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Everything posted by zztong

  1. Err, yeh... https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1--ZnwV0hbYc6DI4ATpT5R0tC4j7XTVz-?usp=sharing ... I'd make you a ZIP with a ready to go example, but my Dev machine is dead. The replacement won't be up until probably around Jan 14th. That link is to a copy of an unreleased version of my modlet. Inside the Prefabs are subdirectories that match the game's Prefab folder. You'll find a Parts folder in my modlet. While I can edit those parts, the Prefab Editor won't let me place them. I can only place Parts from the vanilla game. I think I tried copying my parts to the vanilla game Parts folder and that didn't work either. Maybe I'm missing a tag, or some other flag?
  2. Ooops, I replied (above) but didn't quote, so you might not have gotten a notification. This should give you a notification.
  3. Hunter's Trap is a decoration. You could disable my decorations as they are pretty rare: Option 1 -- To Disable the modlet's Decorations: Delete the biomes.xml file from the Config folder. Option 2 -- If you want the decorations, then we have to figure out why they're not being found. The modlet must both have Config/biomes.xml and the appropriate files in the Prefab/Decorations directory. -- That was working for me during testing, but I have not yet tested on a server. It is possible the client knows how to find that directory but that the server does not. If so, Option 1 or Option 3 will be your only choices. Option 3 -- Copy the files from the modlet's Prefabs/Decoration folder to the modlet's Prefabs/POIs folder on the server. This might allow the server to find the files. Sorry I cannot try this further. My development machine is dead and I'm not expecting to be back to normal until the end of next week at the earliest. To reiterate, it is still a modlet. In A19 everything went into a Prefab folder. A20 added support for subfolders below the Prefab folder, but support for that feature does not appear to be consistent throughout all features. We're fighting similar problems with a "Parts" folder, for instance. I don't have an answer for the disappearing building. At long distance you're probably seeing the Imposter. Once you get close it is as if RWG placed the Parts but not the POI, except in one picture you had one Part (billboard) and in another picture you had another Part (water tower). If those are appearing and disappearing, then the problem is deeper than the modlet as those Parts are from the vanilla game. I suspect Stallionsden is on the right track. I can't login to your server as I don't currently have a working game computer. (Sigh.)
  4. I haven't tried it, but it occurred to me today we already have this feature. Parts can have a name and it seems if multiple parts share a name then only one of them will be used. If so, this should work with Parts designed to only contain loot objects. It has worked with other Parts that I wanted to place as alternatives in the same location. I don't see why it wouldn't work with Parts in different locations. The only trip up I can see is that you'd want the last Part in the list to have a 100% chance of placement in case none of the other Parts were selected. We don't control the order of the list so we don't know which one to make 100%. If we don't make an entry with a 100% chance, might there not be any loot placed?
  5. Can you tell us more about this map with the blank spots in it? Are there any custom tiles or settings, like trying to make the city bigger than what TFP defined? I ask because so far the only way I've found to get blank spots (using RWG) is too have to many POI markers in close proximity to each other without a large enough supply of POIs to fit them. There's also a density configuration that I don't know much about. I suspect it has to do with trying to keep the Tris/Polys counts reasonable among POIs in close proximity, else game performance degrades.
  6. Summary: The Facing indicator looks identical to a newly placed Part. This can be confusing if you think you're trying to interact with a new Part and it won't respond. Game Version: A20 b238 Platform: PC OS/Version: Windows 11 CPU Model: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-8700 CPU @ 3.20GHz 3.19 GHz System Memory: 32G GPU Model and VRAM: nVidia GeForce GTX 1080 Screen Resolution: 3440 x 1440 Video Settings: Custom - Shadows off, not sure what else. Started with High or Ultra, whatever the default was and trimmed back a little. Game mode: SP Did you wipe old saves? Yes - Pretty much daily when it comes to worlds and saves. Did you start a new game? Yes Did you validate your files? Yes, after install, but not daily. Are you using any mods? Yes - My custom POIs are a work in progress. EAC on or off? - On. Status: NEW Bug Description: Sometimes the facing indicator's placement lands in the middle of a POI you are creating. That indicator looks exactly like a new Part. So, if you create a new Part and it doesn't show up immediately in front of you, then you might stumble across the facing indicator and try to interact with it like a Part. Of course, it doesn't respond like a Part, so you might conclude the Part is screwed up and go through a bunch of effort to clear it out of your XML... and well, you can't delete it because it isn't a Part. (I'm not bitter, *sniff*. It was pretty funny when I realized what it was.) Detailed steps to reproduce the bug: This is a toughy as you cannot control where the facing indicator shows up. If you've spent a lot of time in the Prefab Editor, you know it happens that sometimes the facing indicator appears within your POI. The attached picture shows a new Part beside a Facing indicator. Can you tell the difference? Actual result: (description of what is occurring) You cannot tell a facing indicator from a new part. Expected result: (what you expect to occur) Some visual difference between them would be nice.
  7. Summary: I am attempting to make a custom gateway to add some variety to Trader tiles in a RWG world. No matter how I configure the addition to rwgmixer.xml, my custom gateway becomes the only rwg_tile_gateway_cap to be selected. Game Version: A20 b238 Platform: PC OS/Version: Windows 11 CPU Model: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-8700 CPU @ 3.20GHz 3.19 GHz System Memory: 32G GPU Model and VRAM: nVidia GeForce GTX 1080 Screen Resolution: 3440 x 1440 Video Settings: Custom - Shadows off, not sure what else. Started with High or Ultra, whatever the default was and trimmed back a little. Game mode: SP Did you wipe old saves? Yes - Pretty much daily when it comes to worlds and saves. Did you start a new game? Yes Did you validate your files? Yes, after install, but not daily. Are you using any mods? Yes - My custom POIs are a work in progress. EAC on or off? - On. Status: NEW Bug Description: I am attempting to make a custom gateway to add some variety to Trader tiles in a RWG world. No matter how I configure the addition to rwgmixer.xml, my custom gateway becomes the only rwg_tile_gateway_cap to be selected. Detailed steps to reproduce the bug: Create a modlet. Create a config folder within the modlet. Create an rwgmixer.xml file within the modlet's config folder. Insert this code into the rwgmixer.xml file... <rwgmixer> <append xpath="/rwgmixer"> <streettile name="rwg_tile_gateway_cap_zztong_01"> <property name="maxtiles" value="1"/> <property name="mintiles" value="0"/> <property name="maxdensity" value="120"/> </streettile> </append> </rwgmixer> Create a tile to match the name in the XML above. Copying the existing rwg_tile_gateway_cap files from the vanilla game and adding some recognizable collection of blocks using the prefab editor is a quick way to do so. Store this new tile in your modlet's Prefabs/RWGTiles folder. Relaunch the game so it picks up your new modlet and its configuration. Generate a new world. Actual result: (description of what is occurring) Observe that the only gateway tile used is your custom tile. RWG never selected the vanilla gateway tile. Expected result: (what you expect to occur) I expected a roughly equal distribution of available gateway tiles. That is, with one custom tile and the game's gateway tile, each should have been selected approximately 50% of the time.
  8. Not entirely. The roads to wilderness POIs are a big improvement too. The RWG knows what size of road to connect to the POI based on a "Driveway" Part that you add to the Wilderness POI. Without that Part, you still get a road but it doesn't know where to connect so it sort of runs past the POI. Wilderness roads were a weakness of KingGen. Understandable since the focus had been on cities. Roads in rough terrain often awkwardly cut into hills, created cliffs, exposed hidden underground portions of POIs, and so forth. No doubt a difficult issue to address.
  9. You'll also find that not all Districts (downtown, commercial, industrial, residential, countrytown, countryresidential, rural, oldwest) have equal support for all of the standard sizes. Rural does appear to be the exception as sometimes RWG appears to not place a tile, but place a non-standard sized POI (upto 150x150) instead. I made the following chart after counting the number of POI markers on all the vanilla Tiles. Don't get hung up on the red/green as that was my own analysis about opportunities for POI placement and potential areas of need for custom tiles. So, for example, if you were to target the "downtown" district, which only appears in cities, then there is an abundance of potential landing spots for extra small 25x25 POIs (49), a modest amount of small 42x42 POIs (14), only 4 POI markers of medium size 60x60, and no large POIs 100x100. Not shown is that some POI markers are tagged for specific POIs, further reducing the number of spots for some POIs. Of course, you don't know in advance which Tiles will be used by the RWG for any specific map, so you don't ultimately know the competition for any particular size of POI, but you can still conclude that 60x60 POIs are pretty rare in downtown districts and 100x100 POIs can never show up unless you make a custom Tile. What this doesn't show you is the amount of competition for each size in each district in terms of numbers of vanilla POIs. I should probably run some stats there and be better informed, but anecdotally I'm finding there's a lack of competition in 60x60 rural POIs. I've got a few of those on the workbench and test worlds are placing 6-10 copies of each. Of course, the picture changes once you're able to add in the CompoPack and other mods.
  10. Erg, actually, I'm not having any luck with custom Parts at all. No matter when I store them, they're not showing up in game. I have them tagged as "part" and I'm not sure what else to do.
  11. Erg, actually, I'm not having any luck with custom Parts at all. No matter when I store them, they're not showing up in game. I have them tagged as "part" and I'm not sure what else to do.
  12. Erg, actually, I'm not having any luck with custom Parts at all. No matter when I store them, they're not showing up in game. I have them tagged as "part" and I'm not sure what else to do.
  13. Update: RWG also cannot locate Parts in a modlet's Prefabs/Parts folder. It appears to only search the game;s Prefabs/Parts folder. I should add, this basically means that if we make a custom POI we either have to choose between not using custom Parts, or having our customers install our custom Parts into the game's Parts folder.
  14. Update: RWG also cannot locate Parts in a modlet's Prefabs/Parts folder. It appears to only search the game;s Prefabs/Parts folder. I should add, this basically means that if we make a custom POI we either have to choose between not using custom Parts, or having our customers install our custom Parts into the game's Parts folder.
  15. Update: RWG also cannot locate Parts in a modlet's Prefabs/Parts folder. It appears to only search the game;s Prefabs/Parts folder. I should add, this basically means that if we make a custom POI we either have to choose between not using custom Parts, or having our customers install our custom Parts into the game's Parts folder.
  16. Between TFP and my pack, you should have around 15 trailers, maybe a few more. They have some trailers that are singles and some that are with Traders. I've got one or two outside of my trailer park POI. The Urban Survivor Site, for instance, has a variation on a TFP trailer that is part of a defensive wall. I've explored the notion of supporting a custom District for Towns that would be a trailer park and at around 48-54 trailers are needed per Tile if I dense pack the trailers. I'm unlikely to embark on an effort to make 150+ Trailers as that would get boring, but another Trailer Park POI would be cool in the near term.
  17. Summary: (a short description of the bug) When using the Prefab Editor, I am unable to make a Part Maker refer to a Part found in a modlet's file structure. Game Version: A20 b233 Platform: PC OS/Version: Windows 11 CPU Model: Not relevant System Memory: Not relevant GPU Model and VRAM: Not relevant Screen Resolution: Not relevant Video Settings: Not relevant Game mode: Prefab Editor Did you wipe old saves? No Did you start a new game? No Did you validate your files? No Are you using any mods? Yes EAC on or off? On Status: NEW Bug Description: I am making a modlet full of POIs. I am adding custom Parts to this modlet. My mod's folder structure mirrors the game's folder structure. That is, I have a Prefabs folder and in that folder I have Parts, POIs, and RWGTiles. The Prefab Editor can find all of my files, just fine. However, when I attempt to create a Part Marker (via Shift-Enter) and then attempt to edit the Part (select and then hit K) my custom Parts do not show on the list as a cycle through the available parts. If I copy my parts to the game's Parts folder, then they show up. I don't think the Parts editor window knows to look for Parts in modlets. Detailed steps to reproduce the bug: 1) Create a modlet with the appropriate file structure 2) Create a custom part... small POI with "part" as a Prefab Tag. 3) Place custom part in the modlet file structure 4) Launch Prefab Editor 5) Attempt to create a Part using the custom Part. 6) Observe that your modlet's custom Part does not show on the list of choices. Actual result: (description of what is occurring) Presently, you have to copy your custom Parts to the game's Parts folder. This will complicate the distribution of Parts in modlets. Expected result: (what you expect to occur) The Prefab Editor and RWG should expect to find custom Parts in modlet folders.
  18. Trailers are fun to make and I like to use them as bases. I'm curious how large of a trailer park you're after?
  19. ... and ring when you shoot it. I don't know that it is "vitally important to the immersion factor" but it would be kind of fun.
  20. Agreed. I like all three (KG, NG, and RWG-A20) as they each had good features as well as their quirks. I'd love to mix them all together.
  21. In the realm of modlets that include what would have been simple before A20 is potentially complicated by Parts and Tiles. Before A20, a modlet would include POI files that stood alone. The only complication would be if you included two modlets that had same same POI in both. If the files had the same name in both POIs, then the game probably would just use the first one it found (but I never tested that). If the files had different names (quite possible with the CompoPack since it renames files) then you could get double placement because the RWG would think they were different POIs. With A20 using Parts and Tiles, you have what is described above AND more: Parts - POIs can refer to Parts. Those Parts could be external to the modlet that includes the POI. It will be common for modlets to have POIs that refer to vanilla parts. It will be possible for modlet A's POI to refer to modlet B's parts. This will create a dependency. Tiles (1) - Tiles can refer to Parts, as just described. Tiles can also reserve a POI Marker for POIs with a specific Tag. So, if modlet A features a custom Tile with a specific tag, modlet B can have a POI with a matching tag. This will create a dependency. Tiles (2) - Tiles can define custom (non-standard) POI Marker sizes. For instance, Modlet A could make a Tile with a 130x130 POI Marker. Then, Modlet B could make a 130x130 sized POI, counting on the Tile from the other modlet. This will create a dependency. Could you have mutual (circular) dependencies? I assume so.
  22. Version A20.EXP-ZZ006 has been released to go along with the Experimental version of A20. It has been assembled under b233. There are 59 POIs and 9 Decorations. All POIs have been updated to new A20 blocks. Some POIs were expanded with some new content. One A19 POI (the small Storm Shelter) will reappear later as a Part of future POIs. All of the POIs in this version will also appear in an upcoming version of the CompoPack. If you use this modlet AND the CompoPack, then you will want to read my documentation to avoid duplication.
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