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Everything posted by Ramethzer0

  1. Oh man, I've been there for so many of these, or variants thereof. I remembered more today. Anyone else recall their first time fat fingering a key and ejecting themselves from a Gyro while in flight a mile above the ground? Or travelling through the wasteland while on a minibike and hitting mines you didn't see in time? I've said this one in another thread before, but during the first time playing with my latest cohort of buddies (I recruited them shortly after A17 went stable) I feel through a trap floor down into a basement that had several sleepers within. There was no light anywhere, and I had not looted a headlight mod yet. It was night time. It was not my best moment. I was torn to absolute shreds within seconds. *shaking my guilty head* EDITED: posted as the exact same time as Darthjake. Jinx!
  2. So lately the forums feel soured for me in a few ways that I wont go into. However, to take the initiative on this I wanted to share some spectacular ways I have died trying to do something that I prolly shouldn't have. Back in a16.4 if you remember, it was the wild west of world generation. I can recall vast trenches at the base of tall peaks and cliffside roads. Once, just to see what would happen, I drove my minibike off of one of those cliffs. I want to share that I have a pretty strong fear of heights. In a moment of spectacular enlightened madness I decided I needed to have this experience. I made a short wooden ramp at the edge where I had a good amount of space to reach maximum speed (back then, the speed of a minibike was based upon its quality level IIRC). I revved, and blasted off - and instantly regretted my choice when I respawned finding myself at some random spot on the map nearly 8 km away. I lost everything in the bike and on my corpse and it was enough for me to start over on a new public map. I've been torn apart by packs of dogs more times than I care to count. I remember when they didn't always growl before they got too close. Ninja animals like dogs, wolfs, and bears were not uncommon. I have fired a rocket launcher into a wall purely on reflex, in a house made entirely of wood before I realized it was made entirely of wood. It took me a while to dig my corpse out of the rubble and get my stuff back. Remember that time when you first realized that grenades WILL go off in your hands if they've been primed? Pepperidge Farm remembers! I've driven into a buddies uncapped mine shaft and fallen to my doom. The fact the landscaped hadn't rendered so quickly was partially to blame. >.> <.< Recently, I've tried to kill a snake in a small town shortly after I spawned fresh into a new world. For some damn reason I couldn't hit the damn thing with my bone knife and it eventually killed me because I was too boneheaded to let a snake get the best of me. The shame of this defeat still resonates. I have been torn apart by a swarm of buzzards back in A18 due to their newly minted turbo boost function when chasing down survivors in vehicles. Ugh. I'm likely not alone in this experience at all. I once was invited to check out a mine from a buddy of mine who wanted me to see something specific. I open the cap, go down a flight of stairs only to learn that part of his ladder is broken and I fall all the way down into a bunch of spike traps. In my buddies defense, he needed them because the auger was heating his chunk up pretty strongly and he needed the extra protection. However, my pride was wounded grievously. I got to give it to Neebs Gaming for having THE BEST death scene in 7 Days. In one of the games they played in A16, when the gang is inside a nasty dungeon style POI and Neebs points out there's a spinning fan blade inside the room. Simon doesn't see it because its above him. Appsro tells Simon to hit space bar, and without even thinking about it he does so, catching full on Cuisinart action right into hamburger.
  3. I think that was an intended consequence of making water a wee bit harder to come by, and that only (again) affects the most earliest of play throughs.
  4. Not knocking on mods here, but the game's lifespan could definitely be improved (IMO) by the continuation of making progression seeming a bit more contextual. I know not everyone would agree with that, but we have the evidence of lengthening the early game progress for this purpose, so why couldn't we look at mid game progress as well?
  5. I'm not sure if you knew this but there are a multitude of other debuffs that can be inflicted upon you after scuffling with the undead as well. Its been noted in the code by other users that certain zeds also have a higher chance of inflicting infection. I have heard in the past, that a group of zeds mobbing up on you can have a collectively higher chance to wound any given player. Not sure how that's been tweaked or evolved since A19. So, it would seem there already exists a web of damage types that can be inflicted upon you should you find yourself unlucky enough to get boxed in.
  6. I'm keeping an eye on our acid gathering after reading this thread. Last night we hit up a t6 infestation in Higashi Tower and we came back with a frighteningly small amount. Luckily, it's not a high demand item right now for us.
  7. My current farm is a series of 12x12 farms that virtually take up an entire parking structure, and that's not nothing. The issue is, it takes an entire growth cycle to support the cotton and then process it. Meanwhile a tier 3 or 4 savage country can produce several stacks of cloth just from scrapping the clothes alone in a matter of 10 minutes with my group. The cotton I often produce is supplemental to what we already gather passively, which isn't much on its own. The looters/salvagers in my group do not often consider cloth to be a priority during large POI raids, in favour of high value items for dukes. So, periodically I will poke one or two of them to ransack a place that can get it to us in bulk.
  8. I'd like to point out that even the vanilla setting zombies can and do break through concrete and steel blocks with their bare hands. This sorta works against notions that support how ineffectual a light abrasion should be.
  9. Yeah there are a LOT of factors that will go into rewards that will seem steep, and don't forget that the POI's for such high rewards can be in locations that can propel those numbers.
  10. I'm currently the farmer for a 5 person multiplayer server. With the size of the group I have, super corn and glue are pretty much used interchangeably. I've seen us go through glue like it's going out of style and I've seen us run through as much as 500 in 8 hours, averaging around 350 ish when times are slow. My people practically drink it out of the carton. I sometimes have issue of running out of cloth if I don't remind them to scrap every bit of clothing they find out from savage countries and laundromats.
  11. Option 4 would absolutely ruin the reasons to need Dew Collectors in the first place. Crafting buckets is cheap and available very early.
  12. *sigh* My skin crawls whenever I read variations of things that resemble "I know my idea would make everyone happy," when in fact even the most minute of changes to common elements have literally caused the projectile vomiting of hundreds of saltposts and even youtube videos every time one of those changes occurs.
  13. I both do and do not agree with that. The agree comes from the ability to express ones self here in the 'discussion' format. I would never advocate to silence folks. However, the caveat I feel that's relevant here is the content and language one uses to express that idea. This is the part I don't have to accept. If another forumgoer has the right to say what they feels, up until moderator intervention, then by the same logic shouldn't respond to said criticism with my desire to absolutely reject it? I don't always need a report button to prove that point, which I see as a tool for potential silencing. I'm speaking from the perspective of a participant in this conversation, not as some desire to position myself as a moderator. I realize this can be hot button topic, but I just don't agree that all hot takes have value. I could go on a whole other topic about how sensationalizing this has become popular across social media and from influencer types, but that's a whole other can of worms.
  14. A true zed shredder ignores no weapons, and thus ignores no ammo. I don't even care if I have perks or not, and this includes explosives.
  15. Ahhh yes. Let's overlook a strong detail about infection in a game that has baked in features regarding *checks notes* infection. Debuffs are annoying. That's the point. This game does have some immersion elements sprinkled in even if its not implemented across the board, and that fact doesn't bother me in the slightest. Wounds like abrasions and infections in this game represent a deterrent from melee combat. We're not meant to rely upon it all the time. This is in addition to the fact that in some past alpha builds, melee was problematic because you could smear small groups of zeds by simply timing retreats in your combat pattern. You are very late to this party.
  16. Except you missed the part where alpha 16 has 95% of what you were explicit about. I'm not sure what you're considering irrelevant here, as I've literally handed you the answer to your problem. Aside from that, you can keep all that shade you threw about the devs. They've spent years of focus toward a SINGLE title, and here you come from the cheap seats to toss your hot take onto the pile. What did you think that was worth?
  17. That is pretty baller right there. I'm going to remember that!
  18. You are pretty much describing Alpha 16. Here's a link for you.
  19. Yeah that's gotta suck. I'm not sure if there's anything I've come across from my playbook that can help you other than 'out of sight, out of mind.' For me that would mean I'd just straight up move away from the eyesore so my OCD doesn't send me down the path of trying to fix landscape issues.
  20. I've noticed an uptick in ferals pretty much everywhere since A20, and have definitely felt another uptick in A21.
  21. vurt da furk? lol I wonder if that will be changed, because wow that's a missed opportunity right there considering there's a POI for every mainstay resource a person might need. Unless the rationale for this was to get people to raid more pop n pills, which also makes some kinda sense.
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