. If you need assistance in finding those folders, let me know.
  11. KingGen only really works with A19 for making a complete map unless you're prepared to really dig into it. There are some people who are into really-involved map crafting that still use KingGen for things like heightmaps. If you're going deep on KingGen, trying to make it work with A20, then you're going to have to make your own configuration files for KingGen to find my POIs. Then, you'll still have issues as KingGen doesn't know about Tiles and Parts, which were new features with A20. I don't recommend KingGen for A20 users, but it should work great if you're playing A19 and grab an A19 version of my modlet, which is available in the archives on Nexus. Right now, with A20, your only "painless" map generator is A20's RWG.
  12. No worries. I don't have any first-hand experience with trying to convince Teragon to place more Wilderness POIs, but others have. IIRC, I think it depends on settings related to smoothness and perhaps some changes to the configuration file I provided to indicate other biomes, altitudes, or something. My strategy with Teragon has been to provide basic support for the moment and look for it to evolve a little.
  13. I'm unaware of a problem with my Wilderness POIs. Are you talking about generating maps using Teragon? I'm aware there's a lot of discussion about Teragon issues on the Teragon Discord and in the Tool part of these boards.
  14. An Airport is discussed in this Pimp Dream. https://community.7daystodie.com/topic/29759-rwg-city-district-grid/
  15. There is a middle ground, though it isn't perfect. For example, if you put Crates into Parts, then use the Part's probabilities, you can randomize the location of the Crates. If you want there to be 3 Crates in the POI, but want to have 5 possible locations, then place 5 Crate Parts and set each to 3/5=0.6 or 60%. This means being willing to scatter the Crate loot around the POI instead of being part of one big pile. For those unfamiliar with Parts, this is doable today. However, today, each Part has its own independent chance of appearing, meaning it is possible you get anywhere from 0 to 5 Crates, with the odds generally being you get 2-4 of them. You can use this approach with piles of ammo, medications, and food. You can extend this to weapons bags and gun safes, etc. Where it becomes awkward is when the designer wants to make a single big pile of loot and move it all around as a group. While that is also possible with Parts, the amount of space requires all the planning Lazman mentions, plus no designer is going to want to risk there being 0 end loot as Players would be understandably upset with that outcome. If TFP designers are not okay with the odds, it might be possible to improve the Parts feature. It could become possible to say "Pick any 3 from this Group, or all of them if there are 3 or less in the Group." It is similar to a Parts feature where RWG picks between Parts of the same name. This only gets you so far, however, as Parts appear to only get resolved during RWG, rather than each time a POI is reset for a Quest. That could be enough of a feature gap to make the change unappealing to a development schedule.
  16. I've no idea about controllers, but with keyboard/mouse I'd rather not move strong attack from right-click as that's the most common attack used and left-click is also quite common for other interactions. Using CTRL is out because that's for stealth. Maybe ALT-Left-Click? If there were a block action I have no idea what key I would map to it. I don't mind the idea of there being a block, but currently I don't really miss it. Once you are familiar with the zombie animations, the reach of your weapon, and fighting in retrograde (backing up) you can largely avoid getting hit.
  17. Copy it and rename it. For RWG that would be enough. For Teragon you would also have to provide or update the list of POIs. The copy will look like another POI to the map generators. This also means they can end up beside each other.
  18. There's a vault in my modlet. zztong_vault_k9, IIRC. It's cover is a dog kennel. Tier 5 for the Wilderness.
  19. I don't know that POI, but I'll bet Stallion probably does. What caught my eye was the block to the left of the little red flag (41.5m). It looks like there is grass growing on the debris. Assuming that's not some visual illusion, I think there would only be grass there if it were intentional destruction plus an XML setting to Allow Topsoil Decorations was set to true.
  20. I've not heard anything about it in a long time. I know what you mean though. Since that change, I have never found my favorite server on the list. I just have to know the IP. It's possible my favorite became a private server, but once I make it a favorite it would be nice to at least have my own local list.
  21. I... don't know. Which POI? What's a White River Supply Crate? I'm on Discord. I can see the Rebirth channels. If you're around, just use the @ feature to summon me to whichever channel you think best and we can chat real-time if you like. Or I can... I guess #general-chat on Rebirth's boards.
  22. This AI stuff seems to be advancing quickly. In December we were making pictures and having it write descriptive text. Recently, somebody discovered ChatGPT can run a roleplaying game for you. They used Dungeons and Dragons. I tried it using Traveller and it worked. Well, the ChatGPT Game Master could make a plot, but it couldn't really complicate things on its own, so you end up with a pretty uneventful adventure. For instance, in the Traveller game I arranged to smuggle some goods, transported them, delivered them, and got paid. Tonight, I was going to watch some 7D2D streaming on Twitch, but instead stumbled across "Nothing, Forever." This is a never-ending sitcom modeled on Seinfeld. The AI is making up the story and the video as it goes. There's 9,500 people watching this surreal series. A story that just finished was about a fish providing financial advice. That episode lasted about 2 minutes. The next one involved people wearing seagulls as hats. It even involves Seinfeld-like standup comedy sequences... "What did the pirate say when he got his wooden leg stuck in a fence? Arrrgggg, I'm stuck." "What did the meteorologist say to another meteorologist? It looks like rain." ... The next story was about a monkey that played golf. It hit a hole in one, earned a lot of money, but had to give it all back. https://www.twitch.tv/watchmeforever https://nothingforever.com/
  23. I probably don't completely understand the details then beyond you'd like one or more placeholder blocks to indicate when Tiles should join. Yep, the road only joins up by convention. RWG doesn't do anything with roads on Tiles. As far as RWG knows, an Intersection Tile is supposed to cater to roads on all four sides. It has no idea if the Tile actually does. If you were to make rwg_tile_residential_intersection_raimus_01 and not put any roads on it at all, it would still get placed in a residential district and it would look however you made it. Roads from other Tiles would just stop at the edge of their Tiles.
  24. I think I get it. When selecting a neighboring tile to place, make sure the road marker's match up. You wouldn't necessarily need a custom block if the code were able to look for "Road Parts", which might act something like a "Driveway Part" does on a POI. You can, actually, but you would have to make your own custom settlement. MLP made an alternative settlement where the Tile connections were water. The road connections being in the center is a design convention, and the most obvious way of making a repeatable pattern with a lot of flexibility. I'll call this "center road" approach the "75th block" connection because it is halfway along a 150 block wide Tile edge. You could make a set of Tiles with two road connections per side. I'll call it the "50-100th block" connections because for this example you'd connect the roads about 1/3 of the way in on both sides. Within a settlement that used Tiles from this convention, everything would match up, except for the Gateway Tile (because of what I assume and hope is an A20 limitation). Where I think this might bog down is the amount of work involved. You need Tiles for each District that you want to appear in your custom city. You probably need to make a large collection of POIs to fit into your custom city. You might be able to arrange to get Vanilla POIs to land in your custom city if you reuse District names, but otherwise you have no XPath ability to inject your District Tags into the vanilla POI XML files. (At least, I don't think we have that ability.) If you wanted to make a "75th Block" district connect to a "50-100 block" district you would need to make another Tile set with both connectors. This starts to increase the number of Tiles needed and I'm not entirely sure what mathematical progression it would be when you start to get lots of different districts of both approaches together. Does it end up creating the need for "transition districts?" That is, would you need Tiles for a "Residential-Industrial Transition" district? Given all the potential districts, how many transition districts would that be? Or maybe there's a better scheme?
  25. We don't see the configuration of most of the built-in Tiles. Among the Tiles listed in rwgmixer.xml, you can specify a min and max number of times it can appear per settlement. So, you can have min=0 and max=1 to make a Tile unique within a settlement. This supports Tiles with a special purpose really well. When we add Tiles via a modlet, the only config I know is the min/max settings. I'm not aware of a way to specify "we'd like to enter this countryresidential_cap Tile into the lottery with an equal chance to be placed." That means if I want to make a more-generic Tile that is placed as an random replacement with an equal chance, I have to generate a bunch of maps, try to get a feel for what "max" will give the Tile an equal chance as the built-in Tile of the same type. I'm not sure I explained that well enough to be clear.
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