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Everything posted by zztong

  1. I don't know if he should have been noticed or not. I suspect the tree was being attacked because they had already perceived your friend. I'm not sure why, but I've seen Z's attack "tall" things (trees, light poles) when there's a height difference for them to overcome. If you're ever flying around in GodMode trying to test something or whatever, Z's will be knocking tall stuff down below you. I suspect Feral Sense is not bugged, but I do wish Feral Sense had some kind of sensitivity setting. I found it greatly extended the range of zombie perception such that stealth became very difficult. I could still get stealth kills against roaming zombies, but they were always very long range. They were going to come at you from around corners. I don't tend to turn on Feral Sense mostly because I don't have options that would make it appealing. It would be nice: To be able to adjust the range. To be able to adjust the sensitivity. To be able to associate it with certain conditions, like "fog" or "the day of horde night", "every Nth day" To be able to detect only characters is certain situations, like: "over level 99", "carrying raw meat", "using an auger", "named Roland."
  2. I like the travel scenario because you can play it to completion over a long day or a weekend. As an extra complication you can put a time limit on the journey and win/lose if you make it in time. I don't tend to do quests when playing like that. POIs will have things you need, but you're not making progress on the map when you're in them. You have to strike a balance.
  3. That makes sense to me. The number of piles (food, ammo, meds) in POIs don't scale based on the number of players. Conversely, POIs don't really get any tougher with more players, so you can blaze through them much faster with a team. I never really thought about it, but your observation is likely why I developed a habit of hunting animals for food, foraging for eggs, and building bases near sources of water. Otherwise, you can find POIs picked clean unless you stick strictly to doing quests.
  4. I loved SpaceWar. I was thinking of the text-based Star Trek game that I think played on a PDP-11: quadrant 3/1 . . . . . . . . condition GREEN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * . torpedoes 10 * . . . . . . * energy 1815 . . . . . . . . shields 1000 . . -E- . * . . . klingons 17 command: (Text borrowed from Wikipedia; there's no way I would have remembered all of it.) When you fired torpedoes you had to calculate the slope of the line and enter that into your targeting computer. I was also thinking of the Colossal Cave Adventure. I installed that a couple of months back on a target virtual machine for students to find when scanning a network. Some of the student responses were pretty funny. They're used to getting back headers from web servers, etc. Instead they got back something like "You are standing at the end of a road before a small brick building." Some them connected via telnet and included a couple of pages of playing the game in their lab reports. Anyways, I played those and I'm Gen X.
  5. I sometimes play a game where the goal is that I travel a long ways to a safe place, as if the zombie outbreak was localized and I need to travel a long distance to reach what remains of civilization. With 15k maps, walking from corner to opposite corner, I try to cross 5 maps. That means I have to copy my character from world to world, but that's no big deal. I've sometimes wondered if RWG might be allowed to make maps of different dimensions. For instance, if 10x10 is 100 square kilometers, could we have it make maps that are 100x1 kilometers? I'm sure there are performance limits, but if the square area stays the same, wouldn't the size of the world files still be the same? Maybe I'm the only person in the world who wants a game where they walk a long ways, but I thought I'd mention it here.
  6. I'd not really thought about clearing a map, but I have thought about clearing a town, building a wall around it, and placing beds as if I were making a survivor refuge. If the game could associate a state with settlement Tiles, maybe something like the "bedroll effect" would be possible on a larger scale?
  7. I was surprised at how prominent the danger meter was. I was expecting something like the stealth meter.
  8. I was confused by Faatal's description. Is this sculpting things block by block manually, some noise function applied to a bunch of blocks in a selection, or something else?
  9. I appreciate you looking into it. Since Lazman demonstrated a feature that seems to be related, I think I'll just hang onto my configuration and see if it pays off in A21.
  10. At this point they'd be doing me a favor if they waited until early May to make an experimental version available. The semester would be over and I'd have grades turned in.
  11. Are you sure? I just put a bunch of entries into my modlet's Localization.txt file and I don't see any results. Using this an example: factory_lg_01,POI,POI,,x,Shamway Factory,,,,,,,,,,,,,, I made entries such as: zztong_store_xs_11,POI,POI,,x,Namaste Yoga,,,,,,,,,,,,,, zztong_store_xs_12,POI,POI,,x,Navezgane Karate,,,,,,,,,,,,,, But the Trader is still handing out quests with a name like zztong_store_xs_12. There's no joy with either an existing world or a newly generated one via RWG.
  12. So POI names in Localization.txt will show up on the new danger meter and when getting a quest. Oh, cool, there are even a couple of examples in A20's Localization.txt file... factory_lg_01,POI,POI,,x,Shamway Factory,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
  13. Is there some penalty for failure that I don't know?
  14. I see the same thing using Chrome. But if I copy the link and paste it into Firefox, I am able to download it. Weird. /shrug
  15. If you were to work on a Gateway Tile you could predict road connections, but not necessarily the path the roads take leading away from it. The problem will be that each Settlement uses the same Gateway Tile, so even the Western Town will have a copy of your airport.
  16. Developer effort and the timing of the work could certainly be an issue. I wonder how that would change if Ukrainian players submitted a localization.txt file with the Ukrainian translation already added. Perhaps some arrangement with TFP could be made towards that end.
  17. Related to Undead Legacy, iV7Z has made a compatibility modlet that applies the patch discussed above. It appears to contain some XSLT originally written by @bdubyah and posted on Discord. You can find iV7Z's compatibility modlet here: https://www.nexusmods.com/7daystodie/mods/2765?tab=posts&BH=0
  18. There's an incompatibility between this modlet and Undead Legacy. I have a custom block that includes a reference to the Vanilla lootgroup "dyes." Undead Legacy seems to be removing that lootgroup. This will result in the game failing to parse my modlet's loot.xml file. EXC lootgroup 'dyes' does not exist or has not been defined before being referenced by lootcontainer/lootgroup name='zztongBookcaseNoBooks' If you want to use this modlet with UL and you're getting this exception, you have to edit Config/loot.xml in this modlet and remove the following line from the "zztongBookcaseNoBooks" custom block: <item group="dyes" prob="0.1" count="1"/> The heart of this incompatibility is a difference in goals between UL and this modlet. This modlet is trying to be Vanilla compatible and UL, being an overhaul, desires to deviate from Vanilla.
  19. With the tech available today, the best I can think of would be to make an extra large wilderness POI and hope it gets placed by RWG and lands intact. The next best approach might be to experiment with a settlement inspired by the Western Town as it often ends up being a strip maybe with a bend, but I'm not sure why. It might have to do with the maximum size of the settlement. You might get a runway with that approach some of the time. Your approach to manually placing a series of airport tiles in the wilderness is completely reliable and likely to be popular with those who like to handcraft their maps.
  20. I can look into that. You're right that I might have a variety of options with combining the various bent-up shapes with the configuration of an easily broken block.
  21. Hmm, we don't have a way with textures to put such marks in place. We would need a custom block.
  22. I'm not too troubled by #1 and #2. I could see people crafting a fake wall at the beginning of the apocalypse on the assumption the people turning into weird creatures might not be able to find them. I would think this would be rare. I could see somebody making a closet-like hiding spot. I'd like to think it would be pretty rare, but since stealth works on zombies, maybe hiding in a secret room became some kind of common wisdom amongst survivors? If so, then as you mentioned, they hid and became a zombie. #3 is a POI design puzzler. I've got one POI where I have a hidden basement. I think the game is lacking secret doors. Thus, I used the same wooden easily-breakable block, then painted the lower portion of the wall a little differently. It was the only clue I could think of. If you're on a mission to clear a POI you can eventually get down to where only one zombie volume needs cleared and get a hint. That would save you banging on most of the walls. Other than that, what would be a good indicator of a false wall? On a related note, I used to laugh at zombies standing on ceiling tiles. Okay, I still laugh at it, but I've accepted it as 7D2D trope and started to put them there too. It's ludicrous, but I guess I'm okay with it.
  23. I agree that a small rural, regional airport would be the most appropriate for Navezgane. I looked into making one. I figure I need around 450 blocks of runway for me to be happy with it. Here are the complications that keep me from undertaking this project: (1) We can't control the placement of multiple tiles in relationship to each other. This rules out making an airport settlement or putting an airport into an existing settlement. (2) The maximum size of a Wilderness POI is, in my opinion, undefined. We know there are bugs with really big POIs and potentially performance issues. I suspect I could get around performance issues with a rural airport, but not the bugs. I'd love to see TFP come out and state a maximum size for a wilderness POI, or even hear if the design team has a self-imposed size limit. At present, it seems safe to stay within the size of Tiles (150x150). (3) I don't have any airplane blocks. I can work around this by making "blocky" stuff. The community is generally cool with this, but I mentally get hung up with issues of scale. Vehicles are generally compact, and blocky versions that you can walk around in have to stretch the scale. I could maybe make a regional airport on a 300x300 Wilderness POI if the airport ran from corner to opposite corner, giving me around 420 blocks. The runway might look jagged since I'd be running at a 45 degree angle compared to the natural run of the blocks. I could see, perhaps, making a gyrocopter specific airport if we're willing to assert Navezgane is/was home to a large gyrocopter enthusiast club or something. Is that enough of an angle to make a POI? (You tell me!) Then I'd like to have some salvageable gyrocopter blocks to place.
  24. Thick fog during horde night is a blast when you're taking on the horde out in the streets. It's a little harder to predict where the Z's are coming from and easier to get surprised. I could see where very thick fog would also make horde nights within a base harder. You wouldn't necessarily see the Z's beating on parts of the base to be able to shoot them.
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