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Everything posted by zztong

  1. Agreed, you should, though that isn't always the case for various reasons.
  2. I thought the release notes mentioned the meat delivery service had been made more rare.
  3. I don't know if you're single player or not, but on a server low-tier houses, restaurants, and the little filler food trucks are picked over. You might draw a quest that lets you refresh a POI that gives out a cooking pot.
  4. Some random thoughts while taking a shower: Maybe when a player takes the first level of a Perk, like Master Chef, they also get a few points towards learning some recipes. I don't mean a lot of points. Maybe 3? If the Dew Collector is a workstation, and workstations have tools that augment them (like anvil, bellows, cooking pot, grill) then why isn't the Filter a tool for the Dew Collector? If it were, a Dew Collector would turn out Murky Water until it had a Filter. You could make it so that there were slots for multiple filters and the chance of getting potable water depended on the number and quality of those filters. Why don't workstations tools (cooking pot, grill, bellows) have a durability and quality? Then they could degrade and need to be repaired. New players with low quality tools (Q1 Cooking Pot) might have to repair it frequently, and it might even slow down their cooking. Perhaps the highest quality of tool never broke? In this way, perhaps cooking pots could be a bit more common. Weird Question: Once I have a filter, why do I need the dew collector? Can't I just filter water from a pond? Okay, yeh that's a reality vs game question. (You use Dew Collectors in places where there isn't a water source.) But still? Why make a dew collector when I could make a pitcher with a filter? Okay, yeh, game, sorry.
  5. I'm finding time to play on a server. I started with a 1.5km hike to the trader, and I loved it. I like cross-country survival as an aspect. It makes the food/water shortage at the beginning more acute. I'm aware other players don't care for that. This has me wondering if it might be a configurable RWG setting. "Starting Distance to Trader" and then have it affect where RWG puts the starting points. I realize with the new trader locations, that might mean folks start inside a settlement, which probably isn't desired either. Hmm: Maybe scale the starting food/water based on the distance to the Trader? The settlement in which I found the first trader appeared to only have a single T1 POI, so after doing that and doing a buried treasure quest, I was left with missions that were all in another settlement 1.4km away. I do like travel, so 1.4km is okay with me, but I was in a pretty big bind. The other players on the server had picked places clean. I had not yet found a cooking pot. I had lots of meat from chickens, water from ditches. No real income from the trader after those two missions and the Dukes went for food and water. I had meat, eggs and access to water in a ditch, but no way to cook. Being cutoff from missions and having all of the POIs picked over meant I wasn't finding magazines either. I had taken a point in Master Chef but was getting nothing from it. I did eventually find a cooking pot, but those first couple of days were tough. Once I got enough food and water, I made the 4.1km trek to get to the other players, which was more like 7km given I needed to go around a central wasteland. Summary: I loved the survival treks. It was a great challenge. The map has a big effect on starting player opportunities. The assumption that starting players would have a selection of low-tier POIs to get started didn't seem to hold in this case of server play. I found myself in higher tier POIs right off the bat because I needed a cooking pot.
  6. I've messed with it more as I work through all of my Parts making sure they're converted and tagged for A21. There's more to the story. If you're just blowing through a list of properties changes, just select each POI (one by one) on tab 5, hit "Props", change, and the Properties window's "Save" button has you covered. But, if you're going through a Part making sure all the blocks are cool from the A20 to A21 conversion and making other changes, working through the "Prefab Properties" button on tab 3 does not save it's changes. You have to "Save" the entire POI for those changes to apply.
  7. I've messed with it more as I work through all of my Parts making sure they're converted and tagged for A21. There's more to the story. If you're just blowing through a list of properties changes, just select each POI (one by one) on tab 5, hit "Props", change, and the Properties window's "Save" button has you covered. But, if you're going through a Part making sure all the blocks are cool from the A20 to A21 conversion and making other changes, working through the "Prefab Properties" button on tab 3 does not save it's changes. You have to "Save" the entire POI for those changes to apply.
  8. Summary: (a short description of the bug) There is a way to make a change to a POI that does not put an asterisk by the POI's name indicating you need to save the POI. If you leave the POI, the Editor does not prompt you to save the changes. Game Version: A21 Experimental b313 Platform: PC OS/Version: Windows CPU Model: 12th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-12700K 3.61 GHz System Memory: 32 GB GPU Model and VRAM: nVidia GeForce RTX 3060 Screen Resolution: 3440 x 1440 Video Settings: High Game mode: SP Did you wipe old saves? Yes Did you start a new game? Yes Did you validate your files? Yes Are you using any mods? Yes - The POI Mod I Develop. EAC on or off? On Status: NEW Bug Description: Prefab Properties changes are not saved unless you also save the POI, despite the Editor indicating nothing has changed. Detailed steps to reproduce the bug: 1) Load a POI into the Prefab Editor 2) ESC, Tab 3, click "Prefab Properties" 3) Change one or more properties, such as Tag the POI in some way. 4) Click "Save" on the Prefab Properties window. 5) Note that there is no asterisk by the POI's name indicating a change needs to be saved. 6) Load a different POI. 7) Load the original POI. 😎 Observe that your changes were not saved. 9) Change the Prefab Properties again as before 10) Click "Save" on the Prefab Properties window as before. 11) Click "Save" on the left side of the Prefab Editor 12) Load a different POI 13) Load the original POI 14) Observe that this time your properties were saved. Actual result: (description of what is occurring) If you only make a Prefab Properties change and don't save the POI as well, your changes aren't saved. Expected result: (what you expect to occur) Either the "Save" on the Prefab Properties window should update the POI's XML file, or it should get the Prefab Editor to indicate a change needs to be saved.
  9. I fielded a question this morning from somebody who was getting errors: WRN Could not load prefab 'rwg_tile_gateway_cap'. Skipping it ERR Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'rwg_tile_gateway_cap' does not exist! Folks should note that the current version of Teragon is generating maps using the gateway conventions for A20, but A21 changed all that around. That A20 Tile "rwg_tile_gateway_cap" is (1) an A20 POI so you cannot just plop it into your A21 files and expect it to work and (2) supports old trader POIs, not the A21 traders. Short Answer - Until Teragon supports A21, it isn't going to give you a map with traders. Additionally, yes you could convert the A20 rwg_tile_gateway_cap to A21, but there's no point in doing so. A21 gateways don't support the "cap" configuration of roads AND that old Tile was basically empty except for the trader and a road. There's no significant content there to convert. You won't miss it!
  10. My notes are: At Main Menu, F1: prefabupdater loadtable prefabupdater updateblocks The first command just needs 1-2 seconds to complete and will say nothing. The second command will do all of the POIs at once and will give you status messages. I suggest having a backup of your files. This will not correct everything, but will get most things. You're still likely to find blocks where their rotation has changed. It won't do anything related to textures that were removed from the game. Instead, you'll seemingly get some other random texture painted on blocks in their place. Once converted, if you load up a POI in the Prefab Editor and find the "missing block" block, look for warnings on the console and they'll tell you the name(s) of the missing blocks. If you have more than one you'll have to otherwise figure out what each missing block used to be. That's often easy in the context of a kitchen ("where did the stove go") but harder in other places.
  11. IIRC, somebody made a modlet with a "Brass Catcher" mod for weapons. I think that would make a neat addition to the game. The weapon mod approach gives it a nice tradeoff for the player to consider. For instance: https://www.ssusa.org/content/review-battenfeld-ar15-pic-rail-brass-catcher/
  12. I did that in A20 and set the restock to 1000 days. I didn't mind finding things in vending machines, but I wanted a world where there was no source of restock.
  13. Not cans, but door nobs and brass trophies. Radiators too, but they only stack to 5, so sometimes I'd scrap them. I don't know about A21, but in A20 I would reach a point where I needed lots of bullets. Bullets need brass. Combine that with being higher level with a larger active inventory: pockets, vehicles, etc. I'd also need less of other things since I was well established, so I could tote around brass in multiple forms. Early game, though ... yep, gonna scrap stuff to save space. That, or leave it in a chest to pickup later in the game. Lead and Iron are different. I always scrap those because you can go mine those and have all you like. I guess I have put low capacity batteries into the forge late game.
  14. She is making her own version. She's very focused on making as accurate of a recreation as she can. There was a section of the stream where she was showing scenes from the movie and the POI side by side from the same perspective. It was very cool.
  15. Personal? I didn't remember that from server play, but if so then yeh, that would derail my line of thinking. Hmm, if it is personal then maybe weather is entirely client side? If so, wouldn't that enable a player tinkering with their own weather.
  16. KatsPurr has a great stream going where the first half was all in the Prefab Editor, which was great for those of us anxious to look around behind the scenes. That part of the stream made my day. It was cool finding a stream where somebody wanted to geek out over stacking blocks.
  17. I believe weather is global. If so, it wouldn't matter if the chunk was loaded or not. The rain counter would be with the code that handles the weather, not in the dew collector. It would get incremented whenever the game decided to make it rain. The dew collector would be loaded at the time a player is there to open it. That's when the dew collector's "last rain count" value would get compared to the global rain counter and updated. It is exactly the same solution that is being used now where time is being tracked, but instead of (or in addition to) tracking time, you can track rain. I don't think it matters all that much, but in terms of the engineering, it seemed like Faatal's response seemed incomplete. I'm not suggesting he's wrong. I think he was being brief and I'm probably making an assumption about weather being global.
  18. If I understand correctly, when opened a Dew Collector compares the last time the Dew Collector was opened vs the current time, computes the difference, and makes water as needed. Using the same approach, couldn't there be a game-wide rain counter? That is, when opened a Dew Collector would keep track of the rain counter value the last it was opened. Then, when opened, the Dew Collector compares its stored rain counter value to the game's current rain counter. If you wanted fog to contribute, run a game-wide fog counter too. You could even exclude rain/fog in certain biomes because the Dew Collector should be able to tell where it is placed. Just a thought.
  19. Players have been able to craft those cupboards and cabinets. I wonder if those blocks still work in A21. Folks who like to renovate houses tend to use those blocks.
  20. A related question ... do they change back to "Closed" if a player puts something into them? I guess that is also asking, do "Open" models still have an inventory into which a player could put something? My suspicion (I'm guessing) about Old Crow's question is that a POI reset, or a Chunk reload, would be what it takes to respawn the loot and would reset the block to whatever state it is in the POI's files. (Which could be randomized via a "RandomHelper" block.)
  21. If you were to find me on Discord, or otherwise had a way to get me your A19 POI, I'd be willing to try and do the block update process. If it worked for me I could send back an A20 version.
  22. The A21 release notes point to a change in the ModInfo.xml file for A21, so I suspect all modlets will at least have to make that change. Each modlet creator won't know the answer to your question until they can get their hands on A21.
  23. If the POI Editor is finding them, then I think your location should be good.
  24. That all sounds right. The only thing I can think of is that it is not finding your POIs to apply any changes. Where are your POI files?
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