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Everything posted by zztong

  1. If you resize it in the Prefab Editor, it will update the XML when you save. You can also use the Prefab Editor to set the Tags. It's a button on Menu 3, IIRC. Residential POIs usually have a "driveway" part, which that POI has for "rural", but not for residential. If you don't add a driveway part for the residential district I'm pretty sure it will get placed on a residential lot, but you won't have a curb cut. It isn't a lot of work to make this POI functional, though I think @BFT2020 is probably right in that TFP just hasn't updated it, so you might find it isn't taking advantage of "newer" blocks that came with A20. If you get stuck, hit me up on Discord Sat/Sun. I could show you how to add a RoadExit Part for wilderness and a driveway Part for residential if you wanted.
  2. Something I forgot is if you tag it for wilderness, it won't have a RoadExit part, so if it places I don't think it would get a road leading to it. I don't think the lack of a RoadExit would keep it from getting placed. It has a driveway for rural placement and there's room to add/trim the property to fit a 60x60 footprint.
  3. Interesting. From it's XML file... <property name="Tags" value="rural"/> <property name="PrefabSize" value="65, 21, 59"/> The size is non-standard, so change the Tags to wilderness and it could get placed there. That's the easiest change. With more work, you could place it in a settlement. If you resize the POI to be 60,21,60 (using the Prefab Editor to add/remove blocks), and then add "residential" to the Tags, then it could get placed there, though there aren't a lot of available 60x60 POI markers in just Vanilla Tiles. Still, I would expect it to get placed. Summary: Change Tags to wilderness, and/or Edit the POI to be 60x60 and make the Tags "residential,rural,wilderness".
  4. My character is either eating food out of a can, food found laying around in an apocalypse, or food they prepared hours or days ago. I get more variety and my food is fresh and hot.
  5. I wonder, is that a new vending machine or a replacement model for the existing vending machine? I mean, it would be nice to keep the one that would appear to sell cans/bottles too. I hope this new asset is not a replacement for that.
  6. I spend a lot of time in the Prefab Editor and I don't understand this sentence. What is EOS?
  7. They don't. I usually copy and rename the POI's files in advance, using the OS. I'm not sure what you mean, but I'm guessing "a new POI area" means the Prefab Editor and you're copying/pasting the blocks from an existing POI into a newly created and empty POI. Copy/Paste only does blocks, IIRC, not Zombie Volume and Not Parts.
  8. My apologies. I'm guilty of having skimmed the conversation.
  9. I was gonna say the virus bacteria is free distributed. The trick is getting the infection without getting eaten.
  10. That's not a bug. If you don't finish reloading any weapon before you switch then it isn't reloaded. I'm bow user and I've certainly had cases where I thought I made a good shot but missed. There was a time when I thought there might be a bug, but once I started to watch more closely I concluded there were other factors at play: (1) I sometimes "click" the mouse with a bit more energy and it changes my aim slightly (akin to jerking the trigger instead of squeezing it), and (2) some zombie animations include a pretty good head move that does a nice job throwing off my aim, and (3) some zombie animations related to standing up may not entirely represent where the zombie's head is at every point in the animation -- I'm not 100% sure that's the case and I'm not ready to call it a bug. I assume you're talking about a close shot. I take body shots all the time. If its a sneak attack, depending on the zombie and the game settings, I can kill some zombies by hitting them in any location, including the foot. Any attack I make at long range is a body shot.
  11. Clearly the new forge is taller. It is also wider. Do you know if it "grows" to the left or the right when you're facing it. That is, can I know in advance which way a forge placed in one of my POIs is going to be knocking out walls and destroying blocks? I could be making room for it now and it would be one less thing to worry about in a mad dash to support A21.
  12. In the Prefab Editor, those diamonds can be allowed to extend more fully into adjacent blocks and that frequently is enough to eliminate the gutter. While the Prefab Editor has that feature, the Game does not. Could it perhaps be a feature linked to a tool such as the shovel? Even with that feature, there are cases where you cannot use the feature to extend one of those terrain diamonds into the adjacent block as it visually intrudes into view. Could there be a block that resembled the terrain diamonds that could be placed? If so, perhaps players could craft that block and then the "shovel" feature in the paragraph above wouldn't be needed?
  13. A POI designer would have a couple of options: If they used a "Random Helper" block (there is one for each of the various plants) then that block has a 3% chance of placing the intended crop, otherwise will place something like grass or air. They could also make a Part that represented a field and then assign a probability of appearance. They can use this technique to pick one of several choices of fields. Or, they could do both -- A Part that contained Random Helper blocks.
  14. Many of us are impatient to see A21. Hang on dude.
  15. Ah, I see what you're saying. I had to read it twice as I misunderstood what you meant by "randomly" as it having a random location, but you correctly mean a random chance of being placed, or not. I didn't grasp until I saw your examples that you are using Parts for taxiways so that your airport layout is dynamic. I too have wanted such a thing. I had envisioned a large university campus with elevated walkways between buildings (much like a campus upon which I work). I'd want those walkways to continue onto neighboring campus Tiles, but otherwise end in a stairway if the neighboring Tile was some other District. I see conditional Parts based on neighboring Tiles another feature request that I would happily support, but fear it might be more than the Devs want to support unless perhaps somebody had an easily implemented solution. Perhaps you've got a viable method? For instance, if a Part were within 10 blocks (arbitrarily chosen) of an edge, the District name could be tested against some "neighbor" text field on the Part. A complication would be what if the Part is in a corner of the Tile? Or perhaps, instead of 10 blocks, you specify a direction. If the District of the Tile in that direction matches what you typed in a "neighbor" text field on the Part, then the condition is met. If there is no neighboring Tile, then "wilderness" could be returned. But even then, there's a case folks are probably going to want that isn't covered. For instance, Tiles often have roads that just stop. A "corner" Tile only has two exits, but it is common for a corner Tile to actually have roads that stretch to the other borders but then stop at a barrier. Sometimes the neighboring Tile has a similar road to a barrier and you end up with two roads ending with barriers that face either other. In this case it would be nice if both barriers could detect each other and remove themselves letting an impromptu connection appear. To solve that, you almost need another pass through the Tiles just to place the Parts and even then I'll bet there's some nasty logic needed.
  16. I don't understand. Wouldn't those be built into the Tiles and just match up because the Tiles do? You're talking about columns 7-8 and rows 9-10, right?
  17. As in, Colonel Mustard in the Conservatory with the Pistol? Perhaps inspired by "Pride and Prejudice and Zombies"?
  18. Oh! Oh! I'm sorry. I should have realized it was a modded game. Sorry for the confusion.
  19. The game's log file will have a stack trace that will be very important for diagnosing the problem. This kind of thing is usually handled in the "General Support" part of the forums. I think you'll find instructions there as to where to find those log files.
  20. Yes. Many people who play on servers with their friends hate it when they start 4km away from everyone else and so they race across the map. That's the kind of thing I watch on Twitch. (It beats the heck out of watching people manage their inventory.) One of my first intentional travel adventures turned out to be a map where the last half of the map was wasteland. You don't level on these travel missions like you normally would, so you're still pretty low level at the end and with basic equipment. The wasteland is a really cool part of any journey. Very challenging. It occurred to me with the suggestion above to have a "spiral map." If I could paint a spiral using a biome. Or, maybe I could arrange for a spiral made of tall mountains. Oh! Oh! Spiral of radiation zone boundaries.
  21. Speaking generally with Tiles in mind, a city full of only Intersection Tiles would likely skew the POI selection. You may find that POIs of certain sizes tagged for certain districts never get to spawn because the Intersection Tiles for those districts don't contain any markers for a POI of that size. Example: Assume for the sake of argument that the Commercial District's Intersection Tile has a place for 3 Medium POIs (60x60) and 1 Small POI (42x42) Tile. Also assume that other Tiles in the Commercial District (Cap, Corner, Straight, T) have places for Extra Small POIs (25x25) and Large POIs (100x100). If you only use Intersection Tiles, you'll never see the various XS or L Commercial POIs. The population of POIs involves some interesting subtleties -- vanilla POIs alone or with community POIs. The population of Tiles has its own subtleties -- rely to heavily on a handful of the Tiles available to you and travelers in cities will be more likely to experience the "Flintstone Effect" where as they travel through Bedrock, they'll keep passing the same landmarks.
  22. Yes, that milkshake would bring all the zombies to the yard.
  23. Huh. I don't have an explanation for why the stealth meter went up when the tree fell. As for why they came for him, I forgot about feral sense and there's part of the video missing around 0:40. I'm wondering if they saw him before 0:40 after he was already on the bus stop, then went after the tree in frustration, then finally after the bus stop. That's a guess.
  24. I've seen this and it is a bummer. I've started on a couple of servers where everything was picked clean and the Trader/Quest system was the only way to find loot. That sounds similar to individual loot, but you must be seeing some significant difference?
  25. I thought of another. It would be cool to be able to pick certain zombies to have it another other zombies not. Or maybe say just irradiated zombies had it, etc.
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