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Everything posted by zztong

  1. People also use road signs as decoration in stores, restaurants, and homes, so signs without a pole and that sit flush with a wall would be nice.
  2. My apologies if I misinterpreted what you wrote.
  3. I never would have guessed I'd see that in a suggestion.
  4. Do you have any idea what it is numerically speaking? A value of 16,384? 32,768? 65,536? Perhaps?
  5. I'd be curious to know more about what the block limit is. I've started to add custom (XML-only) blocks to my modlet and if I hurtling toward some limit that would affect my customers I'd like to design/engineer with that in mind.
  6. How unusual. Do you have any mods installed or is this vanilla?
  7. This makes sense to me. It rings of people making practical choices. I, personally, don't see my survivalist dressing to go shopping on a hot day, so I'm unlikely to select options along those lines. I'm more likely to select an appearance that doesn't suggest my character will experience painful sun burns after 3 days of exposure to desert sun. This would have me thinking back to my military experiences and recalling the more practical choices women made for being out in the field. But a game can be for escapism as much as it can be fore immersion, so I certainly wouldn't object if others were drawn to, and made, impractical selections entirely for the entertainment value. Whatever makes the game fun. If I understand KatsPurr, I believe she is only advocating for (1) choice and (2) some more thought in how Dev streams (marketing) presents options to women. No doubt, TFP has (1) choice already in mind. Maybe (2) is food for thought, not manufactured outrage, being "woke", or any other imagined sinister motivation. Sales to women does affect the bottom line. Would anyone argue marketing has no affect on sales?
  8. Ah, at first I didn't understand. So it is Lara Croft. I admit I was oblivious to the spelling. (I think maybe I've seen one movie.)
  9. We've debated water a lot and I do admit to skepticism. I'm looking forward to trying the new approach. I hope I can keep an open mind. I do think it is unfair to say water progression before was non-existent compared to a new system that only takes an hour to overcome. Neither approach is complicated, but the nature of the player investment is different. With the old approach you had an investment of time and materials every time you needed water. With the new approach a dew collector takes care of production automatically. The change is instead of making water, you make dew collectors. I do think there could be more to water survival. But if the new approach is the most popular, then so be it. I agree with this whole-heartedly.
  10. KingGen stopped with A19. Do you desire a game running an A19 version? I don't know that modlet, but I suspect if you put the A20 version of that modlet into your Mods folder and then used the game's world generator you might get a world with those deposits. That's my guess based on the documentation you linked.
  11. I asked ChatGPT to make me a Bingo Card for tonight's Dev Stream. ZZ: Generate a 5x5 Bingo card using 7 Days To Die terms in each cell. ChatGPT: Sure, here's a 5x5 bingo card using 7 Days To Die terms: B I N G O Zombie Scavenging Blood Moon Horde Night Crafting System Mining Base Building Forging Stealth Electricity Bandit Quest System Cooking Heat Map Skill Trees Traps Weather Effects Vehicle Building Farming Weapon Mods Radiation Day/Night Cycle Barbed Wire Blade Zombie Dogs I hope this 7 Days To Die bingo card is what you're looking for. Have fun playing!
  12. That's probably closer to what is planned... open it up trader by trader, rather than route by route.
  13. It may be that before you can use fast travel to a specific trader that you have to perform the "open trade route" quest to turn on being able to travel between those two merchants. In that case, you have a motivation to perform this quest between lots of traders. If so, opening up a complete set of trade routes between 6 traders would be something like 15 missions. I think I used the right formula for that: n * (n-1) / 2.
  14. I remember that too. I wish we knew in advance which ones so I could begin to hunt down the changes in my POIs. Deprecated textures is my own private hell. The A19 to A20 conversion changed a metal texture into a mirror and I'm still finding those and fixing them.
  15. Say you want to define something like a custom block with a name of "xyzTestBlock". Is there a way to determine if something with that name already exists, and then avoid declaring it again? That is, don't do the following if it already exists: <append xpath="/items"> <item name="xyzTestBlock" category="test"> <property name="Tags" value="fruit,vegetable"/> <property name="Weight" value="12"/> </item> </append> The web suggests lots of options (that don't seem very obvious) but I've no idea which XPATH we're using. Oddly enough, I find myself wanting C Preprocessor Commands for conditional compilation.
  16. Signaling future plans for those working "downstream" of this modlet: A20.7-ZZ014 is the last A20 release, barring some unforeseen bug that requires immediate attention. The 8 "Destroyed" POIs will be removed from this modlet starting with A21 releases. The CompoPack will likely retain, maintain, and distribute those "Destroyed" POIs. The current custom Gateway Tile and supporting assets will be reimagined in A21 depending on whatever A21's Gateway Tile support is. The A20 version of my Gateway was a kludge. I want to do things properly if the option presents itself. Parts will continue to be used because they're just too cool not to. I've become fond of custom blocks (XML variety) and now placeholder blocks. Expect them to be embraced more fully. I want very much to use custom 3D assets. Look for more experimentation with, and perhaps adoption of, those in A21. I'm aware this can make those working on "downstream" applications of this modlet nervous. I agree, it may be "too early" to go there until the game (hopefully) includes stronger modlet/Steam Workshop integration. As always, I value your feedback. You do influence the future directions of this modlet.
  17. Release A20.7-ZZ014 is now available. 6 New Tiles. 17 New POIs. 2 New Decorations. Tons of bug fixes.
  18. Yes, your speculation about a wilderness tile was partly what got me thinking about what it could be.
  19. You won't be able to harvest water from a water source and carry it with you, except for perhaps a block of water in a bucket. Water that you loot, buy, or is produced by a dew collector can be carried and consumed. Drinking directly from a water source (block) will provide you murky water refreshment, but you cannot carry it away. You may be one of us who finds it unusual and surprising not to be able to carry water away from a water source for a variety of reasons. I share the developer opinion that water scarcity in the early game could be an appealing element of play. We're urged to give this approach an honest try in A21, which I plan to do. I encourage you to embrace the experimentation and eventually provide useful feedback.
  20. Quite possibly, though am I wrong in thinking that frequently visited blocks won't refresh? That may be okay.
  21. I'm not ready to draw any conclusions; I'm sure A21 will be fun. But I was asking because if they are removed from Loot Respawn Time it certainly changes the "economics" of the situation in terms of the available supply of feathers/eggs from nests, and early game duct tape from trash to make early-game armor. In A20, on a server, you could find a shortage of feathers and rocks near spawn points, for instance, and no duct tape from trash. On single player all of those things would be plentiful.
  22. Ah, so I guess my original question is are nests and trash piles relootable containers? If you loot a nest, grab the 4 feathers and 1 egg, and the nest disappears as shown in the first Dev Stream, when the Loot Respawn Time passes, does the nest reappear? Or, will the only method of regenerating the nest be the new Chunk Reload feature? Oh, something that just occurred to me, in A20 if you destroyed a nest, you got more feathers. I guess that option is gone, right?
  23. Okay, and the chunk timer is a new feature, right? If so, what was the feature present in A20 and before that would refill loot containers periodically and is that still part of the game? I see "Loot Respawn Time" on the New Game menu. Is that still present or is Chunk Reset Timer replacing that?
  24. As part of the first A21 Dev Stream, there was a mention of "Country Tiles" but no explanation. So for the past day or so I've been trying to guess what a "Country Tile" might be, which brought me back around to thinking of this Pimp Dream and others, where an Airport was discussed. What if a Country Tile were a 500x500 Tile that represented a self-contained settlement and acted as its own Gateway Tile? That is, you make a 500x500 Tile, scatter POI Markers and Parts across it, make it in the style of "cap", "corner", "intersection", "straight", and "t", and those road connections would be where the Gateway feature connected with a map's roads. At a size of 500x500, you could have a small regional airport's runway on the map and then place a bunch of airport POIs and Parts. As a self-contained settlement, you would never try to place two Country Town Tiles next to each other. They would always be solo Tiles.
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